PAUL & MAGGIE MURDAUGH: South Carolina vs. Alex Murdaugh for Double Homicide of wife & son *GUILTY*

This case is being kept pretty quiet, no major details released to speak of (other than it does say there were two different guns used), but no info regarding who found them, who called 911, very little else.

Of interest, the grandfather died just a few days after these murders and it sounds as if he was ill from various articles so probably not unexpected. I think of the typical motives, did grandpa have a big estate? How big in the overall family of grandpa's on down? They sound like a pretty well known family and a powerful one in their state, more on that in the article.

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According to Murdaugh's attorney, Maggie Murdaugh was spending time in the family's Edisto home that spring, Griffin said, but only because she was working on renovations there.

Murdaugh 's attorney disclosed that Murdaugh had sought medical treatment for his addiction in the past, spending a week in detox while telling his friends and coworkers he was on vacation. But Murdaugh had never stuck with the program and stayed for rehab,,

Griffin also said, Murdaugh tried to meet with close friends that day {of the roadside shooting) to come clean. One of those friends refused to see him. At some point that day, Murdaugh "lost his will to live,"

This attorney's remarks sound as ridiculous as the Laundrie attorney in the Petito case. Oh he didn't do it because they didn't arrest him, oh one would think they would have found weapons there, oh he loved his wife and son and this was brutal, he couldn't do that to them, no way... (paraphrasing)...

I think I'd shut up if in his position. All the things he states is what plenty of criminals do or make sure they don't do.... They hide the weapons or get rid of them, they plan quite often, they possibly have someone else kill them brutally, or perhaps he made it look brutal so no one would suspect Alex, etc. Duh.

And the classic one he says, well there's been no arrest yet... We see case after case that an arrest is far from immediate as the case is looked into...

I guess though the attorney is doing his job and what else is he going to say.... Sigh.

Attorneys for the heirs of the deceased Murdaugh housekeeper Gloria Satterfield are seeking a court order to force the Hampton banker who oversaw the distribution of $4.3 million in insurance proceeds to explain why none of the money reached the heirs. A civil lawsuit filed last month in state court already alleges banker Chad Westendorf participated in a scheme with attorneys Alex Murdaugh and Cory Fleming to deprive Satterfield’s heirs of their inheritance. But a new motion in that case by attorneys Eric Bland and Ronnie Richter lays out fresh details about the money Westendorf was supposed to oversee for the heirs and how that money was handled.

Westendorf served as personal representative for the heirs, Tony Satterfield and Brian Harriott. In that position, Westendorf was responsible for overseeing the distribution of four insurance checks totaling $4.3 million flowing into Satterfield’s estate, the new motion says.

The new motion, which questions whether Westendorf acted properly in fulfilling his role as personal representative, said the four checks were:

▪ A BB&T check dated Dec. 4, 2018, for $505,000, payable to “Chad Westendorf, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Gloria Satterfield, and Moss Kuhn & Fleming, PA, (and) endorsed by Westendorf.”

▪ A Jan. 7, 2019, BB&T check for $10,000, made payable to “Chad Westendorf” and endorsed by Westendorf. ▪ An April 18, 2019, BB&T check for $3.8 million, made payable to “Chad Westendorf, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Gloria Satterfield, and Moss Kuhn & Fleming, PA as Attorney” and endorsed by Westendorf. ▪ A May 13, 2019, BB&T check for $20,000, made payable to “Chad Westendorf” and endorsed by Westendorf.

Westendorf was supposed to keep the heirs up to date on money he handled, but the two heirs were never informed of any of the four checks, the motion alleges. Under a court order signed by S.C. Judge Carmen Mullen in May 2019, the heirs were supposed to be paid $2.765 million of the $4.3 million, according to the motion. “They were not paid one dime,” the motion says. The motion also says that Westendorf received $30,000 in fees from the insurance proceeds, money that he wasn’t supposed to take.


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Not sure what BB&T stands for but obviously all of the money was embezzled or whatever the correct term is for it.
According to Murdaugh's attorney, Maggie Murdaugh was spending time in the family's Edisto home that spring, Griffin said, but only because she was working on renovations there.

Murdaugh 's attorney disclosed that Murdaugh had sought medical treatment for his addiction in the past, spending a week in detox while telling his friends and coworkers he was on vacation. But Murdaugh had never stuck with the program and stayed for rehab,,

Griffin also said, Murdaugh tried to meet with close friends that day {of the roadside shooting) to come clean. One of those friends refused to see him. At some point that day, Murdaugh "lost his will to live,"

I don't believe he meant to die in that roadside incident for one minute. Just my opinion but I'd like to see why they buy that (if they really do, I imagine investigation is ongoing). It was an attempt to point the finger in another direction in my opinion. "You see everyone, I didn't kill my wife and son because someone targeted me too, there is someone out there after our family!". It's so trite and has been tried before by others that it's the obvious likelihood imo.

Also, I don't doubt there may be heroine addiction (that's what is claimed isn't it?) but haven't seen proof of that either. A week in rehab for heroine is a joke, not even sure why they bothered to mention that either... HIs wife living elsewhere oh it is because she was remodeling... Okay, maybe... Or just as likely there were real problems going on or something was unraveling...

And another corrupt attorney in the settlement case. What a bunch of selfish, evil, possibly murderous people that had positions of power and were allegedly professionals and from a notable family and all I see is selfishness, gluttony and corruption beyond imagination to support their lifestyle, positions and SCREW others over... A trail of dead people as well... And apparently a whole lot of cover up running quite deep...


Alex Murdaugh has been arrested on his release from rehab in Florida for allegedly syphoning off a $4.3 million settlement meant for the sons of his housekeeper, who died in a mysterious 'trip and fall' at his home in 2018.

Murdaugh, who was charged last month over a botched hitman scheme, and is a person of interest in his wife and son's double murder, was taken into custody Thursday morning in Orlando by agents with the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

The 53 year-old had been in the city to receive treatment for an opioid addiction after being bailed on the hitman charges on September 17. Cops did not disclose the name of the rehab facility he had been staying at.

Alex Murdaugh has been arrested on his release from rehab in Florida for allegedly syphoning off a $4.3 million settlement meant for the sons of his housekeeper, who died in a mysterious 'trip and fall' at his home in 2018.

Murdaugh, who was charged last month over a botched hitman scheme, and is a person of interest in his wife and son's double murder, was taken into custody Thursday morning in Orlando by agents with the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

The 53 year-old had been in the city to receive treatment for an opioid addiction after being bailed on the hitman charges on September 17. Cops did not disclose the name of the rehab facility he had been staying at.
Not up on cases like I wish I was but so he was in Florida for rehab? Not SC. And was bailed on the hitman charges.

Did he complete rehab this time and is all clean?

Be interesting to see if he is given bond for this alleged siphoning... I mean it is hardly a murder charge just a white collar crime don't they call 'em?

Being a bit sarcastic as to me it is all obvious stunts to try to save his own enabled crumbling life and arse. Jmo.

Will they keep him jailed this time?

I mean how warped is it that someone who died working for you has heirs that get a settlement probably from you or your insurance company[?]--in other words very opposing sides and somehow you siphon it and are connected with the atty that represented them and he did so too??? Do I have this right? I honestly am not sure. This case is so full of warped individuals/and system imo...
I may be starting to lose my grip on this case again. Could he have been going broke because of siphoning money to the family of the housekeeper?
Nah. He was just spending more than he made and stole from clients so he wouldn't have to lose his lifestyle and toys.
I’m trying to figure out why he allegedly killed his son along with his wife and I guess the wife would be due to her suspicions about flailing finances but the son is a question mark to me. I was wondering if maybe he was costing too much with his bad choices.
Nah. He was just spending more than he made and stole from clients so he wouldn't have to lose his lifestyle and toys.
I agree... Who knows what he had to fund--could be everything or anything from gambling to his heroine to hookers to trying to keep up the lifestyle and look of the rich and corrupt and powerful (in this case), bail his son out... Shush money... Bribes... Donate to big time political causes in SC... Black tie dinners...
I’m trying to figure out why he allegedly killed his son along with his wife and I guess the wife would be due to her suspicions about flailing finances but the son is a question mark to me. I was wondering if maybe he was costing too much with his bad choices.
If there were problems in the marriage which I think there were, one son may have been with or siding with mom etc. and the other not...

A divorce would be (total speculation that there were issues/problems going on but hints are there...) costly, we know how it goes some kill and want all assets and try to pit even children against the other parent... From the day I heard the grandfather (father of Alex) died and it "was" illness and expected but wife and son were killed just prior, first hearing of the case, my mind went to inheritance, dividing assets, etc... This was long before more has come out re embezzlement, money issues, attempted roadside shootings... A lot of death in a short few days and it was right from the start...

TOTAL speculation on my part but the dots take me there... May be wrong...
I don't think it's been posted but there is a guy from the Murdaugh SC area who is doing a series on this. I gather he is a realtor (I think) but this story interested him and he is from the area so he started doing videos about it and researching. He is doing it in segments and he is really doing an awesome job, he has a real knack for it. They had him on Police Off the Cuff. Anyhow, they are good videos, he's very good at it, he knows the area and has footage of the area. Each is only about 1/2 hour long and he tries to keep them neutral but he is a good "story teller". He has three out so far and here is the first one. His name is Eric Alan. The two after this one are about the boat crash that kill Mallory Beach and then about Stephen Smith who was found dead on a road.

Recent/current Scott Reisch. Murdaugh starts at about 3 minutes in. They are trying to stop him from hiding and selling off assets to not pay possible lawsuits if I have it right. Son Buster is part of it or so it seems/dad transferred powers to Buster and Buster was in Vegas in October, things are being moved around and more... Interesting...

This man is something else... Such a powerful family and yet so obviously corrupt, stupid and crooked. I doubt but for the name and power this could have ever went on the way it did for this long... Jmo. It is shocking such can go in at the level this did in SC... I have little doubt who is responsible for the death of the mother and other son but it's just my opinion.... I have felt that way since day one and everything that has come out since just seems to confirm it... Again, jmo.


Judge hears arguments on who should control Alex Murdaugh’s money​

CHESTERFIELD, S.C. — A South Carolina lawyer involved in a half-dozen state police investigations has been cagey about his assets and should have to hand over control of his money to independent representatives so that he does not engage in further fraud, an attorney told a judge Friday.

Attorneys in three different civil cases have said they fear Alex Murdaugh is trying to hide millions of dollars they could possibly collect in their lawsuits. They said he could shift money between unknown accounts and potentially sell off property and a boat

Murdaugh’s actions since he was sued over a fatal 2019 boat crash “clearly show an intent to secret away assets,” attorney Mark Tinsley told Circuit Judge Daniel Hall Tinsley represents the family of Mallory Beach, the teen killed in the crash.

The lawyers said Alex Murdaugh could be hiding inheritance from the deaths of his wife and son in an unsolved shooting at the family’s home in June or from his father’s death from natural causes a few days later.

They also said because Murdaugh has been part of a legal empire in tiny Hampton County, South Carolina, he could have other money coming in from any number of sources.

Alex Murdaugh’s attorneys have not responded to the request to have two lawyers review and catalog all of Murdaugh’s assets, bank accounts, insurance policies and expenditures and approve his spending.

The judge said he expects to issue a ruling next week.

Two of the lawsuits involve a fatal February 2019 boat crash in which Murdaugh’s son — since killed — was charged after investigators said Paul Murdaugh was driving drunk and recklessly. They were filed by the family of victim Mallory Beach and a man on the boat who said the Murdaugh family tried to pin him as the boat’s driver.

The third lawsuit asking for control of Murdaugh’s money was filed by the family of Murdaugh’s late housekeeper Gloria Satterfield. She died after a fall in the family’s home in 2018.

Murdaugh has been charged with pocketing nearly $3 million of insurance settlements that were supposed to go to Satterfield’s estate.

At his bond hearing, prosecutors detailed how Murdaugh allegedly stole the money by diverting it to his accounts. They said he then paid off a $100,000 credit card bill, transferred more than $300,000 to his father and $735,000 to himself.

The lawsuits noted well over half the settlement money remained unaccounted for in the prosecution’s presentation.


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