And again, answering those questions could open them up to a lawsuit by the family's attorney if they state the wrong thing they think might be helpful. No, I don't blame the family for wanting more answers but also can't blame these young men for not beating down their doors, especially if they told all they knew to authorities.
Would the family be happy if the story the frat brothers told the parents was that Riley was being a drunken ass and they were kind of happy he was out of their hair??? How would that kind of story or similar help their grieving? Would you want to be the one telling the parents that because they insisted you tell them what happened?
Again I'm not only talking about them, see previous response and I disagree with you and we don't think the same then, respectfully. I'd expect my kid to step up and share with his grieving parents all they knew and would insist on it. I've done so not in something like this but when a friend of one of my kid's didn't come home and her mother was worried to death and called the cops. Cops called us to see if my daughter who was her friend knew where she was. I insisted if she did she not even think about covering for her or if she had a good idea where she'd go or who she'd be with to say so. I'd never do that to a worried or grieving parent and would not raise my kids to do so either. I'm not judging, I'm saying I don't see it the same way at all.
And sue the friends who were nowhere near when he died? When has that ever happened and on what basis? For being honest with you and giving you answers you want?
Also, Id want to know all, whether he was a drunken arse or not. We know details we can never UNKNOW but they had to be heard and known. They are horrible. Finding out he was a drunken arse is not going to destroy them like his death did, not even close to the same.
So I"m respectfully disagreeing with you on this one. Those that were his friends and cared about him need to step up and be available to the parents and answer what they can, I'd expect no less or raise one to do any different.
No one here is looking to destroy his friends and in fact they stuck up for them fully throughout. The last thing imo THIS mother is thinking about is money, I assure you and would be my life on that. I don't know that I've ever seen a more grief stricken mother one can't doubt an iota as far as one I don't know. Landen Stauch was right up there though.
So this one we don't agree, not a big deal. I don't see it the same at all. BUT again I"m not talking about only the other adult "kids" by a long shot.
And also of course I am always on the side of the victims or their families and that plays in as well but not as much as believing what's just right here. Even if there is no perp, Riley is a victim of accident, circumstance, etc. even if he made choices that contributed, just saying that is what I mean by victim here. They need answers and I dare say they probably also need to see his friends and those that cared also wanting answers maybe or stopping by or calling. I'd hope when some see this or their parents, they see they WANT to know all they can tell them.
Me? I'd talk to my kid as I did when her friend was missing and hand her the phone. In that scenario it was the cops and she was a minor but I had her do it and she told them where she figured she was and she was right. And her mother, who was also an old high school friend of mine, got her daughter home and did not have to go to bed worried to death another night. Now the friendship between my daughter and her friend suffered a bit for awhile. I could tell that story but no need for this. I wouldn't want anyone doing that to me and not helping if I was worried to death about a child of mine or grieving over them and needing answers. I likely woudln't ever forgive anyone who held back info. And I'd never do that to another parent if I could help it. That's just how I see it.
We agree on much in many a case and simply disagree here and I think I'm looking at it in a different way is all. Not a big deal. And of course I don't KNOW if the mother really wants to know all or could take all if something was negative but I know I'd need all answers there were and so I base it on that plus it seems to be what they are wanting and stating.
Just my opinion. And I just don't think first of everything in life being litigious and I've never seen such occurring over friends providing answers to parents and being there for them. That could only happen say if some "friend" slipped something in his drink unknown to him and no one who did that is going to talk to them anyhow or admit that. So there's nothing lawsuit about anything of what Riley did at HIS age of his own free will with his friends.
So lol I guess we disagree on this part.
Seems to me they want every answer they can get and if so, then they should be provided such imo. I can understand the need to find what they may never be able to fully find and that's just to know all they can and that nothing was missed and to understand so they can believe what most likely really happened. I'm certain I'd be the same. Heck I want answers here and he's no relation to me. I need more.