AMBER Alert SEBASTIAN ROGERS: Missing from Hendersonville, TN - 26 Feb 2024 - Age 15


Tennessee Amber Alert issued for missing teen out of Sumner County​

Sumner County officials are asking everyone to be on the lookout as they continue their search for a missing and endangered teenager they say has autism.

An Amber Alert has been issued by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.

"Carefully check your property… and any other locations where a child who enjoys hiding might be," the Sumner County Sheriff's Office has said.

Fifteen-year-old Sebastian Wayne Drake Rogers was last seen on Monday "near Stafford Court in Hendersonville wearing a black sweatshirt, black sweatpants and glasses," the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation said on X.

MEDIA - SEBASTIAN ROGERS: Missing from Hendersonville, TN - 26 Feb 2024 - Age 15
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‘We can never give up hope’: Volunteer mounted patrol on standby in search for Sebastian Rogers​

Mounted patrols are on standby to help with the search for Sebastian Rogers.

There has been no sign of Sebastian since he disappeared over a week ago.

On Monday, the Sumner County Sheriff’s Office significantly scaled back their search to focus on the investigative side, putting Ron and his horse Trooper on standby.

Ron Chlasta, owner of R&M Stables, told News 2 that Sumner County Chief Deputy Eric Craddock called him and his ranch hand, Brian Felts, on day two to help with the search for Sebastian, and they’ve been helping with search efforts every day.

“Every day that you go out there, you are expecting to find something, and you are thinking, ‘This is the day,'” Chlasta explained. “There does come a point and of course you want to keep exhausting every possibility. We even covered some trails that we had previously covered.”

Chlasta and Trooper are certified for search and rescue through the County Mounties.

Chlasta and Trooper traveled an estimated 37 miles together, searching for Sebastian in streams, up hard-to-reach hillsides, and in backyards.

As search efforts transition into an investigation, Chlasta said he hopes the Rogers family won’t give up on finding Sebastian because Sumner County will not.

Search underway at Kentucky landfill for evidence related to missing Sumner County teen​

Sumner County deputies and the Kentucky State Police are searching a landfill in Hopkinsville, Kentucky where trash went from missing 15-year-old Sebastian Rogers’ neighborhood.

The Sumner County Sheriff’s Office told WSMV4 that investigators are searching the landfill with help from KSP officers.

“There is no specific information that indicates evidence related to the search for Sebastian may be there; rather it is an investigative, precautionary measure to eliminate possible options and questions,” SCSO said.

Kentucky State Police told WSMV4 that some of their detectives are at a landfill in the 400 block of Claude Young Road which is the Hopkins County Regional Landfill.

Thursday marks the 11th day in the search for Rogers.
I watched the parents' interview the other night and don't know that I will get time to share what I thought. I dind't think what I normally would and went into it knowing little and knowing no SM gossip or a thing like that about this case....

I learned some of that AFTER watching the interview so I watched it with a total no bias mindset... And had no big alarm bells but a thing or two that I simply wondered about or noticed but nothing that set of they are guilty vibes... To the max anyhow. AFter though I heard more and saw more and heard the bio father and learned (did not know throughout it) that partner is stepfather or should say that came out by end of interview... Which fit with a few things I noted although the little things were not alarming... I did think he had a bit of a need to show a few things but not overboard...

I probably won't get back for a full on thing of it and how watching it knowing little went but I will say overall they were as believable as any two parents I've ever watched, her particularly so... BUT I didn't know anything else...

I did know there's no cam, no dog, no sightings of him and so on on "leaving" or learned to quickly after...

This was a night or two I think ago and since it has transitioned into no search but an investigation and now a landfill...

And again I heard other things AFTER watching the video of the interview on the channel I was watching. FActs and things from OTHER people that I was unaware of...

I will SAY though for those that know nothing of a case and just watched mom and stepdad finally sit for an interview nothing really alarming came... Finding out other things after changed that for me some and I did find stepdad a bit something but again not overly... IF they both know they were pretty prepared and decent liars for someone watching whoi had no other knowledge... And I think most know I almost always lean

I did find it odd from the little know here and that I ddin't look elsewhere or hear more that a 15 year old autistic child went missing versus a young one in a family that I'd assume had years of coping and routines and high functioning...and no scent or sign and so on. But other than that knew little...

I don't jump when no reason or look at things that way and now I know more I still haven't. I watched the interview with little knowledge and no knowledge he was stepdad until towards the end of when he referred to how they got along with bio dad and so forth and all did and so on or when asked or it brought up. The main thing I noticed with having NO prior info was a sight tendency by him to want to get this or that out and while he didn't take over I think he knew better than not to but I also put it down to he knows he is stepdad and is going to be fodder once I learned he was a stepdad. The bit in the interview of a former marriage and custody thing people are tearing apart was the first I knew of that and he said don't judge it, etc.

Again I know little and knew of no talk out there and have seen none. And OVERALL this interview put up no serious red flags for me so IF one or both are guilty, I guess what I am saying is if a juror or someone knew nothing else and watched this, nothing would really alert them, they were pretty good if lying... I felt real emotion from mom but you know I can also see reasons for that now in hindsight but I had no foreknowledge...

I guess I am kind of covering it since I won't get back probably. Anyhow, I watched it I think to nights ago on a channel that played it,f it's tone I've seen even cover this case, doesn't have the attention some others do, and then it was went into some of the other things I did not know only after I watched it with little other knowledge. And I wasn't going to watch more than the interview, needed to go to bed, but was going to come here and remark on the interview and that I didn't see any red flags versus what my normal leanings would be, just a thing or two to wonder about which could just be totally normal and so on. Then I didn't and watched the rest of the show, heard what bio dad said or didn't say even and some more and that colored my neutral opinion a bit. It was eye opening to watch it without knowing hardly another thing... The interview.

If one or both of these two parents are guilty of something, then they did about the best I've ever seen but of course there was plenty of time to bone up for it before they did one...

I'm still not judging but hearing bio dad and some other things and dad's kind of non answer to confirming how the relationships were, he didn't confirm what was said by them was one thing. And then I guess whether hearsay or fact of he wasn't some easygoing kid they weren't having some real issues with and more....

I guess what I wanted to get at is it does go to show what you know or hear or haven't yet heard when you watch something and that made me think of juries too. If ALL you ever knew or watched (which would never be the case) at trial as mom and stepdad's interview a week after the CLAIMED dae of missing, you'd have no real red flags. Maybe a minor question or two that could easily be put down to the situation and that's it...

I had no real red flags from mom. He I thought was trying to get in a few things but also could be put down to again he knows he is the stepdad, came across as caring about the boy and more. IF both are guilty of sometihing then mom for sure lied well and he did fairly well also. But again I knew of no other facts. His other case former with an ex, what bio dad had said or not said nor any SM gossip.

It goes to show when I heard and saw more of that in the video after the interview how that can change thoughts... I still didn't jump to a leaning because I didn't look any further and saw no other coverage nor did any SM and don't but then here the next day or so they are transitioning to an investigation and not a search but then are now searching a landfill does say something...

And from the start, no sightings, no dog alerts, and all of that but I wasn't overly up on that either...

Antoher thing that stood out is the couple never comforted each other. He'd look towards her and things like that but no hand holding in grief nor a thing like that. That I noticed knowing nothing else.

And when asked since a busy and good weekend she said they had if LE had video or confirmations from that day or weekend or some such to confirm (not asked that way, I am parapharsing) he said this is something they couldnt' share for the first time in all questions making it seem like it would tip off a perp (that was my thought)if the perp knew they had camera footage... Of where they'd been that day and so on.... I did find that odd.

For me the basic indicators were here from the start but are not proof. His age etc. They raised him or mom did this long without such an incident BUT he could have met some internet predator or some such... Then the interview put up no serious red flags but again I did not know other things...

What it showed me is that I CAN go in without bias if I know little else. Some cases are so obvious don't get me wrong and the parents or parent's bf sooo lying and the story stinks from start. This one perhaps did too, but I didn't know that.

Anyhow enough by me, caught up as much as I am going to and have got to get on other things.

I havent' had enough time to look at a lot of other on it or even find such (not covered that great) but have a feeling if I did my opinion would form. The sheer LACK of cams and sightings or dog hits is huge imo.

Totally different cases but I feel that way too in the Goodrich case...

by: Sierra Rains, Brittney Baird
Posted: Mar 7, 2024 / 10:54 AM CST
Updated: Mar 7, 2024 / 03:16 PM CST

SUMNER COUNTY, Tenn. (WKRN) — The search for Sebastian Rogers, a missing teen from Sumner County, took investigators to Kentucky Thursday, where they are reportedly searching a landfill.

According to the Sumner County Sheriff’s Office, the landfill in Kentucky is where trash went from Sebastian’s neighborhood in the Beech area. Officials called the search of the landfill a “precautionary measure to eliminate possible options and questions.”

A Kentucky State Police spokesperson, Ridge Porter, said detectives obtained a search warrant for the landfill located in White Plains.

“There is no specific information that indicates evidence related to the search for Sebastian may be there,” the sheriff’s office reported.

When a News 2 reporter arrived at the Hopkins County Regional Landfill, he spotted at least one Sumner County emergency vehicle and noticed multiple garbage trucks waiting outside the landfill. One driver said it was unusual that they weren’t allowed to go in. News 2 was also told to leave the property.
Well no expert but getting a search warrant and halting operations for no specific reason other than precautionary sounds a bit unlikely to me...

As I've said about this one has kind of evolved quickly for me although I didn't feel I knew enogh to go there. I mostly believed mom and step dad not totally but mostly but then heard the things after I did not know prior.

It's not a foregone conclusion yet but looks like it will be the likely one... IF she knew or was involved, then I really can't even say enough strong words.

One thing that came after was that he was not the well behaved somewhat easy kid nor their life one that they portrayed but that he had issues and threatened mom and more.

I'm only JUST up on it in the last day or two. Short thread here and no one out there is covering it but the ickedmel did and that's what I watched.

Sad as heck the lack of interest.

Sebastian Rogers AMBER Alert: Officials say no evidence, leads found after landfill search​

Despite “exhaustive efforts,” the Sumner County Sheriff’s Office said Friday a search of a Kentucky landfill did not provide any additional clues as to what happened to missing teen Sebastian Rogers.

The decision to search the Hopkins County Regional Landfill in White Plains was made in accordance with “ongoing investigate efforts and information gathered in the search for Sebastian Rogers,” the sheriff’s office said in a news release Friday morning.

K-9 teams were used to search the area Thursday as trained personnel looked for any evidence pertaining to the case. However, officials said no leads were discovered.

“While we had hoped for a different outcome, our commitment to finding Sebastian remains unwavering,” Sumner County Sheriff Sonny Weatherford said. “We will continue to explore all available avenues and resources to bring closure to this case and provide answers to Sebastian’s family and loved ones.”

Friday marked 11 days since Sebastian was reported missing from his home in Hendersonville. After a massive search covering thousands of miles, authorities announced this week that they were scaling back the ground search and transitioning to the investigative side of the case.

In the Friday news release, the sheriff’s office said the support and cooperation of the community has been instrumental in the search efforts so far. Investigators are continuing to urge anyone with information regarding Sebastian’s disappearance to come forward.
He has. He avoided confirming what stepdad said about how they all got a long and how things were and so on. Meaning I think he feels the stepdad at least is questionable. He was doing imo what LE would probably advise...

And he was involved in his son's life and did see him. I believe after mom and stepdad's interview in Ickedmel's I shared, the father was shown or audio, can't recall but he did comment or have an interview.
Maybe I didn't link that one. Can't recall and no time. I think I did or meant to. Out the door here.
I've randomly followed this on the edges. Where is dad? Has he spoken?

Seth Rogers told NewsChannel 5 he doesn't understand why he wandered away from his Hendersonville home, but he hopes his son can somehow hear his voice or read his words.

"Maybe around the next corner, I see him," Rogers said. "I just want my son to come home. If he hears me, I want him to tell somebody, 'I need your phone. Call 911.' If someone has you, son, run. Run to the next person you meet. Tell them who you are. Let them find you. Let the police find you so they can bring you back to me."

Rogers has been out every day looking for Sebastian, a search now extending past a week.

"I have been helping with the search, but they aren't giving me a lot of information, but I go out and look for him every day," Rogers said.

Rogers said Sebastian going off on his own doesn't make any sense.

"Nothing is adding up. I don't know what is going on. Is there foul play? I don't know," Rogers said. "I don't know anything. Nothing makes sense right now."

NewsChannel 5's Nick Beres speaks exclusively with Sebastian Rogers' father​

For the first time since his son disappeared two weeks ago, Sebastian Rogers' father is giving NewsChannel 5 an exclusive on-camera interview.

Despite hours-long searches on the ground in the air and looking through security footage, the 15-year-old is still missing. That's why the community gathered in Hendersonville for a prayer vigil last night.

Dozens showed up, wearing green, which is Sebastian's favorite color.

We heard from several people helping with the search along with is mom who thanked the community for their support and said she just wants Sebastian to come home.

Before the vigil got started, our Nick Beres spoke with Sebastian's father, Seth who says there are missing pieces to this puzzle.

"With the information that I've gotten from Sumner County and TBI and the fact that dogs aren't 100 percent, they're not picking up his scent," he said. "One dog tracked him to a construction area over there and it just disappeared and it's confusing. There's missing pieces to the puzzle and I'm having difficulty solving this."


Father of missing autistic boy Sebastian Rogers reveals search dogs picked up a scent to a construction site but it mysteriously vanished - as search enters its third week​

The father of an autistic boy missing for two weeks fears his son may not have simply 'wandered off' after vanishing from his home.

Sebastian Rogers, 15, is believed to have left his family home in Hendersonville, Tennessee, with a flashlight in the early hours of February 26.

Police and volunteers spent the past two weeks searching nearby woods blasting Eye of the Tiger, which is Sebastian's favorite song.

Almost 100 miles north, Kentucky State Police searched a landfill in Hopkins County for clues, but came up empty.

Sebastian's father Seth Rogers said he was at his wits' end trying to work out what happened to his son with no leads that make sense.

He said Sebastian was not one to wander off, and due to an experience as a young boy would never go far without shoes on.

'He decided he wanted to step into a mound of what he thought was dirt. It was fire ants, and since then he doesn't like to get his feet in the dirt. He likes to have his shoes and socks on,' he told WTVF.

Rogers was also confused about why so little trace of his son could be found, saying there were 'missing pieces to the puzzle'.

'With the information that I've gotten from Sumner County and Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and the fact that dogs aren't 100 per cent they're not picking up his scent,' he said.

'One dog tracked him to a construction area over there and it just disappeared, and it's confusing. There are missing pieces to the puzzle, and I'm having difficulty solving this.'

Searches were scaled back last week, and Rogers hoped a tip-off to police would help track his boy down.

The landfill police searched is believed to be where the trash from Sebastian's neighborhood went to on the day he went missing.

Officials called the search of the landfill a 'precautionary measure to eliminate possible options and questions'.

'There is no specific information that indicates evidence related to the search for Sebastian may be there; rather it is an investigative, precautionary measure to eliminate possible options and questions,' they said.

Sebastian's mother and stepfather, Katie and Chris Proudfoot, last week said they felt overwhelming 'helpless and hopeless' grief.

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A key part of the search for Sebastian is reviewing home security video from the Hendersonville, TN neighborhood.
Police are looking for any sign of activity.
I’ve obtained exclusive video that I’ve confirmed is now part of the investigative file ... and it appears to show two people near Sebastion's home the night the 15-year-old disappeared more than two weeks ago.
The video is from early Monday morning, February 26th.
There is no time stamp on the copy I obtained, but I’m told the video is from around 3:30 a-m.
And, the video is authentic.
Unfortunately, there is not much to see in the pitch black -- other than two specks of light moving in the area near Sebastian Roger's Hendersonville home.
It is believed Sebastian left home -- barefoot and with a flashlight -- likely between midnight and 6 a-m.
The video is significant because is shows activity around Sebastian's home the night he vanished.
THIS VERY BRIEF video clip appears to show two individuals with lights walking in what may be a common area behind homes.
I’ve highlighted the two light sources in the middle of the circles.
One light suddenly goes out or is obscured.
The other stays put waiting.
There is more.
You cannot see any bodies … but just the small lights which by the way they are moving appear to be carried by individuals.
For point of reference -- the security camera was pointing toward the back of Sebastian's home in a common area.
The other lighting you see is from nearby home flood lights.
But, it is very dark.
There are NO street lights in the neighborhood.
I am still in the process of reviewing the entire video which shows much more.
*Important to note: Sources tell me this video could mean absolutely nothing.
It could just be someone out for a late night walk.
You certainly can't identify anyone in the video.
But, again, this may be the only video found so far showing any type of activity in the neighborhood the night Sebastian disappeared.
I'm told at this time -- there's not much for investigators to take away from the video.
But it is now part of the Sebastian’s missing person file.
And it could become more significant depending on where the investigation leads.
This is just another piece of the puzzle.
The search for Sebastion continues.
But authorities continue to investigate the possibility of foul play
If you can help: Call 1-800-TBI-FIND.

Makes it sound like a big deal yet at the same time many telling him it may be nothing at all and unimportant. I've got security cameras up at my home and it has been a real learning curve for me who has never had such or accessed such live and so on. I've thought a bug was on the lens was in the widie world view of major activity and what the heck was going on there? Not long ago I thought the home was on fire, no LIE and it wasn't. And a lot more. I see things flying and flecks of light commonly depending on the settings. I am still unlearned and gather if you have them set to pick up all they can, you will never get any peace. Luckily I have two local people who have and know cameras and when I contact them all panicked over such things, I get told that's just a bug on the camera scree or a spider you see so busy building a web when I think it's a person doing all this sh*t right there on the property.

These eight seconds here are nothing and even if, it doesn't make much sense to me it's what one would think for several reasons. There's been no capture of anything re this child, video, from dogs, from searches and more.

So he was going to go live with dad and they both were looking forward to it. Last seen having lunch with mom, never heard that one, maybe it was known but I hadn't seen it. How is that known?

I do know dad did not confirm the things the stepdad said, he didn't contradict them, he just did not respond or confirm when asked. I think I may have seen a different thing than the one shared here.

I'm not convinced of anyting but a leaning has begun. I don't think I need to state what that leaning is. There are accounts that things were not very rosy at home at all, I've seen some. I did listen to mom and stepdad and found them seemingly hard to suspect, which is rare for me, But dad doesn't confirm and avoids such questions, responsibly and for the sake of the case I'd say...

Hope I'm wrong and it isn't any kind of hard leaning yet but it has started and only recently...

Information sparse, officials vague in case of missing Sumner County teen Sebastian Rogers​

Though search efforts have been scaled back, Tennessee authorities say they remain committed to finding Sebastian Wayne Drake Rogers, the 15-year-old Hendersonville boy who was reported missing almost three weeks ago.

But leads remain sparse and officials were vague when it came to discussing the teenager's whereabouts this week as investigators continue to seek clues in a case that sparked a statewide Amber alert and triggered the search of a Kentucky landfill, without success.

Sebastian was last seen Feb. 26 near Stafford Court in Hendersonville.

The boy's family said he walked out of their Hendersonville home between midnight and 6 a.m. and they learned he was missing when his mother Katie Proudfoot tried to wake him up for school.

There have been no sightings of Sebastian and no evidence pointing to his whereabouts as of Thursday, officials said, leading many to worry for the teen's safety.

An investigation into the Rogers case has been running concurrently since search and rescue efforts began, TBI spokesperson Susan Niland said Wednesday, though she remained vague about the nature of the investigation and whether the case has turned criminal.

"At this is stage in the investigation, there is no evidence that criminal activity is involved. There is also no evidence that criminal activity is not involved. So until information develops that directs it one way or the other, all options are being considered and pursued," Niland said.

TBI agents and intelligence analysts are pursuing leads in the case after receiving more than 100 tips about Sebastian, Niland said, adding that none of them have been credible.

Craddock has said in previous interviews that the boy's family has been cooperative with the investigation.

Sebastian's stepfather Chris Proudfoot said during a livestream interview that his family has been harassed since the teen went missing because he is involved in a custody battle in another state.

"What is factual is the father, the mother and myself have been extremely cooperative," he said during the interview. "We have been vetted. We have been checked out. We have been questioned and everything of that nature and literally have been cleared. There is no wrongdoing. There is no negative input from the parents or any of the family."
I find mom as truly emotional non faking as I've ever seen. And stepdad seems to be no alarm bells either and nothing truly to put up flags. There is a benefit to knowing little when watching such and having seen nothing on SM etc. One can form an opinion with no bias before learning of his custodiy battle and knowing other sh*t which I didn't.

He does though subtly run things and the not overboard narrative. Now that could be him being the supportive one for mom. I don't know.

I do know Sebastian's dad has not said anything outright about either of them but he also doesn't say what stepdad says and endorse it...

That's what nags at me...

‘We have not forgotten about Sebastian’: TBI releases Q&A on Sebastian Rogers investigation​

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) said at this stage in the investigation, there are little clues to indicate what happened to Sebastian or where he may be. Agents, detectives, and intelligence analysts are continuing to work around the clock to review every bit of information available.

“We have not forgotten about Sebastian. Much of the work currently being done to bring Sebastian home may not necessarily be public or visible,” the TBI said in a statement.

Sebastian’s family has remained cooperative since the search began and has done whatever law enforcement has asked of them, according to authorities.

Investigators said there is no proof at this time that any criminal element or foul play was involved in Sebastian’s disappearance, but added there is not any proof that there is not a criminal element involved.

The TBI provided answers to the following commonly asked questions regarding the search for Sebastian.

What areas have been searched?

Within the first several days of the search, more than 2,000 miles were searched on foot. Many of these areas were initially searched, and searched again. Law enforcement officers have searched the neighborhood, surrounding neighborhoods, schools, and many other areas of the county by foot. Bloodhounds and handlers have searched the same areas. There have been aerial searches with helicopter, drones, and a fixed wing plane. These aerial searches have been conducted on multiple days and multiple nights using thermal imaging technology. Sebastian’s residence, the yard, the house, and the vehicles, have all been searched multiple times. The neighborhood where Sebastian lives has been canvassed. Neighbors’ houses have been searched. Sebastian is autistic, and his family says he is drawn to water. Pools in the neighborhood were searched. Dive teams were brought in, and bodies of water around the neighborhood and beyond that area were searched, including caves.

What about the technology aspect? Have you collected security video from area homes and businesses? Have cell phones been checked?

Many neighbors and businesses have provided video from home and business surveillance systems. We are grateful for that cooperation. The video has been collected, and from the beginning of the investigation, has been analyzed, and enhanced where possible, by tech experts with the TBI, FBI, and Secret Service. To date, nothing gathered from these video systems has been determined to be significant. We do caution that some surveillance video being shared in the public may have been misinterpreted or misidentified, or not shown in its entirety. It has been determined that it does not hold any evidentiary significance to the investigation. Numerous search warrants have been executed. Cellphone data has been analyzed, and any other available digital evidence has been collected, searched, and documented. Information was collected from Sebastian’s gaming system and has been analyzed. With help from the FBI, vehicles that were placed in the area at or around the time of Sebastian’s disappearance have been accounted for. These videos and all the electronic evidence that has already been reviewed, is often also being re-investigated.

What’s going on now in the investigation? What’s next?

The search for Sebastian has not stopped. Every day tips and leads are investigated. People are being interviewed and re-interviewed. Evidence that has been reviewed once already is being gone over again. We continue to ask residents in the area of the search to keep an eye on your property, to see if anything may have been moved or displaced. Is this a place where a child could have hidden? If you have property that has ledges or holes that a teenager might find interesting and you can’t search it yourself, please contact the tip line, and we can have someone check it out for you. If you know Sebastian and have information about him, what he likes, how he acts, that you think could be relevant, let us know.

We know how many people are so very invested in getting Sebastian home. We will update this information as there may be any developments. Please use the tip line at 1-800-TBI-FIND to provide any relevant information you may have. Or, you can send it to (Please do not send tips to our social media pages).

We are extremely grateful to so many members of the Sumner County community for the time, attention, and prayers being offered to help find Sebastian. The members of multiple law enforcement communities, emergency management personnel, wildlife organizations, so many other groups, along with the very generous businesses and individuals who have provided well wishes for Sebastian, along with water, food, other comforts to searchers…all these contributions are so greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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