Personally I think DV
This case breaks my heart. Domestic violence is still too prevalent today, even after decades of social awareness!
Police have identified the woman and two children found stabbed to death in a Jersey City apartment in a domestic violence incident uncovered by the building’s superintendent. Luis Turcos told The New York Post that he heard a commotion in the basement apartment and went to investigate, but...
may well be at an all time high...
Social awareness imo does not fix such. They get arrested and they are let out the same day and then often kill. The system, judges and prosecutors need to take it more seriously AND laws need to be stiffer... Some women go back which does not help and that frustrates cops and DAs who figure they tried to help maybe once but there is the same woman again, beaten up again with another incident... I know this, saw it, heard it... They think the woman does not know enough to leave and/or they drop the charges too making it impossible or hard to get a conviction.
On the other hand the woman goes back to because the abuser makes them and there is no police protection and the man is let out... Let me put in a disclaimer in that it is not always just woman being abused by a man, I know that, but it is the far most common.
God just the other day I read one here and can't recall where, the guy was arrested, let out within a day and she was then dead. There is little protection from such types, whether they leave or don't or go back or don't...
I don't know what the answer is. Yes, there is a lot more awareness which does nothing... In this apartment complex at least twice I think I've heard someone being attacked or beaten. I always tell myself I would NEVER not call such in or take a chance some woman or CHILD TOO, could end up dead but you hear such and you just don't know... I think all of us--I go through this is it just a drunken verbal fight, is it my business...? A child bawling or screaming, known that KILLS me... Absolutely has me pacing and wondering what I should do if anything... Is the child just having a huge meltdown or upset, and the family just having a really bad day and it again is just a lot of noise and screaming... I don't know... I want to call EVERYTHING IN and take no chances but then too, people and families have hard days and hard times...
If I knew some staff member was in and I had their number and they resided here, I would call them but I don't have such...
This case sounds like the superintendent for instance heard the noise and went there and THEN the guy with the knife killed them in front of him??? WTH??
Back to my point, more awareness isn't a fix... It is good it is put out there but it isn't a fix...