Just checking it out, seeing if link worked, etc.

He should stay in prison. You do the crime, you should do the time. Jmo.
Just checking it out, seeing if link worked, etc.

He should stay in prison. You do the crime, you should do the time. Jmo.
You're talking about the Madoff case that was the first post in the old thread, right? I thought he was mentioned in the news this week too, but I can't find it now.
This case breaks my heart. Domestic violence is still too prevalent today, even after decades of social awareness!

You're talking about the Madoff case that was the first post in the old thread, right? I thought he was mentioned in the news this week too, but I can't find it now.
Yes, it was the lead in for the thread, I did not click in or probably even look at the date, just read the part here that showed. Re Madoff. He should stay in jail imo is what I meant. Yes it was about him.
Personally I think DV
This case breaks my heart. Domestic violence is still too prevalent today, even after decades of social awareness!

may well be at an all time high...

Social awareness imo does not fix such. They get arrested and they are let out the same day and then often kill. The system, judges and prosecutors need to take it more seriously AND laws need to be stiffer... Some women go back which does not help and that frustrates cops and DAs who figure they tried to help maybe once but there is the same woman again, beaten up again with another incident... I know this, saw it, heard it... They think the woman does not know enough to leave and/or they drop the charges too making it impossible or hard to get a conviction.

On the other hand the woman goes back to because the abuser makes them and there is no police protection and the man is let out... Let me put in a disclaimer in that it is not always just woman being abused by a man, I know that, but it is the far most common.

God just the other day I read one here and can't recall where, the guy was arrested, let out within a day and she was then dead. There is little protection from such types, whether they leave or don't or go back or don't...

I don't know what the answer is. Yes, there is a lot more awareness which does nothing... In this apartment complex at least twice I think I've heard someone being attacked or beaten. I always tell myself I would NEVER not call such in or take a chance some woman or CHILD TOO, could end up dead but you hear such and you just don't know... I think all of us--I go through this is it just a drunken verbal fight, is it my business...? A child bawling or screaming, known that KILLS me... Absolutely has me pacing and wondering what I should do if anything... Is the child just having a huge meltdown or upset, and the family just having a really bad day and it again is just a lot of noise and screaming... I don't know... I want to call EVERYTHING IN and take no chances but then too, people and families have hard days and hard times...

If I knew some staff member was in and I had their number and they resided here, I would call them but I don't have such...

This case sounds like the superintendent for instance heard the noise and went there and THEN the guy with the knife killed them in front of him??? WTH??

Back to my point, more awareness isn't a fix... It is good it is put out there but it isn't a fix...
Sometimes I wish I did not make the mistakeof reading something and hitting a link...


WHAT is wrong with people?! She was staying with bf, was he the father of either one?? She brought them a meal, allegedly, once a day and a drink. Guessing something like a Happy Meal, and no matter what it was children fed ONCE a day, if even true???

So IN does not specify any age when kids can be left home alone. We all know it isn't at TWO OR THREE.

I do get not specifying. Some 9 year olds are mature enough to be left home, even to be left with younger siblings and yet some 15 year olds are NOT mature enough. You really can't go by age when older but NO ONE leaves children this age home alone, except I guess for THIS woman!!!

It SOUNDS as if they were free and loose.... Daughter was under a dresser, house was filthy with feces, etc... While it would be a horrid crime either, she could have at least made sure they were secure...

I mean unable to get out on the street, unable to hurt each other, etc... It would still be horribly wrong and I don't mean otherwise but what happened here, what killed this child? Did she tip a dresser on top of self or something...

So bf is charged. Again wonder if he is the father of either... IF he lied to LE them apparently he knew of the situation...?

She couldn't stand the condition of the home so she started staying away but left her kids to live with no heat, food with filth... She apparently paid for the apartment all along... Probably assistance?

Had she looked to anyone for help, she may well have lost the kids and CPS may have taken them but if she worked hard, she could have them back by now, her heat fixed, and you name it. So they were without heat AND a rodent bit the victim...

This is just SO SICK!! She takes care of self but not kids.

And it was not just fear of discovery, those kids BRING MONEY, I BET YOU ALL. No kids, no money... No kids no food benefits. Did this evil beotch work?? I mean she clearly could, she didn't need a sitter or daycare, she just left them alone anyhow...

And the bf knew?? Apparently so!
In the trial I was a juror for, one of the defendants took the stand in order to explain the large amount of money in his pocket. He was accused of being the money man for a crack dealing group. He said he'd gone to his babies mama that day to get the (However much, I forget) for something or other. My immediate thoughts were, "You went to your babies' mama for money? Shouldn't that work the other way around?"
Skimmed the link. Not real sure what an apt. has to do with anything. She had things in her car too. Would it matter if she lived in an apt, a house, her mom and dad's basement or attic, or a duplex?

There is good and bad to apt living in general. I bitch about mine but there are "some" perks. Right now I honestly like knowing that there are others around here because I don't feel very steady nor safe... I've already heard my downstairs neighbors this morning, noisy and loud, but I know there are people around at least... I guess. Anyone here could be making bombs. So could your neighbor.

Skimmed the link. Not real sure what an apt. has to do with anything. She had things in her car too. Would it matter if she lived in an apt, a house, her mom and dad's basement or attic, or a duplex?

There is good and bad to apt living in general. I bitch about mine but there are "some" perks. Right now I honestly like knowing that there are others around here because I don't feel very steady nor safe... I've already heard my downstairs neighbors this morning, noisy and loud, but I know there are people around at least... I guess. Anyone here could be making bombs. So could your neighbor.

The apt is where they supposedly made and stored the pipe bombs. If there was an accident in making, moving or storing them, it puts every one of their direct, wall, floor or ceiling neighbors at great risk. Same with fires. I like my chances with other people's stupidity living without sharing a building with them and them putting so many at risk with their behavior.

If my neighbor is making bombs or setting their units on fire, I am at far less risk of direct injury or property damage. It's not hard to figure that risk assessment difference out.
As an example, we just had a case here last week where somebody in an apt forgot about something on the stove and a fire broke out. That fire killed an entire family in an different unit and destroyed all 20 units in that building. If that had been a house instead of an apt, it would have been confined to the house where the person forgot about cooking something.

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