NV TOD MOTOR JOHN DOE: WM, 25-40, found suicide in hotel in Las Vegas, NV - 11 Sep 2006 - letter written in German *IDENTIFIED*


1240UMNV - Unidentified Male
Photograph of decedent.

Date of Discovery: September 11, 2006
Location of Discovery: Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada
Estimated Date of Death: Recent
State of Remains: Recognizable face
Cause of Death: Suicide by gunshot

Physical Description
Estimated Age: 25-40 years old
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 197 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown; stubble present.
Eye Color: Blue
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Surgical scar on lower left abdomen, 4"-6" long. Birthmark above the left knee.

Dentals: Available. Natural teeth in fair repair.
Fingerprints: Available.
DNA: Available.

Clothing & Personal Items
Clothing: Gray Fruit of the Loom T-shirt, size XL; blue undershorts, Fruit of the Loom, size XL.
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Circumstances of Discovery
The decedent was found inside the Tod Motor Motel at 1508 Las Vegas Blvd. South, on September 11, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The man had checked into the hotel on August 21, 2006. When he failed to check out, as scheduled on September 11, he was found dead by the manager. He had died from an apparent self-iflected gunshot wound to his head.

He was using the name of a live person who had his identity stolen in California.

His property contained a letter written in German to his sister Brigit no last name, no address, no city/country - the decedent makes reference to an ex-wife named Karen that lives in Perth, Australia and a possible daughter named Amy.

Investigating Agency(s)
Agency Name: Clark County Coroner
Agency Contact Person: Ashley Grygor
Agency Phone Number: 702-455-3210
Agency E-Mail: CoronerUnidentified(at)clarkcountyNV.gov
Agency Case Number: 06-07139

NCIC Case Number: Unknown
NamUs Case Number: 417

Information Source(s)

Clark County Coroner

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This case has always intrigued me. I tried getting information out to other countries years back and would like to try again, since it's been a few years back.

I've often wondered if he committed some kind of a crime in another country and couldn't forgive himself.
This case has always intrigued me. I tried getting information out to other countries years back and would like to try again, since it's been a few years back.

I've often wondered if he committed some kind of a crime in another country and couldn't forgive himself.

Maybe...very possible. I always thought he killed himself because he lost everything playing in the casino's, being a high roller. Already estranged from his family because of his gambling addiction. Just a theory. The identity theft I find interesting. It suggests he had means to hide his own identity, indeed he could have been a criminal or a fraudster, but it also suggest he had some connection to California.
Maybe...very possible. I always thought he killed himself because he lost everything playing in the casino's, being a high roller. Already estranged from his family because of his gambling addiction. Just a theory. The identity theft I find interesting. It suggests he had means to hide his own identity, indeed he could have been a criminal or a fraudster, but it also suggest he had some connection to California.
Oh yeah.... I didn't think of that angle. His wife may have been done with him because he wouldn't stop gambling. I wonder if LE asked to see any camera footage from the casinos?
Can't be a match...color of eyes differ....unless one of the files is wrong, but a story like this one would fit.

I would love to know who's name the deceased used.....
Can't be a match...color of eyes differ....unless one of the files is wrong, but a story like this one would fit.

View attachment 1840View attachment 1841
I would love to know who's name the deceased used.....
They look a LOT alike. But, the neck doesn't fit, either.
We have more information on this case. I do want to say though the following is a very-detailed description of a suicide.

This is really interesting! I wonder what he was involved with? Who did he know? Why was he in Vegas?

And :welcome: to the forum! I really appreciate you sharing your information with us.
Missing Person / NamUs #MP8691
Robert Charlton Miller, Male, White / Caucasian
Date of Last Contact: February 1, 1997
Missing From: San Diego, California
Missing Age: 30 Years


Missing Person / NamUs #MP8691
Robert Charlton Miller, Male, White / Caucasian
Date of Last Contact: February 1, 1997
Missing From: San Diego, California
Missing Age: 30 Years

View attachment 15463View attachment 15464

I can see the similarities, but the nose and the jawline are off.
Latest updates from the reddit pages r/TodMotorDoe

Update 6: The Occupation of Tod Motor Doe
Posted by
4 months ago

Update 6: The Occupation of Tod Motor Doe

Let's get right into it.
There's pretty good evidence that...
1) Tod Motor Doe ("TMD") was working as a Truck Driver. At a minimum, he drove routes on the west coast of the United States. It is also likely that he had a valid CDL (Commercial Driver's License).
How do we know this?
Years ago, in a conversation with u/Sonnyphono and I, the detectives at the Clark County Coroner's Office ("CCCO") informed us that they had tracked down an employer of TMD's. We made contemporaneous notes about two tidbits of information shared with us: That TMD had a "heavy German accent," according to his former employer; and, that he worked, at least at one point, in the "vending business." The detective at the CCCO did not give us any further information on that front.
We sat on that for a while, unsure where to follow that lead.
Things changed with the discovery of TMD's alias (See: Update 5). When we spoke to TRUE JENNER's mother, she informed us that her son had never held any sort of job due to his illness.
As part of due diligence, Sonny and I had spent mind-numbing hours sorting through various government databases searching for criminal, judicial, residency records. With TRUE JENNER sorted out, everything we found out seemed bunk...
There was a record of two traffic citations for TRUE JENNER in Oregon from Autumn of 2004. So I dug through the ol' Oregon Revised Statutes, noticed something interesting and called up the Oregon county where the infractions happened. I confirmed TRUE JENNER's name/pedigree information with the very nice records clerk and got forwarded, in part, this document:

r/TodMotorDoe - Update 6: The Occupation of Tod Motor Doe
The Citation from 2004
Both infractions are specific for truck drivers.
The Department of Transportation ("DOT") requires "every for-hire carrier and private carrier keep daily records," which are monthly (and randomly) checked. This serves many purposes, including keeping a log of how many miles trucked in a month and figuring out how to assess various taxes, like a fuel tax, associated with trucking.
What this means is that regular drivers aren't issued these tickets. You're not going to get hit with a logbook infraction in your Toyota Corolla. These are specific traffic citations issued for, and regulating, truck drivers in Oregon State.
So, I call up the records clerk again. The clerk confirms that the citations were paid, likely in-person, a month after they were issued. The total sum of the fines was just under $200. As routine as it gets.
I was also informed that all other records regarding these citations were purged in the normal course of business.
So what does this mean?
Well, TRUE JENNER has no known link to Oregon in the 2000s. And we know TRUE JENNER, suffering from mental illness, has never in his life held a job. And yet, "he" was issued citations in 2004 related commercial trucking activity, which is within the time frame that he was homeless and TMD was still alive.
Drawing reasonable conclusions...
  1. TMD stole REAL JENNER's identity, got himself a valid driver's license, got himself a valid CDL license.
  2. TMD was employed as a Truck Driver.
  3. TMD had been using TRUE JENNER's identity since at least Autumn of 2004, a whole two (2) years before his death.
  4. It is likely TMD was doing long-haul trucking, at least for a period of time. u/Sonnyphono and I believe that TMD predominantly resided in Nevada. We were able to track down a few PO Boxes and addresses (that we are currently vetting). His presence in Oregon shows a minimum of an 800 mile trip, which would qualify as long-haul trucking (Note: Long-haul trucking is defined by the industry as any trip over 250 miles).
Now a still possible but less resolute assumption or two:
  1. It is likely TMD was working for a trucking company and did not own his own rig. Owning your own rig is a significant investment, on par with buying a house, and requires significant resources. It's reasonable to assume TMD was working for a trucking company, using their vehicles.
  2. TMD was possibly transient during this time frame. Long-haul truckers can be gone months at a time. Living on the road, sleeping in their rig, living a largely transient lifestyle. All that clutter found in TMD's motel room: OTC medicine, the dvd's/cd's, stereo, dvd player, even the firearm used in his death -- all of these items would fit right into the lifestyle of a man living on the road, with minimal belongings and with lots of downtown.
Records exist out there -- employment records, DMV records, DOT records, routes and log books, records for his obtaining his CDL license. It's time to find them and try to find people who knew him.

On a non-investigatory note, this is the first moment we have that shows any part of TMD's life. In years of snooping around on this case, TMD has never been anything more than an unknown cadaver found in a trashed motel room. We know nothing about the man, his life, his thoughts, his habits. We exist on speculation, which is admittedly, part of the allure of a mystery. But we know very little for certain. Even the suicide/goodbye letter exists as hearsay without a transcript from the CCCO. And while we don't learn anything about these core human questions from the presence of a few traffic citations, they exist to at least show that TMD lived and traveled in this world. He went through sophisticated means of trying to establish a life for himself, even if it was fraudulently and criminally obtained. And we can pin him in a certain place on a certain day, for the first time, outside of the Tod Motor Motel, even if that's the only information we can glean. It's humanizing.


Tod Motor Doe has been identified!​

Posted by
12 days ago

Early in the morning on Thursday September 29th the quest for Tod Motor Doe’s identity reached a conclusion. After over four years of investigating and against our wildest expectations the family of TMD reached out after having seen our work and revealed his name to us. Since then, they have also spoken with the Clark County Coroner’s Office and together they were able to confirm a visual identification. We would like to thank you for the discussions, tips and help. After the DNA test is complete we will return to share even more of this wild journey and tell you about Phase 2 of the investigation. But first, we’re headed to Vegas!
"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." - Winston Churchill.
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Hi again!

I work with the Reddit moderators for this case and am posting an update here on their behalf.

At this time, TMD’s identity is not being released. There are currently efforts being made to notify remaining family members/friends and they deserve to know certain information before anyone else does.

For now, I will say…

TMD was a German national and in his mid-40s. He spent most of his life in Germany (in between often, at times, moving around a lot to start fresh) but eventually left the country and traveled to the USA during the fall of 2001. At this point, he most likely assumed the identity of “Jenner”.

We know TMD had a job in the vending business for a period before his death; however, he also worked as a truck driver. The Oregon citations were issued to him and not someone who was using the identity before selling it off. Apparently, TMD always used to talk about how he aspired to be a trucker so he could explore his country. Some people also claimed TMD had told them he drove routes to Mexico.

From those who knew him, TMD was a very brilliant-minded person and was that type of guy who blended in well. It is sad to see his life end the way it did and at the same time, it’s nice that his loved ones have some answers as to what happened to him. Many questions remain and there are even more rabbit holes in this case. Perhaps deeper mysteries will be unlocked as a result!

Thank you to everyone on here who helped publicize TMD’s case.
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