TRISTYN BAILEY: 13-year-old Florida murdered, 14-year-old Aiden Fucci arrested *GUILTY PLEA*


Tristyn Bailey


The mother of convicted teen killer Aiden Fucci will spend the next 30 days in jail for helping her son cover up his brutal murder of 13-year-old cheerleader Tristyn Bailey.

Crystal Lane Smith, 36, pleaded no contest to one count of tampering with evidence during a court appearance on Friday.

Smith washed away bloodstains from her son’s jeans after he stabbed Bailey 114 times in May 2021.


While the tampering evidence conviction is a third-degree felony that carries a maximum of five years in state prison, the maximum Smith could’ve been sentenced to was 12 months given the guidelines in the state. Smith instead will serve 30 days in jail followed by five years of probation as part of a plea agreement with prosecutors. She will also be able to apply for early termination of her probation after three years.

Bailey’s mother called out Smith during sentencing for never apologizing.

“The irreparable damage you have caused by your actions will forever be etched in our lives,” Stacy Bailey said during the hearing. “The choices you made on Mother’s Day May 9, 2021, will haunt me for the rest of my life.”
What kind of double speak is this??
is a third-degree felony that carries a maximum of five years in state prison, the maximum Smith could’ve been sentenced to was 12 months given the guidelines in the state."

Posted at 9:39 AM, June 5, 2023 and last updated 9:39 AM, June 5, 2023

ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. (Court TV) – Crystal Smith, the mother of a teenager who confessed to the brutal murder of a classmate, has been released from jail after serving 30 days in a plea deal, according to jail records.
Wow. I don't know what I think of this.

Well I do somewhat.

While on the surface most parents and many of us parents or not may be able to understand the panic your kid did something bad or may be arrested for murder, I don't think most would do this and maybe he was caught anyhow and all she tried to do was cover for him BUT if this woman could have cleaned it all up and covered everything and kept him from even being suspected (she couldn't, he was too stupid and easily caught)), she WOULD HAVE and then Trystan's family would have no justice, the neighborhood and classmates and tons of others would live in fear not knowing who did it and no arrest would be made. She WOULD HAVE.

And for that, 30 days... Really? What kind of message does this send or fear to other parents who have that decision to make? Oh no prob, a slap on the hand is all.

I don't think she deserved years but she deserved more than 30 days and maybe at least a year in PRISON, not county. At MINIMUM.

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