KS VERONICA BUTLER & JILIAN KELLEY: Missing from Hugoton, KS - 30 March 2024 - Age 27 & 39 *Found Deceased*

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Foul play suspected in the disappearance of two Kansas women whose vehicle was found in Oklahoma​

Foul play is suspected in the disappearance of two Kansas women whose vehicle was found abandoned in the Oklahoma Panhandle last weekend, authorities said Friday.

Veronica Butler, 27, and Jilian Kelley, 39, of Hugoton, Kansas, were driving to Oklahoma to pick up Butler’s children to attend a March 30 birthday party in Kansas but never showed up, Tom Singer, the pastor of the church Butler attended, told KOCO-TV.

Hunter McKee, an Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation spokesperson, said investigators believe foul play led to women’s disappearance based on what was found their vehicle.

McKee declined to say what evidence was found in the vehicle, citing the continuing investigation.

The sheriff’s office has turned the investigation over to the OSBI.

“We’re still looking into where and when they were last seen,” McKee said.

McKee said no children are missing.

Investigators are searching the area in Texas County around where the vehicle was found, according to McKee, about 11 miles (18 kilometers) south of Elkhart, Kansas, on the Oklahoma-Kansas state line.

MEDIA - VERONICA BUTLER & JILIAN KELLEY: Missing from Hugoton, KS - 30 March 2024 - Age 27 & 39
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This case chills me to the bone. Two women together. One seems to have been an acquaintance, trying to stay with another woman to stay safe and then now this? What happened? What overpowered them?
He did. Or someone he knows did. Rumors he was in rehab but have not heard that confirmed by LE in any way, shape or form. Just a few miles from their house I mean... Where the car was found. I know that's not evidence or proof solid but no attempt even to take the car further. Probably did not want too long of a walk home or whatever.

I know I can't know this for sure and there is nothing showing that's what happened. I of course am just going with the solid likelihood of what it would be in any case like this when you are going to get children you've both been heatedly fighting over for many years with an ex. And so almost to their destination... Or did they make it...

I'm also not sure they were overpowered. All it would take is a gun. They well could have reached the home and been ambushed, overtaken too and then the car moved and placed. We don't know anything or enough for sure and again just going with the overwhelming high likelihood in cases that have facts like these.

2 missing Kansas moms in Oklahoma: What we know​

Butler’s family has told police the two women were traveling together to Eva, Oklahoma, to pick up Butler’s two children. NewsNation has learned Butler’s children may be living with the mother of the father of her children, who is currently watching the kids.

Police have described the two women as more acquaintances than friends. NewsNation reported this week that Kelley was the supervisor of the childhood visits for Butler. Family members, who have been asked to postpone media interviews until the police tell them otherwise, say the two women were involved in their community and their churches.

NewsNation reported this week that the car was found just 3 miles from its intended destination. The meetup with the children’s grandmother was set to take place at an abandoned gas station in a section of Oklahoma called Four Corners, but the women never arrived.

NewsNation reported Tuesday that Kelley was the supervisor of the childhood visits for Butler. The two women were in a part of Oklahoma to meet up with a guardian for Butler’s children, who are ages 6 and 8.

The visit was a designated, court-approved visitation that takes place every Saturday. Four people, including Kelley, have been listed as approved supervisors, NewsNation reported.

Butler’s fiancé was the one who became worried and started looking for the vehicle, NewsNation’s Laura Ingle reported. Investigators and family members have not indicated whether the grandmother — who has custody of the children — showed up at the gas station March 30.

NewsNation previously reported that Butler and the father of her children were embroiled in a bitter custody battle, and that just 10 days before the women went missing, Butler had filed a petition in court for more visitation with her children and was seeking full custody.

The court filings said things had not been going well between Butler and the children’s grandmother.

The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation said it is conducting a search for the women and will provide updates when they become available. NewsNation previously reported that the FBI is lending resources to the search.
I should have read further I guess. Even so, close to the home and a court approved a meeting place that was an abandoned business? Uhm why? Has no one nor judges learned from all these cases like that one in Florida they have made a law over not long ago? Or at least it was in the works.

While it says this went on every Saturday, it doesn't say for how long or how many meetings there were or if they went off safely, it well could have been a first time and just ordered, it really isn't clear.

I'd she to say the fact LE has confirmed nothing even if grandma showed up or if THEY almost got to their destination or if someone else placed the car back there, etc. means nothing said or speculated is necessarily true.

Why would you approve an abandoned gas station as a meeting place? Is it possible it has an active camera and is for sale? Seems doubtful plus how would a judge know that anyhow. It is a flipping odd and why thought safe place to approve for those bitter in custody exchanges is it not?

I do have to say since LE has confirmed little and much of this info comes from News Nation I am allowing much to be wrong. I am far from always impressed with them. And since they had people on where someone was wearing Riley Strain's shirt and even someone who knew all the homeless and was more official who had said that and send them and he had talked to them, I am very unhappy with them recently. His shirt was the only thing he WAS found in and so it was all bullsh*t. I don't not watch them or haven't banned it but they are not a go to of mine nor is Ashley Banfield. In fact she and they are on my sh*tlist at the moment.
Just because the car wasn't found at the abandoned gas station, doesn't mean it never made it there in the first place. Just sayin'.
Mime. Just said similar before seeing this. I don't see any real facts supported by LE yet in this case. Or confirmed.
I should have read further I guess. Even so, close to the home and a court approved a meeting place that was an abandoned business? Uhm why? Has no one nor judges learned from all these cases like that one in Florida they have made a law over not long ago? Or at least it was in the works.

While it says this went on every Saturday, it doesn't say for how long or how many meetings there were or if they went off safely, it well could have been a first time and just ordered, it really isn't clear.

I'd she to say the fact LE has confirmed nothing even if grandma showed up or if THEY almost got to their destination or if someone else placed the car back there, etc. means nothing said or speculated is necessarily true.

Why would you approve an abandoned gas station as a meeting place? Is it possible it has an active camera and is for sale? Seems doubtful plus how would a judge know that anyhow. It is a flipping odd and why thought safe place to approve for those bitter in custody exchanges is it not?

I do have to say since LE has confirmed little and much of this info comes from News Nation I am allowing much to be wrong. I am far from always impressed with them. And since they had people on where someone was wearing Riley Strain's shirt and even someone who knew all the homeless and was more official who had said that and send them and he had talked to them, I am very unhappy with them recently. His shirt was the only thing he WAS found in and so it was all bullsh*t. I don't not watch them or haven't banned it but they are not a go to of mine nor is Ashley Banfield. In fact she and they are on my sh*tlist at the moment.
We had an office discussion on this case yesterday and the main question was why they used an abandoned gas station for a meet up with a potential dangerous person. One of the ladies in the office has a daughter who was in a similar situation and they met up with chaperones on BOTH ends and in a VERY busy parking lot with cameras on the poles!
We had an office discussion on this case yesterday and the main question was why they used an abandoned gas station for a meet up with a potential dangerous person. One of the ladies in the office has a daughter who was in a similar situation and they met up with chaperones on BOTH ends and in a VERY busy parking lot with cameras on the poles!
To be fair, there isn't much at all in the area BUT if I had a history with the other party, I would surely be finding SOME place that might at least have some traffic.
We had an office discussion on this case yesterday and the main question was why they used an abandoned gas station for a meet up with a potential dangerous person. One of the ladies in the office has a daughter who was in a similar situation and they met up with chaperones on BOTH ends and in a VERY busy parking lot with cameras on the poles!
I know someone who the judge ordered the county courthouse sheriff's department as the exchange location who was harassed and threatened every single time and had to have people go with her. One time she even went in and asked for video from the sheriff's department and they knew nothing and could not provide as they aren't PART of these judge's decisions nor hold any role, know when, what day and aren't a supervising party. Seriously.

I entirely AGREE. This is ODD. IF news has it right of course.

Even when it is a busy gas station or store, with cameras, one needs to realize that gas station or store is not supervising or in any role to keep a camera on you and provide protection. Of course the idea is it is public so you are safe or someone will see if a problem but it doesn't ensure anything or put that business in that role.

That case in Florida I hated to be cynical when they got some law passed (think they did) by her friends and family wanting to change court ordered meet up spots, etc. but even then it does not ensure anything and again that spot has no role AND in that case she met him somewhere else and possibly would have even if there was a designated ordered spot. I still wonder about ia few things in that one. Not with the victim of course. She also took no one with her other than their child.

What is even sadder and no fix for probably is there are some parents who should not be seeing their kids or have the ex have to deal with them either and this danger always exists. Everyone me included would say be an adult put your kids first and work together but unfortunately that is not always who the other partner is or becomes on parting.

And for griping about the courts, I will also say they can only do so much too. Honestly however I don't think most of most judges care. It is just another emotional messed up nasty divorce case, etc. or custody battle with people who aren't anyone or adults in their opinion and they have bigger cases to worry about. Imo family court stuff should be in a whole separate system and judge who deal with all other things like murder and such should not have to deal with such. And traffic as well. Ours do it all, minor traffic one day of the week next day may be a drug case trial or murder trial.
However, I am sidetracking. I'm sure people can tell when I have more than a minute.

But yes, I agree. This abandoned gas station sounds like a crazy meeting spot and don't know why any judge or the parties would agree on such or order such. I am going to hold off though going too far on that as I don't have total faith in news and the actual facts... It sounds like did you get the same picture I did some old rural not operated for years two pump gas station long since out of business.... That MAY well be the news...
To be fair, there isn't much at all in the area BUT if I had a history with the other party, I would surely be finding SOME place that might at least have some traffic.
Why not make them meet in the middle also if that is what it takes to find somewhere more public.

Is there any confirmation by LE this abandoned gas station is court ordered or a fact?
Why not make them meet in the middle also if that is what it takes to find somewhere more public.

Is there any confirmation by LE this abandoned gas station is court ordered or a fact?
It is what is listed in the court documents as the designated meeting place. That is all I know about it. Who knows if it has changed or not since then or if it is totally somewhere else in the area.
It is what is listed in the court documents as the designated meeting place. That is all I know about it. Who knows if it has changed or not since then or if it is totally somewhere else in the area.
Okay. So it is official and not just news. I somehow doubt it said abandoned though?
Missing Kansas moms shot, blood found near car: Sources
As police continue to investigate the case of two missing Kansas mothers, sources tell NewsNation the women were shot and blood was found near the vehicle they were last seen in.

NewsNation previously reported that a small amount of blood was found inside the vehicle, but sources now say that there were also separate puddles of blood outside of the vehicle.
Okay. It may well end up true but why is it News Nation and how the HE77 would they know the women were shot other than a leak or b.s. Everything here seems to be News Nation. That isn't at anyone but I have been really angereda t them over the Riley case. And a few times in other cases before that.

There are no bodies but they know they were shot.

Again where there is smoke sometimes there Is fire, but there is something wrong here. If this is known and someone is telling them then LE ma yas well be telling the public.

In all fairness I have not read the link yet. Just the post.

I did figure the way you control two women is probably with a gun. HOWEVER this is beyond that.
Well I see they have quit saying ex husband. I did go in and read the link. They had that wrong before. Now it is fafher of her children.

by: Daniel Fair
Posted: Apr 13, 2024 / 02:03 PM CDT
Updated: Apr 13, 2024 / 02:31 PM CDT

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) — The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation has four people in custody in connection to the disappearance of Veronica Butler and Jilian Kelley.

The OSBI tells KSN’s Julia Thatcher one was arrested in Texas County, Oklahoma and three were arrested in Cimarron County. All four are being processed in Texas County.

OSBI tells KSN they are searching a wide area of Texas County for the missing women, who were last heard from 14 days ago.

This is a developing story. KSN will continue to provide updates as they are available.

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