KS VERONICA BUTLER & JILIAN KELLEY: Missing from Hugoton, KS - 30 March 2024 - Age 27 & 39 *Found Deceased*

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Foul play suspected in the disappearance of two Kansas women whose vehicle was found in Oklahoma​

Foul play is suspected in the disappearance of two Kansas women whose vehicle was found abandoned in the Oklahoma Panhandle last weekend, authorities said Friday.

Veronica Butler, 27, and Jilian Kelley, 39, of Hugoton, Kansas, were driving to Oklahoma to pick up Butler’s children to attend a March 30 birthday party in Kansas but never showed up, Tom Singer, the pastor of the church Butler attended, told KOCO-TV.

Hunter McKee, an Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation spokesperson, said investigators believe foul play led to women’s disappearance based on what was found their vehicle.

McKee declined to say what evidence was found in the vehicle, citing the continuing investigation.

The sheriff’s office has turned the investigation over to the OSBI.

“We’re still looking into where and when they were last seen,” McKee said.

McKee said no children are missing.

Investigators are searching the area in Texas County around where the vehicle was found, according to McKee, about 11 miles (18 kilometers) south of Elkhart, Kansas, on the Oklahoma-Kansas state line.

MEDIA - VERONICA BUTLER & JILIAN KELLEY: Missing from Hugoton, KS - 30 March 2024 - Age 27 & 39
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Murdered Kansas moms update: Judge keeps some court cases sealed to protect children and others​

Court documents provided updates on the murdered Kansas moms case on Thursday.

Cole and Cora Twombly, Tad Cullum, Tifany Adams, and Paul Grice appeared in Texas County, Oklahoma, on Wednesday. The five are accused of killing Veronica Butler and Jillian Kelley from Hugoton.

Adams, Cullum, and Cora requested that their cases not be combined for the preliminary hearing, and the judge agreed to this for now.

A judge also ruled Cimarron County cases would remain sealed to protect the children and alleged victims of crime. However, the defendant’s lawyers would be able to see them.

The suspects are due back in court on Aug. 21.
Not sure I follow this--the children weren't killed, the mother was and her friend and they are adults. All the defendants are also adults and have no right to sealed records imo. Of COURSE the children should be protected and there should be redactions if necessary and so forth but other than that, this is b.s. Sounds like he ruled Cimarron County" cases would remain sealed, is he talking of custody cases of minor children perhaps? Or ALL cases in the county including this one. Admittedly I didn't read the link but I believe in open records as a rule, not of outing children but anything else, yes for the most part.

Judge combines preliminary hearings for four of five defendants in Texas County murder of two women​

On Wednesday, Texas County Associate District Judge A. Clark Jett ordered a consolidation of the cases for the purposes of a preliminary hearing for four of the accused in the double slaying of two Kansas moms – Jilian Kelley, 39, and Veronica Butler, 27, according to court documents.

A preliminary hearing is a judicial process that determines if there is enough evidence to bind over the defendants for a trial.

All five defendants, Tifany M. Adams, 55, Tad Cullum, 43, Cole Twombly, 50, Cora Twombly, 49, and Paul Grice, 32, were arrested in April in connection to the kidnapping and murders of Butler and Kelley on March 30.

All five are being held without bail in Texas County Jail. Adams, Cullum and both Twomblys were arrested April 18. Grice was arrested April 29.

After six court appearances for preliminary hearing conferences, status hearings and motion dockets in which numerous motions were filed, four of the accused were scheduled to appear for a preliminary hearing at 9 a.m. Dec. 17 in Texas County.

On Wednesday, Grice, who is the fifth defendant in the case, filed a motion to waive his right to a preliminary hearing. The motion was granted, which means he will not appear in the preliminary hearing and is scheduled for “further proceedings” (likely a formal arraignment) at 1 p.m. Feb. 19, 2025, according to Kari Moody, a true crime reporter based in Enid who was present for the proceedings Wednesday.

Grice also waived his right to a speedy trial, Moody said.

Earlier this month, the state filed a motion to consolidate the preliminary hearing. Contained within that document were details regarding the cause of death of both Butler and Kelley.

This was detailed information that had not been released publicly for months, since April when the Office of the Oklahoma Chief Medical Examiner positively identified the two deceased persons from Texas County as Kelley and Butler.

The documents included in the motion for a consolidated hearing detail the roles of each of the five accused.

Grice stabbed and killed Butler and Cullum stabbed and killed Kelley and both accompanied the bodies to the burial site, which was a cow pasture leased by Cullum, according to court documents. The bodies were put into a freezer, which was in a previously dug hole in the pasture, which was arranged by Cullum in the days before the murder, according to court documents.

Grice put his clothing, a stun device purchased at Standard Supply by Adams and the knife he used in the hole at the burial site. His clothing found at the burial site contained both his and Butler’s DNA, according to the court document.

Cullum placed his clothing, including a pair of pants purchased by Adams in the hole at the burial site, which later were found to include his and Kelley’s DNA, according to the court document.

“Adams, in part, purchased the burner phones from Wal-mart which were used by the conspirators to communicate. She purchased the stun devices...She purchased the yellow straps that were placed around the freezer containing the bodies of Butler and Kelley at Tractor Supply. She purchased the pants that Cullum put in the burial site. Adams hated and despised Butler and wanted her dead,” the court document noted.

Cole and Cora Twombly acted as the lookouts on the day of the murders and, according to the documents, confided in their teen daughter in hopes of receiving an alibi for the morning of the murders.

On Wednesday the State, in its motion document, argued they were only seeking to join the cases for the preliminary hearing, not for trial. They also argued that the young witness, the Twombly’s daughter, would have to travel to Oklahoma 10 separate times to testify. “Such a result is unconscionable,” the document noted.

Judge combines preliminary hearings for four of five defendants in Texas County murder of two women​

On Wednesday, Texas County Associate District Judge A. Clark Jett ordered a consolidation of the cases for the purposes of a preliminary hearing for four of the accused in the double slaying of two Kansas moms – Jilian Kelley, 39, and Veronica Butler, 27, according to court documents.

A preliminary hearing is a judicial process that determines if there is enough evidence to bind over the defendants for a trial.

All five defendants, Tifany M. Adams, 55, Tad Cullum, 43, Cole Twombly, 50, Cora Twombly, 49, and Paul Grice, 32, were arrested in April in connection to the kidnapping and murders of Butler and Kelley on March 30.

All five are being held without bail in Texas County Jail. Adams, Cullum and both Twomblys were arrested April 18. Grice was arrested April 29.

After six court appearances for preliminary hearing conferences, status hearings and motion dockets in which numerous motions were filed, four of the accused were scheduled to appear for a preliminary hearing at 9 a.m. Dec. 17 in Texas County.

On Wednesday, Grice, who is the fifth defendant in the case, filed a motion to waive his right to a preliminary hearing. The motion was granted, which means he will not appear in the preliminary hearing and is scheduled for “further proceedings” (likely a formal arraignment) at 1 p.m. Feb. 19, 2025, according to Kari Moody, a true crime reporter based in Enid who was present for the proceedings Wednesday.

Grice also waived his right to a speedy trial, Moody said.

Earlier this month, the state filed a motion to consolidate the preliminary hearing. Contained within that document were details regarding the cause of death of both Butler and Kelley.

This was detailed information that had not been released publicly for months, since April when the Office of the Oklahoma Chief Medical Examiner positively identified the two deceased persons from Texas County as Kelley and Butler.

The documents included in the motion for a consolidated hearing detail the roles of each of the five accused.

Grice stabbed and killed Butler and Cullum stabbed and killed Kelley and both accompanied the bodies to the burial site, which was a cow pasture leased by Cullum, according to court documents. The bodies were put into a freezer, which was in a previously dug hole in the pasture, which was arranged by Cullum in the days before the murder, according to court documents.

Grice put his clothing, a stun device purchased at Standard Supply by Adams and the knife he used in the hole at the burial site. His clothing found at the burial site contained both his and Butler’s DNA, according to the court document.

Cullum placed his clothing, including a pair of pants purchased by Adams in the hole at the burial site, which later were found to include his and Kelley’s DNA, according to the court document.

“Adams, in part, purchased the burner phones from Wal-mart which were used by the conspirators to communicate. She purchased the stun devices...She purchased the yellow straps that were placed around the freezer containing the bodies of Butler and Kelley at Tractor Supply. She purchased the pants that Cullum put in the burial site. Adams hated and despised Butler and wanted her dead,” the court document noted.

Cole and Cora Twombly acted as the lookouts on the day of the murders and, according to the documents, confided in their teen daughter in hopes of receiving an alibi for the morning of the murders.

On Wednesday the State, in its motion document, argued they were only seeking to join the cases for the preliminary hearing, not for trial. They also argued that the young witness, the Twombly’s daughter, would have to travel to Oklahoma 10 separate times to testify. “Such a result is unconscionable,” the document noted.
This is the most ignorant murder plan we've ever seen. Did these people think for one second they could get away with it? Sickening.

3 suspects in Kansas women’s deaths face new charges​

Three of the five people accused in the murder of two Kansas women earlier this year are charged with some new crimes connected to the deaths. But they have also had some charges dropped.

Tifany Adams, Tad Cullum, Cole and Cora Twombly, and Paul Grice initially faced the same charges in the deaths of Jilian Kelley and Veronica Butler. The two Hugoton women disappeared in March while they were going to pick up Butler’s children in Oklahoma.

The original charges for all five suspects were:
  • Two counts of murder in the first degree – deliberate intent,
  • Two counts of kidnapping and
  • Conspiracy to commit murder in the first degree – deliberate intent.
But last Thursday, the district attorney of Texas County, Oklahoma, filed amended charges against Adams, Cullum and Cole Twombly. Those three suspects are no longer charged with kidnapping the victims. Instead, they face additional charges of:
  • Two counts of unlawful removal of a dead body — for allegedly removing both bodies from the original place of death and
  • Two counts of unlawful desecration of a human corpse — for allegedly disposing of both bodies underground, which impeded the investigation and resulted in the loss of evidence.
The DA also added two counts of child neglect against Adams. The amended document alleges that Adams exposed a 6-year-old and an 8-year-old to illegal activity by making the children carry ratchet straps around a farming supply store the week before Kelley and Butler were killed. The DA says those straps were the ones wrapped around the freezer the bodies were buried in.

Grice and Cora Twombly still face the original charges, including the two counts of kidnapping.

In September, Grice waived his right to a preliminary hearing and a speedy trial. His next court date is Feb. 19, 2025. The other four suspects are expected in court for their preliminary hearings on Dec. 17.

Cora Twombly waives preliminary hearing in Kansas moms’ deaths​

One of the suspects charged in connection to the deaths of Veronica Butler and Jilian Kelly has waived her right to a preliminary hearing.

On Tuesday, an Oklahoma judge approved a motion to waive the preliminary hearing for Cora Twombly. Twombly also waived her right to a speedy trial.

Cora Twombly and Paul Grice have their next court date on Feb. 19. The three other defendants, Tifany Adams, Tad Cullum, Cole Twombly have a preliminary hearing Dec. 17.
Going to keep to a few comments.

First of all, trust DM to be sensational and of course it is.

But probably largely true as to a lot of this God's Misfits gang.

I was thinking the other day, I've quite responding or liking all posts, and for good reason, but do read them but see no point in responding sometimes, or liking, that these KIDS, will probably end up with their dad which is just so wrong. But if they don't, then they will be in the system. I was also thinking about the teen who despite all she was around and death with and exposed to had an inmate and good sense of right and wrong and where has she ended up... She did the right thing, and imo is more mature than anyone involved including dad, who no proof was but shouldn't have the younger ones either but I wouldn't doubt that's where they are... And if here was a thought or intent, this bunch knew it would default to him...

I don't know.

This teen should have all the help in the world and be emanciapated imo rather than stuck in something bad again but I doubt it works that way. Because she's more adult than any of the four adults charged and far smarter.

She is a heroine and man living with such...

She did the right thing but sadly and this is what bites, the help for her or the younger ones will probably be nonexistent.

Sounds so cute, doesn't it, God's Misfits. I am not the Judge, He is but I doubt He is enamored with murder.

And then the mom too was traveling down too with her pastor was it? Lots of religion or supposed religion in this case... I hope the kids (none of them dead thank GOd) can find their way and are in a better home but I wouldn't count on it.


I feel I always have to explain these days. Giving my opinion about the case and news period. Not anything else.

And it's pretty much ruined it for me.

Just like to talk cases. Period. Debate them. Period.

Kansas Mom Veronica Butler Was Stabbed 30 Times, Including 10 Defensive​

The full autopsy report has been released for the second of two women brutally killed earlier this year in Oklahoma, their bodies buried in a freezer on a rural property near where they were killed.

Veronica Butler was cut 30 times, with a a third of her injuries coming in form of defensive wounds, the Oklahoma Office of the Chief Medical Examiner said in the report.

Butler also had a blunt force injury to the back of her head and may have had stun gun marks on her back, but the medical examiner said the body was too decomposed for confirmation.

The medical examiner said that Butler’s death “was very quick and likely occurred before she was placed inside the freezer and buried.” The autopsy report on Kelley’s death included a similar opinion when it was released two weeks ago.


Kansas Mom Veronica Butler Was Stabbed 30 Times, Including 10 Defensive​

The full autopsy report has been released for the second of two women brutally killed earlier this year in Oklahoma, their bodies buried in a freezer on a rural property near where they were killed.

Veronica Butler was cut 30 times, with a a third of her injuries coming in form of defensive wounds, the Oklahoma Office of the Chief Medical Examiner said in the report.

Butler also had a blunt force injury to the back of her head and may have had stun gun marks on her back, but the medical examiner said the body was too decomposed for confirmation.

The medical examiner said that Butler’s death “was very quick and likely occurred before she was placed inside the freezer and buried.” The autopsy report on Kelley’s death included a similar opinion when it was released two weeks ago.

This is so brutal! And these people claimed to be good people? They’re evil freaks.
Mom of woman killed in OK panhandle over bitter custody battle files wrongful death suit
The mother of Veronica Butler, one of the two women killed in the Oklahoma panhandle over a bitter custody battle, filed a wrongful death suit against the five suspects.

Amanda Verner is suing for "medical and burial expenses, mental pain and anguish, and grief and loss of companionship."

Most of the details in the 32-page lawsuit filed Monday in Texas County were previously by ABC 7 News.

One big revelation is Verner claims Adams -- the children's grandmother -- used her position on the Cimarron County Hospital Board of Directors to "falsify hospital records to push the narrative that (Butler's) brother had sexually assaulted the children," and that she did so "to gain full custody and control of the children.”

Cora Twombly and Grice both pleaded guilty and have agreed to testify against the other three.
Mom of woman killed in OK panhandle over bitter custody battle files wrongful death suit
The mother of Veronica Butler, one of the two women killed in the Oklahoma panhandle over a bitter custody battle, filed a wrongful death suit against the five suspects.

Amanda Verner is suing for "medical and burial expenses, mental pain and anguish, and grief and loss of companionship."

Most of the details in the 32-page lawsuit filed Monday in Texas County were previously by ABC 7 News.

One big revelation is Verner claims Adams -- the children's grandmother -- used her position on the Cimarron County Hospital Board of Directors to "falsify hospital records to push the narrative that (Butler's) brother had sexually assaulted the children," and that she did so "to gain full custody and control of the children.”

Cora Twombly and Grice both pleaded guilty and have agreed to testify against the other three.
WOW! So they did whatever possible to keep those kids away from their mother! This case is CRAZY.
i'm still stuck on so many being part of a murder plot and who are part of God's Misfits. Awesome grandparents--NOT. On the board or directors. Wow. SA you name it.

And Lori Daybell is the favorite of Jesus.

Talk about twisted.

Yet I believe in God and Jesus. I guess my thoughts on "Them" are quite different.

They've also never involved murder and drugs.

Yeah, a loss of words here too. Hard to wrap one's "somewhat" normal moral mind around (talking of self, not anyone else).

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