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Who is the Long Island serial killer? This is a general discussion thread about this terrifying case.

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And this was all so quick it is eery. This is like it was known it was coming. Makes no sense.

The public has barely kept up or wrapped their heads around all of this arrest and case and stuff about it yet and here's all this organization and what seems like a plan in place from who should all be blindsided people and I don't mean just his family.
Ahhh. Family doesn't and hasn't necessarily jumped on the ship that he is guilty. They haven't had that conversation. All they know is from the media. Haven't talked to him etc. We know that isn't true. Her attorney really scurries around that question, deflects it and obviously so.

And what does he mean that's all they know. Cops showed her pictures right where she said "it is what it is" which seems to be a common phrase of hers.

This is all BULLSHEET. Others may well take it differently and I respect that but so far, this is hitting right at the spot where I've been stuck in all along, that something is wrong here... And LOOK at what is going on now. Instant divorce, attorney retention and a separate one for the kids. Didn't know that until just recently but all along it has been one thing after the other.... From the START.

There is something VERY wrong here.
Good Lord. Now a reporter raised his voice over others and says Suffolk County has been known to frame people and do you think there is any chance Crybaby has been framed? He pushed out to get that question heard over others and honestly my first instinct is he was planted to do that and say that. This whole thing reeks.
And this group that apparently existed prior. Cops didn't do anything to Rader's family. The dad/husband did. Same in this case. Same in all.

I am going to stop at this post as my last remarks because it will remind me of what i want to say clearly when I am not tired and not being surprised by this PC and load of sh*t. And it starts with the real victims, the dead ones, and their families. And the State doesn't recompense them for all their lost time off work, their grief, their years of anxiety, depression, FEAR (he was calling other daughters/sisters for God's sake) etc. And the State doesn't owe them for that. The cops don't. Again it is the PERP WHO DID IT. Should they make the perp pay? Of course but they don't with many of those things. But the family of the KILLER should be recompensed by the State? Or sue LE etc.??

The wife, stepson and daughter of Crybaby should be suing HIM if anyone!

This world and our justice system is gong down and already is down a very slippery slope and yet when one thinks nothing more can surprise ya, it does. THIS is beyond okay.
Okay. I'm not done. I in no way should be up yet with having to work tomorrow on the start of a long week but her attorney said it again, she has NOT BEEN QUESTIONED.
Then he says to a reporter on another question that you ARE ASSUMING all of the allegations are true. This woman/family is not believing in my opinion he is LISK. She isn't there. I've been saying it all along that even her filing for divorce did not mean she was bailing on him but probably protecting assets and even perhaps for him.

Yet we see an article that someone said when showed pictures she finally accepted that he COULD be LISK. Everyone saw her file for divorce early on and assumed she was done with him. It is pretty flipping clear right now it is not the case. I have wondered. And wondered. And probably been sickening in post after post about it and here we are. I never expected this but it makes so many things that just didn't add up, were too quick, etc. in hindsight make total sense.

I'm also going to need time to take in that this doesn't seem like some blindsided woman who can't cope, she has rallied to the occasion very quickly and is coping with this kind of thing pretty darned well and throwing it at LE, etc. Her attorney in my opinion is pretty easy to see through. And in no way would I not feel sympathy for someone fighting cancer as she is said to be, or the kids and wife of a man like this who were blindsided. But again it is not adding up. He of course is using the press calling these things and talking to media and making sure reporters are there etc.

And again who reached out to who? Did she know just who to call or did the attorneys contact the family? I'd wonder how since I'd imagine in the media pressure after arrest and news would have her not answering her door or answering every phone call.... I want to know. How did she effing know who to call.. Have some thoughts on that I need to think out...

Also is this the divorce attorney too handling all these things for her or is there a divorce attorney and this is another one for this stuff... Because her divorce attorney was said to be the same attorney who something with regard to this case or this county or something that was like "why would she go to him"... I can't quite recall with all the things that come out constantly on this case. Was he fired by the county or part of the former administration, it was something like that...

I'd be done talking if I would quit watching it and go to bed where I really need to be at this hour with a work day tomorrow.
Her hair "likeness" was at the crime scene, not any DNA. Huh? A likeness of her hair or something he says again. The question posed was one you'd think his answer would be we or she figures the only way it could have gotten there is by transfer but he doesn't... My thought is if she said that was her belief or he said such it would implicate her husband... she isn't charged or being looked at so why not say it had to be transfer? That's protecting Crybaby as much or more than herself imo.

At times you could actually think he is a defense attorney for Crybaby.

Right now this is all lending to me that she is in NO WAY against her husband.
Again his remark to a reporter that you are assuming all of the allegations against him are true...

Of course we all know the innocent until proven guilty thing but he doesn't have to go there or defend Crybaby, there isn't any reason to unless that's what she wants him to do. Imo.
They've never assisted in this case (the family), "we've" never been contacted her attorney says. That's been several times now on different days that's been said.

Have they offered to assist and provide info?

Wasn't sure when but seems more and more likely that she/or entire family immediately lawyered up.

Of course this all comes from HER attorney.
The family has never assisted at all again "we've" never been contacted. But couldn't they offer to assist, answer questions I'd have to ask or wonder WHY they've never been contacted... Why IS it they haven't tried to talk to her IF true...
Now it's they have "no information to provide". How could they? They didn't know. IF guilty he was living a dDouble life and they had no clue.
I've heard a couple of different things and that one as well, not sure if it was their reason but I've, heard he bought another track phone and that was a bad sign in their opinion, I've heard they worried another attack was being planned (which may come from the track phone purchase perhaps), I've heard speculation they were worried word would get out with all this going on the bigger it got and longer it went on, with the grand jury, etc. following him... Reading his things like searches, emails, or whatever. Maybe something tipped him off. Can they go into all this stuff and not maybe accidentally leave some trace...? MAYBE he was googling about how they do these kinds of things and they worried it meant he knew somehow they were doing them. Could he have "made" a "tail" or someone observing or following him? I don't know that its' known for sure. I've heard some of these things said like they are fact and some are speculated. I think the track phone purchase is fact and IIRC, it was in the filings with the court that he did this. I COULD be wrong on that though.

WHAT IF a prostitute or more than a few started acting funny towards him meaning if word was getting around the street as to what kind of man to stay away from if any of them were questioned and any time he tried to approach one they said no... That's a bit far fetched but just saying it could be anything.

IS IT KNOWN what their reason was? Not sure. The track phone thing seemed to be portrayed as fact for the reason I think again in Grizzly or maybe it was Law and Crime where Grizzly got some of the things I've mentioned.

I don't know if I mentioned either that her kids also lawyered up, there is supposedly a lawyer for mom and for the kids. I wonder if the minute the cops were at the house informing them they refused to talk and asked for lawyers? That would SURE be pretty with it when just receiving the biggest shock in your life, IF it was a shock...

Ive been gone ALL day and most of the night, very tiring day "off" so haven't looked at anything further since last remarking here I don't think.
Yeah. IDK. It has been stated mostly "Craigslist". But this is another case I can't keep up with. And certainly I agree he would pick up sex workers that are working on the street unfortunately. That is a terrible, Dangerous life. He is intelligent, Thinks like a killer. So he would definitely be able to spot the most vulnerable. He is, As you say a "Crybaby" Though. :LOL: I love that. Good one. :highfive:
Alot of serial killers end up being excuse makers and whiners. "Gacy" Really tops them all. I actually laughed.
Yep it is against law enforcement. He just said so.

Did these attorneys swoop to them or did this family look for attorneys? Did these attorneys suggest suits against the city swooping in on them? Or did the family look for such?

When have we EVER seen something like this on an arrest of a serial killer from family members? Against the PD? Funny that Rader's daughter was saying something very similar to this not long ago... And that another serial killer's daughter started the GO FUND ME.

I have total sympathy for these families but this has been funny from the start and yes they are stuck as probably also victims of their PARTNER or DAD but there's organization going on here. Wouldn't it be nice if the victim's families got donations and help to fight for justice and new homes and money to pay their insurance and if they could sue the City for not solving this case and all the misdeeds of former administrations through the years? Do we see any of them doing that? Or attorneys helping them do such a thing?

I haven't finished it yet but I'm disgusted.

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