MA ANGELO "ANDY" PUGLISI: Missing from Lawrence, MA - 21 August 1976 - Age 10

Angelo Gene Puglisi


Angelo, circa 1976; Age-progression to age 50 (circa 2015); Charles Pierce; Wayne Chapman; Chapman's converted van
  • Missing Since 08/21/1976
  • Missing From Lawrence, Massachusetts
  • Classification Non-Family Abduction
  • Sex Male
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 09/02/1965 (54)
  • Age 10 years old
  • Height and Weight 4'0, 65 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A bathing suit, a towel and sneakers.
  • Medical Conditions Angelo is mildly epileptic. He will need hospital treatment if he has a seizure.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Brown hair, brown eyes. Angelo has three scars along his spine and a skin discoloration on his chest. His nickname is Andy.
Details of Disappearance
Angelo was last seen at the Higgins Memorial Swimming Pool, a public pool approximately 100 yards from his family's home near their home at the Stadium Housing Projects on East Dalton Street in Lawrence, Massachusetts on August 21, 1976.

His mother told investigators that he called home at about 3:30 p.m. that day and spoke to one of his brothers; Angelo gave no indication that anything was wrong at the time. A lifeguard at the pool reported that he saw Angelo walking around the area at approximately 5:45 p.m.; that was the last time anyone has seen him.

Investigators initially believed Angelo was a runaway. He was the product of a broken home and they speculated that he might have felt torn between his parents. Foul play is now suspected in Angelo's disappearance. His parents were both considered suspects in his case and have not officially been removed from the list of possible offenders, but investigators doubt either one was involved in his disappearance.

One suspect in Angelo's disappearance is Charles Pierce, who was a resident of Haverhill, Massachusetts in 1976. A photo of Pierce is posted with this case summary. He confessed to two abductions that occurred in the 1970s: one was the case of Janice Pockett, a girl who disappeared from Connecticut in 1973; and another case involving an unidentified boy from Lawrence, Massachusetts.

It's believed that Pierce was referring to Angelo's case by that description. He claimed that he sexually assaulted and buried the unidentified boy in a grave near Janice's; neither body has been discovered.

Pierce was familiar with the Lawrence area and was a suspect in more than a dozen children's disappearances from the 1950s through the 1970s in New England. He was convicted of a Massachusetts murder and was serving a 20-year prison term when he died in 1999.

Another suspect in Angelo's case is Wayne W. Chapman, a Providence, Rhode Island native who may have been a pedophile associate of Pierce. Chapman was arrested in Waterloo, New York in September 1976, while driving a converted van that had once been a blue delivery truck.

Chapman's vehicle closely resembled the description of a van one of Angelo's friends observed near the pool area where Angelo was last seen. Photos of Chapman and his vehicle are posted with this case summary. A witness told authorities that he and another boy found a large pit in the woods near the pool; the friend stated that the hole could have been large enough to hold a child's body. When he returned to the area a few days later, the pit had been filled in. This spot has never been proven to be a gravesite.

Investigators also found child pornography materials, a starter pistol and a sock which appeared to be bloodstained in Chapman's van. The sock was eventually lost and it was never proven whether the substance on it was blood. Chapman was later convicted of the 1975 rapes of two boys; he lured both boys from the same swimming pool Angelo would later vanish from.

Rhode Island police have a letter stating that Chapman was working in that state at the time of Angelo's disappearance. Chapman has never been charged in connection with Angelo's case. He served his prison sentence, and was civilly committed as a sexually dangerous offender, but he was released in 2019. He is in his seventies and has Parkinson's Disease, and after his release he sent to a a Boston medical facility, although his sex offender registration lists him as "homeless."

Angelo's childhood friend, Melanie Perkins, produced a documentary about his case entitled Have You Seen Andy?. Two excavations near Lawrence in 1999 failed to locate Angelo's remains. His case remains open and unsolved.

NamUs The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
NCMEC Have you seen this child? Angelo Puglisi

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and....... he is another one who associated with pierce and chapman......
I think it's obvious that the perp who abducted and murdered David Louison lived in the same neighborhood.

Re Chapman, I doubt he killed anyone but what strikes me most about him is how young he was, that is, if I'm correct in thinking he was born about 1958.
I think it's obvious that the perp who abducted and murdered David Louison lived in the same neighborhood.

Re Chapman, I doubt he killed anyone but what strikes me most about him is how young he was, that is, if I'm correct in thinking he was born about 1958.
my mom was born in 57 he definitely was older 2021 i think he died at 73

yeah.... he did
Yeah mid 70' to late 90's so before mobile phones too.
exactly.... and ya wanna know something else during the initial reporting of andy missing the damn police radio system in lawrence went down..... so no mobile phones and denial of radio service due to technical difficulties..... what kind of crap luck is that.....
my mom was born in 57 he definitely was older 2021 i think he died at 73

yeah.... he did
Yes Bar-Jonah was younger. Am guessing around 17 or 18 in the mid 70's so around late 60's early 70's now is my estimate.

ETA Bar-Jonah is actually dead too - died age 51 may he rot in hell. See my newer post number 153.
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There was no internet nor rapid spread of news but there also was power and silence. Look at the Catholic Church. Who hadn't heard things or hints decades before... The boy scouts... Not saying everyone in every org was bad or did anything but enough sure did or such were attracted to such things. It has me thinking back.... Not taking it seriously nor sentences being harsh I don't think is the all of it. People just didn't TALK of such things.... Such things weren't charged... I don't mean murder, I mean molestation, child abuse, domestic abuse, child sexual abuse... YET many of us knew of who supposedly did what to who in their own family, etc. but you talked amongst the closest of friends of such, you didn't in public...

I challenge all especially older to think back as I just have.... I'm thinking of a family in my neck of the woods where it was well known the hubs beat the wives. I'm thinking of a girl in kindergarten I knew my entire life who had issues and struggled through all of her school years who in later years I came to know allegedly her dad was molesting her since a small child, but he was a business owner ya know.... I'm thinking of another family, where dad was head of a church and family was well thought of (not Catholic), and I met his daughter in junior high and again business owner, money, prestige, where the kids came out as adults against him when they started having kids of their own and it triggered things... It started with one child (then adult) and the other children then came forward (also adult), mom would not face it, it was known and he was charged but then all of a sudden it all kind of faded after some big stuff... I consider my neck of the woods to have low crime, etc. but this kind of thing? Another man thought to like boys or would have a friend who was maybe mentally disabled and a boy... Yet he'd date a woman on occasion probably because of the talk... He was I think also a business owner... Fast forward some years but still a ways back, and a major school official.... One boy had the guts to come forward as a teen being MOLESTED by him... Man could I say more on that one...

This sh*t cannot be allowed to be normalized!!!! It's I guess always been there just as more normal people did hop the fence back when (have sex before married) but things were covered, whispered of... The whispers and people not wanting to get involved goes on today as well... In my area we all know who the most major drug dealer is (old area) and people will talk of it with friends carefully, LE knows imo but no one will do anything about it nor do they want to be involved...

Understandably, they have their own kids, own lives, and it's often rumors without proof...

Think back, I'd challenge all...

I thank the Lord I never dealt with such but it easily could have happened. I did have one thing in my childhood that changed me big time that I'mm not going to share. See, we still don't.

I am still on this N A M B A sh*t. It needs to be BROUGHT DOWN. Bad enough the rings, pedos no one knows of but an organization wanting to make it okay??????????
Posting this here as we don't have a separate thread.

Mr. Bar-Jonah

Show caption

Mr. Bar-Jonah

Telegram & Gazette

Sex offender’s death leaves local questions

Telegram & Gazette

The death of a former Massachusetts sex offender, who Montana police believe killed and cannibalized a boy in Montana in 1996, has left one of his local victims wondering what secrets Nathaniel Bar-Jonah may have taken to his grave.
Mr. Bar-Jonah, 51, a former resident of Dudley and Webster, was found dead in his Montana State Prison cell early yesterday. The cause of his death has not been determined, though a prison spokesman said he had been in ill health. The convicted sex offender was serving a 130-year sentence for kidnapping, sexually assaulting and choking a teenage neighbor boy.
In 2000, Montana authorities also charged Bar-Jonah with murder in the 1996 disappearance of 10-year-old Zach Ramsay. They said they had evidence suggesting Mr. Bar-Jonah had butchered the boy and disposed of his body in meals served to neighbors; they were later forced to dismiss the murder charge after the boy’s mother said she would testify she believed her son was still alive.
Alan Enrikaitis of Shrewsbury said he remembers well the day in 1977 when he and a friend accepted a ride from Mr. Bar-Jonah, who at that time used his given name, David Brown.
“I remember he said he had a trailer in the woods and he was going to take me and my friend there separately,” Mr. Enrikaitis said. The boys were handcuffed and Mr. Enrikaitis’ friend was locked in the trunk of a car that looked like an unmarked police cruiser. They’d been told their abductor was a police officer and that they were under arrest.
“We kept walking down a path until there wasn’t much of a path left. Then, all the noises you hear in the woods just stopped and he grabbed me from behind and started choking me,” Mr. Enrikaitis said. He struggled, then played possum as Mr. Bar-Jonah kicked at him and flicked ashes from a cigarette on him. When he had the chance, the boy ran for help.
Police later apprehended Mr. Bar-Jonah and he pleaded guilty in Worcester Superior Court to charges of kidnapping, attempted murder and impersonation of a police officer.
He spent less than two years in prison before being transferred to Bridgewater State Hospital, where he spent 11 years.
A judge ordered his release in 1991. A short time later he was arrested in Oxford, where he had assaulted a boy sitting in a car outside a post office. Under a plea agreement that would become controversial as details of the suspected crimes in Montana materialized, Mr. Bar-Jonah received a suspended jail sentence, on the condition he move to Montana with his mother.
As news from Montana reached Mr. Enrikaitis in 2000, he wondered if his abductor would finally begin to talk.
“When he abducted us, when he was choking me, he seemed like he was experienced, like he’d done this before,” Mr. Enrikaitis said.
And in fact, he may have. Mr. Bar-Jonah allegedly choked a schoolmate in 1963 when he was 6 years old; in 1974 he violently assaulted another boy.
“I just always hoped that he’d eventually talk and say what he’d done with other bodies, where he’d put them, so some other families could have some peace,” Mr. Enrikaitis said.
But there is no evidence that Mr. Bar-Jonah ever killed anyone in Massachusetts, said former Webster Police Sgt. John A. Bolduc Jr., who, with Sgt. Michaela Kelly, spent countless hours reviewing a list of names found among Mr. Bar-Jonah’s things in Montana. The list was titled “Lake Webster” and police were never able to confirm that any of those listed were murder victims, though some had been assaulted by Mr. Bar-Jonah.
“It wasn’t any sort of hit list,” Mr. Bolduc said. He and Sgt. Kelly looked for links to the cases of several missing or murdered people but most often found none.
While he never spoke with Mr. Bar-Jonah, Mr. Bolduc would have liked the chance. Still, he’s not sure what, if any, information he might have gained.
“From what I understand, he’s never been forthright. He always played games and spoke in riddles.”
Material from The Associated Press was used in this report.
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There was no internet nor rapid spread of news but there also was power and silence. Look at the Catholic Church. Who hadn't heard things or hints decades before... The boy scouts... Not saying everyone in every org was bad or did anything but enough sure did or such were attracted to such things. It has me thinking back.... Not taking it seriously nor sentences being harsh I don't think is the all of it. People just didn't TALK of such things.... Such things weren't charged... I don't mean murder, I mean molestation, child abuse, domestic abuse, child sexual abuse... YET many of us knew of who supposedly did what to who in their own family, etc. but you talked amongst the closest of friends of such, you didn't in public...

I challenge all especially older to think back as I just have.... I'm thinking of a family in my neck of the woods where it was well known the hubs beat the wives. I'm thinking of a girl in kindergarten I knew my entire life who had issues and struggled through all of her school years who in later years I came to know allegedly her dad was molesting her since a small child, but he was a business owner ya know.... I'm thinking of another family, where dad was head of a church and family was well thought of (not Catholic), and I met his daughter in junior high and again business owner, money, prestige, where the kids came out as adults against him when they started having kids of their own and it triggered things... It started with one child (then adult) and the other children then came forward (also adult), mom would not face it, it was known and he was charged but then all of a sudden it all kind of faded after some big stuff... I consider my neck of the woods to have low crime, etc. but this kind of thing? Another man thought to like boys or would have a friend who was maybe mentally disabled and a boy... Yet he'd date a woman on occasion probably because of the talk... He was I think also a business owner... Fast forward some years but still a ways back, and a major school official.... One boy had the guts to come forward as a teen being MOLESTED by him... Man could I say more on that one...

This sh*t cannot be allowed to be normalized!!!! It's I guess always been there just as more normal people did hop the fence back when (have sex before married) but things were covered, whispered of... The whispers and people not wanting to get involved goes on today as well... In my area we all know who the most major drug dealer is (old area) and people will talk of it with friends carefully, LE knows imo but no one will do anything about it nor do they want to be involved...

Understandably, they have their own kids, own lives, and it's often rumors without proof...

Think back, I'd challenge all...

I thank the Lord I never dealt with such but it easily could have happened. I did have one thing in my childhood that changed me big time that I'mm not going to share. See, we still don't.

I am still on this N A M B A sh*t. It needs to be BROUGHT DOWN. Bad enough the rings, pedos no one knows of but an organization wanting to make it okay??????????
What I hadn't realized- or realized fully- is how very often child trafficking victims are known- well-known, actually- to the perps.
What I hadn't realized- or realized fully- is how very often child trafficking victims are known- well-known, actually- to the perps.
I wouldn't have any trouble sadly in believing that. It's true of crime in general too, it's most often someone you know or has befriended you, one dated, etc. The most evil of perps imo seek the vulnerable too. The children, elderly, the person alone or without confidence... Because they are weak in the soul, and need to feel powerful over someone and because they aren't and can't stand up as they say to someone their own size, they need to pick the vulnerable. For me, I don't think we will ever understand such but that's part of it imo but the depravity goes deeper with some than I think I could ever understand, or most of us ever could.

It's a bit different direction but I'd also point out that a lot of trafficking busts etc. they always say children but generally it's teenagers, not that that makes it any better but people often think it means younger kids and its generally monied sex trade.

This here though is a ten year old boy and I'm not saying such to that, I'm talking about trafficking busts as a bit of an aside to the discussion.

Back to Andy though, do you think this was opportunistic or someone that knew him/had their eye on him? Doesn't mean Andy knew him necessarily but the habits and boy could have been watched by the perp...

I cringe now at the thought of children ever being without a helicopter parent and eyes on them til they are 30, yet I disagree with helicopter parents BUT with evil like this....
I wouldn't have any trouble sadly in believing that. It's true of crime in general too, it's most often someone you know or has befriended you, one dated, etc. The most evil of perps imo seek the vulnerable too. The children, elderly, the person alone or without confidence... Because they are weak in the soul, and need to feel powerful over someone and because they aren't and can't stand up as they say to someone their own size, they need to pick the vulnerable. For me, I don't think we will ever understand such but that's part of it imo but the depravity goes deeper with some than I think I could ever understand, or most of us ever could.

It's a bit different direction but I'd also point out that a lot of trafficking busts etc. they always say children but generally it's teenagers, not that that makes it any better but people often think it means younger kids and its generally monied sex trade.

This here though is a ten year old boy and I'm not saying such to that, I'm talking about trafficking busts as a bit of an aside to the discussion.

Back to Andy though, do you think this was opportunistic or someone that knew him/had their eye on him? Doesn't mean Andy knew him necessarily but the habits and boy could have been watched by the perp...

I cringe now at the thought of children ever being without a helicopter parent and eyes on them til they are 30, yet I disagree with helicopter parents BUT with evil like this....
trafficking is a whole industry its awful... and people don't believe pedo's like serial offenders and killers don't collaberate and work together yes they do and have since the beginning of time
trafficking is a whole industry its awful... and people don't believe pedo's like serial offenders and killers don't collaberate and work together yes they do and have since the beginning of time
Oh I believe it. I think many certain types recognize it in others. Just as they recognize the vulnerable. I don't necessarily think all work together, I think both types exist.

I also think many a person prefers their bubble and to keep their heads in the sand and say nothing and do nothing. And I understand that. We all do to a point at times...

However, I also know at times things get very exaggerated. At other times they get played down. It is why I don't do news much or at least don't take anything on it for certainty.

Pedos have always existed no doubt.

And while I'd like to not go there, this N A M thing needs to GO.

It's one thing as I said in a previous post for consenting adults but children are OFF LIMITS. And these days whether it is a drop box or the dark web, an organization to normalize such or try to is a different STORY. I can do to each their own but NOT if the vulnerable are being abused whether mentally vulnerable, children, elderly, etc. It shouldn't even be allowed and should be taken down without red tape and everyone behind it!! It's perverted, twisted, evil. And the other society they've tried to be part of should want NO PART of them.

I'm a to each their own type so long as you are not hurting others or for instance CHILDREN.

Yeah it's always went on, I know. But it should end with outright organizations or trying to legalize it.

Don't get me started on Amsterdam. A bit different but I could go on...

And while I don't voice all just like the next person, I will yell about such things and yet look at how many stay silent. And they will until such happens or is normalized.

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