Crimes by the Justice System and Police

Yep. I pointed her out in a few threads when this came out.

NOT GOOD. Scott Reisch is covering it pretty well, he is a CO atty and has dealt with the woman in cases also...

Such does enrage me. Many behind bars probably really are guilty and did do it, many cases are not just DNA but now, because of her, she has thrown every single one she worked on into question...

What is sicker? She is probably going to be treated like some white collar criminal and do no prison time. People should yell about that if it heads that way which it likely will.
Yep. I pointed her out in a few threads when this came out.

NOT GOOD. Scott Reisch is covering it pretty well, he is a CO atty and has dealt with the woman in cases also...

Such does enrage me. Many behind bars probably really are guilty and did do it, many cases are not just DNA but now, because of her, she has thrown every single one she worked on into question...

What is sicker? She is probably going to be treated like some white collar criminal and do no prison time. People should yell about that if it heads that way which it likely will.

How are the wrongly convicted to get the years they had taken away back? Worse than that is that killers are roaming the streets because of her laziness and her bosses' laziness.
How are the wrongly convicted to get the years they had taken away back? Worse than that is that killers are roaming the streets because of her laziness and her bosses' laziness.
Hey, I am not sticking up for her. I hate it when people in such positions abuse and use their positions or do not do their jobs. I do doubt every single person put away was innocent but here we are because of HER. I have no argument with you on this at all, get that if you would.

Every case she ever had any involvement in, even if she was honest and legit at the time and did NOTHING wrong, is now in question and has to be looked at.

And I will be the first person to have a fit if she gets some white collar deal and sentence and does no prison time. If the allegations are true, she is the worst of the worst.

I think we are on the same page on this one.

We do not KNOW yet anyone WAS falsely convicted but we do know allegedly there was false info given or passed and SO every single trial or conviction with that in it needs to be looked at. I AGREE.

I also agree you can never give a wrongfully convicted person their life or years back.

I'd hope you know I know that and believe that and am on that page. I don't automatically jump to that in every case though as easily as you do. However, NONE of us want someone wrongfully convicted, do you truly believe any of us here do? I don't believe a one of us wants that. None of us.

I get VERY upset when cops/LE, DAs, judges, CLERKS (think Murdaugh and Ms. Becky) and their own corruptness or personal gain interferes with justice or they about get a case thrown off the rails when the perp OFTEN is really guilty...

I get VERY IRATE about such people. Or how about the DA lady in Arbery now being tried? About effing time. Crooked, corrupt, deep south, power.

I am not so different than you nor are my views. However, just because of a bad person in the investigation, etc. it does not mean the perp being looked at or charged is innocent and you seem to automatically assume that...

RA for instance is guilty. Am I happy tips and recordings were lost or do I think it helped that such happened? NO. However, I take all else and it is all there, he DID it. The screw ups bother me to no end. However it does not change my opinion of his guilt, I have more than enough and so did the jury. I am the same with Read.

Colorado is its own worst nightmare. Scott is good to watch. Just what that state is doing with law and cases and sealing **** and hiding **** alone is a nightmare and has been for a long time. And this is where this DNA lady hails from. ID is another. He will SAY IT and TELL the public.

Anyhow to come back to the point, yes, every single case this dumb woman was on with DNA needs to be looked at. If it was a false thing, and the DNA came into the case, then they all who had that deserve a new trial. I am going to guess many had other evidence against them as well and not all are innocent BUT if it was part of it, then they deserve a new look at it and a new trial.

I'm not so different than you, I just don't jump as you do to a quick assumption if a cop did something imperfectly then the defendant is innocent. I look at it all.

I am the one who first shared the info on this DNA lady was I not?

I don't think any of us here want anything but justice. We don't always agree on who, but we all want the same. And none of us want someone wrongfully convicted. Would you say any of us want that? We just are not always on the same page. I do think however we all want the same thing. Would you agree or disagree with that? And we all just need to keep that in mind when not in agreement and discuss it all. Rationally. And not get our feathers all ruffled.
Hey, I am not sticking up for her. I hate it when people in such positions abuse and use their positions or do not do their jobs. I do doubt every single person put away was innocent but here we are because of HER. I have no argument with you on this at all, get that if you would.

Every case she ever had any involvement in, even if she was honest and legit at the time and did NOTHING wrong, is now in question and has to be looked at.

And I will be the first person to have a fit if she gets some white collar deal and sentence and does no prison time. If the allegations are true, she is the worst of the worst.

I think we are on the same page on this one.

We do not KNOW yet anyone WAS falsely convicted but we do know allegedly there was false info given or passed and SO every single trial or conviction with that in it needs to be looked at. I AGREE.

I also agree you can never give a wrongfully convicted person their life or years back.

I'd hope you know I know that and believe that and am on that page. I don't automatically jump to that in every case though as easily as you do. However, NONE of us want someone wrongfully convicted, do you truly believe any of us here do? I don't believe a one of us wants that. None of us.

I get VERY upset when cops/LE, DAs, judges, CLERKS (think Murdaugh and Ms. Becky) and their own corruptness or personal gain interferes with justice or they about get a case thrown off the rails when the perp OFTEN is really guilty...

I get VERY IRATE about such people. Or how about the DA lady in Arbery now being tried? About effing time. Crooked, corrupt, deep south, power.

I am not so different than you nor are my views. However, just because of a bad person in the investigation, etc. it does not mean the perp being looked at or charged is innocent and you seem to automatically assume that...

RA for instance is guilty. Am I happy tips and recordings were lost or do I think it helped that such happened? NO. However, I take all else and it is all there, he DID it. The screw ups bother me to no end. However it does not change my opinion of his guilt, I have more than enough and so did the jury. I am the same with Read.

Colorado is its own worst nightmare. Scott is good to watch. Just what that state is doing with law and cases and sealing ** and hiding ** alone is a nightmare and has been for a long time. And this is where this DNA lady hails from. ID is another. He will SAY IT and TELL the public.

Anyhow to come back to the point, yes, every single case this dumb woman was on with DNA needs to be looked at. If it was a false thing, and the DNA came into the case, then they all who had that deserve a new trial. I am going to guess many had other evidence against them as well and not all are innocent BUT if it was part of it, then they deserve a new look at it and a new trial.

I'm not so different than you, I just don't jump as you do to a quick assumption if a cop did something imperfectly then the defendant is innocent. I look at it all.

I am the one who first shared the info on this DNA lady was I not?

I don't think any of us here want anything but justice. We don't always agree on who, but we all want the same. And none of us want someone wrongfully convicted. Would you say any of us want that? We just are not always on the same page. I do think however we all want the same thing. Would you agree or disagree with that? And we all just need to keep that in mind when not in agreement and discuss it all. Rationally. And not get our feathers all ruffled.

Sorry, I was just thinking out loud. I wasn't criticizing you.
Sorry, I was just thinking out loud. I wasn't criticizing you.
I think nothing of this woman other than negative things. She abused a position of power big time and it affected lives.

She had better NOT get treated like some white collar criminal.

I think in fact you and I can be on the same page on that and yell about it together if it seems to ever be headed that way...

We do not always disagree and as I said in another thread, a lot of us do not agree on every case but I think we are all good people and I think we DO know the others here, even if we are not all in agreement, WANT justice. We do not always agree on guilty and Innocence, and that's okay. Imo.

But yeah, I posted about her, that news my GOD. She has handled tons of CO case DNA...
This one isn't about the justice system, but how rich people can skew justice. I used to be a fan of Alan Dershowitz, not anymore. (Don't ask why.)

My respect for him came from his handling of the Claus von Bulow case. Claus von Bulow was convicted of giving Sunny von Bulow an intentional overdose of insulin that left her in a vegetative state. He was convicted in his first trial.

Dershowitz, a Harvard professor, took on the case along with a group of students. He believed that the family of Sunny von Bulow had manufactured evidence for the first trial. What he saw is rich people buying the evidence they could manufacture in order to convict someone. This bothered him.

He was able to get von Bulow off in his second trial. I saw the movie many years ago, and the only things I remember is that Sunny used insulin in order to lose weight. Dershowitz believed she accidentally overdosed herself. The only proof of manufacture I can remember is that an "expert" witness testified that there was insulin on the outside of a needle they had planted to frame Claus. When a needle is inserted into the skin, the skin naturally wipes any drug from the outside of the needle. There were other things as well that proved Sunny's family had tried to frame him for her insulin overdose.

Claus von Bulow was not a sympathetic man. He came across as perfectly capable, mentally, to do this with no remorse. While the man disgusted me, the attempt to frame him was worse and set a precedent for a case like this.

BTW, the movie has Jeremy Irons and Glen Close in it. Jeremy Irons won an Academy Award for his portrayal of von Bulow.

This is a summary of the cases against von Bulow.

I think Arbery should be mentioned here. WHY was the case dismissed against the dirty DA and why to this DAY has it not had to be explained to the public as to why?
NH officer faces child porn charges, accused of uploading videos

ICAC said its investigation found that in his role as a police officer, Giarrusso participated in fundraising for “child-focused facilities that help abused children heal by coordinating the investigation and treatment of child sexual abuse.”
I have an insane story about this guy....i've met him... im furious about this...
so what happened is years ago.... we met him and his dog and his wife huge mastiff was the dog.... later that night me ex and i are out on his motorcycle and we see fireworks everywhere (this is all occurring between salisbury beach, ma through seabrook beach nh into hampton beach nh.... so we are out on the bike fireworks everywhere and the car in front of us hits this huge dog we see running out to the road leash broken scared to death .... this guy and his friends come running we are like o no its the guy with that dog.... and this car took off so we helped with whatever we could and making a gurney for the dog and all that.... what stood out to me was here is a cop usually on the other side of chaos and tragedy and right now this is his life.... we get him and the dog all set so they can go off to the hospital police are looking for the car and its one of their own who's dogs been hurt all that
find out they find car and also sadly dog doesnt make it...
fast forward to now i watch the morning news he's on it.... my mom knows the story of the cops dog at the beach and im like thats him!!! thats the cop who was with family friends his kids and others kids and now he is on the news for this???!!!!!

i'm losing faith in humanity pretty quickly

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