Well they need to support/use the Innocent project and also sue in civil courts too.
That's also the stage that state representatives need to be lobbied to get involved.
Personally, the "innocence project" itself is not something i fully endorse. the premise is great but the LA one for instance...?? Just another thing with a lot of b.s. in it, money, non profit, etc., agenda. Not saying always, maybe some of them are, sure there are may some good ones involved in some areas but it's a whole thing.
I am going to leave that there.
State representatives?
It's all so far gone it isn't even funny.
Some, SOME, not many, I think still run or get involved with good intentions but are almost immediately done for. They can't do anything or are laid for immediately.
I admit I am cynical but it is not going to change. It's only going to get worse.
I guess there could be a revolution or civil war but those with the power would only make any in it a problem or someone over the edge.
I am serious.
People don't speak up because that's how it would be. And of course divide and conquer oh that surely goes on.
Youth may think they can make a difference, who doesn't at that age, like the UHC killing. But most would never go that far. But it is a dream.
I am to where most of us get, I think, take care of your own and self, to the best you can with the stupid systems and idiots and corrupt. I am well aware of what I sound like, but you just give up.
All I do is say what I can on here, etc. Bit*h about it taking years for a trial to take place, murders of children, things like that. Hope ir resonates with anyone that could maybe do something about it or make a difference. I don't sit silent. Obviously lol.
But nothing is going to get better, it slides further all of the time. Every generation, etc.
I am though more thankful every single day for things I maybe was not enough for. That UHC case and even the Hannah case. I mean wow. Who are these people.
I guess I am getting old but at the same time I can look back and know the age, etc.
She I guess just ran away, and probably lives in some fantasy world but again she's thirty, not 20. He though MURDERED.
I probably better stop, I really need some sleep but not able to yet.
Such stuff too is starting to be made out to be less serious or something. i guess if that's what someone young is looking at or watching, etc. and that's their influence overall, I can almost see how it happens.
It's like when notorious fame became fame, almost a good thing. And that's been some decades ago.
It didn't used to be.
But again, I am wandering.
And do know what I sound like.
Nonprofits, Hmm.
I could go down many a rabbit hole here. It's way too far gone.
And I know I started this over another topic, the Innocence Project, etc.
And then people get into those kinds of things and that's it. Or believe all of it.
Instead of looking at each as what it is. And each person in it as who they are, and each one. Nothing should be a blanket.
Our courts take now almost a decade to prosecute or proceed.
Now I know I need to stop.
Anyhow I am rarely on when anyone else is lol.
I don't have much lol in me but lol.
All of it is too far gone. One or another may make something better or try to here and there. Hopefully. But it's never going to turn around.
Unfortunately. and IMHO.