UT DYLAN ROUNDS: Missing from Lucin, UT - 28 May 2022 - Age 19 *Found Deceased**GUILTY PLEA*


Family offering $20,000 reward for man who disappeared after ‘weird run-in’ with stranger​

Katie Wells of Rigby tells EastIdahoNews.com her nephew, Dylan Rounds, was last seen Saturday in Lucin, Utah, on the farm where he is working. Rounds apparently called several family members last Wednesday after having a “weird run-in” with a guy on a gravel road.

“The man was walking down the gravel road barefoot. He flagged Dylan down, who was in his truck. He asked to use Dylan’s phone and was acting erratically. Dylan felt the man was dangerous and may have been high. When he asked Dylan for a ride, (Dylan) did not give him a ride,” Wells explains.

Wells says the man was spotted in Montello, Nevada several days later asking about Dylan and there are reports that the man got a ride to Dylan’s trailer on Saturday.

“We don’t believe anything was ransacked,” Wells explains. “Dylan is missing, his phone is missing and his wallet.”

Noting Dylan’s age, Wells says some people seem to think Dylan ran off, but she suspects foul play.

“He is an old soul, farm boy at heart. All he wants to do is get up and work all day every day. He isn’t interested in partying, he isn’t interested in travel. He never dated in high school. He’s not your typical 19-year-old,” Wells says.

Dylan’s mom, Candice Cooley, lives in Twin Falls and his dad, Justin Rounds, lives in Ucon. They are actively involved in the search and are offering a $20,000 reward to anyone who finds him or knows where he might be.

MEDIA - DYLAN ROUNDS: Missing from Lucin, UT since 28 May 2022 - Age 19
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James Brenner pleads guilty to murder of Utah teen Dylan Rounds​

James Brenner, charged in the death of once-missing Utah teen, has pleaded guilty to the murder Dylan Rounds.

The agreement was announced by the Box Elder County Attorney’s Office that said it has worked closely with Rounds’ parents to review options and to structure the plea deal signed by Brenner in First District Court in Brigham City Wednesday.

Brenner previously assisted in the location of Rounds’ remains that were recovered on April 9 as part of the plea and that was a condition of the agreement, the attorney’s office said. Brenner was charged with first-degree murder and desecration of a human body. The murder charge will be reduced to second-degree murder of Dylan Rounds, and the other count will be dismissed. Prison time will be mandatory as part of the agreement.

Brenner will be sentenced in the same court on July 1.

“Being able to bring Dylan home and bring this prosecution to a successful conclusion is a great relief,” Box Elder County Attorney Stephen Hadfield said. “It has been amazing to see what the tireless and unrelenting efforts of so many different people can accomplish. We wouldn’t be here today without each of their individual contributions.”
Second degree? I hope Dylan’s family had a say in that decision.

Man pleads guilty to killing Dylan Rounds; mom says he was 'mad' about where Rounds parked​

The man charged with Dylan Rounds' murder pleaded guilty on Wednesday, shortly after helping investigators locate Rounds' remains.

James Brenner, 61, pleaded guilty in Utah's 1st District Court as part of a plea deal that resolved three separate cases. A charge for aggravated murder, a first-degree felony, was reduced to murder, a second-degree felony, and a charge for desecration of human remans, a third-degree felony, was dismissed.

"We'd definitely been waiting for it, right. It's a giant elephant out of the room. It's definitely a relief in that sense," said Rounds' mother Candice Cooley.

The possible sentencing in the case of one to 15 years "is not justice. It isn't. But it's what the law is," she said.

Cooley told KSL the family was told Brenner had been "mad that Dylan put his truck in the shed that day. That's it, just mad. It was absolutely shameful that that's what it is over, and then that's probably all we'll ever get out of him. There's no legal arrangement that can make him tell us exactly what happened that morning," she said.

Nevertheless, "We can take a deep breath now. We don't have to wonder what the next phone call's going to be," Cooley said.
It had BETTER be 15 years and not ONE. I can understand needing him back more than pursuing stiffer charges without every finding him nor knowing more. Totally.

There is the part that he will be out in 15 if not ONE even and kill someone else, however, there also was no guarantee what would happen here with he charges and a no body case and what jury would decide.

They've been living in an unknown day to day for years now. Two to be exact and now they have as much as they will likely get and at least have him and a somewhat explanation. I can BELIEVE it was over something this minor with this guy and the fact Dylan wanted his seed or feed or whatever it was out of the rain. I can only guess Brenner thought it was not his right to do or use and he was in charge of that shed. Isn't that what it was or something on that order? All that was kind of talked of but a bit vague.

I would hope ANY judge would see it all for what it is, plea deal or not, and give him 15. I hope the deal doesn't name years both sides agreed to like 1 or 5 or some such. If they say 1 to 15 I am guessing not and that such was agreed to and he gets what a judge decides in that range.

She was judged, and I thought too at times she was turning LE's help against their but I get it and she was Dylan's MamaBear right up to the end here. This also shows what truly mattered to them versus vengeance, was getting whatever answers they could and mostly FINDING DYLAN and getting him back.

This case had had lot of attention but at the same time did not with others that popped up during.

Brenner did not have a pot to piss in nor a life it seems imo and so he should beg for a roof and life instead of even 15. Kill someone over such a thing? WTH is wrong with this "man"?

Even 15 is an unfair short sentence but again I can see if that is what it took to get him back why you'd go there. And his mom deserves credit. She railed at LE and the system and I did not think it always wise but you know what, it SHOULD be different. There is a huge disconnected between LE and victim's family members and it needs to be bridged. Big time. They and their red tape might take a month while you know time is of the ESSENCE if your child may still be alive and want action NOW.
Methinks "parking issue" is not really what happened.
What do you think was?

I never believe words that come from a perp and only a perp. It does however fit with what Dylan told his grandma about having to go and getting his seed out of the rain or some such.

Of course Brenner would know such a story would fit.

I don't know that I believe it is true or isn't, just wondering what you are thinking the reason or motive was then?
What do you think was?

I never believe words that come from a perp and only a perp. It does however fit with what Dylan told his grandma about having to go and getting his seed out of the rain or some such.

Of course Brenner would know such a story would fit.

I don't know that I believe it is true or isn't, just wondering what you are thinking the reason or motive was then?
No idea but definitely not just a "parking issue"
No idea but definitely not just a "parking issue"
And maybe it isn't and was something more or a young teen's attitude, and a man who thought himself in charge or wanting to be was ticked. Hard to say the real reason.

I dont' have time to go back and read specifics but it does fit with stuff in the beginining. At first we did not know whose land was whose, if Dylan had a right to park his truck in it to keep his load dry, etc. and there was talk if I recall that Brennan oversaw it or some such. I can't give the details nor recall them all but I recall that much and a bit more.

Of course this is known so Brennan coudld be giving that as his reason and it is a lie, possible, but it also fits.

Dylan's last contact was with his grandma if I recall and he had to go as it looked about to rain and he was worried about his seed that cost whatever for his crop that year.

I think Brennan was jealous, insecure, did not like Dylan's attitude and so on. This man I believe was also friends with his grandparents or the person whose land and help Dylan had or some such. I can't recall all and I certainly am not dissing the victim but do think we have a kid who are as they are at that age and going to conquer the land, the world and feel they have rights to things others may not feel they do or have an issue with.

It fits imo with things said from the very beginning of wanting his seed dry. And I believe Brennan controlled that site and shed, etc. And he likely just took access. He was very worried about his load getting wet.

I recall a lot just not every little thing.

Anyhow, just wondered what you thought as to otherwise and thought you knew something rather than no idea. Thanks for answering. Parking there may sound minor but this man had an issue with what he ran or thought he did, etc. And I think it unclear to this day about who and what has to that shed but I don't think Dylan had a right to park there necessarily without permission. It was not his nor his grandparents if I recall correctly.

‘He’s an evil man.’ Mom does not plan to speak at sentencing of man accused of killing Dylan Rounds​

Candice Cooley does not plan to speak at the sentencing hearing of the man accused of killing her son.

James Brenner is scheduled to be sentenced July 1 in Box Elder County, Utah after he pleaded guilty in May to one count of second-degree murder in connection to the death of 19-year-old Dylan Rounds. Brenner also pleaded guilty to two counts of possession of a firearm by a restricted person

“I think he’s an evil man and I think reading a victim impact statement would actually give him pleasure,” Cooley tells EastIdahoNews.com. “My statement will stay private and be turned into the parole board.”

“It’s a relief to have Dylan back. It’s was a nice Memorial weekend that will be forever changed but at least we didn’t have to think that it’s been two years and he was still out there,” Cooley explains. “We got him back before that two year mark. It would have been harder not having him back.”

Cooley has been working with the Missing in America Network to help spread awareness about other missing people. They had a booth at CrimeCon in Nashville this month and Cooley has established Dylan’s Legacy, a nonprofit that provides resources, guidance and emotional support to others affected by similar circumstances.

She is planning the second annual “sow a seed for Dylan” on Aug. 1, her son’s 22nd birthday. People around the world are encouraged to plant seeds in Rounds’ honor.

“We’re not looking backwards. We are looking forward to helping families. It’s a new chapter – not a closed book, but a new chapter,” Cooley says.

‘He’s an evil man.’ Mom does not plan to speak at sentencing of man accused of killing Dylan Rounds​

Candice Cooley does not plan to speak at the sentencing hearing of the man accused of killing her son.

James Brenner is scheduled to be sentenced July 1 in Box Elder County, Utah after he pleaded guilty in May to one count of second-degree murder in connection to the death of 19-year-old Dylan Rounds. Brenner also pleaded guilty to two counts of possession of a firearm by a restricted person

“I think he’s an evil man and I think reading a victim impact statement would actually give him pleasure,” Cooley tells EastIdahoNews.com. “My statement will stay private and be turned into the parole board.”

“It’s a relief to have Dylan back. It’s was a nice Memorial weekend that will be forever changed but at least we didn’t have to think that it’s been two years and he was still out there,” Cooley explains. “We got him back before that two year mark. It would have been harder not having him back.”

Cooley has been working with the Missing in America Network to help spread awareness about other missing people. They had a booth at CrimeCon in Nashville this month and Cooley has established Dylan’s Legacy, a nonprofit that provides resources, guidance and emotional support to others affected by similar circumstances.

She is planning the second annual “sow a seed for Dylan” on Aug. 1, her son’s 22nd birthday. People around the world are encouraged to plant seeds in Rounds’ honor.

“We’re not looking backwards. We are looking forward to helping families. It’s a new chapter – not a closed book, but a new chapter,” Cooley says.
At first thought, I thought why not and ask for the maximum and explain why as victim impact statements can have an effect but really quickly after, I thought they made their deal, the goal was their son back and answers and they got that, and regardless it is second degree and a deal made, and not going to be what the man deserves, and yes there will be parole hearings to save it for. Finally, I thought it is powerful in its own way to NOT attend. The man will have no one there most likely nor any statements even given against him (does't say about dad or grandparents but I am assuming and did not read the link) and that makes him very unimportant doesn't it... They have their son back and no one gives one sh*t about James Brennan as he goes off to prison, not even a negative sh*t to bother to show up. That's kind of powerful in its own way...
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This whole case is so darn sad and senseless. He was a kid who just wanted to live his dream.
Well said and very true.

I think Brennan was a man that couldn't handle a "kid" that had more than he did and people that loved and supported him and that he had a dream.

A total loser that breathes our air.

I don't like that this man won't be in jail for life nor that it is only second degree but that is what they were looking at anyhow I think (2nd degree) and I see him as the type that the next time he is out and someone piss*s him off, he will kill again or attack. But for what they had and the odds, I understand or think I do, the choice and their goal was to get their son back. And when she talks of saving her statement for parole hearings, that says to me they thought long and hard about the fact he will be up for parole probably many times and that is how she will fight his being put back out on the streets. The case was largely circumstantial with no body and it took forever as it was to have him charged. Now they HAVE DYLAN, it is more or less admitted by Brennan he DID THIS because he directed them to his body, and they have answers. As SENSELESS as it is, as you say and I agree.

I see Dylan as a hardworking young man with a dream who loved his family but was as naive as any of our children or we were at that age. Remember the one we all were wondering about that he gave a ride to that was as suspicious as anyone we knew of in the case and mom said he didn't tell them because he knew he'd probably get lectured for picking up a barefoot stranger or some such... And Dylan's boots had been found so it was kind of something to wonder about. It does show though a trust and maybe naivete. Heck I still trust too much at my age and yet I follow crime where I should know better.

Sad, senseless, and someone who would add value to this world lost while his killer who takes away from this world survives. It is all so backwards. And so unfair.

James Brenner, who pleaded guilty to murdering Dylan Rounds, sentenced to 3 to 45 years in prison​

The man who recently admitted to killing 19-year-old farmer Dylan Rounds in the west desert of Utah more than two years ago was sentenced Monday to between three and 45 years in prison.

Appearing in Utah's First District Court in Brigham City, 60-year-old James A. Brenner remained silent throughout the hearing as Judge Brandon Maynard handed down the sentence for three second-degree felony charges — one for the murder of Rounds, and two for possession of a dangerous weapon by a restricted person. Each of the charges came with a sentence of one to 15 years, with each sentence to be served consecutively.

Brenner’s guilty pleas in May were the result of an agreement in which the murder charge was reduced from aggravated murder, which carries a sentence of 25 years to life in prison and the possibility of the death penalty; to murder, which mandates a prison sentence of one to 15 years.

In March of this year, prosecutors struck the plea deal with the consent of Rounds' family in return for Brenner disclosing the location of Rounds’ remains, which were recovered on April 9.

In handing down the sentence, Maynard told Brenner he would recommend to the Utah Board of Pardons & Parole "that they keep you as long as they legally can.

"I think that’s the only leeway I have in this sentencing," Maynard said to Brenner. "I wish I could do something more."

James Brenner, who pleaded guilty to murdering Dylan Rounds, sentenced to 3 to 45 years in prison​

The man who recently admitted to killing 19-year-old farmer Dylan Rounds in the west desert of Utah more than two years ago was sentenced Monday to between three and 45 years in prison.

Appearing in Utah's First District Court in Brigham City, 60-year-old James A. Brenner remained silent throughout the hearing as Judge Brandon Maynard handed down the sentence for three second-degree felony charges — one for the murder of Rounds, and two for possession of a dangerous weapon by a restricted person. Each of the charges came with a sentence of one to 15 years, with each sentence to be served consecutively.

Brenner’s guilty pleas in May were the result of an agreement in which the murder charge was reduced from aggravated murder, which carries a sentence of 25 years to life in prison and the possibility of the death penalty; to murder, which mandates a prison sentence of one to 15 years.

In March of this year, prosecutors struck the plea deal with the consent of Rounds' family in return for Brenner disclosing the location of Rounds’ remains, which were recovered on April 9.

In handing down the sentence, Maynard told Brenner he would recommend to the Utah Board of Pardons & Parole "that they keep you as long as they legally can.

"I think that’s the only leeway I have in this sentencing," Maynard said to Brenner. "I wish I could do something more."
I can only guess he wouldn't cave until there was a chance of "three". Probably what the family had to do to get him back. To my knowledge though a judge can totally go against a plea deal, one doesn't see it much but they can.

Only guessing but Candace wanted her son back and this is what it took even if he might be out in three years. I am guessing they got him back and then will go on to fight any CHANCE of his release from here on after.

She's definitely a mama bear and would have been a grandma bear. even though she went against what we'd all bow down to at times and all or most of us do. don't rock the boat ya know. there are points though you don't care what more bad can be done to me or my child, grandchild, etc. while LE is telling you to just trust, etc... It isn't that easy....

Jmo. She GOT her so back and he probably never agreed until he had a chance of a very minimum number of years, three to be exact...

James Brenner, who pleaded guilty to murdering Dylan Rounds, sentenced to 3 to 45 years in prison​

The man who recently admitted to killing 19-year-old farmer Dylan Rounds in the west desert of Utah more than two years ago was sentenced Monday to between three and 45 years in prison.

Appearing in Utah's First District Court in Brigham City, 60-year-old James A. Brenner remained silent throughout the hearing as Judge Brandon Maynard handed down the sentence for three second-degree felony charges — one for the murder of Rounds, and two for possession of a dangerous weapon by a restricted person. Each of the charges came with a sentence of one to 15 years, with each sentence to be served consecutively.

Brenner’s guilty pleas in May were the result of an agreement in which the murder charge was reduced from aggravated murder, which carries a sentence of 25 years to life in prison and the possibility of the death penalty; to murder, which mandates a prison sentence of one to 15 years.

In March of this year, prosecutors struck the plea deal with the consent of Rounds' family in return for Brenner disclosing the location of Rounds’ remains, which were recovered on April 9.

In handing down the sentence, Maynard told Brenner he would recommend to the Utah Board of Pardons & Parole "that they keep you as long as they legally can.

"I think that’s the only leeway I have in this sentencing," Maynard said to Brenner. "I wish I could do something more."
Hopefully the parole board will keep him in there until his dying day.
I am not the biggest Law and Crime fan but I'd call this a must watch. A lot of the sentencing and dad speaking, Brenner shaking his head when it is said Dylan ate with him, helped him, etc. it said how he could not look a person in the eyes to that day, and only gave up his location to help himself, etc. and more. Dylan's dad talked and Candace chose not to.

She was criticized and I joined in myself at times because of the "don't alienate LE" thing but I've also said she is one strong woman.

They got their son BACK and I'm not sure that would have happened without her.

It's a good watch as I said and Brenner himself is pathetic imo and a sad but good wrap to this case. I would call it a must watch. There is a moment or two the court audio isn't great but it gets better.

When posting that I was not entirely through it. Prosecutor made an unusual request that Brenner be made to face the family and gallery and people who cared about Dylan. Defense objected. Judge ruled against defense and requested Brenner face the gallery. Defense asked if it was a "request", judge said yes and defense atty whispered to Brenner and Brenner refused. I take this to mean it was not an order and so he could refuse... The man is a real piece of work...
Judge wishes he could give him more but was limited by deal but he gave him consecutive and judge already put his opinion in to parole board he be held as long as can. Judge basically says to Utah parole board to do what he can't and keep him in.

Again, this is a much watch imo.

Brenner's refusal imo to look at gallery didn't help him.

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