UT DYLAN ROUNDS: Missing from Lucin, UT - 28 May 2022 - Age 19 *Found Deceased**GUILTY PLEA*


Family offering $20,000 reward for man who disappeared after ‘weird run-in’ with stranger​

Katie Wells of Rigby tells EastIdahoNews.com her nephew, Dylan Rounds, was last seen Saturday in Lucin, Utah, on the farm where he is working. Rounds apparently called several family members last Wednesday after having a “weird run-in” with a guy on a gravel road.

“The man was walking down the gravel road barefoot. He flagged Dylan down, who was in his truck. He asked to use Dylan’s phone and was acting erratically. Dylan felt the man was dangerous and may have been high. When he asked Dylan for a ride, (Dylan) did not give him a ride,” Wells explains.

Wells says the man was spotted in Montello, Nevada several days later asking about Dylan and there are reports that the man got a ride to Dylan’s trailer on Saturday.

“We don’t believe anything was ransacked,” Wells explains. “Dylan is missing, his phone is missing and his wallet.”

Noting Dylan’s age, Wells says some people seem to think Dylan ran off, but she suspects foul play.

“He is an old soul, farm boy at heart. All he wants to do is get up and work all day every day. He isn’t interested in partying, he isn’t interested in travel. He never dated in high school. He’s not your typical 19-year-old,” Wells says.

Dylan’s mom, Candice Cooley, lives in Twin Falls and his dad, Justin Rounds, lives in Ucon. They are actively involved in the search and are offering a $20,000 reward to anyone who finds him or knows where he might be.

MEDIA - DYLAN ROUNDS: Missing from Lucin, UT since 28 May 2022 - Age 19
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WOW so rarely happens. So the perp gave it up in exchange for a plea deal. I'm not giving him a pat on the back but most won't even then give the body to the family because they know then it is known they killed them and their last bit of control. Haven't listened to all yet but it would NOT surprise me if Dylan's parents were willing to offer some deal or tell authorities they could in exchange for their son. Hopefully it is not too sweet of one BUT this still rarely happens. I'll give him credit for doing the right thing although whether it was for self or for the parents, that's debatable.
So now even though they knew at heart, what a sad night for his parents and for all. It is just hitting me. There was little doubt but a 19 year old kid, remains found, now known dead. That BITES. AFter how long of tooth and nail fighting and looking, this has to hit home hard.
I guess we now know for the case it is all but over as some deal was reached and he has been recovered. I only wonder if they also asked for any explanation not that it would necessarily be true anyhow, and where he was found and whether he would have ever been without this info.

RIP child. Dylan. We have a Dylan in my family.

It's just so wrong, what is going on in this world today. You get upset at people if that is what it was, fine, get in a snit and storm off, you don't murder them for God's sake.

And maybe that's part of what is wrong. Whether agree or not when you believe there is reason to be a decent person, follow some morals and some rules and there are consequences if you don't, then one sees a whole lot less of it. Add in years of no such thing so common, laws and sentences getting lax, drugs gone crazy and allowed to and this is what one gets in this world. Not that there hasn't always been crime but nothing like these days.

I don't know if she'll head right off doing it but once having a chance to grieve and take the hard charging off for a bit, I think Candace will have a lot to say and want to make a difference. I could be wrong but that's my prediction...

I'm happy they got their son back, I'm sad in that this was the outcome. Prayers for the family. And I even hope Brenner did it for even a smidgeon of a soul and the right reasons but that's doubtful.
Just watching the rest of what you posted by Nate. Clearly they contacted Nate and probably a few others, haven't looked yet. It is short but Nate is always so respectful and not sensational and knows his case and cares for the families. He's doing good coverage on it and hitting the points and story and relation as to where found, etc. He has a live on right now for Daybell but I haven't looked yet as I'm watching this recording of his. And he's sharing pictures.

Hugs to Dylan's family.

And thanks for the news. I didn't think he'd likely be found.
Probably the same info as the video since it’s the same news station but here’s an article.

Body of Dylan Rounds found in remote Utah desert, family says​

The body of Dylan Rounds, a man from eastern Idaho who has been missing for nearly two years, was recovered Tuesday morning in a remote part of northern Utah near the Nevada line, according to his family.

“We thank everyone for their support and love,” Candice Cooley, Round’s mother, tells EastIdahoNews.com. “We are grateful we now have Dylan’s body and can bring him home as we continue our fight for justice.”

James Brenner is charged with aggravated murder and abuse or desecration of a human body in connection to Rounds’ death. He led authorities to the location of the young man’s burial site Tuesday morning as part of a plea agreement, Cooley says. Family members were told around 11 a.m. that skeletal remains had been found and authorities believe they are Rounds’.

“The FBI assisted the Box Elder County Sheriff’s Office by processing the area for evidence and recovering the remains. The remains are in the possession of the Utah Office of the Medical Examiner for confirmation of identity,” the Box Elder County Sheriff’s Office posted in a statement on Facebook.
WOW so rarely happens. So the perp gave it up in exchange for a plea deal. I'm not giving him a pat on the back but most won't even then give the body to the family because they know then it is known they killed them and their last bit of control. Haven't listened to all yet but it would NOT surprise me if Dylan's parents were willing to offer some deal or tell authorities they could in exchange for their son. Hopefully it is not too sweet of one BUT this still rarely happens. I'll give him credit for doing the right thing although whether it was for self or for the parents, that's debatable.
I'm sure it was a plea deal. The "Wetterling's" Had to accept a deal to find him, And to hear exactly what happened. So that "Danny Heinrich" Would not be charged with the murder. And do his time in federal prison for the 19 ring binders of child pornography. He's NEVER GETTING OUT! I CAN'T IMAGINE!!! These scumbags don't just give up the information for nothing.
I'm sure it was a plea deal. The "Wetterling's" Had to accept a deal to find him, And to hear exactly what happened. So that "Danny Heinrich" Would not be charged with the murder. And do his time in federal prison for the 19 ring binders of child pornography. He's NEVER GETTING OUT! I CAN'T IMAGINE!!! These scumbags don't just give up the information for nothing.
Yeah it's almost for certain totally self serving. I'd hope an ounce was for guilt and the family but doubtful. Those that can commit such crimes aren't that kind of person.

I hope they didn't go with too great of a deal or too little time. It wasn't a DP case and so they couldn't trade that for life. Pretty sure anyhow. I just hope he gets enough years still that he's apt to die in prison.

I know they felt him dead and had no real hope of otherwise but it still must sock one in the gut when that body is found and it's no longer a question. Even though it is probably mixed with some sad relief that the loved one has been found and the years of searching and questions are over.
WOW so rarely happens. So the perp gave it up in exchange for a plea deal. I'm not giving him a pat on the back but most won't even then give the body to the family because they know then it is known they killed them and their last bit of control. Haven't listened to all yet but it would NOT surprise me if Dylan's parents were willing to offer some deal or tell authorities they could in exchange for their son. Hopefully it is not too sweet of one BUT this still rarely happens. I'll give him credit for doing the right thing although whether it was for self or for the parents, that's debatable.
If the family is ok with the deal, so am I.
If the family is ok with the deal, so am I.
Ditto. Victims and their families first. Always. Imo.

If they have questions, needs, or suggestions then they should be listened to and all that can be done or answers given be provided. If they were okay and agreed to this and even perhaps thought of this deal, all power to them.

Family of Dylan Rounds announces nonprofit in his memory​

In a statment on Wednesday, the family of Dylan Rounds announced the creation of a nonprofit in his honor.

“While we had hoped for a different outcome, we have known since the start Dylan was no longer alive. This recent development means the investigation has gone full circle and now we can finally bring Dylan home and close this chapter,” the family statement read.

“We find solace in knowing that Dylan was surrounded by a network of caring individuals who spared no efforts in the search for him,” the statement read. “Your prayers, well-wishes, and acts of kindness sustained us through this ordeal, and we will forever be indebted to each and every one of you. As we come to terms with this heartbreaking discovery, we kindly request privacy and respect as we grieve the passing of our beloved Dylan.”

“In the wake of this heart-wrenching experience, we have chosen to channel out grief into a positive force by creating Dylan’s Legacy, a nonprofit organization to help families in similar situations,” the statement read. “Dylan’s Legacy will serve as a beacon of hope and support for families navigating the distressing ordeal of a missing loved one and the frustration of getting authorities to act accordingly.”

Through the nonprofit, the family is hoping to provide resources, guidance and emotional support to those in a similar situation.

The family concludes its statement by thanking all those who helped in the search.

“The family expresses their deepest gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the search for Dylan and supported them throughout this ordeal,” the statement read. “They invite individuals and organizations to join them in their mission to make a positive impact through Dylan’s Legacy.”

Through this 501C3 nonprofit, the Cooley-Rounds family aims to provide resources, guidance, and emotional support to those affected by similar circumstances. From community awareness, to partnering with S&R organizations and advocating for policy changes, Dylan's Legacy will strive to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others facing the uncertainty of a missing family member. Establishing Dylan's Legacy is our way of honoring Dylan's memory and ensuring that other families facing similar circumstances receive the assistance and compassion they deserve.
She was a MamaBear and still is. I too at times thought don't get LE riled up by having a fit at what wasn't being done but I also understood it. Totally. Most go along and I had the same struggle different circumstances. You want to know every day what is being done and when there is silence you worry anything is being done and so on and most of us never have such a thing happe nor understand the system or process only like in their case their son wasn't even found dead where they would have known that He was MISSING.

I think she (and dad) have been instrumental in it all and came around over time and their reeling to getting what mattered most. WHERE he was and getting him back. That's my guess and probably even suggested how to put it to his killer and pressure and offer a deal. This is total guessing on my part but that's who she is and how I see her.

I hope they do effect change because it is true that families need more than that when they are reeling. There is a disconnect and it is not because LE is doing wrong, they have their job and you have your need for answers. Not families' faults and it isnt' LE's either in most cases. Each is in their own spot and LE is doing their job (usually). one would think what they've done etc. that court/victim's advocates would bridge that gap but they don't. You need to hear from the detectives or the sheriff or at least be in regular touch with ONE. We had to seek it. We did get it. It was still frustrating and almost beyond what we were going through at times. Wasn't there fault. Families need to not only be managed but know, some things and now you are ON IT.

I see similar in the Idaho 4 and Kaylee's mom and dad. Quite outspoken at times and continue to be. Again I do get it. It's what I almost did or wanted to do and spilled a bit at times but so long as that detective talked to me when I told him my whole family was about to lose it etc. and he'd tell me and calm it and give what he could and the reasons why we couldn't. But you know what I also watch the defenses in cases like Delphi and Read and Morphew putting on a public blitz while prosecutions have to or think wise to stay silent. it has to change. HAS TO. Our perp did the same thing and his family. Well not like national publicity but held court and gave their lies to area people and so on for months on end while our side was to stay silent but had to hear and live with this stuff every single day. Or say you know what, he EFFING DID DO IT. Want to hear what WE KNOW and what he did?

Good for them. Sorry you lost your son. Dylan Rounds RIP. Your MamaBear (papa too, etc.) did you proud. AND they have you back and I bet that's where it came round to as the foremost goal. Always was. Justice too and they are getting some pretty good justice as well.

James Brenner pleads guilty to murder of Utah teen Dylan Rounds​

James Brenner, charged in the death of once-missing Utah teen, has pleaded guilty to the murder Dylan Rounds.

The agreement was announced by the Box Elder County Attorney’s Office that said it has worked closely with Rounds’ parents to review options and to structure the plea deal signed by Brenner in First District Court in Brigham City Wednesday.

Brenner previously assisted in the location of Rounds’ remains that were recovered on April 9 as part of the plea and that was a condition of the agreement, the attorney’s office said. Brenner was charged with first-degree murder and desecration of a human body. The murder charge will be reduced to second-degree murder of Dylan Rounds, and the other count will be dismissed. Prison time will be mandatory as part of the agreement.

Brenner will be sentenced in the same court on July 1.

“Being able to bring Dylan home and bring this prosecution to a successful conclusion is a great relief,” Box Elder County Attorney Stephen Hadfield said. “It has been amazing to see what the tireless and unrelenting efforts of so many different people can accomplish. We wouldn’t be here today without each of their individual contributions.”

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