ELIZABETH COLLINS & LYRIC COOK: Young cousins kidnapped and murdered in Evansdale, IA - July 2012


On July 13th, 2012 Elizabeth Collins, age 8, and her cousin Lyric Cook, age 10, went for a bike ride in Evansdale. The two never returned and their abandoned bikes were later located on a trail in the southeast corner of Meyers Lake later in that day. A large search was executed in Evansdale and their disappearance was investigated by local, state and federal officials.

On December 5th, 2012 hunters in the Seven Bridges Wildlife Park discovered the bodies of Elizabeth and Lyric. Seven Bridges Wildlife Park is approximately 25 miles from where they disappeared.

To this day, no arrests in their disappearance and murder have been made.

Tips may be submitted by calling the Evansdale Police Department at 319-232-6682, emailing the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigations at OURMISSINGIOWAGIRLS@DPS.STATE.IA.US, by calling Cedar Valley Crime Stoppers at 855-300-8477, using Tipsoft by texting the word Cedar plus the tip to 274637 (Crimes), or by visiting WWW.CVCRIMESTOP.COM and submitting the information online. A person is eligible for the reward regardless of which of these specific methods is used to submit the information.
But there's so much more than that, things like both places are small towns, abduction from rec areas- specifically, trails... Same time of day, too- early afternoon and on a weekday...
Oh yes I agree one could find a ton more. I do think though the two victim, two girl thing is a HUGE similarity as well as some other things as to what really stands out. IN seems to have an online connection with Snapchat. Was there any of that with these girls? I hadn't thought so but I wouldn't doubt they were known, watched that day if not over the days as out and about and together riding here and there.
Oh yes I agree one could find a ton more. I do think though the two victim, two girl thing is a HUGE similarity as well as some other things as to what really stands out. IN seems to have an online connection with Snapchat. Was there any of that with these girls? I hadn't thought so but I wouldn't doubt they were known, watched that day if not over the days as out and about and together riding here and there.
To me, while the circumstance of two victims at once is remarkable, it's merely a coincidence. Now, I think the fact that they're young females wouldn't be!
Nor that the abductions occurred in secluded areas....Now, in the Dlephi case, the murders occurred in the vicinity, but I think that's only because the area itself was secluded enough so that the perp was comfortable. That said, the discovery site of the Evansdale victims appears identical to that of the Delphi victim's; looking at a pic, one might think it's the same place!
And...all the locations are areas familiar to an outdoorsman, perhaps primarily, I think, a fisherman.
To me, while the circumstance of two victims at once is remarkable, it's merely a coincidence. Now, I think the fact that they're young females wouldn't be!
Nor that the abductions occurred in secluded areas....Now, in the Dlephi case, the murders occurred in the vicinity, but I think that's only because the area itself was secluded enough so that the perp was comfortable. That said, the discovery site of the Evansdale victims appears identical to that of the Delphi victim's; looking at a pic, one might think it's the same place!
And...all the locations are areas familiar to an outdoorsman, perhaps primarily, I think, a fisherman.
Yes, I didn't try to put down in the post, but the outdoorsman part or someone familiar with recreational camping, fishing, etc. sites did cross my mind too. It sure isn't uncommon for someone avidly into, as you say, fishing to know many areas and sites and lakes, streams, etc. Likewise there are types that just frequent such areas for a few reasons, I've know a few of such types and not always for bad reasons, just like to take road trips for something to do and maybe sit at water's edge for awhile or drive in and walk around, hike, etc. see if anyone else is around, how they are doing fishing, etc. For younger ones they can sometimes be out of the way party spots, etc.

For me the young female double murders, proximity of the states and scene all are part of it. And now it does sound as if in both cases, the bodies were moved or victims taken elsewhere, etc. from maybe the original spot.

There are people that follow the Morphew case that think Barry Morphew could be responsible for Delphi. I think that one is a reach but I can see why they entertain it. He was from Indiana at the time, he was on apps or sites for very young women (not necessarily minors I don't think but seems the type he would cross that line meaning he may not look at a 17 year old as much different than an 18 year old but who knows. Just speculating... He killed his wife though imo for financial reasons mostly and because she was through with him, he did not kill children so I think it is a reach. He puts his hands in his pockets like the bridge guy and in some ways could look like him I guess with his mannerisms.

I don't know that most think of this IA case with him but they do think of Delphi. He is a landscaper, a hunter big time and does go to various locations for both or did I guess but not necessarily these areas or Iowa either.

Authorities seem to rule out a connection with this case and Delphi but it doesn't mean much to me. It may only mean they don't have a definite link and certainly not that it couldn't be the same killer. In the past many decades it was not uncommon to deny some victims were linked or that there was a serial rapist or killer on the loose either. They I guess think it tamps down the fear and yet put people at risk and in danger by not advising the public...

It may not be a big thing but there is also the fact both of these cases are UNSOLVED with double murders and crime scenes.

One of the major differences though is I think it very possible with Delphi there was the internet social app etc. connection to the case. I don't think there is in this one is there? Not that that means it still couldn't be the same killer finding his victims in various ways.

The alarm was also raised in both cases pretty fast. Both families knew within a short period of time the girls should have been home or in the Delphi case, there ready to be picked up... This killer got away that clean and fast although it may have been a close call for him who knows... It seems to mean he is familiar with the areas, does not necessarily arouse suspicion to have even come up as seen or as a possibility after, knows what he is doing and as you said is comfortable in the surroundings in both cases...
For me the young female double murders, proximity of the states and scene all are part of it. And now it does sound as if in both cases, the bodies were moved or victims taken elsewhere, etc. from maybe the original spot.
Well, if you're saying that you think the Delphi victims bodies were dumped where they were found, I'd disagree because I think the murders occurred in the immediate vicinity of where their bodies were found, indeed, before they were even known to be missing.
In the Evansdale case, as I recall, there was some question as to when the deaths occurred, although I think it's more likely than not that they were taken directly to where their bodies were eventually found.

There are people that follow the Morphew case that think Barry Morphew could be responsible for Delphi.

He killed his wife though imo for financial reasons mostly and because she was through with him, he did not kill children so I think it is a reach.
I haven't followed that case, but wasn't she having an affair with an old boyfriend? The last thing I recall about it- I don't know if it's true- is that she was recording her husband's phone calls. Is that right?
(I don't mean to imply that I think she deserves whatever's happened, just asking.)

One of the major differences though is I think it very possible with Delphi there was the internet social app etc. connection to the case. I don't think there is in this one is there? Not that that means it still couldn't be the same killer finding his victims in various ways.
When I first heard of the case, I wondered whether the perp somehow knew they'd be there, but since then, I haven't thought so.
Well, if you're saying that you think the Delphi victims bodies were dumped where they were found, I'd disagree because I think the murders occurred in the immediate vicinity of where their bodies were found, indeed, before they were even known to be missing.
In the Evansdale case, as I recall, there was some question as to when the deaths occurred, although I think it's more likely than not that they were taken directly to where their bodies were eventually found.

It truly depends on who did it for what I think here... And no, I don't think they were "dumped" there, they were staged/moved, etc. Per the recent news just some weeks back.

Yeah, lol, what criminal hasn't been considered for Delphi or seems to look like the bridge guy, I think many, many have. I've done it myself or speculated. Not on Barry so much although again I can kind of see why people COULD wonder somewhat...
I haven't followed that case, but wasn't she having an affair with an old boyfriend? The last thing I recall about it- I don't know if it's true- is that she was recording her husband's phone calls. Is that right?
(I don't mean to imply that I think she deserves whatever's happened, just asking.)
He wasn't really an old boyfriend but she had known him from years before. And it is my opinion Barry cheated throughout her marriage and she was finally staying as many do for the girls until they were older and probably decided to get through somehow by having someone else to talk to/see as Barry was no husband. I'm not saying she was not unfaithful at that point after years, she was, but I think afte rmany many years of a rotten marriage and poor excuse for a husband.
When I first heard of the case, I wondered whether the perp somehow knew they'd be there, but since then, I haven't thought so.
Do you mean Delphi or the Iowa case here?
It truly depends on who did it for what I think here... And no, I don't think they were "dumped" there, they were staged/moved, etc. Per the recent news just some weeks back.
Yeah, I recall what she said, and I still don't know what to make of it.

Yeah, lol, what criminal hasn't been considered for Delphi or seems to look like the bridge guy, I think many, many have.
Well, every other man in town looks like the bridge guy!
I think if there's more audio, they should release it.

Do you mean Delphi or the Iowa case here?
Delphi; I think both were crimes of opportunity.
Yeah, I recall what she said, and I still don't know what to make of it.

Well, every other man in town looks like the bridge guy!
I think if there's more audio, they should release it.

Delphi; I think both were crimes of opportunity.
I imagine she had some real reason for thinking it. And I'm not saying they were moved far or anything but I do think they could have been elsewhere a short distance away, etc. or even at the landowner's at first with Delphi. I recall rumors about a barn, etc. back in earlier days. And about him. No one found a thing the afternoon and night they searched nor did they find the girls.,.. Unlikely though other than short moving and staging I know.

Yes it is amazing how many fit the bridge guy or can be made to fit and not just in town. I've done it myself plenty...

At this point, I just can't see the harm it could do to release the rest of the audio. Anything or any part of it might trigger someone to know that is so and so and for that reason it should be released imo. I agree. Maybe there is something family doesn't want heard or something horrible on it but again if it helps someone identify him, that should be first and foremost.

Yeah I think crimes of opportunity but plus some knowledge of the girls or knowing them or of them or watching them. In Delphi, probably Snapchat possible and in this one, someone may well have known these girls go out and about by themselves on occasion on bike, etc. and the right time and chance came about after possibly seeing them around and watching them or watching for them...
I imagine she had some real reason for thinking it. And I'm not saying they were moved far or anything but I do think they could have been elsewhere a short distance away, etc. or even at the landowner's at first with Delphi. I recall rumors about a barn, etc. back in earlier days. And about him. No one found a thing the afternoon and night they searched nor did they find the girls.,.. Unlikely though other than short moving and staging I know.
But you're assuming they'd searched precisely where they were found, which I don't believe they had.

Yeah, I understand she had a reason to say "staged", I just don't think of bodies as staged- I think of scenes as staged- however, I recall that in the first press conference, LE wouldn't even say whether it's a homicide and so I think it could be that crime initially appeared as (possibly) something else.

Yeah I think crimes of opportunity but plus some knowledge of the girls or knowing them or of them or watching them. In Delphi, probably Snapchat possible and in this one, someone may well have known these girls go out and about by themselves on occasion on bike, etc. and the right time and chance came about after possibly seeing them around and watching them or watching for them...
Yeah, in this Evansdale case, I've thought it possible that they could have been seen before, and/or on the day, could have been seen riding by the perps house or wherever he was, possibly even seen on the trail from the highway.
But you're assuming they'd searched precisely where they were found, which I don't believe they had.

Yeah, I understand she had a reason to say "staged", I just don't think of bodies as staged- I think of scenes as staged- however, I recall that in the first press conference, LE wouldn't even say whether it's a homicide and so I think it could be that crime initially appeared as (possibly) something else.

Yeah, in this Evansdale case, I've thought it possible that they could have been seen before, and/or on the day, could have been seen riding by the perps house or wherever he was, possibly even seen on the trail from the highway.
Maybe they didn't search there, hard to say, but there sure were a lot of searchers as I recall...

What else could it appear like? Murder suicide? I can't think of much else. An accident would be unlikely with two... The other possibility is they just weren't releasing info or weren't sure they should at that point. It is usually crime scenes we hear of as staged but I guess the bodies are part of the crime scene or are the crime scene so to speak.

I wish I was more read up on this case. I know the basics but know the Delphi case much better. Did they look at neighbors, etc. and people close to home? I think it said too that they had been seen on bike in town. Maybe someone asked them where they were headed to that day or headed to next OR even lured them out there or suggested they go out there? Or were they known to do so?

Both cases could really be anything and they were opportunistic most likely unless someone lured them,, planned something with them, etc. If it was Kline in the Delphi case,, he allegedly was to meet Libby there...

We won't rest til you're behind bars says Drew Collins as 10-year anniversary approaches​

For Drew Collins, the mission to seek justice for his daughter, Elizabeth and her cousin, Lyric-Cook-Morrisey, doesn't stop until the person responsible is behind bars.

The unsolved murders of the cousins reaches a 10-year milestone on July 13.

It's now a nearly 10-year investigation into who kidnapped and murdered Lyric Cook-Morrissey and Elizabeth Collins on Friday the 13th, in July of 2012.

It remains a haunting and horrifying unsolved criminal case, with no arrests ever having been made. Tips in the case continue to come in. 117 in the last 10 months alone.

All tips are checked out and Bremer County Sheriff's Investigator Jason Ellison says they believe that like Evansdale, the Seven Bridges area plays a key role in this unsolved case.

"We do feel that the suspect was aware of or familiar with the Evansdale as well as the Seven Bridges area," Ellison said. "Seven Bridges is a very secluded area. Very primitive area that most people don't know about unless they've grow up around this area."
Just MOO, but I cannot get past the fact that both sets of victims have such strong physical resemblances to each other. Two sets of victims in different states-a coincidence. Two sets of victims in different states that very strongly resemble each other- my " it's a SK, but LE doesn't want to terrify the public by saying so" alarm is going off. And they especially don't want to terrify parents of girls, or girls who may resemble the 4 victims. MOO ing on this until the cows come home.
Maybe they didn't search there, hard to say, but there sure were a lot of searchers as I recall...

What else could it appear like? Murder suicide? I can't think of much else. An accident would be unlikely with two... The other possibility is they just weren't releasing info or weren't sure they should at that point. It is usually crime scenes we hear of as staged but I guess the bodies are part of the crime scene or are the crime scene so to speak.

I wish I was more read up on this case. I know the basics but know the Delphi case much better. Did they look at neighbors, etc. and people close to home? I think it said too that they had been seen on bike in town. Maybe someone asked them where they were headed to that day or headed to next OR even lured them out there or suggested they go out there? Or were they known to do so?

Both cases could really be anything and they were opportunistic most likely unless someone lured them,, planned something with them, etc. If it was Kline in the Delphi case,, he allegedly was to meet Libby there...
Murder/Suicide I don't see. I believe if that was the case I believe information would have come from evidence he left behind. Accident with both, No. This was intentional. They were found 20 miles away, And had been moved. Staging bodies is very common. The perp usually does it for shock value when they are found.
What else could it appear like? Murder suicide? I can't think of much else. An accident would be unlikely with two... The other possibility is they just weren't releasing info or weren't sure they should at that point. It is usually crime scenes we hear of as staged but I guess the bodies are part of the crime scene or are the crime scene so to speak.
Yeah, but to me, posing and staging are two different things with different purposes and so should be differentiated. Simply put, I think posing refers to the body and staging refers to the scene. Now certainly, staging the scene could include posing the body, but just because a body is posed (to my mind) doesn't mean that the scene was staged because staging is to change the appearance of the type of crime and posing can have some other unrelated purpose. (Do you see what I mean?)

As for LE's interpretation of the scene or whether they simply weren't releasing info for some (unimaginable to me) reason, I'm at a loss as to which it was or why.
(If you'll recall, at the first press conference they actually wouldn't say whether it was a homicide which I still can't wrap my head around.)

Just MOO, but I cannot get past the fact that both sets of victims have such strong physical resemblances to each other. Two sets of victims in different states-a coincidence. Two sets of victims in different states that very strongly resemble each other- my " it's a SK, but LE doesn't want to terrify the public by saying so" alarm is going off. And they especially don't want to terrify parents of girls, or girls who may resemble the 4 victims. MOO ing on this until the cows come home.
(Mooing and cows, lol!)
Indeed, the victimology is remarkably similar as is the profile of the perp!
Surely inconsequential, but rather interesting to me is that with each set of girls there's a contemporary name and one that's traditional.
Murder/Suicide I don't see. I believe if that was the case I believe information would have come from evidence he left behind. Accident with both, No. This was intentional. They were found 20 miles away, And had been moved. Staging bodies is very common. The perp usually does it for shock value when they are found.
Just to be clear, I don't think it was anything but HOMICIDE, I am just wondering what else could have been possibly thought... Yes most likely staged for shock value is the reason.
Just MOO, but I cannot get past the fact that both sets of victims have such strong physical resemblances to each other. Two sets of victims in different states-a coincidence. Two sets of victims in different states that very strongly resemble each other- my " it's a SK, but LE doesn't want to terrify the public by saying so" alarm is going off. And they especially don't want to terrify parents of girls, or girls who may resemble the 4 victims. MOO ing on this until the cows come home.
I can't disagree with you at all on any of that. The pairs do have similarities in looks and a wholesome young midwest look imo. It hasn't gone unnoticed by me and I can even tell you which one you think looks like each Abby and Libby which means that similarity is there for all to notice, That does make it pretty weighty, the thought of an SK and that they most definitely are the same perp... Along with all the other things mentioned, i tis almost impossible to ignore...
Yeah, but to me, posing and staging are two different things with different purposes and so should be differentiated. Simply put, I think posing refers to the body and staging refers to the scene. Now certainly, staging the scene could include posing the body, but just because a body is posed (to my mind) doesn't mean that the scene was staged because staging is to change the appearance of the type of crime and posing can have some other unrelated purpose. (Do you see what I mean?)

As for LE's interpretation of the scene or whether they simply weren't releasing info for some (unimaginable to me) reason, I'm at a loss as to which it was or why.
(If you'll recall, at the first press conference they actually wouldn't say whether it was a homicide which I still can't wrap my head around.)

(Mooing and cows, lol!)
Indeed, the victimology is remarkably similar as is the profile of the perp!
Surely inconsequential, but rather interesting to me is that with each set of girls there's a contemporary name and one that's traditional.
LMAO yes I do see what you mean but I could say that if the body is posed IN the scene then the scene is staged in a way because something has been changed, however, I do get what you mean about one being for type of crime and posing for another purpose. I guess I figure when it comes to LE or media too, one better assume with many things that they could mean this or that or either...

If you think about stage and posing as in plays or modeling well you do set a scene on a stage and that can include posing...

LOL. The point is though we understand each other.

That is an interesting take on the names, never thought about that in the context of both cases but did note in each case separately that Liberty and Lyric are unusual names. If we want to get really into that they both start with L and the other two girls' full first names start with vowels. That is probably meaningless but who knows... SK have had odder more obsessive things...
LMAO yes I do see what you mean but I could say that if the body is posed IN the scene then the scene is staged in a way because something has been changed, however, I do get what you mean about one being for type of crime and posing for another purpose. I guess I figure when it comes to LE or media too, one better assume with many things that they could mean this or that or either...

If you think about stage and posing as in plays or modeling well you do set a scene on a stage and that can include posing...

LOL. The point is though we understand each other.

That is an interesting take on the names, never thought about that in the context of both cases but did note in each case separately that Liberty and Lyric are unusual names. If we want to get really into that they both start with L and the other two girls' full first names start with vowels. That is probably meaningless but who knows... SK have had odder more obsessive things...
They do have their hang ups. There were 2 "Alphabet Murderers". But they were not connected. And in different states.The victims had the same letter starting first name and last.
Yeah, but to me, posing and staging are two different things with different purposes and so should be differentiated. Simply put, I think posing refers to the body and staging refers to the scene. Now certainly, staging the scene could include posing the body, but just because a body is posed (to my mind) doesn't mean that the scene was staged because staging is to change the appearance of the type of crime and posing can have some other unrelated purpose. (Do you see what I mean?)

As for LE's interpretation of the scene or whether they simply weren't releasing info for some (unimaginable to me) reason, I'm at a loss as to which it was or why.
(If you'll recall, at the first press conference they actually wouldn't say whether it was a homicide which I still can't wrap my head around.)

(Mooing and cows, lol!)
Indeed, the victimology is remarkably similar as is the profile of the perp!
Surely inconsequential, but rather interesting to me is that with each set of girls there's a contemporary name and one that's traditional.
The mooing and cows analogy is a midwestern saying.Or at the very least a Hoosier saying.
LMAO yes I do see what you mean but I could say that if the body is posed IN the scene then the scene is staged in a way because something has been changed, however, I do get what you mean about one being for type of crime and posing for another purpose. I guess I figure when it comes to LE or media too, one better assume with many things that they could mean this or that or either...

If you think about stage and posing as in plays or modeling well you do set a scene on a stage and that can include posing...

LOL. The point is though we understand each other.
Sorry, it hadn't been clear to me that you'd understood the reason why I take issue with that FBI agent's use of those words.
I want to say that I do understand that LE aren't in the position to call manner, but my impression in this case is that it actually wasn't apparent.
As I recall, they did refer to the scene as bizarre- or words to that effect.

The mooing and cows analogy is a midwestern saying.Or at the very least a Hoosier saying.
I'm very familiar with the saying, I just thought it was funny- and clever!- the way you combined the two.

(Re "moo", though, seriously, Lord help those of us who don't know fact from opinion.)

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