Reminder that today should be when the defence responds to the retrial request. Then it will be with the judge for a month more.
The link below gives the reason for the sealing of the defence motion.
Ghislaine Maxwell’s legal team said juror Scotty David “violated” the convicted madam’s right to a fair trial with his jury questionnaire responses.
"In Tuesday’s letter, Maxwell’s attorneys said their retrial motion should remain under wraps until the court makes a ruling — or after a potential hearing on the request.
The defense team argued that unsealing the motion would give the juror “an improper preview of information he does not have and should never have, or at the very least should not have at this point in the process.”
Among the information, the lawyers are trying to keep from the juror are his “exact” questionnaire responses that have not been made public.
“The Motion will provide a roadmap of the defense’s examination of Juror 50 and will allow him to plan out and tailor his responses, or even potentially spoliate evidence, to paint himself and his conduct in the best light possible,” the lawyers argued in the letter. "