Epstein, Maxwell et al: exposed in child sex trafficking


Do we have a Jefferey Epstein thread?

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I wondered why he kept raising those little flags, wow!
Yep. In fact in some shows he will say you know that "jeff" guy we aren't supposed to mention lol. The flags, that's right lol forgot about 'em. He does have humor lol.

Yeah, why is Epstein so special they can't use the name? Odd. Other terms I think on YT are sexual assault, trafficking, various things. Epstein though I know is a no-no.

It's a definite no in titles I think but even in the shows they need to be careful to not slip with the name. Sexual assault careful ones say SA and try not to slip. The video will get pulled and sometimes they will get shut down for some time fighting to get their channel reviewed and back on air and more.
Yeah, I like him. If one wants to know the legal stuff or ins and outs with laws, etc. relating to a case, he is a good one. Legal stuff can be so dry but he has some humor he adds to it. But he also does not get all gossipy, nasty, never goes into rumors too much, etc. BUT he will make a joke or two about some and keeps it light but on point. He isn't a fan imo of Maxwell or JE BUT he still gives his honest take on the law, on the juror issue here and what is fair under the law.

Did you know by the way that JE's name can't be mentioned on YT or put in a show name, etc. or they find themselves censored or the show taken down, etc.? Why? I mean that's just outrageous imo.
I wondered why he just used Jeff and held up the sign. LOL. What is that all about?
I wondered why he just used Jeff and held up the sign. LOL. What is that all about?
The sign was a new one I think on that show. I got a bit of a kick out of it but forgot until @kdg411 reminded me and now you. He used to just say "you know that uhm JEFF fellow who we are not supposed to name or talk about". I hope you enjoyed him. Like I said legal stuff can be a bit dry and that's mostly what he covers, helping us all understand the ins and outs but he does it with some humor. He has had some beauties of dumb criminal contestants of the day or week. And he isn't scared to go against his own state's laws and ways and things like that and call it like he sees it even though he works in the very system. He will call out politicians as he sees them, etc.

Yeah, YT and "Jeff", can't say his name... Interesting no? We say it in here all of the time and people everywhere else do too...
The sign was a new one I think on that show. I got a bit of a kick out of it but forgot until @kdg411 reminded me and now you. He used to just say "you know that uhm JEFF fellow who we are not supposed to name or talk about". I hope you enjoyed him. Like I said legal stuff can be a bit dry and that's mostly what he covers, helping us all understand the ins and outs but he does it with some humor. He has had some beauties of dumb criminal contestants of the day or week. And he isn't scared to go against his own state's laws and ways and things like that and call it like he sees it even though he works in the very system. He will call out politicians as he sees them, etc.

Yeah, YT and "Jeff", can't say his name... Interesting no? We say it in here all of the time and people everywhere else do too...
Does he have ads on his YT channel? I know next to nothing about the process but I've heard a lot of words can get you demonitized on there. Don't ask me how it works, because I don't know. :)
Does he have ads on his YT channel? I know next to nothing about the process but I've heard a lot of words can get you demonitized on there. Don't ask me how it works, because I don't know. :)
He advertises for one or two things, one I think is a background check service. Then of course he has the ones YT interrupts with, those kind of ads. He isn't the big "pay" type as many are--meaning he doesn't do a ton of lives where people donate. He has one live every Tuesday night, where you can put questions in the chat and talk if you are a subscriber. He also does the shows where you can only listen if you pay to be that level of member (I don't, I'm a subscriber but not at the pay level). So anyhow, far from the worst as to the money end. He does tons of shows for free, prerecorded and one live for viewers at least a week.

Yes they can demonitize but they also pull their videos, lock their channels and other things. Some of it I think is algorithms or something. I mean like of their software hear or sees a certain word, it automatically locks them and freezes their account. It then takes a channel holder days and sometimes weeks to hear from YT to get their channel back after review. So most just avoid the words they know do it. Sometimes they have no idea why they get videos yanked, etc.

Also, if someone says something in their chats, etc. (like you are I) that YT doesn't like, or in comments, the same thing can happen.

That's about all I know about it. Still don't understand why his name can't be said but the names of others can.
Here is the Fox news link that states a " person familiar with the case, who spoke on the condition of anonymity " stated the juror did not disclose his victim status.

Reminder that today should be when the defence responds to the retrial request. Then it will be with the judge for a month more.

The link below gives the reason for the sealing of the defence motion.

"In Tuesday’s letter, Maxwell’s attorneys said their retrial motion should remain under wraps until the court makes a ruling — or after a potential hearing on the request.

The defense team argued that unsealing the motion would give the juror “an improper preview of information he does not have and should never have, or at the very least should not have at this point in the process.”

Among the information, the lawyers are trying to keep from the juror are his “exact” questionnaire responses that have not been made public.

“The Motion will provide a roadmap of the defense’s examination of Juror 50 and will allow him to plan out and tailor his responses, or even potentially spoliate evidence, to paint himself and his conduct in the best light possible,” the lawyers argued in the letter. "
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Reminder that today should be when the defence responds to the retrial request. Then it will be with the judge for a month more.

The link below gives the reason for the sealing of the defence motion.

"In Tuesday’s letter, Maxwell’s attorneys said their retrial motion should remain under wraps until the court makes a ruling — or after a potential hearing on the request.

The defense team argued that unsealing the motion would give the juror “an improper preview of information he does not have and should never have, or at the very least should not have at this point in the process.”

Among the information, the lawyers are trying to keep from the juror are his “exact” questionnaire responses that have not been made public.

“The Motion will provide a roadmap of the defense’s examination of Juror 50 and will allow him to plan out and tailor his responses, or even potentially spoliate evidence, to paint himself and his conduct in the best light possible,” the lawyers argued in the letter. "
I've been checking for updates today & still haven't found anything. Since you're ahead of us here in the US & see news before us (probably) I'd appreciate anything you can find.
I don't have time to watch this and may not get to at all but posting for others. Since word is being waited for, it is about the juror, maybe it is relevant to that, I have no idea. Scott does stay up with the case.

I've been checking for updates today & still haven't found anything. Since you're ahead of us here in the US & see news before us (probably) I'd appreciate anything you can find.
I have looked but not found anything so far. Is it possible that it is not public as the defence motion was sealed?

I just looked at this DM article and it includes a 9 page letter filed yesterday from the defence so perhaps that is the letter that was due? Anyway, here's the link.

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I have looked but not found anything so far. Is it possible that it is not public as the defence motion was sealed?
Was it due today by midnight ends the day? They could have filed at the 11th hour, not unusual, and then it just won't hit the system until tomorrow some time maybe?

But then like you say, the defense wants it under wraps so maybe that is what happened (if agreed) but one would think they could still confirm the filing without saying more... Maybe that request is being considered...?
Was it due today by midnight ends the day? They could have filed at the 11th hour, not unusual, and then it just won't hit the system until tomorrow some time maybe?

But then like you say, the defense wants it under wraps so maybe that is what happened (if agreed) but one would think they could still confirm the filing without saying more... Maybe that request is being considered...?
I just edited my previous post. There was another filing yesterday from the defence that I have just found. Have still not seen anything from the prosecution so far.

Thanks for posting the Scott Reisch video. He really has a pop at the jurors in this one. The other cases he covers are interesting too, including his comments on Avenatti defending himself.
I just edited my previous post. There was another filing yesterday from the defence that I have just found. Have still not seen anything from the prosecution so far.

Thanks for posting the Scott Reisch video. He really has a pop at the jurors in this one. The other cases he covers are interesting too, including his comments on Avenatti defending himself.
I wish I'd had time to watch it. And then I probably won't get back to it. I thought you'd maybe like him. I find him unique for a defense attorney and even unique for an attorney at all. But he knows his stuff. A person doesn't have to know anything to sense that about how well read and informed he is on law.

Avenatti now that's a name I haven't thought of in a long time... If he is in the news afresh, I am not up on it. If it is old coverage by Scott, I'm not surprised he covered it.

He doesn't cover every single case but he seems to have the key big ones most follow. He has Vallow, he picked up Murdaugh quickly and many aren't doing that one, Epstein, Maxwell, Morphew, definitely Leticia Stauch and more. And some humor. I wish I had the time lately to keep up.

Always keep in mind too if there is a trial of anything he covers and often some he doesn't, his channel will often be airing it and it is a pretty safe place overall to chat while the trials are live. One only needs to be a subscriber (a free one). For instance, I think he had the Iowa case of the murder of Mollie Tibbetts live trial but I'm not sure if he covered the case. I was watching it some on Court TV or Law and Crime and the chat was atrocious and one couldn't keep up or read it anyhow. I went into Scott's channel and so much better. I could have which case wrong but I'm just saying even if he is working, he sets up the live feed and his moderators take care of it I think.
I wish I'd had time to watch it. And then I probably won't get back to it. I thought you'd maybe like him. I find him unique for a defense attorney and even unique for an attorney at all. But he knows his stuff. A person doesn't have to know anything to sense that about how well read and informed he is on law.

Avenatti now that's a name I haven't thought of in a long time... If he is in the news afresh, I am not up on it. If it is old coverage by Scott, I'm not surprised he covered it.

He doesn't cover every single case but he seems to have the key big ones most follow. He has Vallow, he picked up Murdaugh quickly and many aren't doing that one, Epstein, Maxwell, Morphew, definitely Leticia Stauch and more. And some humor. I wish I had the time lately to keep up.

Always keep in mind too if there is a trial of anything he covers and often some he doesn't, his channel will often be airing it and it is a pretty safe place overall to chat while the trials are live. One only needs to be a subscriber (a free one). For instance, I think he had the Iowa case of the murder of Mollie Tibbetts live trial but I'm not sure if he covered the case. I was watching it some on Court TV or Law and Crime and the chat was atrocious and one couldn't keep up or read it anyhow. I went into Scott's channel and so much better. I could have which case wrong but I'm just saying even if he is working, he sets up the live feed and his moderators take care of it I think.
Avenatti is a current trial where he is being sued by Stormy Daniels, so Reisch was covering the summing up by Avenatti in his own defence.
all she is "proving" with this is that she is awful at Photoshop.
She is backing up her ex's claim that the pic is fake. Apparently the FBI have the actual pic, according to older reports, so I don't know how Guiffre is going to provide the original, unless she gets it back from them or has the negative.
She is backing up her ex's claim that the pic is fake. Apparently the FBI have the actual pic, according to older reports, so I don't know how Guiffre is going to provide the original, unless she gets it back from them or has the negative.
But doing a terrible job of it. Like I said, all she is "proving" is that she is awful at Photoshop and nothing else in that article.
Avenatti is a current trial where he is being sued by Stormy Daniels, so Reisch was covering the summing up by Avenatti in his own defence.
I see. News to me. Not surprised he is in the news though. He isn't in jail? I lost track of those two some time ago. After the key to the city or whatever it was, and hearing a bit more about him, I'd had my fill though.

I see a few minutes of some of Scott's once in awhile lately (not often) but must have missed that one.

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