I have no doubt there are unlisted guests. He also had several properties so who knows who all attended his parties there. Many of his friends also probably had their own private jets so they wouldn't be on his logs. A lot of smaller aircraft don't have to file flight plans so I am positive many take advantage of that loophole.
Yes, she is no scapegoat. She is a criminal and where she needs to be.
Been so overwhelmed, not sure if I responded to this but I did read it and more yesterday at some point.
I would agree that I am sure others and more times than we know of and maybe ones unheard of have been at his other properties and maybe even at the island. I do think though from the girls and women themselves we likely know the biggest names they recall or were aware of as the POPE and PRESIDENTS and a PRINCE have been known of. So if they were scared of naming anyone they have already hit the biggest of the big and at least to what they recall and their memory. I'm not sure all came from them but my point is it is probably a pretty full accurate list as it's not just lower level high powered people but presidents and a Pope and prince on it. However, number of times, others, other homes owned, etc. that's another story. And yes maybe another or two we don't know of.
What I feel is missing which is obvious is what went on with each. In no way do I believe Andrew or Clinton didn't engage in anything but there is little info on that. Andrew there is some. OR all the others. I don't have any desire to know the details but with all the names who they went with and whether minors etc. all is missing. You know as a common sense logical thing people of huge power and status don't travel to an Epstein private island nor would be that stupid without having an intent to indulge in something somewhere they may be think is the one place on earth it is private, like kinds do the same and they can be out of the public eye, and so on. I guess there could have been some clueless ones but I doubt it or doubt there were many.
There is sooo much unknown here and covered yet. Even if they were with of age girls, it matters when one is a head of state, or a Pope, and so on. I did not capitalize Pope this site or this computer is doing that to many words of mine. Irritates the heck out of me. Earlier I tried to type per SE and it capitalizes "se". See? Random dumb words it even does it to. Anytime I type to word read it capitalizes the first letter. Oh look this time it didn't. Earlier I coudlnt' get it not to and I can't even change it when it does so. Sidetrack tangent, sorry.
I agree she is not a scapegoat. She deserves everything she got and I believe she deserved more and even now she gets rewarded from bad behavior with a prison Club Med membership she jumped ahead of WELL BEHAVED WOMEN unlike her in line for a spot. That sooooo disgusts me. But then I realized this is also Florida where JE got his sick deal.
Epstein escaped justice and left her as the key one facing it but that doesn't mean she deserves a pass. It only means he cheated all out of justice on both of them. And I do agree with Tresir and I think you would too that a ton of others need to go down but what cases they have and what they can prove is a different ball of wax there. I do think if there is NOT enough then they need to come out and say why they will never be charged and the reasons why or whether they are working on hopefully possible charges against some.
And Maxwell herself is key in that. She could for what I'd call the only time in her life do the right thing. Instead she is still some spoiled self centered brat who now has taken other women's spot in a prison. She is an enemy of all women that's for sure. Maybe unless you're Hillary and were invited to Chelsea's wedding and in high power as a type more like herself, etc. dealing with a man who you cover and help get his jollies at the expense of the girls or women. Where was it in the last month I read that Bill or one of his advisers or someone warned him it would be wise to stay away from and cut from Epstein... Some link here I'm sure as I don't look for the case or follow it unless something gets posted here.