Epstein, Maxwell et al: exposed in child sex trafficking


Do we have a Jefferey Epstein thread?

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I have no doubt there are unlisted guests. He also had several properties so who knows who all attended his parties there. Many of his friends also probably had their own private jets so they wouldn't be on his logs. A lot of smaller aircraft don't have to file flight plans so I am positive many take advantage of that loophole.

Yes, she is no scapegoat. She is a criminal and where she needs to be.
Been so overwhelmed, not sure if I responded to this but I did read it and more yesterday at some point.

I would agree that I am sure others and more times than we know of and maybe ones unheard of have been at his other properties and maybe even at the island. I do think though from the girls and women themselves we likely know the biggest names they recall or were aware of as the POPE and PRESIDENTS and a PRINCE have been known of. So if they were scared of naming anyone they have already hit the biggest of the big and at least to what they recall and their memory. I'm not sure all came from them but my point is it is probably a pretty full accurate list as it's not just lower level high powered people but presidents and a Pope and prince on it. However, number of times, others, other homes owned, etc. that's another story. And yes maybe another or two we don't know of.

What I feel is missing which is obvious is what went on with each. In no way do I believe Andrew or Clinton didn't engage in anything but there is little info on that. Andrew there is some. OR all the others. I don't have any desire to know the details but with all the names who they went with and whether minors etc. all is missing. You know as a common sense logical thing people of huge power and status don't travel to an Epstein private island nor would be that stupid without having an intent to indulge in something somewhere they may be think is the one place on earth it is private, like kinds do the same and they can be out of the public eye, and so on. I guess there could have been some clueless ones but I doubt it or doubt there were many.

There is sooo much unknown here and covered yet. Even if they were with of age girls, it matters when one is a head of state, or a Pope, and so on. I did not capitalize Pope this site or this computer is doing that to many words of mine. Irritates the heck out of me. Earlier I tried to type per SE and it capitalizes "se". See? Random dumb words it even does it to. Anytime I type to word read it capitalizes the first letter. Oh look this time it didn't. Earlier I coudlnt' get it not to and I can't even change it when it does so. Sidetrack tangent, sorry.

I agree she is not a scapegoat. She deserves everything she got and I believe she deserved more and even now she gets rewarded from bad behavior with a prison Club Med membership she jumped ahead of WELL BEHAVED WOMEN unlike her in line for a spot. That sooooo disgusts me. But then I realized this is also Florida where JE got his sick deal.

Epstein escaped justice and left her as the key one facing it but that doesn't mean she deserves a pass. It only means he cheated all out of justice on both of them. And I do agree with Tresir and I think you would too that a ton of others need to go down but what cases they have and what they can prove is a different ball of wax there. I do think if there is NOT enough then they need to come out and say why they will never be charged and the reasons why or whether they are working on hopefully possible charges against some.

And Maxwell herself is key in that. She could for what I'd call the only time in her life do the right thing. Instead she is still some spoiled self centered brat who now has taken other women's spot in a prison. She is an enemy of all women that's for sure. Maybe unless you're Hillary and were invited to Chelsea's wedding and in high power as a type more like herself, etc. dealing with a man who you cover and help get his jollies at the expense of the girls or women. Where was it in the last month I read that Bill or one of his advisers or someone warned him it would be wise to stay away from and cut from Epstein... Some link here I'm sure as I don't look for the case or follow it unless something gets posted here.
She is writing a book apparently so maybe she will save it for that
The book is to lie and exonerate herself/get her out. She isn't going to tell all. Or the truth. She will be a victim if anything, in it. If she was going to give anyone up, she'd have done it and tried to deal to save herself or cut herself a bit better sentence. And here's the kicker, the book should fail. Anyone dumb enough to pay money for her book and fund her in any way needs to get a reality check. Maybe someone doing a podcast to tear it apart. Like someone watching the Lifetime Lori Daybell movie which I refused to so they can tell others how false and bad yeah, let them do it. Don't everyone go give views of such a movie or pay for a book. Buy one copy and then send it nicely to all fellow YTers so you don't give a profit to such types.

Why would I or anyone have a desire to read her "book" of lies?

SOME paid for Chad Daybell's too just to see how bad and what he was about. So they could report on them. He probably made more money and not a lot once a suspect than he ever did when he had Tammy helping him with his publishing and b.s. books.

If I ran into one free at a garage sale I might take such books just to go home and read to be able to see how false but if it was 25 cents I wouldn't. Lol. Even though he wouldn't get the 25c. Or she wouldn't. Etc.

Who by the way are doing her appeals? She screwed over her lawyers with her brother and hub's help on top of it. Does she have a publicly paid appeals team? I forget or we've never known.
Been so overwhelmed, not sure if I responded to this but I did read it and more yesterday at some point.

I would agree that I am sure others and more times than we know of and maybe ones unheard of have been at his other properties and maybe even at the island. I do think though from the girls and women themselves we likely know the biggest names they recall or were aware of as the POPE and PRESIDENTS and a PRINCE have been known of. So if they were scared of naming anyone they have already hit the biggest of the big and at least to what they recall and their memory. I'm not sure all came from them but my point is it is probably a pretty full accurate list as it's not just lower level high powered people but presidents and a Pope and prince on it. However, number of times, others, other homes owned, etc. that's another story. And yes maybe another or two we don't know of.

What I feel is missing which is obvious is what went on with each. In no way do I believe Andrew or Clinton didn't engage in anything but there is little info on that. Andrew there is some. OR all the others. I don't have any desire to know the details but with all the names who they went with and whether minors etc. all is missing. You know as a common sense logical thing people of huge power and status don't travel to an Epstein private island nor would be that stupid without having an intent to indulge in something somewhere they may be think is the one place on earth it is private, like kinds do the same and they can be out of the public eye, and so on. I guess there could have been some clueless ones but I doubt it or doubt there were many.

There is sooo much unknown here and covered yet. Even if they were with of age girls, it matters when one is a head of state, or a Pope, and so on. I did not capitalize Pope this site or this computer is doing that to many words of mine. Irritates the heck out of me. Earlier I tried to type per SE and it capitalizes "se". See? Random dumb words it even does it to. Anytime I type to word read it capitalizes the first letter. Oh look this time it didn't. Earlier I coudlnt' get it not to and I can't even change it when it does so. Sidetrack tangent, sorry.

I agree she is not a scapegoat. She deserves everything she got and I believe she deserved more and even now she gets rewarded from bad behavior with a prison Club Med membership she jumped ahead of WELL BEHAVED WOMEN unlike her in line for a spot. That sooooo disgusts me. But then I realized this is also Florida where JE got his sick deal.

Epstein escaped justice and left her as the key one facing it but that doesn't mean she deserves a pass. It only means he cheated all out of justice on both of them. And I do agree with Tresir and I think you would too that a ton of others need to go down but what cases they have and what they can prove is a different ball of wax there. I do think if there is NOT enough then they need to come out and say why they will never be charged and the reasons why or whether they are working on hopefully possible charges against some.

And Maxwell herself is key in that. She could for what I'd call the only time in her life do the right thing. Instead she is still some spoiled self centered brat who now has taken other women's spot in a prison. She is an enemy of all women that's for sure. Maybe unless you're Hillary and were invited to Chelsea's wedding and in high power as a type more like herself, etc. dealing with a man who you cover and help get his jollies at the expense of the girls or women. Where was it in the last month I read that Bill or one of his advisers or someone warned him it would be wise to stay away from and cut from Epstein... Some link here I'm sure as I don't look for the case or follow it unless something gets posted here.
and why we have so little info on some of the very important people makes me convinced that there are more people of importance, but lesser known to us involved. It's amazing what kind of silence money can buy. If the girls had never heard of these people before, because they don't flaunt themselves in public, it's very easy to see how this could happen.

I can also see Epstein inviting high power people to parties (fundraisers, hobnobbing, making his list for future "clients", etc) on the island that didn't include the girls for status reasons. I'm not sure why people are convinced that every party out there included them. By stating this, I am not excusing anybody for even being associated with him for any reason and not saying any of these people did not go out there for the girls, just that just because somebody visited the island once or twice, doesn't mean they did. This includes absolutely anybody that we know of and not excusing anybody you mentioned. Just a generalization.
I think the prison got fed up with her complaining and she also has a cushy job in the legal dept where she has written her memoirs and is guarding them. Apparently they are not allowed to write a book as such but can write an account for their lawyer, which is how she got around it.

People like these are disgusting as well as all their rich and famous associates and they get away with it because of their perceived status.
I probably already responded to this but no time to look and catch up on all. It's disgusting, she has been rewarded for bad behavior and as she did with JE and always in her life, screwed other women out of a spot in this cushier part of the prison.

I have no interest in her book. I will guarantee there won't be a word in it that isn't self serving and about what really went on, it will be how she was framed, misled, a scapegoat, etc., how his agreement should have covered her, his money should have paid for her defense and so on and so on.

You are right they are disgusting and so are their rich or powerful or famous associates and it is no surprise someone who wasn't a politician or really an anyone like JE would be able to get in and play such types doing exactly the type of things many of them do or always have. Money schemes, lies, corruption, I don't even have the words. I am packing a lot in on a number of threads this morning too and it's a work day.

I agree with you that all the associates and more of big names and power and money have not went down. I do get some satisfaction of they probably still sweat and have for some years now... But they also are assured Maxwell isn't going to give them up apparently... What I hate about her more than anything is that she is a woman who is an enemy and abusive to all women/her own sex to see that the man is satisfied in his deviancy and help him do so. She did and showed the same thing in the prison jumping to the desired spot some staying behaved for ten years can't get a spot in. What is WRONG with that? This so shows who and what she is and still is. So very clearly.
and why we have so little info on some of the very important people makes me convinced that there are more people of importance, but lesser known to us involved. It's amazing what kind of silence money can buy. If the girls had never heard of these people before, because they don't flaunt themselves in public, it's very easy to see how this could happen.

I can also see Epstein inviting high power people to parties (fundraisers, hobnobbing, making his list for future "clients", etc) on the island that didn't include the girls for status reasons. I'm not sure why people are convinced that every party out there included them. By stating this, I am not excusing anybody for even being associated with him for any reason and not saying any of these people did not go out there for the girls, just that just because somebody visited the island once or twice, doesn't mean they did. This includes absolutely anybody that we know of and not excusing anybody you mentioned. Just a generalization.
I agree. I couldn't have told you who the French buy was or even knew much about AD I guess I could name him, his name has been out there forever, Dersowitcz, don't have the spelling. But women who were recruited as girls and you name it many of these people aren't the prince or president and some of us wouldn't know their import or power or money and if they were just there and you weren't told and had never seen them of course you wouldn't.

And yeah I am sure maybe he hosted things that were normal parties, fundraisers, get togethers, support events I have no idea where all that attended weren't attending for the reasons of sex etc. I'm not so sure I think that with the island though. Maybe his other homes. I don't have time and would need time to think about that. All had to be flown in and flown out. And were girls present or brought every time. Again I'd have to later think on this if I get a moment.

I do agree someone could go there and not partake but whether that means they didn't know or have the offer is another story I think is where I'm at on that...

I am convinced another president was out there but I never say it because I am not going to get into politics and it isn't a political thing with me. Just as with Clinton, even if one is one side or the other does anyone truly believe he never partook in anything? I mean COME ON. HE/THEY had SUCH an association so much as to be invited to Chelsea's wedding and he had such ties he was told by a staff member or someone it would be wise to disassociate from him but if there is anything Bill is, it is clueless and dumb. I'm sorry. That's not political. It is Hillary that has some brain cells, he is just a __________________ that I don't know follows his desires, needs, and his d*CK and probably will even as an old man.

I don't know if partook is a word LOL. But it seemed the right one to use above.

Yeah, there's a ton of people who should go down here. Proving it is another thing. It in no way excuses Maxwell and as I keep saying she could help that happen but chooses not to. She spend her time throwing her childlike tantrums with no one protecting her while watching other women and minor girls abused and giving her a cushy life and still screwing other women over.

I have NO SYMPATHY for her. Not a pittance and not an ounce. She shows who she is and her true colors to this very day.
Just because somebody has to be "helicoptered in" to the island also doesn't mean we will ever know who all was there. Helicopters don't file flight plans and many rich either have their own or have easy access to them. Plus, can't it be accessible by boat, too?

Just because somebody has to be "helicoptered in" to the island also doesn't mean we will ever know who all was there. Helicopters don't file flight plans and many rich either have their own or have easy access to them. Plus, can't it be accessible by boat, too?

There's also always boat, raft or canoe lol. Half jesting. Seriously though did they not ever have supplies etc. by boat/ship? I mean contractors had to get a ton of things in there to build that eyesore, the pool and you name it and I am sure it was not all helicoptered in lol.

How many yachts ever stopped by with the rich and famous just wanting to partake in some sex play with minors and debauchery for a day....
There's also always boat, raft or canoe lol. Half jesting. Seriously though did they not ever have supplies etc. by boat? I mean contractors had to get a ton of things in there to build that eyesore, the pool and you name it and I am sure it was not all helicoptered in lol.
Also these girls were kids. Kids that most likely only know the names of some of the well known names, to us, because they were told who they were and how "important" they were. Most were probably told by those very people themselves about how important they are - the natural full of themselves people.
Also these girls were kids. Kids that most likely only know the names of some of the well known names, to us, because they were told who they were and how "important" they were. Most were probably told by those very people themselves about how important they are - the natural full of themselves people.
I agree. LIke I said in the beginning I woudln't have known who some were, the ones that weren't presidents, etc. and kids certainly wouldn't. I do think if I recall many of the names though also come from the pilot, flight logs, housekeeper even, etc. didn't they? It's probably more comprehensive than we think but there too, I wouldn't know who all are without looking up, etc.

I wouldn't necessarily say a ton are unknown or not listed but I can believe there's some. And as far as what went on elsewhere and at other homes etc. who the heck knows.

I do think we can all agree not a single powerful man who "partook" has faced a bit of accountability other than sweating that they may...
I agree. LIke I said in the beginning I woudln't have known who some were, the ones that weren't presidents, etc. and kids certainly wouldn't. I do think if I recall many of the names though also come from the pilot, flight logs, housekeeper even, etc. didn't they? It's probably more comprehensive than we think but there too, I wouldn't know who all are without looking up, etc.

I wouldn't necessarily say a ton are unknown or not listed but I can believe there's some. And as far as what went on elsewhere and at other homes etc. who the heck knows.

I do think we can all agree not a single powerful man who "partook" has faced a bit of accountability other than sweating that they may...
It seems most rich and powerful don't face any accountability other than sweating. Money buys people and what you can get them to do.
It seems most rich and powerful don't face any accountability other than sweating. Money buys people and what you can get them to do.
I agree and again don't think almost anyone would disagree with that. Add in a woman who could out them all or many who stands by them and yeah, no accountability likely.

I'm cynical and I can only believe a fix will come in here for her at some point. She's kept her mouth shut for some powerful people and that favor will be returned somehow.

In fact, did bad behavior gets her the cushier spot or did some pocket lining or influence. If a prison rewards bad behavior over the good behavior of another prisoner I'd think they'd have to answer for that...They SHOULD have to buy is that really what it was....? Its a great story to claim rather than a payoff.
I agree and again don't think almost anyone would disagree with that. Add in a woman who could out them all or many who stands by them and yeah, no accountability likely.

I'm cynical and I can only believe a fix will come in here for her at some point. She's kept her mouth shut for some powerful people and that favor will be returned somehow.

In fact, did bad behavior gets her the cushier spot or did some pocket lining or influence. If a prison rewards bad behavior over the good behavior of another prisoner I'd think they'd have to answer for that...They SHOULD have to buy is that really what it was....? Its a great story to claim rather than a payoff.
Her keeping her mouth shut is probably why she is getting favors still while in prison.
The book is to lie and exonerate herself/get her out. She isn't going to tell all. Or the truth. She will be a victim if anything, in it. If she was going to give anyone up, she'd have done it and tried to deal to save herself or cut herself a bit better sentence. And here's the kicker, the book should fail. Anyone dumb enough to pay money for her book and fund her in any way needs to get a reality check. Maybe someone doing a podcast to tear it apart. Like someone watching the Lifetime Lori Daybell movie which I refused to so they can tell others how false and bad yeah, let them do it. Don't everyone go give views of such a movie or pay for a book. Buy one copy and then send it nicely to all fellow YTers so you don't give a profit to such types.

Why would I or anyone have a desire to read her "book" of lies?

SOME paid for Chad Daybell's too just to see how bad and what he was about. So they could report on them. He probably made more money and not a lot once a suspect than he ever did when he had Tammy helping him with his publishing and b.s. books.

If I ran into one free at a garage sale I might take such books just to go home and read to be able to see how false but if it was 25 cents I wouldn't. Lol. Even though he wouldn't get the 25c. Or she wouldn't. Etc.

Who by the way are doing her appeals? She screwed over her lawyers with her brother and hub's help on top of it. Does she have a publicly paid appeals team? I forget or we've never known.
She has the same woman lawyer Harvey Weinstein had/has.
There's also always boat, raft or canoe lol. Half jesting. Seriously though did they not ever have supplies etc. by boat/ship? I mean contractors had to get a ton of things in there to build that eyesore, the pool and you name it and I am sure it was not all helicoptered in lol.

How many yachts ever stopped by with the rich and famous just wanting to partake in some sex play with minors and debauchery for a day....
They had boats and a boat jetty as well as the helipad - just no runway for planes. The jetty can be seen in the pic.

It's also in the details of the sale of the two islands for $60m (half the asking price) approximately a year ago.
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Her keeping her mouth shut is probably why she is getting favors still while in prison.
Yeah or influence by those she keeps her mouth shut for got her there or funneled money by some or to someone in a position to make it happen was paid. I truly expect some time to go by and all of a sudden for some reason she gets some kind of release. That's cynicism and the the fact there are people out there that need her to stay happy with them that have the buck, the power and the influence BUT who also don't dare be caught paying her, doing anything for her, etc. with them as the person paying, influencing and so on....

Sounds on the other hand like she's had a bit of a heck of a time in prison too with her ticking off guards, upsetting other prisoners, reporting both, and more. That DM one was quite the article. Then she runs screaming when someone threatened to hit her with a padlock but apparently it didn't teach her anything or stop her from continuing. The guards, etc. probably couldn't stand her but someone higher up got influenced to move her. I truly have a hard time believing they rewarded her bad behavior just to get her off the guard's list of problems, sounds like there are plenty of them in that part of the jail. She'd have been seen as easy compared probably to some they deal with. She complained aboutt hearing two women having noisy sex in the bunk above her lol. Sorry, I can't help it. This woman is someone who subjected teens to sex with an old man and others and engaged at times herself the way it sounded or was present. Sordid, rape, minors, keeping an endless supply for her "man" of minors and you name it and providing to other powerful notable men and so on and so on but she can't take a night of someone else having sex above her. POOR Maxwell. This woman is so warped, clueless, selfish and childish, I don't think she truly can relate to what she did or how her complaints about the things she complains about relate or compare to what she did to others. I don't always think things are the parents' fault but I think her parents entirely failed her. Spoiled little got nothing to offer anyone never aduled brat and still acts like one.

I'll stop. I can't stand the woman. Clearly.
They had boats and a boat jetty as well as the helipad - just no runway for planes. The jetty can be seen in the pic.

It's also in the details of the sale of the two islands for $60m (half the asking price) approximately a year ago.
Thanks. Yeah I figured. And forgot to say earlier yes I think she is/was a helicopter pilot.

I do think the bulk of people are known but I can see where a fair few may not be between all the years, homes, the fact boats can come she could have helicoptered someone in that came in on their own plane and so on and I do agree that the girls and the women wouldn't necessarily know who all were. Where did JE's little black book so to speak go... Videos and so forth... I did follow his case/a lot on him before this thread here. Her too but of course when he was alive a lot was about him.

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