Epstein, Maxwell et al: exposed in child sex trafficking


Do we have a Jefferey Epstein thread?

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Lol, I guess I could link it even before watching I realized. His cover a number of cases so they don't always relate to just one to link them...

Oh PLUS it has READ sh*t on it which I've about had it with, maybe that was why. Haven't watched yet as I said.
Okay I had to go through all the rest to get to this part and DeSantis has ordered it released in Florida. Contrary to some people's belief about FL being the sunshine state with all law, they are not, and they usually keep such sealed. Scott says DeSantis says the details will be outrageous to decent people. DeSantis passed something to make it where such is not so hard to get or sealed.

He assaulted girls as young as 14 at his Palm Beach mansion and teenagers testified. Often paid cash or given rental cars if they found him more girls. When in his 40s. SA'ing them and committing statutory rape. Judge wrote details will be outrageous to decent people. Details will be outrageous, ranging from grossly unacceptable to rape, sexually deviant and criminal. AS we know Florida let him go basically... A year and a half when allowed to go to office daily on work release. There's some FL politics and payoffs for ya at the time...
And then he too, like Vinnie, talks of Susan SMith who killed her kids and is looking for sugar daddies and THINKS she is GETTING OUT.
@Tresir I am just starting to watch one of Scott Reisch's videos. He has stopped coming up for me for quite some time but today two or three have popped up. In this one, haven't seen it yet but he leads in with saying the grand jury transcript regarding that guy named "Jeff" (Epstein) has been released.... Not sure what all it entails but thought of you and that I'd let you know. If I watch it all and it is anything I will report back. Not sure I will get the chance but will see. Either way just giving a heads up.
Doing a quick catch up so have already just caught one vid and saw the Read and her lawyer pic, and heard the trial date delay in Vallow case but no time to watch any more now so thanks for heads up. Will check it later and @kdg411 link too.
Doing a quick catch up so have already just caught one vid and saw the Read and her lawyer pic, and heard the trial date delay in Vallow case but no time to watch any more now so thanks for heads up. Will check it later and @kdg411 link too.
If either of you read them at some point, please share things of interest. Or if anyone else does, please do so as well. Not sure I will get a chance. I have got to get some more things done on this already last day off for another week.

Sorry to say but Read is absolutely p**sing me off. First I was sick to death of running into it everywhere and now I am beyond outraged for his family. I do not even dare stay on it here, at least not for now. Running into that pic by the way confirmed for me the opinion I'd already informed of both her and her lawyer. He is also MARRIED. Fun for his wife to probably encounter that picture bask on the west coast and all her friends to see it. So I've finally COME to care about it when I didn't but the reason is outrage for his family, not for her. At the SAME time, I am still sick to death of it and
don't want to hear any more of the b.s. I am seeing the nastiest of people out there EVERYWHERE and I find many of them and their comments beyond disgusting. Fortunately there are tons the other way on it as well which one would not necessarily know without seeing such in chats. That's enough on that, can't afford to lose my day getting angry over it right now. And no one has to agree, jmo. I'd dare say Daybell will be quieting for awhile other than defense moves and hearings and motions I suppose and the rare bit of news about

I doubt we are going to be seeing Lori's trial even in February. Perhaps but doubtful or at least Scott thought so and I tend to think that as well. There is a LOT of discovery for the defense to bone up on.

On the flip side, I suspect LISK will continue to bring news. And further charges, perhaps slowly and methodically but most likely. it was huge imo when they finally linked him to others than the four Gilgo ones and to a different time frame. Now if they'd link him to just ONE even out of state it would really break wide open imo. Such would show he was active in different states, and in different time frames and the feds would come in and hopefully Tierney isn't averse to that as Burke was, not that their positions are/were the same, the first being DA and the other the police commish (was).

It's had with videos like Scott's as he covers several cases in one video and I just don't have the time to take them and share them in each individual case plus then people have to, if they only want to watch one part, know where they start, like on just one case with a time stamp and I don't have the time to note all that either. And so here we have me doing another post about more than one case in just this thread. Oh well, I think most here that follow any case follow all of these anyhow.

Have a good day and drive safe. I'm assuming you are heading out. As for me, I intend to get the cat pan done, hopefully the floors mopped and vacced and maybe, just maybe some spaghetti made. Long time since I've done spaghetti and it is sounding good. Work has been so grueling imo and may days off the last weeks off their normal track, I haven't been making anything to get me through the week and am getting sick of the convenience quick things I've been eating to get through and want some real food. Been living mostly off pizza rolls in the air fryer lol and even though I tend to like them as a treat or junk food, I don't generally eat them all the time and I've gotten sick of them. I did buy a package of natural casing hot dogs as such sounded good and had them a couple of nights but weren't as good as I'd hoped they'd be lol. I NEED a MEAL to come home to and I've been off track in making one for my week like I used to.

Well there's my one big combined post for the day, about the only way I manage any longer to stay up on or discuss.

I didn't expect Epstein's case here to have news but then it is a political year...
Doing a quick catch up so have already just caught one vid and saw the Read and her lawyer pic, and heard the trial date delay in Vallow case but no time to watch any more now so thanks for heads up. Will check it later and @kdg411 link too.
Thank you. Did you happen to read them or plan to? If you did or do, I'd appreciate hearing anything you thought interesting or of note.
The Palm Beach County State Attorney torpedoed his case in front of the grand jury. Allegedly. Okay, let's talk pay off where he's concerned. BARRY KIRCHER. I think his name should be out there. Not sure if I'm spelling it right.

Says this is a massive trove of evidence released.

DeSantis ordered it all released, it has been fought for by Palm Beach Post I think it was or some news there for years.
Okay. This is INTERESTING. They are showing different clips of a walk through his Palm Beach home re a search warrant, some clips of victims talking to investigator, and how it all lines up with many things said or claimed in the Maxwell trial and a lot more. I'll never have time to go through all the evidence if as voluminous as said and they are staying away from some of the more graphic stuff but it's an interesting start and synopsis on this release this far, or some of it. Not done yet.
So now he touches on the grand jury testimony. Sounds to me like the prosecutor is against the girls and on the side of Epstein with his questions. And THEN some of the grand jurors ask a girl some questions that almost SHAME the girl. Disturbing to say the least.
Some other female prosecutor, Lana Belavek or some such, along with Barry Kirscher have taken heat over how they handled the case. Seems to me they SHOULD.

Now he has the CURRENT Palm Beach State Attorney on (DA we would call such). Dave Aronberg. I don't know about any of my spellings with names. Just guessing.
He came in six years ago after case was over, many after KIrcher. I am NOT LIKING his perspective on it. He seems to be I don't know, not willing to put the two prosecutors back then down. He says back then underage girls doing these things were looked at as breaking the law but times have changed. HUH? This is the current guy just saying this recently on this show! He TRIES by saying nowadays we know these were VICTIMS but again says back then he thinks the questioning reflected the laws at the time when different laws were not the books, etc. TELL ME does that even apply to a FOURTEEN year old, she would be breaking the law when with an adult sexually?!
He points out, note two of the grand jurors asked similar questions and it reflected the times, as if that's as bad as prosecutors doing such tot he victims. I am NOT a fan of him thus far, he is trying to cover both sides imo and there's no excuse for those prosecutors back then. He does say it is disturbing the GJ stuff, etc.
He's not trying to justify, excuse it, just trying to give insight. Hmmm. When wrapping it with the sweetheart deal Epstein got and ALL of it, not sure how he can say that and how anyone cannot lean just one way. Being a politician I guess and cant't come against other attorneys either...
Weber is hitting him with harder questions relating to what I am talking of here. I'm still not liking him. He uses that he is years after the others and hasn't read all, etc. He tries to play both sides imo. It isn't like he could not have an OPINION on this. He once in awhile will say he could have been charged with more, etc. Now he's back to the other, it wasn't just the state prosecutors back then... Etc., etc. It's like he doesn't know but then he does on other things. Now he is GOING ON about how NY went against the whole Florida deal, showing as much passion as I've seen him have.

I don't know. Just not impressed thus far with their current acting DA.
Now he says release of records is good for the victims and plays the other way. I give up. Of course here he is able to tout the governor.

Politician that is way too careful and back and forth and covering both ways.

Maybe he is stressed being put on the hot seat. No idea.

I'm just not impressed. Maybe if I ever see him again I'll change my mind. He's way too both sides and wishy washy for me and I did NOT like how he seemed to excuse or make excuses for the prosecutors way back when who did this case in, never charged enough, and more. Oh it was different then, jurors asked "blaming" questions of the girls too. I am paraphrasing.

Those two prosecutors from back when imo have Epstein's money in their safe, a little "pocket change" imo. Maybe a couple GJs too, who knows...

Playing the power and money down and the lack of serious prosecution in FL is beyond belief in this case imo.

Anyhow worth a watch, although he wasn't much of one unless one wants to see how it can still be said those prosecutors back then weren't doing wrong, it was a different time after all...

Still it covered some good parts of what was released as to getting an idea of what was, and what the GJ transcript says, some of it, and such. And a few victim's words and interviews, not full as they kept out the worse stuff, but still interesting. And sad.

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