WY GABBY PETITO: Missing from Grand Teton National Park, WY - 25 August 2021 - Age 22 *Found Deceased*


  • Gabby Petito was reported missing after she didn't return from a road trip with her fiancé.
  • The police opened an investigation after her mother filed a missing-person report on Saturday.
  • A news report said Petito's fiancé was not cooperating with authorities and had hired a lawyer.

Grand Teton National Park

Gabby Petito's family last heard from her when she arrived at Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming on August 25, her mother said. littleting/Shutterstock
  • Gabby Petito was reported missing after she didn't return from a road trip with her fiancé.
  • The police opened an investigation after her mother filed a missing-person report on Saturday.
  • A news report said Petito's fiancé was not cooperating with authorities and had hired a lawyer.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.
A 22-year-old New York woman who documented her cross-country van road trip on social media was reported missing by her mother on Saturday after her fiancé returned to their home in Florida without her, reports said.

Gabby Petito and her fiancé, Brian Laundrie, embarked on their road trip on July 2 from Blue Point, New York, Newsday reported.
The two were living in a 2012 Ford Transit van and documenting their travels on Instagram and YouTube, often using the hashtag #vanlife.
Petito was last seen checking out of a hotel with Laundrie on August 24. She last spoke to her family on the phone the next day, telling them she had arrived at Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming, her mother, Nicole Schmidt, said.

Her mother told reporters on Monday that she FaceTimed with Petito around August 23 or 24.
Petito's most recent Instagram post was shared on August 25.

Schmidt told Fox News on Sunday that she was unsure whether her daughter had left Grand Teton. She said she exchanged texts with Petito's number twice after August 25.
"I did receive a text from her on the 27th and the 30th, but I don't know if it was technically her or not, because it was just a text," Schmidt said. "I didn't verbally speak to her."
Laundrie eventually returned to the couple's home in North Port, Florida, without Petito, though it was not clear when he arrived, the Daily Mail reported.
The police in New York's Suffolk County said Schmidt filed a missing-person report on Saturday.

"Petito, 22, of Blue Point, is described as a white female, approximately 5 feet 5 inches tall and 110 pounds," the press release said. "She has blonde hair and blue eyes, and several tattoos, including one on her finger and one on her forearm that reads 'let it be.'"

The press release said authorities had recovered the couple's van during their investigation.
Petito and Laundrie had been living in North Port together for two years before they set out on their road trip, the Daily Mail said. Petito announced their engagement on Instagram in July 2020.

(more at link)

She could be anywhere as they were traveling cross-country. I put the location as the last place her family could verify that she was still in communication.

MEDIA - GABBY PETITO: Missing from Grand Teton National Park, WY since 25 August 2021 - Age 22
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That’s how I see it, too. I think the parents could’ve handled it a lot better and their son might still be alive, but I think that they have suffered the ultimate price by losing their son. Personally, I think they should be left alone now.
yes, nothing will change the outcome now, so what good is it doing to bother them now? (or even then, for that matter when they were standing all around their yard)
I think sometimes we get so righteously indignant, and for good cause, that we develop confirmation bias.

The "protesters" are a good example. They needed someone to bear the brunt of their perceived pain, or anger. Brian wasn't there so they turned their attention to his parents.

Brian did this. Brian killed Gabby. Brian chose to take off. Brian's actions are the reason he is dead, whatever the manner.

Just my opinion.
Would the "protesters" have acted differently if the Laundries would have answered Gabby's parents call(s) or if they would have come out and made an in-person public statement? Who knows, but it is the Laundries silence led to the speculation (people can be very creative when they have to fill in the blanks themselves) and protests. They had choices. Hard to say if the "protesters" were operating out of righteous indignation or out of an idea of their own self importance; probably a little of both.

IMO it's fortunate his remains were found before halloween...no telling what would have turned up on their lawn or in the street in front of their house.
Would the "protesters" have acted differently if the Laundries would have answered Gabby's parents call(s) or if they would have come out and made an in-person public statement? Who knows, but it is the Laundries silence led to the speculation (people can be very creative when they have to fill in the blanks themselves) and protests. They had choices. Hard to say if the "protesters" were operating out of righteous indignation or out of an idea of their own self importance; probably a little of both.

IMO it's fortunate his remains were found before halloween...no telling what would have turned up on their lawn or in the street in front of their house.

Whether we agree or not, the parents had every right to stay silent. Well, that's my personal opinion. The "protesters" were trying to bully them into taking responsibility for a crime they did not commit. I realize I get hard nosed about this, but the pack mentality just bugs me.
I would feel the same way they do. At the same time, even when the killer lives, they usually don’t tell anybody why they did it.
Even though the criminal process and trial are another extremely hard time for families and just makes the entire grieving process worse, one does finally get their say at sentencing and to confront fhe accused. As most know, we have been in that boat and it was a necessary and wanted step that we waited a long, long time for. Three years or more...

Even though ours even after conviction stood there and still claimed it was an accident when addressing the judge at sentencing (this is MADDENING), we had our say and he knew what each of us thought about him and what he did. The judge also told him in no uncertain terms he was still NOT telling the truth and had no right to ask forgiveness and said a bit more than that as well to him.

Sooo I guess I would just say the Petitos have been robbed yet again (first Gabby, and second, now seeing justice and confronting him) by Brian of that chance. Yes, it saves them the grief of the criminal process but it is almost a necessary part of a journey when you have a loved one murdered... The grief is overwhelming and then the fact it wasn't natural but was a murder has one wanting to know why and seek the person who did it immediately almost... Brian may well not have told them or told the truth even if he lived but they would still be able to confront him...

My guess would be that their feelings are very mixed... Brian again took control from someone, they had the right to pursue their daughter's killer and justice... He controlled Gabby and now he was assured they did not control his destiny... I think that would make one furious almost in the already highly emotionally ranging nightmare they are in... On the other hand, they know he can't do to another girl what he did to their daughter, the criminal process is very stressful and worrisome and you worry right up to when that verdict comes in as it always can go either way...

This is assuming of course that he is her killer which I and most believe he very likely was.

Just my thoughts.
Would the "protesters" have acted differently if the Laundries would have answered Gabby's parents call(s) or if they would have come out and made an in-person public statement? Who knows, but it is the Laundries silence led to the speculation (people can be very creative when they have to fill in the blanks themselves) and protests. They had choices. Hard to say if the "protesters" were operating out of righteous indignation or out of an idea of their own self importance; probably a little of both.

IMO it's fortunate his remains were found before halloween...no telling what would have turned up on their lawn or in the street in front of their house.
It still might happen on Halloween because the last I heard the protesters still hadn't stopped had they? That was as of yesterday at least I think...

Opinions differ and I understand that but I wish they would stop. Upset is understandable but to me if someone has the right to do this, it is more so the Petitos, and they are not outside their house, and I don't think the parents should be punished for what their son did regardless of whether they may have not made the right choices or ones the rest of us think should have been made. Jmo.
It wasn't raining when he went into the park and the area where they found the remains couldn't have been under water at that time or he couldn't have even sat down. He took the notebook and we'll never know if that was to continue writing in it or keep what he had written already from prying eyes. IF he stayed where he was found, he was probably deceased shortly before it started raining and the area filled up. A "normal" person would have gone to higher ground when it began to rain and there's been no mention of him having a tent with him. His body was underwater (or so it's said) so I wouldn't think animals would wade through waist deep water to get a body so IMO, his body just decomposed where it was and wasn't scattered or eaten by critters. IMO the heat and water and bacteria worked fast. I do believe he murdered himself as opposed to being struck by lightening or killed by snake bite or alligator attack. His parents told LE they were afraid he would hurt himself so it seems the possibility was already there that he didn't plan on ever coming back.

All of this is just me thinking out loud. I do agree with you that the environment was a big factor in what remained.
Aren't they talking like the notebook can probably be dried, recovered, made legible, etc.? Speculation I'm sure I guess by expert pundits. Who knows though if he said anything that matters, could be just the notebook he had had...

Do we know what all they found or whether he may have had a tent and other supplies? Hearing what all was in the bag and backpack would indicate possibly his intent at least when he set out....

I don't know what to think with regard to his remains. It sure didn't sound like they have full remains and I thought they were scattered, what was found...? I know they initially found something but then I thought searched for more...

I do wonder if he went in/went there with the intent to kill himself or he came to that later.... We may well never know. I do think it was likely suicide more than I give any other scenario much likelihood.
I think that their attorney should’ve taken his own advice and kept his mouth shut. He didn’t help his clients at all.

I totally disagree. The more he talks the more we learn about this case. IIRC, he said a few weeks ago that he was not contacted as their attorney, but as a friend to help. If I'm right about that, then he doesn't have attorney client privilege.
Do you think he helped his clients? That was the point of my post. I don’t think he did.
I wish I knew when was the first time (date) the Laundries contacted him regarding their dilemma. Did he have time to really think through what the situation was and did he really know what the situation was. I have heard from a couple of attorney friends of mine that a defense attorney doesn't want to know if the client is guilty so I'm guessing that Bertolino didn't ask and didn't let anyone tell him. I would have liked to have seen Bertolino side-by-side with his clients as they made some kind of statement but I don't know if that would have done anymore for them than their remaining silent did. Hard to say if he helped them or not. They probably feel like he did. I'm still on the fence.
CNN had a special last night about Gabby that I dvrd and watched today. One bit they mentioned that I hadn't thought about is that both Gabby and Brian's phones they had out there are still missing.
I suspect he made sure those were taken care of and likely in a place they will never be found... Hers for sure probably early on, his perhaps later...

Brian Laundrie's Family Attorney Says There Won't Be a Funeral as Autopsy Results Come Back Inconclusive​

Attorney Steven Bertolino tells PEOPLE that the 23-year-old fugitive's partial human remains — which were found earlier this week — will be cremated

Bertolino also said that Laundrie's "remains will be cremated and there will be no funeral service."


Brian Laundrie's Family Attorney Says There Won't Be a Funeral as Autopsy Results Come Back Inconclusive​

Attorney Steven Bertolino tells PEOPLE that the 23-year-old fugitive's partial human remains — which were found earlier this week — will be cremated

Bertolino also said that Laundrie's "remains will be cremated and there will be no funeral service."

Autopsy inconclusive and Brian will be cremated means we will never know cause nor manner of death?

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