I think sometimes we get so righteously indignant, and for good cause, that we develop confirmation bias.
The "protesters" are a good example. They needed someone to bear the brunt of their perceived pain, or anger. Brian wasn't there so they turned their attention to his parents.
Brian did this. Brian killed Gabby. Brian chose to take off. Brian's actions are the reason he is dead, whatever the manner.
Just my opinion.
I agree. Followed enough cases over time and so many cases that I recognize the emotions (even in myself) and what is almost a "path" throughout the "average" case... I try like heck to never be 100 percent on anything but I do as a case goes on weigh one way or another but I try to change that as info is learned and not "make" it fit my belief or hope I try to.
First stage I would say by most is outrage someone could do such a thing, an attempt to get a sense of who one thinks did it and who the victim was.... Parents? Spouse? Stranger (the perp)? Can we believe the family? Can we believe the neighbor? Then a rush to find out all one can (some more this way than others like some FB sites and other SM) looking up their profiles, the family, etc... and making judgments based on what they find... I think most have a sincere concern and care for the victim and what happened.... At first anyhow... Most people...
But then some get overboard or very carried away and I can get wrapped up somewhat in the early phase but I hit a point where it becomes too dirty and too out there usually. This case is sure an example out there on even mainstream media, etc. and how far they have taken some things... And if things seem to be screwed up by LE questions come in and people even rightfully wonder what is going on and is something not kosher... Happens in many cases when LE keeps details to themselves. And etc., etc.
Then for me at least, I hit a point of where the most far out there theories or attacks start seeming so ridiculous and some people take it so far... And it starts to feel wrong to even want to hear some of the flat out "juicy" speculation... And in this case, I was no fan of the Laundries, I still don't like a lot about the case and things that went on but their son now we can "probably" assume is dead... Protestors in the beginning maybe felt they were defending the Petito family or Gabby and I could even understand it to a point EARLY ON but not any longer...
And honestly, how many here thought a thousand times like I did, duh, protestors and media go home and away from the Laundries...? Duh, if they are helping Brian let them think no one is watching any longer and maybe he will try to sneak home or make contact or they will try???? I thought that repeatedly. I never wanted to say it online as gee, why alert the family who probably knew LE would be watching anyhow but who knows, maybe if things got quiet, he would move or they would make a move... Now we know they had cameras up probably in the very event that the Laundries tried to help their son or he reach them but protestors I am sure stopped that... Well, not really, now that we know he was likely dead and probably not being helped but if he was not at that point, they HELPED nothing and they would have HINDERED IT. How does LE do their job when supposedly well meaning people are making it so the people they are watching know they better not dare make a move... Because the protesters are always there??!!! And media was renting space! I mean as it continued well past any point of it ever dying down, I kept thinking how dimwitted are some people...? Again, I get the outrage at the outset but it was not long in when I caught something of the drone watching the parents in the back yard when all the bunker stuff started on a live that I hit a point of total disgust... I clicked out of that video and refused to watch any more of it or read the comments. They were downright nasty.
I am not wording this right at all, I guess just voicing frustration, but I do know in myself that there seems to be a cycle in most cases... Starts with outrage, finding out more, then I wind down a bit... We wait for answers...
Some of these cases though people are going so overboard, Petito is now a well known example... The Summer Wells case... Oh boy... The little black boys, Orson and Orrin (in that case they were all at the grandparents' house and evidence of burning garbage meant something, etc., walking the dogs meant something, having the dogs meant something (long after the fact, I am sure they just kept evidence in their back yard months after)... They couldn't find the parents easily so they focused on the grandparents... Protestors. Day after day. I got sickened in that one too.
Sorry this is not really responding to your post, I started to and then went off on my own tangent. I guess what I mean is I reach a line... Logic rules with me but when an investigation seems odd or whatever, I can start to wonder a lot of things like anyone but my goodness, there are people talking about how you can order human bones off the internet and the parents planted them and people saying the Laundries shot their own son, etc. SMDH. I could go on. Plastic surgery, dental plates, on and on... People can't let go of it and that's where this does respond, they get something in there head and then when things refute it they can't let it go... They have to make it fit even if they have to resort to the most ridiculous outlandish things... I can go down a road for awhile, to a point, but there just is a point where something kicks in...
There have been some very odd things in this case admittedly which did not help but all I need yet is to know there is actually a jaw bone with teeth just to be sure, not separate... DNA which we will have to wait for. What all the partial remains are and if they all match up with DNA etc... I, like most, do admit I find it very odd the parents found items and on the day they did find them and LE too after all of the searching prior, and the areas searched first versus others, etc., but still, as to it being Brian, all I need is just the follow up with the DNA and knowing it is not just a tooth or two and some scattered bones that may not match (DNA needed again) and I am fine with believing this is Brian. That will close out that part of this for me, although it does not close out Gabby's murder.
I think most likely and I have said it before boyfriend snaps and kills girlfriend, boyfriend panics and even though she was a victim of DV he realizes she is gone and he did it and even an abuser misses the victim (sick but I think true quite often). He scrambles, he panics. He covers up or tries to. He runs home. It all starts coming down. His world is shattered (his own fault). He is grieving. He leaves and he kills himself. I truly believe this is most likely the simple story here.
But the stuff that went on around it and even the other murder of the two women, the body cams from LE about the other domestic incident, what seemed like screw ups by Florida police.... Dog coming in and John Walsh. And yes, the Laundries lawyering up and lawyering up Brian played in and caused a LOT of questions. I had them too. I still have many.
In a total 180 from all I just said and in another direction, I am pretty sure, not 100 percent that Bertolino should not have been representing the Laundries AND Brian... Maybe things have changed or states are different but I'm pretty sure it is at least highly advised against if not unethical. If Brian was a minor that would be different but he wasn't...
Apologies to all for longwindedness.