Jared Leisek from AWP Indicted for Charges Against Children

I am barely awake. On first cup of coffee and I refreshed my screen and ran into this. I am not done with it yet and haven't even absorbed it yet but wow. It is allegations by the AWP guy's sister.

Apparently he covered more of this previously that I never saw.

Just sharing--don't shoot the messenger.

I don't have an opinion yet as I am still watching, am not awake and this is all news to me...

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Apparently there is at least one more video, a first one, about the above out there. If I see it I will link it. Here are just a couple of comments under the above one. Going by them, there seems to be solid evidence.



8 hours ago

I'm still in shock over this. I was a really big fan of AWP and told so many people about them after I started watching their content. I'm not judging AWP as a whole...I mean...I believe in waiting before I decide because sometimes you find out later that things weren't as they first seemed. BUT with Jared....well...I really wanted to do the same with him...but that lasted for about 5 seconds because the emails were the next thing I saw. NOPE....it's a DONE deal now. His cousin played it like a pro...she waited until she had the proof and BOY does she!!! He cannot backtrack...he cannot make excuses...he cannot deny....it's there. I just really feel bad for his family now.(wife and kids) And I feel sorry for the victims and I'm sure there will be more speaking out. They are going to catch all kinds of hate from other sickos out there but they need to stay strong and push forward.


Dee Marie

Dee Marie

8 hours ago

The monster has admitted it in the text messages. Sad to hear that yet another family has covered up abuse and protected deviants. May justice prevail!
I believe this is the first one. Jared is actually indicted on this.

No way right now I have time to watch this one but here it is if anyone has time. Be interested to see anyone's thoughts if they watch it.

These are actually first degree felonies, rape of a 9 year old it sounds like. And it was a cousin. And allegedly there is ample evidence.
Well that sucks! When I can, I may make a new thread on this because I don’t want to this distract from all the other people doing good work at AWP. There are a lot of them on multiple teams. My first thought is that if this all comes down to guilt in a court of law, I really hope Doug Bishop takes over. In fact, he may have to anyway.

Here’s a screenshot of the charges that have been filed this month. This came from Reddit, so I’m going to assume it’s for real because they also provided a link. I tried to get into the court website but there was a paywall.


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I think Leisek founded Adventures with Purpose, but not sure. I know the original goal was to get cars out of bodies of water and help the environment.

While some of you noticed something off about him, I didn’t catch it at all. I’m very disappointed. Seems like every good deed is tainted these days. 🥺
Well that sucks! When I can, I may make a new thread on this because I don’t want to this distract from all the other people doing good work at AWP. There are a lot of them on multiple teams. My first thought is that if this all comes down to guilt in a court of law, I really hope Doug Bishop takes over. In fact, he may have to anyway.

Here’s a screenshot of the charges that have been filed this month. This came from Reddit, so I’m going to assume it’s for real because they also provided a link. I tried to get into the court website but there was a paywall.
the ones I posted have the documents too but of course they are in the videos not a direct link.

Yeah, I knew nothing of this at all until this a.m. and then had busy day. What one isn't.

I agree there are other people on the team etc. and it isn't about them all. Back when I liked the guy that left him far better than J and they also had a young kid helping sometimes and I liked him too. You know I was not the biggest fan of him before this and it came from not just one thing but a few but I watched a lot of tI heir videos back when and I just came to feel that way. Then there was a team breakup of the guy I liked and J and he said a few things. But I never expected this. The stuff I didn't like or think much of was entirely something else.

I gather Utah (think it is Utah) just or recently changed their statute of limitations/law on SA. From what I heard, this cousin has tried to do something about this before or they have with seeing justice but the statute didn't allow it so now that it does here it is. So it isn't like she just came up with it if I have it right. And he apparently in emails to her has admitted it.

I agree with you moving it because your thread is about AWP and teams like them and not about Jared. But of course it was the place to put it this morning when I was just realizing it because it fit as I knew there are other AWP posts in the thread and I think they are in the title aren't they? And Jared IS AWP. It should have a thread of its own.
I think Leisek founded Adventures with Purpose, but not sure. I know the original goal was to get cars out of bodies of water and help the environment.

While some of you noticed something off about him, I didn’t catch it at all. I’m very disappointed. Seems like every good deed is tainted these days. 🥺
Jared is the leader/owner yep.
I think Leisek founded Adventures with Purpose, but not sure. I know the original goal was to get cars out of bodies of water and help the environment.

While some of you noticed something off about him, I didn’t catch it at all. I’m very disappointed. Seems like every good deed is tainted these days. 🥺
I did as you know but it wasn't about molesting children at all. This is a surprise to me. But I honestly saw what I felt a lack of caring and empathy more than once and what really started ticking me off was in every video there was a need of help because of a flat tire, equipment failure, a fender ding, etc. and woe is them because of old vehicles and motorhomes etc. I noticed this before the other guy left him and said some things and it confirmed what I was seeing and sensing in them. He didn't blast Jared all to heck when he left but he did get online and carefully hint and say enough. And the help I feel and think was not getting their promised cut etc. either and he didn't agree with his ways and quite honestly, I wat will go so far as to say he didn't feel Jared was being honest with the public. That was MY take on it.

Anyhow I had noticed before that that every single video there was a new issue I wasn't buying it but people did and were pouring money in. At that time it was just my instinct and before the other guy broke with him and said some things. I just quit watching and would see him on other cases pop up once in awhile. But with Rodni wow. That made a BIG splash and here come the donations and all sorts of new fans. People glom onto it as if they know him and the group and they can do no wrong and they know nothing other than they found Kiely. Newbies I mean.

I do it too, not as bad as some but give the benefit of the doubt and its difficult to not think someone doing such a good thing or getting answers for families isn't some Godsent angel. But they all aren't. There is plenty of money in such things from people that think what a great nonprofit etc. and what good they do. Donations roll in like they do for help for pets and other causes and it attracts.

I don't think they are even nonprofit and if they are they are one of those he can collect a huge salary or whatever.

And like I've said before, they do do good but they also roll in donations and when something like Rodni happened, so do their videos get hit on and their car tools sell to break windows and those are all good things don't get me wrong. That's the thing how can anyone say what they do and the results they have aren't good? They are.

But I will tell you I haven't said much about it but I am very suspicious of this tow truck driver who came out of the blue LATE and supposedly saw AWP pulling into town and then remembered this girl and her car and were sure they responded to a call from her. Seemed just a little too beneficial to me. AND it started the entire conspiracy and foul play thing in HUGE proportion again when people were accepting it was an accident. And then they made the circuit of all channels and hyped it more. And were heroes.

Note the cops have never said ONE word of if that tow truck driver really did even see ANYONE or verify it and they have never even acknowledged him. Also note Kiely's mom hates AWP and yet they found her daughter. I did not know about this recent stuff, did she? About Jared?

I don't like dissing someone and I've said more than I've alluded to in the other thread but he isn't a god. And to my knowledge he didn't go into this to find people it was to find cars. And I am guessing since people were sometimes in them perhaps the kudos for it and need for it showed him hey not a bad idea.

I will say what I say in almost every post about them, they provide some real answers for families and they do work for the families for free. And they are skilled. And they do inform people of how to get out of a submerged or sinking car.

That's all though what makes it very hard to have a negative opinion about some of it.at i

I am far from the only one out there that does. Even before these serious criminal charges. And the are serious. And this wasn't just fondling. On top of that it is incest.
Looks like he was 17 at the time, according to this link that another member helped me locate:

He was I think but have you heard his back and forths with her where he does admit to it? He blames it almost on who raised them, that they were both younThere is g and children, etc. He sounds like he is admitting fault but he uses that.

Don Wells did the same thing when his sister or half sister came forward. Similar thing and ages, he older, she younger. He said they were both children, didn't know any better, etc. as if on her and him and so forth.

You KNOW better by 17. I don't care how you were raised or if others did it.

Also the Mormon thing is brought up and used.
I wish they would’ve brought up charges before now and then the good things that this group are doing wouldn’t be drug through the mud due to one person.
You mean like years ago? I gather she has tried to do something about it for a long time but the law didn't' allow it in Utah at the time.

I also think the people he has worked with in AWP or overseen I have generally liked but that other guy hyped the things about Kiely's car and how it was big time and first. I think they are like the public is, they join Jared and he can use the fact they think they are doing a good thing and they are young and think wow I can help people AND do something different. The rose colored glasses come off as they work a few years as they did with the first guy. I should see if I can find his video on it. He really wanted to do good things and for the right reasons but as he worked with him longer and longer...
How the car was I mean. How she was. Etc. Saying probably foul play. Not normal. Not typical.
I'll finish with that I wasn't trying to diss them or your opinion of them in the other thread. It is a compliment when I say you give people the benefit of the doubt and I think have managed to maintain your rose colored glasses. I still naively trust too easily, forgive too easily and give the benefit of the doubt but I've learned the hard way somewhat in a lot of arenas and hold more cynicism now. I also don't jump immediately to a conclusion. I don't react or think someone is bad over one thing but when I see it a second time and another thing making a third time then I'm like nope.

And that's what happened with me. I went into watching them and hearing about them a few years back over some case and was like wow that is so cool what they do. I subscribed. I watched many videos and then started going to their older ones and more of them etc. Over all of them I started seeing some things I didn't like and that I also didn't believe. And eventually well...

I more or less shared it because I was disenchanted and saw you as new to them and figured you may eventually go through the disappointment I felt so was just giving a heads up that yeah but so you weren't just flabbergasted.

But I never expected this. Nothing about what I didn't like did I see this coming.
I will give him credit for owning up with his cousin but I don't like the excuses. Imo everything about it is further manipulation and knowing exactly what works or may work.

I'll wait to see if he backpedals on it with the charges and in court and if there are still those excuses that aren't quite excuses but they ARE excuses. And minimization.

She was NINE. I haven't even seen more than a few minutes yet of the first/longer one. But there were many incidents it seems.
He was I think but have you heard his back and forths with her where he does admit to it? He blames it almost on who raised them, that they were both younThere is g and children, etc. He sounds like he is admitting fault but he uses that.

Don Wells did the same thing when his sister or half sister came forward. Similar thing and ages, he older, she younger. He said they were both children, didn't know any better, etc. as if on her and him and so forth.

You KNOW better by 17. I don't care how you were raised or if others did it.

Also the Mormon thing is brought up and used.

Yeah, he gaslights her pretty good in his email replies. Basically says he is sorry that she can't accept his apology, but he has forgiven himself and that's that. It's down to her, like she is the cause of her own pain because she doesn't accept his apology, though his apology seems to consist mostly of blaming other people, playing down what he did to her, acting like he was also an innocent child and telling her to to get over it.
There are allegedly more victims in the family besides his sister,and his cousin. At least one more cousin,and maybe more from what I can make out.
Yeah, he gaslights her pretty good in his email replies. Basically says he is sorry that she can't accept his apology, but he has forgiven himself and that's that. It's down to her, like she is the cause of her own pain because she doesn't accept his apology, though his apology seems to consist mostly of blaming other people, playing down what he did to her, acting like he was also an innocent child and telling her to to get over it.
There are allegedly more victims in the family besides his sister,and his cousin. At least one more cousin,and maybe more from what I can make out.
Yes there were others, I heard that too. In the first video (I watched them out of order and posted them out of order here too) it is even worse in what he said to her yep. Puts it right back on her not getting over it or accepting his apology and totally blames others and his age etc. AND her imo. Placing the guilt on her for not being mature enough even now to forgive, forget and accept, etc. Also basically talks himself up of how he has dealt with it and moved on. SICKENING.

You can see the way he manipulated a child because he is doing it now. He isn't using threats, he is just gaslighting and laying a guilt trip on her and attempting to make her feel terrible for not accepting an apology and forgiving.
I did as you know but it wasn't about molesting children at all. This is a surprise to me. But I honestly saw what I felt a lack of caring and empathy more than once and what really started ticking me off was in every video there was a need of help because of a flat tire, equipment failure, a fender ding, etc. and woe is them because of old vehicles and motorhomes etc. I noticed this before the other guy left him and said some things and it confirmed what I was seeing and sensing in them. He didn't blast Jared all to heck when he left but he did get online and carefully hint and say enough. And the help I feel and think was not getting their promised cut etc. either and he didn't agree with his ways and quite honestly, I wat will go so far as to say he didn't feel Jared was being honest with the public. That was MY take on it.

Anyhow I had noticed before that that every single video there was a new issue I wasn't buying it but people did and were pouring money in. At that time it was just my instinct and before the other guy broke with him and said some things. I just quit watching and would see him on other cases pop up once in awhile. But with Rodni wow. That made a BIG splash and here come the donations and all sorts of new fans. People glom onto it as if they know him and the group and they can do no wrong and they know nothing other than they found Kiely. Newbies I mean.

I do it too, not as bad as some but give the benefit of the doubt and its difficult to not think someone doing such a good thing or getting answers for families isn't some Godsent angel. But they all aren't. There is plenty of money in such things from people that think what a great nonprofit etc. and what good they do. Donations roll in like they do for help for pets and other causes and it attracts.

I don't think they are even nonprofit and if they are they are one of those he can collect a huge salary or whatever.

And like I've said before, they do do good but they also roll in donations and when something like Rodni happened, so do their videos get hit on and their car tools sell to break windows and those are all good things don't get me wrong. That's the thing how can anyone say what they do and the results they have aren't good? They are.

But I will tell you I haven't said much about it but I am very suspicious of this tow truck driver who came out of the blue LATE and supposedly saw AWP pulling into town and then remembered this girl and her car and were sure they responded to a call from her. Seemed just a little too beneficial to me. AND it started the entire conspiracy and foul play thing in HUGE proportion again when people were accepting it was an accident. And then they made the circuit of all channels and hyped it more. And were heroes.

Note the cops have never said ONE word of if that tow truck driver really did even see ANYONE or verify it and they have never even acknowledged him. Also note Kiely's mom hates AWP and yet they found her daughter. I did not know about this recent stuff, did she? About Jared?

I don't like dissing someone and I've said more than I've alluded to in the other thread but he isn't a god. And to my knowledge he didn't go into this to find people it was to find cars. And I am guessing since people were sometimes in them perhaps the kudos for it and need for it showed him hey not a bad idea.

I will say what I say in almost every post about them, they provide some real answers for families and they do work for the families for free. And they are skilled. And they do inform people of how to get out of a submerged or sinking car.

That's all though what makes it very hard to have a negative opinion about some of it.at i

I am far from the only one out there that does. Even before these serious criminal charges. And the are serious. And this wasn't just fondling. On top of that it is incest.
Shades of JT coming to mind.

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