Jared Leisek from AWP Indicted for Charges Against Children

I am barely awake. On first cup of coffee and I refreshed my screen and ran into this. I am not done with it yet and haven't even absorbed it yet but wow. It is allegations by the AWP guy's sister.

Apparently he covered more of this previously that I never saw.

Just sharing--don't shoot the messenger.

I don't have an opinion yet as I am still watching, am not awake and this is all news to me...

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I forgot to repair that other thread! I didn’t want any more money going to AWP and that’s why I pulled it. I hope people don’t look at their videos anymore. I’m hoping YouTube cancels their account.
I don't know if you watched it yet but that video you will be glad you watched. You will I think like Kevin. He talks about Doug a lot a the end who I know you liked but I think he is honest about him and I think it is very much what I saw in Rodni, it was Doug sent on the first show to hype how the car was found. He in no way tears him apart he just talks about his deal with Jared. He was very fair I felt.

It bites what Jared has done and still was doing, etc. with all the things but this was one of the best long videos i have ever seen. Jared and his AWP imo should never rise again.

When I posted it this morning I had not watched all of it but enough to know it was WELL worth watching. I actually finished the remainder tonight. Listen to how Jared treated families. And the money thing. And more. A wealth of info that matched what Sam said or hinted at back when. And a viewer could see here and there back when if a viewer caught it. And since.

This Kevin talks highly of most others or even all others and many dive teams come up. And even talks fairly and highly of all who were with Jared... For the most part.
He also covered the money thing and the asking for it when "breaking down" etc. as I have mentioned before. Even more interesting is the money AWP pulls in and what Jared is really about...

When Kevin said Jared told him he would be paying $300k in taxes, and how much he was a month :eek:, and he wouldn't even give Sam a percentage of the merch sales which featured Sam's image,that he hadn't given permission for. He also said he hid financial stuff from his wife.
Then there's the way he treated families :mad:
I don't know if you watched it yet but that video you will be glad you watched. You will I think like Kevin. He talks about Doug a lot a the end who I know you liked but I think he is honest about him and I think it is very much what I saw in Rodni, it was Doug sent on the first show to hype how the car was found. He in no way tears him apart he just talks about his deal with Jared. He was very fair I felt.

It bites what Jared has done and still was doing, etc. with all the things but this was one of the best long videos i have ever seen. Jared and his AWP imo should never rise again.

When I posted it this morning I had not watched all of it but enough to know it was WELL worth watching. I actually finished the remainder tonight. Listen to how Jared treated families. And the money thing. And more. A wealth of info that matched what Sam said or hinted at back when. And a viewer could see here and there back when if a viewer caught it. And since.

This Kevin talks highly of most others or even all others and many dive teams come up. And even talks fairly and highly of all who were with Jared... For the most part.

I agree that Doug got caught up in Jared's nonsense and hype, which is a shame, although I do think a lot of the Kiely stuff was Jared, Doug seemed more genuine in his first couple of interviews. He went along with it later though so he has to take the criticism on the chin.
I did think Kevin was a bit harsh on Doug, his personal feelings over the way Sam was treated are obviously still quite raw, and again, Doug participated in that publicly, so he can't complain, but I think Kevin saw a chance to take a shot to avenge his friend. I do think though that he was new at the time and Jared is a master manipulator,as most narcissists are,and Jared sure seems to have tendencies, so it's worth keeping that in mind when judging Doug. Jared won't have told him the truth. That's just my take on it though.
So the first one is from Sam and the second one here is his son who left an AWP trip in Kansas and has never shared his story. On each there is a bit of time messing with the set up and volume to get through but WORTH watching. You need to hear what the son says especially about Jared and his first experience with him and how AWP is really run and how the families and people are treated and the money thing. Even before these heinous SA/molestation charges, this man needed to be stopped. It is my hope Jared never rises again and I don't think anyone should take over AWP, I thin,k it should be ashes myself, too much association with Jared.

Also some of the other divers from other groups and former team members of AWP, etc. are in the chats, etc. also in support of them.

I agree that Doug got caught up in Jared's nonsense and hype, which is a shame, although I do think a lot of the Kiely stuff was Jared, Doug seemed more genuine in his first couple of interviews. He went along with it later though so he has to take the criticism on the chin.
I did think Kevin was a bit harsh on Doug, his personal feelings over the way Sam was treated are obviously still quite raw, and again, Doug participated in that publicly, so he can't complain, but I think Kevin saw a chance to take a shot to avenge his friend. I do think though that he was new at the time and Jared is a master manipulator,as most narcissists are,and Jared sure seems to have tendencies, so it's worth keeping that in mind when judging Doug. Jared won't have told him the truth. That's just my take on it though.
I think considering everything Kevin was pretty decent about Doug and I think there is a LOT they aren't saying but he doesn't want to destroy him but feels he needs to check himself and maybe change his path and ways. I agree there may be a bit of leftover disgust there but Doug was wholly Team Jared.

Neither Kevin nor Sam etc. are saying they are holier than all, they are just men but seem to be good men especially when compared to Jared. Doug could be a total part of this fall out and they could if they wanted say things I think to ensure that, but they aren't.

I watched Doug when HE was the one who sent the Rodni case back into worse theories and conspiracies than had formerly even been going on. I felt Jared put him up to it and then only after Doug got all the speculation going did Jared come out and take over the glory going on EVERY crime YT channel basically. Every bit of it planned if you ask me. And I don't think Doug had one issue with it and ate it up.

The ones that also are disgusting me out there are all the channels who went with their hype or had them on that are NOT saying a WORD now. And even the big former LE officer channels--they have almost been forced I think to say something because people are asking and calling them out and they won't condemn Jared and are using the innocent until proven guilty type of thing saying that is what they do BUT they very well have come down on other arrested or charged perps so it is total hypocrisy. A total loss of respect for them for me!
I don't know if you watched it yet but that video you will be glad you watched. You will I think like Kevin. He talks about Doug a lot a the end who I know you liked but I think he is honest about him and I think it is very much what I saw in Rodni, it was Doug sent on the first show to hype how the car was found. He in no way tears him apart he just talks about his deal with Jared. He was very fair I felt.

It bites what Jared has done and still was doing, etc. with all the things but this was one of the best long videos i have ever seen. Jared and his AWP imo should never rise again.

When I posted it this morning I had not watched all of it but enough to know it was WELL worth watching. I actually finished the remainder tonight. Listen to how Jared treated families. And the money thing. And more. A wealth of info that matched what Sam said or hinted at back when. And a viewer could see here and there back when if a viewer caught it. And since.

This Kevin talks highly of most others or even all others and many dive teams come up. And even talks fairly and highly of all who were with Jared... For the most part.
I plan on watching. We had some family issues last night so I didn’t get much YouTube time.
I think considering everything Kevin was pretty decent about Doug and I think there is a LOT they aren't saying but he doesn't want to destroy him but feels he needs to check himself and maybe change his path and ways. I agree there may be a bit of leftover disgust there but Doug was wholly Team Jared.

Neither Kevin nor Sam etc. are saying they are holier than all, they are just men but seem to be good men especially when compared to Jared. Doug could be a total part of this fall out and they could if they wanted say things I think to ensure that, but they aren't.

I watched Doug when HE was the one who sent the Rodni case back into worse theories and conspiracies than had formerly even been going on. I felt Jared put him up to it and then only after Doug got all the speculation going did Jared come out and take over the glory going on EVERY crime YT channel basically. Every bit of it planned if you ask me. And I don't think Doug had one issue with it and ate it up.

The ones that also are disgusting me out there are all the channels who went with their hype or had them on that are NOT saying a WORD now. And even the big former LE officer channels--they have almost been forced I think to say something because people are asking and calling them out and they won't condemn Jared and are using the innocent until proven guilty type of thing saying that is what they do BUT they very well have come down on other arrested or charged perps so it is total hypocrisy. A total loss of respect for them for me!
Whether Doug got wrapped up in the hype or not, there is no evidence that he has ever abused children. Personally, I would focus on Jared and not anybody who worked with him. Doug has overcome a hard life to do better and I hate to see him get discouraged because he was duped by a manipulator. Learn and you’ll grow even stronger, Doug. (Take it from someone who has taken the hits as a training ground and not failure).

I saw there are a couple of videos out from their cinematographers stating that they quit, but I didn’t get to watch the actual videos yet.
I watched Doug when HE was the one who sent the Rodni case back into worse theories and conspiracies than had formerly even been going on. I felt Jared put him up to it and then only after Doug got all the speculation going did Jared come out and take over the glory going on EVERY crime YT channel basically. Every bit of it planned if you ask me. And I don't think Doug had one issue with it and ate it up.

The ones that also are disgusting me out there are all the channels who went with their hype or had them on that are NOT saying a WORD now. And even the big former LE officer channels--they have almost been forced I think to say something because people are asking and calling them out and they won't condemn Jared and are using the innocent until proven guilty type of thing saying that is what they do BUT they very well have come down on other arrested or charged perps so it is total hypocrisy. A total loss of respect for them for me!
Re the Rodni search, I hadn't mentioned it at the time but I'd found it very odd that Jared wasn't there. And I remember that in a subsequent interview following the discovery, he said he was (still) on vacation, but lately, I've heard that he'd been noticeably absent from AWP videos since about the prior February.
Totally agree about Doug. I'd stopped watching AWP videos long before the Rodni case, but I guess I'd say it's that case where the exploitation and manipulation is most blatant to me.
Anyway, if Doug claims he was unaware of Jared's circumstance, I'd find that hard to believe.
Re the Rodni search, I hadn't mentioned it at the time but I'd found it very odd that Jared wasn't there. And I remember that in a subsequent interview following the discovery, he said he was (still) on vacation, but lately, I've heard that he'd been noticeably absent from AWP videos since about the prior February.
Totally agree about Doug. I'd stopped watching AWP videos long before the Rodni case, but I guess I'd say it's that case where the exploitation and manipulation is most blatant to me.
Anyway, if Doug claims he was unaware of Jared's circumstance, I'd find that hard to believe.

From what I can gather, Jared told the team that they might hear some accusations about him from his family that they wouldn't like. They all say he never told them what the accusations were, and he obviously didnt tell them he would possibly be indicted. I don't think it's fair to say Doug must have known, and why only Doug?. Even Kevin, who said less than favourable things about Doug, said there is no way Doug knew, and if he had then Jared would've ended up in the hospital. Its fair enough to condemn Doug for going along with Jared re Kiely, I believe he was manipulated like the others, but he let the praise and the army of fans go to his head too, however that is completely different to implying that he knew about the nature of any accusations, imo its unfair.
Looks like we're a tad split on what Doug may or may not have known. His video about the charges was pretty vague, but it could be he signed some kind of confidentiality agreement that Jared could have insisted on after Sam left and was expressing his frustrations about Jared. Or, maybe Doug did know something or everything. One thing for sure, we don't know what he knew or what went on in his mind. Seems like we'll know more after this period of time where everyone is trying to save their own reputations and distance themselves from Jared.
Looks like we're a tad split on what Doug may or may not have known. His video about the charges was pretty vague, but it could be he signed some kind of confidentiality agreement that Jared could have insisted on after Sam left and was expressing his frustrations about Jared. Or, maybe Doug did know something or everything. One thing for sure, we don't know what he knew or what went on in his mind. Seems like we'll know more after this period of time where everyone is trying to save their own reputations and distance themselves from Jared.

All of the team have been very careful not to address the allegations or mention Jared by name, and Josh hinted quite heavily in his video that they legally can't say anything. I think they all signed NDA's after Sam left. Doug seemed to use a lot of words to say hardly anything at all in his, but he did also allude to being silenced, and I don't think he is very good at articulating whilst also watching every word he says. Sam came right out in his video and said that he could call it what it was,rape and sexual assault, because he wasn't bound by any contract or agreement and he could say whatever he wanted.
I think Jared has them by the b**ls, at least for the minute.
All of the team have been very careful not to address the allegations or mention Jared by name, and Josh hinted quite heavily in his video that they legally can't say anything. I think they all signed NDA's after Sam left. Doug seemed to use a lot of words to say hardly anything at all in his, but he did also allude to being silenced, and I don't think he is very good at articulating whilst also watching every word he says. Sam came right out in his video and said that he could call it what it was,rape and sexual assault, because he wasn't bound by any contract or agreement and he could say whatever he wanted.
I think Jared has them by the b**ls, at least for the minute.
Ohhhhh! That's a really good point! Doug did mention "contracts" didn't he? I thought he was talking about with sponsors at the time, but it probably was with Jared.
Now I'm thinking that not only did the contract have an NDA, but also a non-compete agreement!

Did the cinematographers mention going out on their own? I only watched a portion of one of their videos.
Now I'm thinking that not only did the contract have an NDA, but also a non-compete agreement!

Did the cinematographers mention going out on their own? I only watched a portion of one of their videos.

Yeah, me too. Josh alluded to that too. He said they would if they could, but at the moment they don't know what's possible. He had a stack of tapes that he said he wanted to use for content but he didn't know when or if he could.
Yeah, me too. Josh alluded to that too. He said they would if they could, but at the moment they don't know what's possible. He had a stack of tapes that he said he wanted to use for content but he didn't know when or if he could.
If Jared has a decent bone in his body, he should release all of them from the contract(s) so they can go back out there and use their expertise to help families again! Let's see if he does or not. I hate to say it, but I will be surprised if he does the right thing!
If Jared has a decent bone in his body, he should release all of them from the contract(s) so they can go back out there and use their expertise to help families again! Let's see if he does or not. I hate to say it, but I will be surprised if he does the right thing!

If I had a ranch, I would bet on it that he would screw them all over for pure spite, but we will see.
From what I can gather, Jared told the team that they might hear some accusations about him from his family that they wouldn't like. They all say he never told them what the accusations were, and he obviously didnt tell them he would possibly be indicted. I don't think it's fair to say Doug must have known, and why only Doug?. Even Kevin, who said less than favourable things about Doug, said there is no way Doug knew, and if he had then Jared would've ended up in the hospital. Its fair enough to condemn Doug for going along with Jared re Kiely, I believe he was manipulated like the others, but he let the praise and the army of fans go to his head too, however that is completely different to implying that he knew about the nature of any accusations, imo its unfair.
Who's Kevin? lol! Seriously, the reason I'd find it hard to believe that Doug didn't know-yes, the nature of the allegations is because of his position with AWP.
But how exactly am I'm condeming Doug? Btw, I wouldn't characterize his role in the Rodni search as "going along" with Jared, why would I think that?
Whether Doug got wrapped up in the hype or not, there is no evidence that he has ever abused children. Personally, I would focus on Jared and not anybody who worked with him. Doug has overcome a hard life to do better and I hate to see him get discouraged because he was duped by a manipulator. Learn and you’ll grow even stronger, Doug. (Take it from someone who has taken the hits as a training ground and not failure).

I saw there are a couple of videos out from their cinematographers stating that they quit, but I didn’t get to watch the actual videos yet.
You'll be fine with what they say about Doug I think and what you are saying here is pretty close to what Kevin said. He knows more I think than either of us. He does say a few things about him getting caught up in thoughts of bigger things, more fame and $$ but he also says other not bad things about him, etc. Once you watch them you will see what I refer to and you can give your own take on whether you feel he was fair about Doug. I think all things considered, he was.

Jared may be the child molester but Jared and buddy/ies caused Sam and his family a lot of grief. Sam was NEVER paid a cent for all his time with Jared while Jared raked it in. Doug was paid. That is covered too. And there are others that were not paid and others who have stayed silent that no longer are.

AWP is about MONEY not victims. Jared is about MONEY not victims. Just wait until you hear those stories. HOWEVER, many people that worked for Jared, many unpaid were NOT about money and were about helping people. And found that is NOT where they were and that it was NOT what Jared was about at all.

Doug didn't leave over it. These people did.

Does he deserve to have it hang over his head? Of course not. And had he known Jared did this (the child charges), he would have likely been NOT OKAY with that at all.

I think everyone will find some new ones to follow that they like just as well or better who DO embrace the right principles. They seem abundant just in the ones that were formerly with Jared or knew him.

There is a Heavy D reference in the video you may find interesting. Relating to Doug.

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