Jared Leisek from AWP Indicted for Charges Against Children

I am barely awake. On first cup of coffee and I refreshed my screen and ran into this. I am not done with it yet and haven't even absorbed it yet but wow. It is allegations by the AWP guy's sister.

Apparently he covered more of this previously that I never saw.

Just sharing--don't shoot the messenger.

I don't have an opinion yet as I am still watching, am not awake and this is all news to me...

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the ones I posted have the documents too but of course they are in the videos not a direct link.

Yeah, I knew nothing of this at all until this a.m. and then had busy day. What one isn't.

I agree there are other people on the team etc. and it isn't about them all. Back when I liked the guy that left him far better than J and they also had a young kid helping sometimes and I liked him too. You know I was not the biggest fan of him before this and it came from not just one thing but a few but I watched a lot of tI heir videos back when and I just came to feel that way. Then there was a team breakup of the guy I liked and J and he said a few things. But I never expected this. The stuff I didn't like or think much of was entirely something else.

I gather Utah (think it is Utah) just or recently changed their statute of limitations/law on SA. From what I heard, this cousin has tried to do something about this before or they have with seeing justice but the statute didn't allow it so now that it does here it is. So it isn't like she just came up with it if I have it right. And he apparently in emails to her has admitted it.

I agree with you moving it because your thread is about AWP and teams like them and not about Jared. But of course it was the place to put it this morning when I was just realizing it because it fit as I knew there are other AWP posts in the thread and I think they are in the title aren't they? And Jared IS AWP. It should have a thread of its own.
Oh that makes sense that they have change the statute of limitations. They’ve done that in a lot of states lately. Should’ve thought of that.
He was I think but have you heard his back and forths with her where he does admit to it? He blames it almost on who raised them, that they were both younThere is g and children, etc. He sounds like he is admitting fault but he uses that.

Don Wells did the same thing when his sister or half sister came forward. Similar thing and ages, he older, she younger. He said they were both children, didn't know any better, etc. as if on her and him and so forth.

You KNOW better by 17. I don't care how you were raised or if others did it.

Also the Mormon thing is brought up and used.
Oh yeah that’s why I brought up his age. He should’ve known better for sure. It wasn’t like elementary children experimenting or anything.
I'll finish with that I wasn't trying to diss them or your opinion of them in the other thread. It is a compliment when I say you give people the benefit of the doubt and I think have managed to maintain your rose colored glasses. I still naively trust too easily, forgive too easily and give the benefit of the doubt but I've learned the hard way somewhat in a lot of arenas and hold more cynicism now. I also don't jump immediately to a conclusion. I don't react or think someone is bad over one thing but when I see it a second time and another thing making a third time then I'm like nope.

And that's what happened with me. I went into watching them and hearing about them a few years back over some case and was like wow that is so cool what they do. I subscribed. I watched many videos and then started going to their older ones and more of them etc. Over all of them I started seeing some things I didn't like and that I also didn't believe. And eventually well...

I more or less shared it because I was disenchanted and saw you as new to them and figured you may eventually go through the disappointment I felt so was just giving a heads up that yeah but so you weren't just flabbergasted.

But I never expected this. Nothing about what I didn't like did I see this coming.
I will always give people the benefit of the doubt until I am proven that they have bad intentions. I’ve made too many mistakes judging good people.
Personally, I think that he should get completely out of AWP, or AWP should disassociate themselves from him. There are other diver search teams out there, they just don’t have the videotography skills. In the main thread, I will bring a couple up. I’ve watched their videos too.

I unfollowed AWP. I’m sure I’m not alone.
I will always give people the benefit of the doubt until I am proven that they have bad intentions. I’ve made too many mistakes judging good people.
Someone said once that people do that backwards. You don't have to be mean to people but you should never trust someone at the outset and then only not trust them once they do something horrible. This I think is how women leave their kids with a boyfriend they barely know, you loan someone money you barely know or donate to someone thinking what they do may be good. Then they said people need to earn your trust, not the other way around.

I try to remember that but I tend to believe the best in people too and it is hard to fight that BUT if you think about it, that's what the evil people prey upon, trusting souls who think most can do no harm or wouldn't. The elderly get targeted with fraud scams, etc., children are easy marks, grieving families are easy, etc.

I think we do it because it is ingrained as the Christian thing to do, we believe in the good of people, we think being nasty is wrong and one needs to be nice and it just becomes our way.

No need to be nasty we just shouldn't trust was the point until earned. It really makes sense the more you think about it. Imo.

Hard to do though when one has done the opposite for most of their life and that includes me.
Personally, I think that he should get completely out of AWP, or AWP should disassociate themselves from him. There are other diver search teams out there, they just don’t have the videotography skills. In the main thread, I will bring a couple up. I’ve watched their videos too.

I unfollowed AWP. I’m sure I’m not alone.
When I watched the videos I posted, they weren't live, I saw them later but the chat replays as one watches when it was a live. Many were saying they were unsubscribing. There were also people though saying they didn't believe it. Considering what the evidence seems to be here out of Jared's own mouth, I think that's very naive but...

Sorry, I know you liked them. Believe me I did too until I watched more of them over a few months of various times and years both older and newer and just started seeing the things I've shared.
I removed the community thread about dive teams for right now. I was watching another dive team talking about the situation and they know Jared and said that he owns the channel himself and we don’t want any monetization going to him. When I get time, I will remove those videos and we can start over.

All dive teams are blown away right now. I hope they can get back out and start doing good deeds again, but for now it appears they are trying to get their bearings and are disgusted with Jared. They are 100% behind the victims.
This isn't short but worth listening to by far. He has an ex AWP guy on who covers a lot of what I knew of Jared previously. Very interesting if you have any doubts. Not about the child allegations, the problems between Jared and many far prior to this.

Everyone always in the public thinking Jared is some god has kept them all from saying much. The one I saw back when who DID but was careful about it was Sam. Sam is the one most people liked and he was the one I LIKED best and only reason I kept watching. When he quit and said what he said I was DONE. I had already seen things with Jared I didn't like and that was ON the videos, listen to the things behind the scenes...

I HIGHLY recommend putting this on even if you just listen while doing other things.

This isn't short but worth listening to by far. He has an ex AWP guy on who covers a lot of what I knew of Jared previously. Very interesting if you have any doubts. Not about the child allegations, the problems between Jared and many far prior to this.

Everyone always in the public thinking Jared is some god has kept them all from saying much. The one I saw back when who DID but was careful about it was Sam. Sam is the one most people liked and he was the one I LIKED best and only reason I kept watching. When he quit and said what he said I was DONE. I had already seen things with Jared I didn't like and that was ON the videos, listen to the things behind the scenes...

I HIGHLY recommend putting this on even if you just listen while doing other things.

I will definitely listen. I can’t believe the people that keep excusing his behavior. But then, I have dealt with that kind of deception before in my own personal life when I found out someone was not who they seemed to be. And it takes me a few days to really examine the accusations. In this case it should be a lot easier since he admitted it himself.
I will definitely listen. I can’t believe the people that keep excusing his behavior. But then, I have dealt with that kind of deception before in my own personal life when I found out someone was not who they seemed to be. And it takes me a few days to really examine the accusations. In this case it should be a lot easier since he admitted it himself.

There is a thread in one of the AWP fan pages on fb and, honestly, it's vile. So many WOMEN saying they stand with Jared, and the victims are only reporting now for money, or they are lying, or Jared was a minor himself, pledging to keep their subscriptions etc. It's sick, I had to refrain from replying because I would get a fb ban for sure.
What is wrong with people?
There is a thread in one of the AWP fan pages on fb and, honestly, it's vile. So many WOMEN saying they stand with Jared, and the victims are only reporting now for money, or they are lying, or Jared was a minor himself, pledging to keep their subscriptions etc. It's sick, I had to refrain from replying because I would get a fb ban for sure.
What is wrong with people?
I may have seen the same page. It's appalling how people can not let go of something just because it gave them pleasure. No one wants to think they supported something unsavory, but I like to look at the intent. They were supporting something that was good - helping families find loved ones. Keep the focus on that goal and continue supporting those who do that kind of work, if that is your passion. But, ya gotta throw out the bad along the way, wherever it may be found.

My hope is that the victims, who had their innocence taken from them, are able to find some kind of peace in the legal process. I personally support them in their quest for justice.
Jared is not nice to the families, or to anyone. You will hear more of that n that video. Way back watching videos I caught a bit of that with him talking to families and then I started noticing the constant problems they encountered which of course brought money, needing new tires, having a breakdown, etc. You know who it reminds me of now honestly, what Jared was doing? PUCK
HEAD. These guys did not even know of the child stuff. There were problems before that.

Sam was the reason most watched, there really wasn't much that appealed about Jared. Sam you could feel his heart and dedication. Even so Sam had a modest channel but put his all into AWP but Jared took all the glory and the money and the credit imo.

Worth watching as I mentioned. And not dull.
Jared is not nice to the families, or to anyone. You will hear more of that n that video. Way back watching videos I caught a bit of that with him talking to families and then I started noticing the constant problems they encountered which of course brought money, needing new tires, having a breakdown, etc. You know who it reminds me of now honestly, what Jared was doing? PUCK
HEAD. These guys did not even know of the child stuff. There were problems before that.

Sam was the reason most watched, there really wasn't much that appealed about Jared. Sam you could feel his heart and dedication. Even so Sam had a modest channel but put his all into AWP but Jared took all the glory and the money and the credit imo.

Worth watching as I mentioned. And not dull.
Yep. i even said something about him giving me a bad vibe and all the drama HE was creating. I didn't like it at all. Just do the job you came to do and don't interject.
Sam’s FB comment.
THAT is the video I saw, pretty sure of it!! And even then he was careful about what he said. That was the END of my watching AWP. I sat MOSTLY silent through other cases and especially the recent Rodni case when all were just heaping praise on Jared and AWP. I couldn't BELIEVE so few knew of some of the history but Rodni brought on a lot of new people who had no idea who AWP was or the history and of course they thought them heroes.

When masses idolize some organization or person they barely know, it makes it really difficult for those who know the truth to feel brave enough to say anything and Jared sounds like a revenge type on top of it.

That video I posted shared a lot more even I think. The one today. Of interest is he won't speak for Doug but he does speak for himself, for Sam and a few others.

Sam's video you posted here confirmed what I was already seeing in the older back then AWP videos. Jared isn't THAT good at hiding his personality and that was ON camera.

The former guy in the video from AWP on with the host in the one I posted this morning says to support Chaos Divers, that he is a good guy and NOT like Jared and the explanation is in the video.
Many of the diving teams other than AWP are talked of in the video. They used to all know each other and it sounds as if some of the others doing good similar things fell away from Jared and his group too for some reason.... He is unsure why...
He also covered the money thing and the asking for it when "breaking down" etc. as I have mentioned before. Even more interesting is the money AWP pulls in and what Jared is really about...
I forgot to repair that other thread! I didn’t want any more money going to AWP and that’s why I pulled it. I hope people don’t look at their videos anymore. I’m hoping YouTube cancels their account.

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