Jared Leisek from AWP Indicted for Charges Against Children

I am barely awake. On first cup of coffee and I refreshed my screen and ran into this. I am not done with it yet and haven't even absorbed it yet but wow. It is allegations by the AWP guy's sister.

Apparently he covered more of this previously that I never saw.

Just sharing--don't shoot the messenger.

I don't have an opinion yet as I am still watching, am not awake and this is all news to me...

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Jared Leisek, a founding member of the search and recovery dive team Adventures with Purpose based in Bend, Oregon, was arrested on Thursday, Jan. 5, according to booking records.

Court documents show Leisek, 47, is facing two counts of first-degree felony rape of a child.
Thank you for posting this update! I heard about it a few days ago and made a mental note to update and totally forgot!

Even though I unsubscribed to his channel and do NOT pull them up, I still get notices on YouTube about his new videos coming out! I read on FB that he has a new team, too. Ugh.

Judge denies motion to dismiss rape charges against founding member of well known search and recovery team​

Judge Mandy Larsen has denied defendant Jared Leisek's motion to dismiss the charge of rape of child that allegedly occurred sometime in 1992 on Wednesday, March 8, 2023.

Leisek's defense team argued three points: The statute of limitations ran out, the victim consented and the court can't try an adult for a crime committed as a juvenile.

In these newly released documents the court explains that amendments to an eight-year statute of limitations rule allows prosecution of sexual abuse of a child anytime within four years after the offense is reported to law enforcement.

The court also states in the documents that a 10-year-old cannot consent to sexual intercourse in Utah.

Lastly, the court explains how the state allows prosecution for the rape of a child that is alleged to have occurred when Leisek was between 14 and 18-years-old. However, sentencing limitations are a possibility as the document states that the court should impose a sentence that is consistent with one that would be made in juvenile court.
Can you imagine a basis of your argument is that a 10-year-old consented to "sex" (being r*ped is not sex...). 🤢🤮
And that is truly who he is imo. His emails to her/communications with her, his comments in them, that's what he says. That alone should keep the case where it is and imagine the frustration as that formerly ten year old child that this is how he apologizes and yet TURNS it on her...
OMG my first day off in ages and I refresh YT and I see a recent video from AWP from two days ago!! My first instinct is to click into it and comment on HOW DARE you just come back like all is okay!! Then I thought who knows who is running it now but why would they use that name! Notice how quiet all got on the Jared front though in the last months.... I don't know what the deal is but I SURE haven't forgotten my opinion of him.
This one just popped into my head the other day and I realized i hadn't thought of it in awhile and realized well at least he's been quiet but wondered what was going on if anything with the case and then a couple days later (today) I see there was a preliminary and he was bound over for trial. Hadn't seen news on it in MONTHS until today.
This one just popped into my head the other day and I realized i hadn't thought of it in awhile and realized well at least he's been quiet but wondered what was going on if anything with the case and then a couple days later (today) I see there was a preliminary and he was bound over for trial. Hadn't seen news on it in MONTHS until today.
I think he went after his old cameraman. They must’ve had some kind of a noncompete agreement or something. I haven’t found anything official on online, I just saw it comment that the cameraman made on YouTube. His name is Josh Cantu.
I think he went after his old cameraman. They must’ve had some kind of a noncompete agreement or something. I haven’t found anything official on online, I just saw it comment that the cameraman made on YouTube. His name is Josh Cantu.
I'm a little lost. I was talking of his charges for sexual assault/rape/molestation of a child. Yes there are a ton of former employees or "partners" who have spoken out. I was talking though of the child sex charges, the judge bound him over, found enough cause. There's some LDS support going to town behind the scenes going on though imo. And trying to influence.

My instinct will never change on this evil creep. I trust it implicitly and had that instinct before these charges and claims ever came.

He found victims yes he did, but he NEVER did it for the families. He wasn't even NICE to families. This was all for profit for a supposed noncharging nonprofit.

And I thought that long before the molestation, CSA claims.

Anyhow, I'm talking about being bound over for that, so not sure what you mean about the photographer. Yeah I know many such side things are out there back at the time and most of his former employees or partners agreeing and believing in it all and who are DONE with him.
I'm a little lost. I was talking of his charges for sexual assault/rape/molestation of a child. Yes there are a ton of former employees or "partners" who have spoken out. I was talking though of the child sex charges, the judge bound him over, found enough cause. There's some LDS support going to town behind the scenes going on though imo. And trying to influence.

My instinct will never change on this evil creep. I trust it implicitly and had that instinct before these charges and claims ever came.

He found victims yes he did, but he NEVER did it for the families. He wasn't even NICE to families. This was all for profit for a supposed noncharging nonprofit.

And I thought that long before the molestation, CSA claims.

Anyhow, I'm talking about being bound over for that, so not sure what you mean about the photographer. Yeah I know many such side things are out there back at the time and most of his former employees or partners agreeing and believing in it all and who are DONE with him.
I wasn’t trying to direct anything to any of your comments, I was just saying he’s just doing another slimy thing. Why doesn’t he just let his ex-employees go and make a living for themselves?
I wasn’t trying to direct anything to any of your comments, I was just saying he’s just doing another slimy thing. Why doesn’t he just let his ex-employees go and make a living for themselves?
Agree. Wasn't sure. There is recent news and thought you thought his photographer was the recent news, wasn't sure.

No disagreement was just on a different thing re this.

He does slimy and is slimy imo. Good word for him.
I think he went after his old cameraman. They must’ve had some kind of a noncompete agreement or something. I haven’t found anything official on online, I just saw it comment that the cameraman made on YouTube. His name is Josh Cantu.
Here's a charming 🙄 video in which Jared brags about basically stealing an employee- note the manipulation, etc. (Contains a bit of language some might find offensive):
Here's a charming 🙄 video in which Jared brags about basically stealing an employee- note the manipulation, etc. (Contains a bit of language some might find offensive):

He is such a sleaze bag. Good example of the real Jared and how full of self. Mr. Multi million dollar businessman and knows it all and will sue your arse, better watch out everyone.

And mark my words, he will reinvent and rise from the ashes or try to.
Before he EVER had these kinds of charges, I saw through his b.s. I watched channel after channel and retired cops and you name it fall for his sh*t. They wouldn't have though if they'd have just seen a couple of videos when we all first became aware of them. It isn't that I knew what an arsehole he was and his play for money and his treatment and ploys of others, it is that I saw a few videos in looking at many after we all kind of heard about AWP that put my alert up on the kind of person he was. That had nothing to do with SA. It had to do with searching waters for victims etc. and how he was to his people and the victims' familiies.

I mean he has/had a heck of a scam. how can you hate someone that helps find people/victims; for "free".... It is the best scam ever in that even if you see sh*t you gotta like they helped right?

That whole girl who vanished intot he water after a party and he found her car was about the last one. And watched the "rigging of that". Not her death but the hype and fake stories to bring Jared in to find the car and her... Almost every retired NYPD cop aligned with him and more and EVEN when it came out they had so supported him tehy wouldn't turn. AND he sent his employee onto their shows with fake **** about that case and he made the YT rounds.

Take it leave it or judge it but he is also LDS. Kick me to the curb. As Ickedmel says better stay quiet. This guy if you watched ALL his stuff in the beginning of awareness of him and AWP you'd pick up on his bs. Long before any SA charges.
Such a helpful guy, helping loved ones find loved ones etc. He cared less. yeah for free. all for money. donations. it was constantly we need this or need that or have a flat tire. go back and watch them all.

The LAST one was a setup. Not saying the girl was killed or something done by him. But the hype and then the fakery put on with was it a tow guy and hsi gf and peole saying get AWP out here to help... Soooooo obvious. He probably even knew what we didn't that the SA stuff was coming and one big hurrah and doing the YT circuit as a hero... As well as his emploiyee on the likes of Duty ron etc. Ugh. Even professionals fell for it.

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