Jared Leisek from AWP Indicted for Charges Against Children

I am barely awake. On first cup of coffee and I refreshed my screen and ran into this. I am not done with it yet and haven't even absorbed it yet but wow. It is allegations by the AWP guy's sister.

Apparently he covered more of this previously that I never saw.

Just sharing--don't shoot the messenger.

I don't have an opinion yet as I am still watching, am not awake and this is all news to me...

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Boy some of these guys are overachievers I swear or have really lived interesting lives with many interests, talents and several careers, all of which are not small jobs, etc. I thought Kevin was interesting, this guy has music vidoes, snake hunting, rockets, flies drones, has his master electrician license, master scuba diving instructor certificate.. I feel like such a failure lol.
Oh! You said that! You said Kevin? I guess I missed that one. I’m talking about Nick.
I just watched it and I just felt so sad. I watched a couple of others’ from the team earlier. They are trying so hard to build up their own channels and fill the hole that was left. I know exactly how that feels. You’re posting on it now.
Yeah it ended up being nothing about AWP but was interesting nonetheless. Fun. Not the kind of channel I'd normally find but I am glad I came across it.
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I am barely awake. On first cup of coffee and I refreshed my screen and ran into this. I am not done with it yet and haven't even absorbed it yet but wow. It is allegations by the AWP guy's sister.

Apparently he covered more of this previously that I never saw.

Just sharing--don't shoot the messenger.

I don't have an opinion yet as I am still watching, am not awake and this is all news to me...

Just wondering if anyone noticed that if the child was 9 he was only 16. A child himself.
Also, it has been 30 years. I thought only murder was forever able to be charged for.
If he did it is so sad and I will wait for all the evidence to come out, before I make up mine mind.
If he is a monster then how come there haven't been another cases?
Again, I am waiting on all the facts.
Just wondering if anyone noticed that if the child was 9 he was only 16. A child himself.
Also, it has been 30 years. I thought only murder was forever able to be charged for.
If he did it is so sad and I will wait for all the evidence to come out, before I make up mine mind.
If he is a monster then how come there haven't been another cases?
Again, I am waiting on all the facts.
Welcome @KED !

He was 17, which is damn old enough to know not to force yourself on anyone, let alone a 9-year-old elementary school child.
Utah does not have a statute of limitation for prosecuting sex crimes, including rape.
I do agree with you that we should wait for all of the facts to come out. BUT I tend to err on the side of the victims a majority of the time. Personally I'm not going to vilify him or call him names just yet but I'm certainly not going to support him or his company until it gets sorted.
That being said, these are not just "she said" allegations. He has been legally charged. And it certainly speaks volumes that many of the people he has worked very closely on his team with have straight up left the company and not said things like "let's wait and see" or "this is surprising" or "Jared's a good guy this is coming out of nowhere"...
Just wondering if anyone noticed that if the child was 9 he was only 16. A child himself.
Also, it has been 30 years. I thought only murder was forever able to be charged for.
If he did it is so sad and I will wait for all the evidence to come out, before I make up mine mind.
If he is a monster then how come there haven't been another cases?
Again, I am waiting on all the facts.
He was 17. By that age you most certainly know not only is it wrong but it is also incest. You don't even DATE girls that age.

Many states have changed the rape statute and Utah supposedly recently did to not have a statute of limitations. Many children do not realize or face these things NOR are strong enough to until they are adults and it often comes flooding in then. I believe that is the reason so many have changed the law on it.

I believe I have heard there are others but I guess we shall see.

Nothing wrong with waiting on the facts or having a differing opinion but this was not some 17 year old dating a 16 year old or something like that. This was the RAPE of a child and not just fondling either.

For me, waiting for facts is often the way but in this case Jared has acknowledged these things it seems and there seems to be little question that it is true.
Welcome @KED !

He was 17, which is damn old enough to know not to force yourself on anyone, let alone a 9-year-old elementary school child.
Utah does not have a statute of limitation for prosecuting sex crimes, including rape.
I do agree with you that we should wait for all of the facts to come out. BUT I tend to err on the side of the victims a majority of the time. Personally I'm not going to vilify him or call him names just yet but I'm certainly not going to support him or his company until it gets sorted.
That being said, these are not just "she said" allegations. He has been legally charged. And it certainly speaks volumes that many of the people he has worked very closely on his team with have straight up left the company and not said things like "let's wait and see" or "this is surprising" or "Jared's a good guy this is coming out of nowhere"...
Good points.

I would add that they wanted to charge before but couldn't as Utah didn't have that law at the time.
Just wondering if anyone noticed that if the child was 9 he was only 16. A child himself.
Also, it has been 30 years. I thought only murder was forever able to be charged for.
If he did it is so sad and I will wait for all the evidence to come out, before I make up mine mind.
If he is a monster then how come there haven't been another cases?
Again, I am waiting on all the facts.
Hello and welcome! I'm glad you joined the discussion!

There are some thoughts about the age difference all over social media, and Downunder Dan released a video about it. He seems to be a very kind person, but I don't know that I agree with his take as he seems to have different information on the age difference, too. Here's the video:

I am aware of a sexual child abuse case that happened in my state about 20 years ago where a 16 year old abused a half sister who was 5 or 6 years old by touching her inappropriately. I was told by one of the parties involved that the person working for LE in the case, a social worker, said that it's more and more common in blended family situations that most people realize, and most of the occurrences are unreported. In the case I was privy to, one of the parents wanted charges brought and LE said that if the age difference was more than 4 years it is a sexual abuse case. Since this offender was 16 years old, they didn't have to register as a SO. The part of this case with JL that makes me curious is if there is a law that since the accused JL was a minor at the time and ends up to be guilty, would he have to register as SO because he's an adult today, 30 years later?

You're so right, there is a lot of evidence to come out and a lot of questions to be answered. But, in this case, there are communications between JL and the person who is accusing him of the worst of sexual offenses and I think that's why his team has walked away from him. And personally, that's why I don't want anything to do with him, either.

It's not easy to watch someone that you think is a hero fall down this hard. His past bad acts sure have ruined a lot of lives, starting with the girl(s) who were harmed.
Hello and welcome! I'm glad you joined the discussion!

There are some thoughts about the age difference all over social media, and Downunder Dan released a video about it. He seems to be a very kind person, but I don't know that I agree with his take as he seems to have different information on the age difference, too. Here's the video:

I am aware of a sexual child abuse case that happened in my state about 20 years ago where a 16 year old abused a half sister who was 5 or 6 years old by touching her inappropriately. I was told by one of the parties involved that the person working for LE in the case, a social worker, said that it's more and more common in blended family situations that most people realize, and most of the occurrences are unreported. In the case I was privy to, one of the parents wanted charges brought and LE said that if the age difference was more than 4 years it is a sexual abuse case. Since this offender was 16 years old, they didn't have to register as a SO. The part of this case with JL that makes me curious is if there is a law that since the accused JL was a minor at the time and ends up to be guilty, would he have to register as SO because he's an adult today, 30 years later?

You're so right, there is a lot of evidence to come out and a lot of questions to be answered. But, in this case, there are communications between JL and the person who is accusing him of the worst of sexual offenses and I think that's why his team has walked away from him. And personally, that's why I don't want anything to do with him, either.

It's not easy to watch someone that you think is a hero fall down this hard. His past bad acts sure have ruined a lot of lives, starting with the girl(s) who were harmed.

I come from a blended family although we were half siblings. I had older brothers. And they darned well would never have considered doing such a thing. I even slept at the age of under five with my teenaged brother. In full pajamas of course and as a CHILD to be taken care of not assaulted!

JL as much as admitted all and that is why I do say my opinion in this case.

And we don't only have one person here, it is a cousin AND the sister saying this isn't it?

if there is one place of safety a child should have it is THEIR OWN home with THEIR OWN family.

I am not real happy with those that actually seem to think because he was under the age of 18 this is not as big of a deal. SHE was the child, not him. You don't climb on top of a nine year old and rape her. Disgusting pig.

@KED Welcome. Happy to see a newcomer and not necessary to agree. Happy to see someone new even if we don't agree at this point.
Ya know what? This guy is a jerk on TOP of the SA indictment.

I saw this earlier.

He most definitely is an arrogant full of him self nasty and vindictive person imo. Did you watch the ones that touched on how he talked of the victims' families or things he said to them and behind their back?

I don't like buzz words like narcissist but if that word ever fit anyone, it sure FITS Jared!

I applaud that it seems every single person who worked with him or ever did has left and spoken up. He should NEVER rise again.

He is so full of it I am unsure if he can play any other way but part of me suspects he will try to twist something or change the story and I can only hope NO ONE falls for it or thinks he means it should he try such a thing!
I saw this earlier.

He most definitely is an arrogant full of him self nasty and vindictive person imo. Did you watch the ones that touched on how he talked of the victims' families or things he said to them and behind their back?

I don't like buzz words like narcissist but if that word ever fit anyone, it sure FITS Jared!

I applaud that it seems every single person who worked with him or ever did has left and spoken up. He should NEVER rise again.

He is so full of it I am unsure if he can play any other way but part of me suspects he will try to twist something or change the story and I can only hope NO ONE falls for it or thinks he means it should he try such a thing!
Yes, I finally was able to sit down and watch the interview with Kevin last night. All of this reminds me of a situation that I was in a few years back and when everybody compared notes, we were really stunned. I think a narcissist is a certain personality type and yes, he fits the bill. He also fits the bill on some other unsavory labels. Completely self-absorbed.
Yes, I finally was able to sit down and watch the interview with Kevin last night. All of this reminds me of a situation that I was in a few years back and when everybody compared notes, we were really stunned. I think a narcissist is a certain personality type and yes, he fits the bill. He also fits the bill on some other unsavory labels. Completely self-absorbed.
I thought of those other unsavory labels as well. And agree hit fits perfectly. I went with the most benign and obvious one as to posting one of them. Pretty sure most have the other labels in their mind as well.

Did you get to watch Sam's son?
I thought of those other unsavory labels as well. And agree hit fits perfectly. I went with the most benign and obvious one as to posting one of them. Pretty sure most have the other labels in their mind as well.

Did you get to watch Sam's son?
Yes. I think I’m all caught up on all the testimonies.
Yes. I think I’m all caught up on all the testimonies.
The money people gave to support him and only him basically (not the others) disgusts me.

But how he treated the victims families and talked of them and of people who donated money and his lies about "poor" AWP struggling REALLY enrages me. And the video from Sam's son touches the most on that. I also believe they hardly scratched the surface of what they could share.

Of course the biggest disgust and outrage is for what he did to minor girls.

It seems most all of his team did the right thing and resigned. I wonder how that makes the wife feel as the only one who apparently knew of the child SA yet stayed with him. Of course that comes from Jared so IF true. I mean here you have men who are not married to him disgusted by it and yet she is a female as his victims were and is MARRIED to him but is okay with it??

Taking that and adding it to the other nasty ways he has with victims and money and I don't see why anyone would stay with his jerk. Don't know her or a thing about her, I am simply talking generally and not attacking. I'd think long and hard if her and if it were me, I'd get out. No less than two that I saw made mention of his lies and half truths to his wife as well.

I mean what more does one need? This man is a wrapped up package of all bad things. I don't see one redeeming thing about him. He finds victims but it is beyond clear he doesn't do it for any caring or altruistic reason.
Kevin, formerly from AWP, is going to be on ickedmel. Never have figured out the name of his channel and it is small letters and caps interspersed lol.

This will be a live airing shortly.

Just got off of a long week of work. So hoping to catch up.
This will be a live airing shortly.

Just got off of a long week of work. So hoping to catch up.
I watched most of it but lost interest. I'm not crazy about Kevin, or gossiping about the other members of the team. Talking about their personal lives gave us nothing new. Jared is controlling, Jared makes fun of people, and Jared cares only about.... Jared. Bottom line. May justice be swift.
I watched most of it but lost interest. I'm not crazy about Kevin, or gossiping about the other members of the team. Talking about their personal lives gave us nothing new. Jared is controlling, Jared makes fun of people, and Jared cares only about.... Jared. Bottom line. May justice be swift.
I hope you saw the part about the father of the boy who went into a river who talked of Jared and his lack of interest in it. The rest of them he thought highly of AND in time he learned to dive under them and went on a dive with them and there was a video of that.

It really didn't hold my interest either but I stuck it out and saw that and was glad I did. His son was eventually found but not by Jared.

Seems to me Kevin came on as he was upset with the nasty remarks made by people who wouldn't speak up when said bring it on instead of hiding behind a keyboard. I think considering the amount of things that went on that we likely haven't even heard the 1/2 of, he holds his tongue well with gossip or digs at people like Doug.

Quite honestly none of the diving stuff is all that interesting to me. I only watched because they found victims. Imo men are likely a bit more into that kind of thing overall. I am glad they clean up rivers and glad they find victims and all of that but as far as a video that I find worth watching otherwise, I don't. Just isn't one of my interests. Those though into diving and such I am sure it is very interesting to. I'll subscribe to some things just to support but often don't watch them after that.

And while I don't like gossip and false rumors, none of what he shares strikes me as falsehoods. And I think the public learning of any bad behavior or act by Jared is relevant just because of the sheer number of people who support(ed) AWP. I don't doubt for one moment there are some duped that still don't even know about these charges. Jared should be outed when he is collecting on false stories of needing money.

And imo if his wife is still with him, she is an idiot.
Yes, the part about Lee, I think that was his name?, was the only new take I've heard from someone who was actually using AWP's services. And I agree about diving in general, I have no interest in watching them look for old cars and trinkets under the water. I'm glad they are cleaning out our waterways, but it's like watching them build the road in my neighborhood, most of it bores me.
Jared Leisek, a founding member of the search and recovery dive team Adventures with Purpose based in Bend, Oregon, was arrested on Thursday, Jan. 5, according to booking records.

Court documents show Leisek, 47, is facing two counts of first-degree felony rape of a child.

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