CT JENNIFER DULOS: Missing from New Canaan, CT - 24 May 2019 - Age 50 *Troconis GUILTY of Conspiracy*


New Canaan mom Jennifer Dulos is missing: Here’s what we know​

Fotis Dulos, 51, is the estranged husband of Jennifer Dulos, 50. She has been missing since May 24, 2019. Fotis Dulos operates a building company, The Fore Group. He has built custom homes in Fairfield and Litchfield counties and the Farmington Valley. In her initial divorce filing, Jennifer Dulos described her husband’s affinity for water skiing, which she characterized as an “obsession.” She said he insisted on their children training to be world-class water skiers, and had them on a strict training regimen that she believed was dangerous and excessive, and sometimes would go on from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

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I think 2 different jurors. I don't follow the case so not 100% sure.
I haven't had time to either. Just bits and shared some I came across but didn't have time to watch all of myself. A lot going on with cases right now and of course I have no time for even one going on to follow fully.

They lost a couple not long before trial. It is a six member jury and I believe two alternates. The other day one was dismissed as in an encounter when the elevator stopped a juror told a member of the prosecution team that they loved her. I personally think it was just an awkward moment but judge felt no choice but to dismiss that juror. I think what you posted is about the same one but not sure if it is or another was dismissed.

I am not real familiar with "gone girl" but is that a type of remark from that movie? "we love you". If so, yours is likely talking about the same juror that was dismissed.

I am just hoping there has not been yet another is all.
So I can't keep up. Tried to catch up on Delphi and couldn't finish. Wore me out. Went to YT for a break with little time off left and ran into this.

It IS a different juror. From what I understand. I want to follow it and more than a few cases with stuff going on lately that most have us have followed but don't have the time.

She is worth following to keep up if it is a case she is covering.

Anyhow I can't keep up with it or the testimony etc but I think they lost two jurors before trial even started and i think they replaced them, six person jury two alternates. I believe. A juror was lost a day or two over an elevator meeting and the juror as members of the prosecution stepped back or turned around to not get on the elevator with the jurors and gaurd, doing the right thing, a juror kind of sid or yelled out, we love you. That juror got dismissed even though it seems the remark was meant to say love you for doing the right thing and not getting on the elevator with the juror.

BUT what you shared today seemed to be ANOTHER one. This is a SMALL jury.

I WISH I had time to keep up on the goings on in several cases lately. A LOT going on and heating up.

I don't fly to corrupt or dirty but this case, I have to wonder. I haven't been able to watch but wow just with jurors already...

By Kevin Gaiss • Published January 24, 2024 • Updated on January 24, 2024 at 6:14 pm​

Prosecutors in the trial of Michelle Troconis Wednesday focused on contents pulled from vehicles owned by Fotis Dulos at the time of Jennifer Dulos’ disappearance and from properties he and his company owned, including his Farmington home. Some of the evidence had never been seen publicly before court Wednesday.

“Friday 5/24, 2019,” read retired Connecticut State Police Detective Matthew Reilly from the top of a timeline seized from Fotis Dulos’ home.

The timeline marks the whereabouts of Michelle Troconis and Fotis Dulos on the day Jennifer Dulos disappeared. The seizure included the original copy and a photocopy made. Investigators commonly referred to these timelines as the “alibi scripts."

“Went with cleaning supply back to 80 M back with Fotis,” Reilly read from the timeline.

In addition to Fotis Dulos’ Farmington home, a property at 80 Mountain Spring Road in Farmington was also searched, and a Deercliff Road property in Avon as well. In the garage of the Deercliff Road property, investigators found a Porsche SUV with front end damage and the airbags deployed. Reilly also made note in testimony the two front seats of the Porsche were missing.

The arrest warrant for Michelle Troconis gives details on the missing seats. According to the warrant, an associate of Fotis Dulos named Pavel Gumienny told police Fotis told him to replace the two front seats of his Toyota Tacoma.

“The only alternative Gumienny could think of was to use the seats from Dulos’ wrecked Porsche, which he removed on 5/31/19,” the arrest warrant reads.

He kept the seats to the Tacoma in case police wanted to see them.

Gumienny is expected to testify in the trial at some point, and the Tacoma is expected to come up again.
I certainly can't keep up with all going on or even each day's summary in this case or any other but did watch Lawyer Lee the other night on a big day's testimony, very good video, with a lot of detail of a ton of evidence and the day they dumped things all over the city and more.

It bothers me when a case I've followed from the start can't be followed through with. I hate I have so little time. I wasn't into this one as much as some others but nevertheless kept up with it from the start.

And there have been some strange and interesting things about it like picking a jury long before the trial. ODD. And more during trial, the bit I've been able to watch some on.

By Ethan Fry,Staff Writer
Updated Jan 26, 2024 2:44 p.m.

STAMFORD — The Michelle Troconis trial resumed Friday with more interviews she had with police after Jennifer Dulos disappeared in 2019.

Former Connecticut State Police Detective John Kimball returned to the stand on Day 11 of the trial as the prosecution presents the jury with Troconis' second and third interviews with police. Troconis got emotional, wiping away tears, on Thursday when the first of her interviews began playing.

Here's a look at what happened on Day 11 of the trial Friday at the Stamford courthouse:

Fotis' former employee could testify next week: Schoenhorn​

After court adjourned, Schoenhorn told reporters he expected Pawel Gumienny, the former employee of Fotis Dulos' company whom Kimball has suggested Fotis Dulos tried to frame, will testify next week.

Schoenhorn previously has opined that Gumienny, who has been given immunity, will reveal heretofore unknown facts about the case while on the stand.
"You might hear Monday or Tuesday from the employee, Mr. Gumienny," Schoenhorn said, noting that prosecutors are presenting their case and control who gets called to the stand. "Everything's tentative, I hear these things. I'm going to review all my notes and prep for that, and we'll see what happens."

Weather map entered in evidence​

Just after 4 p.m., Schoenhorn entered a National Weather Service map into evidence to draw attention to the fact that it rained in Farmington the night before Jennifer Dulos' disappearance.

During the police interviews, police dismissed Troconis' assertions that she had woken up in the middle of the night because thunderstorms had frightened her daughter. At one point, Kimball cited two apps on his phone he said showed "minimal" precipitation that night.

"Is it at least conceivable, Officer Kimball, that the sources you were looking at were not actually looking at the Farmington/West Hartford area at that moment?" Schoenhorn asked.

"Yes, it's conceivable," said Kimball, later saying the mistake was "not an attempt at deception," repeating an earlier answer he gave to McGuinness.

Schoenhorn then played a portion of surveillance video from a location on Old Farm Road in Avon from around the same time that showed heavy rain.

Schoenhorn: People 'react differently' to being arrested​

After court resumed about 3:35 p.m. following afternoon recess, Schoenhorn began his cross-examination of Kimball by pointing out the then-detective's AV equipment for the second interview on June 6 at the office of Andrew Bowman, who was at the time Troconis' lawyer, was much better than that of the New Canaan police station, where the first interview took place.

He then noted that state police arrested Troconis late at night in front of her daughter and drove her to the New Canaan Police Department, arriving early in the morning June 2, where she then had to wait several more hours for her attorney to arrive.

Schoenhorn then turned to Kimball's training in interrogation tactics, and how people react to "unknown situations for a lot of people if they suddenly find themselves in police custody."

Kimball stared blankly at the defense lawyer.

"What is the question, attorney Schoenhorn?" Judge Kevin Randoph interjected.

"People react differently in your experience when they find themselves in police custody, isn't that a fair statement?" Schoenhorn asked.

"Yes," Kimball responded.


Much more at link. ~Summer

By Liz Hardaway, Pat Tomlinson,Staff writers
Updated Jan 29, 2024 6:44 p.m.

STAMFORD — A third juror left the pool in the Michelle Troconis trial as the lead investigator in the death and disappearance of Jennifer Dulos returned to the stand for a third day on Monday.

Judge Kevin Randolph said the clerk received a message from a juror who said they had an emergency and had to leave the country. As a result, the juror was replaced by an alternate. There are now two remaining alternate jurors.

Former Connecticut State Police Detective John Kimball returned to the stand for a third day to continue discussing two videos showing Troconis’ interviews with investigators in the days after Jennifer Dulos vanished on May 24, 2019. In her second interview, Troconis recanted some of the information she initially told police during the first interrogation. However, she remained adamant she didn’t know what had happened to the New Canaan mother of five.

Troconis is accused of trying to create an alibi for her former boyfriend, Fotis Dulos, the morning his estranged wife disappeared. Troconis is also accused of helping him clean a pickup truck police believe was used in the crime.

On Monday, Troconis’ attorney, Jon Schoenhorn, continued cross-examining Kimball, highlighting how his client told investigators she didn’t know what happened to Jennifer Dulos and that she offered to help look and drew maps of various properties belonging to Fotis Dulos' real estate development company, The Fore Group.

Schoenhorn also said detectives believed she had to know what happened to Jennifer Dulos.


Much more at link. ~Summer

By Liz Hardaway, Pat Tomlinson,Staff writers
Updated Jan 29, 2024 6:44 p.m.

STAMFORD — A third juror left the pool in the Michelle Troconis trial as the lead investigator in the death and disappearance of Jennifer Dulos returned to the stand for a third day on Monday.

Judge Kevin Randolph said the clerk received a message from a juror who said they had an emergency and had to leave the country. As a result, the juror was replaced by an alternate. There are now two remaining alternate jurors.

Former Connecticut State Police Detective John Kimball returned to the stand for a third day to continue discussing two videos showing Troconis’ interviews with investigators in the days after Jennifer Dulos vanished on May 24, 2019. In her second interview, Troconis recanted some of the information she initially told police during the first interrogation. However, she remained adamant she didn’t know what had happened to the New Canaan mother of five.

Troconis is accused of trying to create an alibi for her former boyfriend, Fotis Dulos, the morning his estranged wife disappeared. Troconis is also accused of helping him clean a pickup truck police believe was used in the crime.

On Monday, Troconis’ attorney, Jon Schoenhorn, continued cross-examining Kimball, highlighting how his client told investigators she didn’t know what happened to Jennifer Dulos and that she offered to help look and drew maps of various properties belonging to Fotis Dulos' real estate development company, The Fore Group.

Schoenhorn also said detectives believed she had to know what happened to Jennifer Dulos.


Much more at link. ~Summer

simon cowell facepalm GIF

By Ethan Fry, Lisa Backus,Staff Writers
Updated Jan 31, 2024 1:12 p.m.

STAMFORD — A state police evidence officer and two people who owned homes near Fotis Dulos testified on Day 14 in the trial of Michelle Troconis in connection to death and disappearance of Jennifer Dulos.

Prosecutors said they expected Wednesday's testimony to end early due to scheduling conflicts for some of their other witnesses.


A state expert agreed that he had not found any fingerprints that belonged to Troconis among the items he tested. But Parisi said he was able to match a latent print on a garbage bag and two latent prints on strips of tape found with the garbage bag to the fingerprints of Fotis Dulos.

Parisi ended his testimony in the trial after saying that he had not compared any of the prints found to those of Gumienny or attorney Kent Mawhinney, is also is charged with conspiracy to commit murder in the death of Jennifer Dulos.

Prosecutors presented evidence earlier that they believe Fotis Dulos drove Gumienny's truck to New Canaan to murder his wife. Gumienny has been issued a subpoena to testify in the trial and has been granted immunity, his attorney Lindy Urso previously said. Earlier testimony focused on his truck and a potential bloodstain — but prosecutors and Troconis' defense team argued as to whether the stain was blood based on lab results.

Prosecutors had indicated months ago that Mawhinney may testify against Troconis if she took her case to trial. His attorney has declined to comment.

Several items tested by Parisi for fingerprints were "inconclusive," meaning he couldn't match them with certain people connected to the case, including Troconis or Fotis Dulos.

Testimony ended for the day after Parisi finished on the stand. Other forensic scientists who have since retired from the state lab are expected to testify Thursday, prosecutors said.

A state expert in fingerprints said he found a match for a latent fingerprint on a garbage bag belonging to Fotis Dulos. The bag is connected with the murder of Jennifer Dulos, but it is unclear if it was one of the bags found in Hartford on the night she went missing. Latent means that the print has been transferred from another object, Parisi said earlier.

Two latent prints on tape found with the bag also matched the fingerprints of Fotis Dulos, but others were inconclusive, Parisi said.

Several other items of evidence that were tested for prints did not match Fotis Dulos or Troconis. At least one item was wet and moldy and not able to be examined, Parisi said.


Much more at link. ~Summer
Wow a juror needed to go out of country. So far I don't see where their weird way of selecting jurors way ahead of trial is panning out well. This one they lost who has heard days and days of testimony. And then they went with a six personal jury panel so three is a lot of jurors already to lose.

Haven't watched much or kept up other than seeing headlines daily most of the time.

She's guilty in my opinion and one can only hope they are able to finish this trial with no more juror loss.

By Lisa Backus,Staff Writer
Feb 2, 2024

STAMFORD — More forensic lab experts are expected to testify Friday on Day 16 of the Michelle Troconis trial about evidence collected in the Jennifer Dulos case.

An expert testified on Thursday that red stains found on clothing that belonged to Jennifer Dulos tested positive for blood as did stains on a poncho and a white towel. Earlier this week, a different forensic analyst with the state lab testified that Fotis Dulos' fingerprints were found on several items collected in the investigation into the death and disappearance of his estranged wife who vanished on May 24, 2019.

According to arrest warrants, the items were found in Albany Avenue in Hartford where investigators have testified that Fotis Dulos and Troconis were seen on video making a series of stops the night of the disappearance. Investigators said Fotis Dulos was also seen discarding garbage bags, including one that contained his wife's bloody clothing.

Results of DNA tests likely focus of Friday testimony​

Retired Connecticut State Forensic Laboratory forensic analyst Christine Roy testified Thursday that the stained women's shirt and bra found in a trash bin along Albany Avenue in Hartford were covered in human blood.

Roy also testified that a portion of a poncho, white towel and four 3-foot-long zip ties also were stained with human blood. However, no one has testified yet whose blood was found on the items. According to arrest warrants, the blood belonged to Jennifer Dulos.

Roy is expected to finish her testimony Friday, followed by a state DNA expert in the case.

By Liz Hardaway,Staff Writer
Updated Feb 2, 2024 1:51 p.m.

STAMFORD — A forensic scientist confirmed there were five human hairs among evidence collected in the Jennifer Dulos case, according to testimony Friday in the Michelle Troconis trial.

Anita Vailonis, a retired forensic science examiner who worked in the state lab’s forensic biology unit, said she helped examine various items of evidence found on Albany Avenue in Hartford and in Pawel Gumienny’s Toyota Tacoma.

In her testimony, Vailonis said she analyzed hair-like fibers that were found on a white towel, a clear plastic bag with a blood-like substance, a sponge found inside a plastic bag and one entangled in a knot of a plastic bag. All of these items were seized from the trash at the corner of Albany Avenue and Green Street, one of the intersections where Fotis Dulos was seen discarding trash the evening his estranged wife disappeared. Police believe Michelle Troconis, his then-girlfriend, was sitting in the passenger seat of his Ford Raptor while he made at least three stops.

Another hair-like fiber was discovered on the interior door panel from the right door of Gumienny’s Tacoma.

Vailonis testified that she learned how to identify human hairs from the FBI and used this training to analyze the five fibers. Through this analysis, she confirmed they were human hairs and sent them to the lab’s DNA unit for further testing.

In her examination of evidence, Vailonis also said she performed several screening tests for blood on various items, many of which came up positive. However, confirmatory tests were not performed.

Troconis’ attorney, Jon Schoenhorn, has objected to the blood screening test results being introduced in the case. The Kastle-Meyer test, which was used by law enforcement and forensic scientists to see whether blood is possibly present in a sample, can give a potential result to other items such as animal blood and horseradish.

“It shouldn’t have come in at all,” Schoenhorn told reporters after court concluded for the day, adding that the test results could confuse the jury.

Former Connecticut State Forensic Laboratory forensic analyst Christine Roy testified on Thursday that testing confirmed that three items — a Vineyard Vines shirt, a bra and material from a poncho — found in the trash in Hartford contained human blood. According to arrest warrants in the case, the blood belonged to Jennifer Dulos.

Schoenhorn has conceded that there are “obviously certain items that were tested that clearly had blood, including those items of clothing.”

But other items found in the trash could’ve been cross-contaminated and manipulated by others, so the screening tests are “pure speculation,” Schoenhorn suggested.

“It was all just displayed and splayed out in that trash barrel,” he said. “So, everything contaminated everything else.”

Roy said she opted to send many samples to the DNA unit, instead of conducting tests to confirm the presence of human blood, since DNA analysis would be more individualized. Additionally, the confirmatory blood test could diminish the sample provided to the DNA unit, she said.

“If I’m sending them less sample, then potentially I’m reducing the amount of DNA that’s in that sample,” she said. “And I don’t know how that’s going to affect their overall result or interpretation.”

In the 16 days of Troconis’ trial, the state has meticulously presented the evidence law enforcement collected while investigating Jennifer Dulos’ disappearance, including surveillance footage, DNA evidence, fingerprint analyses and videos of Troconis’ first two interviews with police.

By Pat Tomlinson,Staff Writer
Feb 5, 2024

STAMFORD — Connecticut State Forensic Laboratory DNA analyst Kristen Madel returned to the witness stand Monday in the Michelle Troconis trial to discuss test results on various items recovered in the Jennifer Dulos case — and how no tests were conducted related to the co-defendant in the case.

Madel said her office was never asked to compare any of the evidence samples with Kent Mawhinney's DNA.

Like Troconis, Mawhinney is charged with conspiracy to commit murder in the May 2019 death and disappearance of Jennifer Dulos. Mawhinney is also expected to testify against Troconis at some point during her trial.

On Monday, Madel’s testimony focused on DNA testing she performed on items obtained by police from their investigation in Hartford where Fotis Dulos and Michelle Troconis were seen stopping on the night the New Canaan mother vanished.

The items included suspected blood-spattered clothing and cleaning items recovered by investigators from garbage cans along Albany Avenue in Hartford, as well as a Toyota Tacoma, which police believe was used in the presumed homicide of Jennifer Dulos, that belonged to a former employee of Fotis Dulos.


Much more at link. ~Summer
I just hope they get through this trial with enough jurors for one.

This is supposed to be so darned long of a trial it is ridiculous. Imo and I mean it part of that is because the defense is being paid hugely by her parents is my guess. The bits I've seen (honestly not a lot) he hasn't impressed me but he sure can milk the billable hours. And this is just cross and prosecution side so far if I have it right. Haven't checked lately but pretty sure.

By Liz Hardaway,Staff Writer
Feb 6, 2024

STAMFORD — Testimony from a former employee of Fotis Dulos revealed Michelle Troconis’ animosity toward Jennifer Dulos, and her then-boyfriend’s increasingly suspicious behavior.

Pawel Gumienny, a long-awaited witness, took the stand Tuesday on the 18th day of the trial. The 43-year-old Simsbury resident was granted immunity and was not charged with hindering prosecution in the case in exchange for his cooperation in the investigation, he testified.

Troconis, 49, has pleaded not guilty to conspiracy to commit murder, tampering with evidence and hindering prosecution. She is accused of trying to create an alibi for her former boyfriend, Fotis Dulos, the morning his estranged wife went missing and helping to clean Gumienny's pickup truck that police believe was used in the crime.


Conspiracy brought to the forefront​

Though Troconis’ name has been largely left out of witness testimony in the four weeks of her trial, Gumienny alluded to the loathing Troconis expressed toward Jennifer Dulos on at least two occasions.
The first instance
took place in the spring of 2019 before Jennifer Dulos went missing. Gumienny, who worked for Fotis Dulos' company, testified that Fotis Dulos was heartbroken at the thought of having to put down one of his dogs. Fotis Dulos was embroiled in a contentious divorce with his estranged wife at the time, and indicated that Jennifer Dulos wouldn’t allow their five children to say goodbye to the dog.

Gumienny testified that Troconis then replied, “That b**** should be buried right next to this dog.”

When Assistant State’s Attorney Sean McGuinness asked Gumienny how Fotis Dulos reacted, he said he just looked at Troconis.

The second instance took place after Jennifer Dulos had been reported missing. Trconis mentioned to Gumienny that she was angry pictures of her and her daughter had been shared in the media, Gumienny said.

“I’m going to kill that f****** b**** when she turns up,” Troconis told him, according to Gumienny’s testimony, and added that she was going to sue the media and was keeping track of who posted the pictures.

Gumienny’s testimony also revealed an instance when Fotis Dulos was inquiring about the security situation at Jennifer Dulos’ home.
About a month or two before the disappearance on May 24, 2019, when Jennifer Dulos vanished, Gumienny said he overheard his former boss asking a contractor about whether security cameras were at Jennifer Dulos’ house in New Canaan. Fotis Dulos pulled out his phone, showing the contractor photos of the home and asking whether certain items were cameras, according to Gumienny.

Gumienny said he then participated in the conversation, saying he didn’t think there were cameras but he recently saw a commercial for very small cameras and that Jennifer Dulos could record him with anything.

Much more at link. ~Summer

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