JONBENET RAMSEY: Found dead in Boulder, Colorado on Christmas Day 1996 - Age 6

I found him kind of pompous and agenda driven. Not arguing just my opinion.

Also there are so many out there some haven't even seen like the Avery case. He ended up exonerated and let out, got a huge settlement and turned around and did what he was basically accused of in the first case... And put himself right back in prison.

I'd also say some need to really look into the Innocence Project, and especially the one in LA.

Again, not at a single soul, but as far as some non profits and things, even search and rescue, well there's a lot out there.
I totally forgot about the Thin Blue Line case. That was horrible. The guy went through all of that because he wouldn't let a psychopath spend the night.
Well, that's what Harris said but it was just his way of avoiding responsibilty, you know, a blame game.
And he accused Adams but it was on the detectives to know **** from Shinola, lol!
I found him kind of pompous and agenda driven.
I could have listened a lot longer. I'm interested in all he had to say.
But re his doc, yes, he said he had an "objective", that he believes the case can be solved.

Michael Tracey, who was involved with several docs on the case was interested in the case and concerned for the same reason as Berlinger which is that the media was out of control.
It was amusing to me when the podcaster said she was interested in the case since she was "tabloid high" because that's how I remember it, that is, on the cover of every tabloid week after week and all with outrageous headlines.
I remember thinking the same way about this case as I did when I heard of Haleigh' Cumming's case, that is, that the case was off the rails, that the investigation went south.
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I could have listened a lot longer. I'm interested in all he had to say.
But re his doc, yes, he said he had an "objective", that he believes the case can be solved.

Michael Tracey, who was involved with several docs on the case was interested in the case and concerned for the same reason as Berlinger which is that the media was out of control.
It was amusing to me when the podcaster said she was interested in the case since she was "tabloid high" because that's how I remember it, that is, on the cover of every tabloid week after week and all with outrageous headlines.
I remember thinking the same way about this case as I did when I heard of Haleigh' Cumming's case, that is, that the case was off the rails, that the investigation went south.
Tabloid high is a very good term for it. I took a pretty deep dive oh maybe three years ago in this one, could not tell you exactly when. One of many I watched quite a bit on and went into the comments a lot was True Rocket Science HOWEVER I quit him for good by the end of my dive. The guy just doesn't even make sense, at least to me. I refuse to watch him EVER again, I swear he's off his rocker.

Usually there are some I get an opinion of and not be watching much again but if there's something new on a case I follow, I still will and am not that hard headed about it.I've named a few on variously threads who are not my faves...

This, at least for me, was very hard to listen to. As I said I found him very pompous, etc. and agenda driven, and I have not been back to it and probably won't be.

I have no probably agreeing about tabloid high though and media off the rails.

I try very hard in cases to strip all that and clear all that away, INCLUDING these days, D dramatic sh*t when I form opinions. And of course we never know ALL LE knows, sometimes even in trials as things are kept out, I don't care if some out there think we or they do. I know better.

Even in cases that I forget details on over time, I know how I form my opinions and what they are generally and do recall those. And I know I don't go by "crap" so to speak, etc.

THere's a few things out there right now of yes, new developments, think it can be solved, etc. I've ran into. Whatever. It's that time of year when it always comes up for one thing.

They messed this up so DAM*ED bad imo. Some tabloids these days are rarely heard from any longer than goodness, at least I don't run into some, that existed then but there's no one who didn't cover it, I mean a little blonde singing beauty pageant queen, a lot is judged on just that, out there, everywhere and always has been.

I'm not up on the names you use, sorry, but without wanting to go on about it, I'm in a pretty bad time right now.

For me the handwriting expert does it, and the lack of fingerprints on the note. There are of course a lot of other things I took into consideration as well.

If Patsy wrote the note, then it's a coverup for herself or someone known to them. And for me all stripped away it's really as simple as that. Of course tabloids and all sorts of people have made millions off this poor little murdered girl.
Tabloid high is a very good term for it. I took a pretty deep dive oh maybe three years ago in this one, could not tell you exactly when. One of many I watched quite a bit on and went into the comments a lot was True Rocket Science HOWEVER I quit him for good by the end of my dive. The guy just doesn't even make sense, at least to me. I refuse to watch him EVER again, I swear he's off his rocker.

Usually there are some I get an opinion of and not be watching much again but if there's something new on a case I follow, I still will and am not that hard headed about it.I've named a few on variously threads who are not my faves...

This, at least for me, was very hard to listen to. As I said I found him very pompous, etc. and agenda driven, and I have not been back to it and probably won't be.

I have no probably agreeing about tabloid high though and media off the rails.
Well, I mentioned Michael Tracey... he's a professor of journalism at U of Colorado at Boulder and he participated in Berlinger's documentary and I mentioned him because his and Berlinger's attention and interest in the case was sparked by the same reason but in this case, it wasn't only that basic standards of journalism had gone to hell in a handbasket (my words, lol) but that the content was b.s. intentionally fed by LE.
(This apect was well addressed in Berlinger's doc. The mayor at the time who also participated in the doc said she no longer believes everything she reads.)
If Patsy wrote the note, then it's a coverup for herself or someone known to them. And for me all stripped away it's really as simple as that.
For me, it's simplier than that.
The note's a subjective piece of evidence and (needless to say) a wrong conclusion as to who wrote it and you're stuck before you've even started.
Well, I mentioned Michael Tracey... he's a professor of journalism at U of Colorado at Boulder and he participated in Berlinger's documentary and I mentioned him because his and Berlinger's attention and interest in the case was sparked by the same reason but in this case, it wasn't only that basic standards of journalism had gone to hell in a handbasket (my words, lol) but that the content was b.s. intentionally fed by LE.
(This apect was well addressed in Berlinger's doc. The mayor at the time who also participated in the doc said she no longer believes everything she reads.)

For me, it's simplier than that.
The note's a subjective piece of evidence and (needless to say) a wrong conclusion as to who wrote it and you're stuck before you've even started.
No, and I actually had to chuckle, they are way to rare these days, chuckles. We all have our experiences and quite simply I've deal with handwriting experts. They are probably called more than that these days but I have, and more than once, many a time. And let's add neither parents' prints were even on the note.

You know, I've had more than a couple of anonymous letters in my life and even a layperson can tell who likely wrote them, but add in the experts and they're right.

And nope, I'm not stuck, I've considered many a thing over many, many years it's been now. Just like "almost" everyone has. I do always end up back on the family.

I've even considered someone forced her to write it, etc. I've considered every bit of it. Again like "most" of probably millions of people have.

I mean a stranger could have made her, she may have been covering for a family member, one of John's friends, who knows. But there's also other things, I keyed down to that because I'm pretty positive on it, but it isn't all I've considered by a long shot.

I don't START at that place, I end up back to it EVERY single time, over many years.

Than ya for the chuckle though, seriously, pretty rare these days.. Love ya for it.

They can even tell who wrote notes in TYPED notes. To a high percentage. I've used them, I've heard from them and so on and so on. But still I don't assume she necessarily did it, but she did write the note.

I hope 2025 is good for us all. I hardly observed New Year's.
I'm a RDI person. It is like a few of our current cases in some ways in that a ton of smoke and intentional obfuscation has went on for many, many years to try to fuzz the picture and the facts that DO exist. Clear away the smoke and the RDI.

Sadly it worked, along with either friends in the system or just a poor investigation, none were ever charged nor likely ever will be. It also worked in that there are all sorts of schools of thoughts out there and even those of us who think RDI have explored and considered the other possibilities. I have but I land right back on the Ramseys each and every time. Some though stick to the other theories like of an intruder. Not for me. Nope.

It is a case that imo will only see justice by God. Mankind's system has failed Jon Benet.
He sure is vocal recently.

He wants things pursued that point away from them. Big surprise isn't it.

Patsy wrote the note and a Ramsey did it.

So nice a grand jury indicted but the DA refused to tell the public or go with it.

Yeah, they've had no one helping ever along the way...

John himself found her and messed with the evidence and body, picking her up.

It was a horsesh*t investigation and the family was allowed total freedom when all should have been locked down.

The RDI.

It would take a LOT to change my opinion on that.

Like I said above, the court and law of mankind failed Jon Benet, God won't. Imo.
I just never felt RDI. I really hope to see resolution in this case. I really want to know who did it. With the advancements in the science of using dna if new evidence comes out saying it's RDI I will be the first to insert foot in mouth lol
I just never felt RDI. I really hope to see resolution in this case. I really want to know who did it. With the advancements in the science of using dna if new evidence comes out saying it's RDI I will be the first to insert foot in mouth lol
To each their own. Many feel it was an intruder or someone else. I don't. Quite honestly if DNA came back with someone else, it still would not mean to me the Ramseys were not part of it. Or one of them. There is too much other imo...

On this one, I guess you and I are not going to agree and nothing wrong with that. Many don't agree on this case.

For me there is just too much questionable about the Ramseys. There are many things but the big one is I'm convinced Patsy wrote the letter. And if one decides that, the Ramseys or at least she--cannot be eliminated. There are also other things, many, like the window.

These two parents are as fake and surface as they come--especially Patsy. Was--of course I know she is long passed now.

John is pretty talky lately but only about stuff that points away from them.

He talks of grandchildren, etc. and wanting answers for them. Do they wonder? First of all, I'd hope they don't deal with much of it as far as people knowing. What I mean is I wouldn't know who they are and unless they tell people who they are then I'd hope they don't deal with the cloud from the public or others... They may well wonder themselves though...

He is looking to clear his name/their name, period. Pointing at DNA and science. Hey let's see if new advances can help with the letter as well how about...

Most of us have looked at this case at least 1000 times if not more.... I have considered every single possibility. Friend. Stranger. Intruder. You name it. I land back on the Ramseys each and every single time.

Not trying to convince you or anyone, just giving my reasons for feeling that way.

I don't like his coming out constantly right now either. I feel they have never had enough to arrest or won't is more like it (because a grand jury brought an indictment that was IGNORED) and he knows this and is pushing right now to try to get an innocent ruling and point elsewhere.

He comes across as a decent, hardworking, somewhat quiet, man but I don't buy any of that. He was important, monied, left his first wife and kids for a younger Patsy and had two more, was about outer appearances...

Jmo. All of it. Lol.
I have friends who think the same and I just never did.... 1996.... I was 15 when this happened.... at 43 maybe it's weird my opinion hasn't changed... I don't know... hopefully something is being done that shows progress

This show is being produced by the Ramsey's. Stuff pointing to them will either be totally left out or misrepresented. Personally, I feel the best scenario has Burke getting angry and hitting her on the head with the flashlight. He didn't mean to kill her, but did.

Patsy was so worried about appearances that she made up the kidnapping story.
This show is being produced by the Ramsey's. Stuff pointing to them will either be totally left out or misrepresented. Personally, I feel the best scenario has Burke getting angry and hitting her on the head with the flashlight. He didn't mean to kill her, but did.

Patsy was so worried about appearances that she made up the kidnapping story.
I won't argue that but am not sure. I can as easily see Patsy losing it with her. Burke IS different though.

Both RAmseys were all about appearances. She made it obvious she was, he tried to come off as not so much that way, but he is as well. Very much so.

He definitely will leave things out or misrepresent them and he is all over lately and trying to focus it in a direction away from them only and is trying to run with it and make it focal, that someone else did it.

I for ONE am not falling for it.

Someone in that home/family killed that child in her own home. And then staged a cover up, a poor one. It is absolutely maddening there has been no justice because for me, it is all so obvious. Which one may be a problem but Patsy imo could have been charged. SHE wrote the NOTE. Of the THREE, she is a definite.

You know people come and go and probably no one is the same but forever Boulder PD will have a black eye. I never hear of Boulder, CO that this case does not jump to center for me, nor of Boulder, that the PD and this investigation, this poor shoddy one, does not jump to center for me. It always will, no matter what. Prior to Jon Benet the town was known for things like skiing and more. Now it is pretty much only known for this imo to the world.

And every single bit of it is deserved.

John Ramsey should shut his mouth and try to stay out of the spotlight and just be glad no one in his family was ever arrested, go sit down, shut up, and quit trying to turn things to exonerate them all. That spin, effort, connections and power and influence were there from the start and he is still trying. Despite all that, from the start, people are not stupid and they aren't today either. The Ramseys can't be cleared imo and never will be, they certainly will never be with public opinion. And for good reason.

WE by far do not always agree on cases but we agree on RDI with this one. I am as centered on Patsy as on Burke, well more so even, and it could be dad too, I have ruled none OUT, but I look at Patsy and I see a Mommy Dearest... I see a control freak and one who image is everything to and yet at home she couldn't function or handle things and when perfection does not result, such types SNAP, nothing is PERFECT enough. They want it but cannot attain it. They want clean perfect children, hey guess what, that isn't the way it is, not how kids are. They don't picture accidents, potty training, life is just supposed to be easy and magically perfect. Siblings fight? Oh no, not in their ideal. Kids do as they are told and all is perfect. Uh-huh. Life just magically happens and all is ideal and perfect. NOT.

Patsy is all about image or was, and she couldn't handle life imo. I don't know if she DID IT but she definitely was a huge part of any problems. John worked and traveled, Patsy did image and spent and was stressed imo all of the time.

Enough people just judge even the pageant thing and I do as well. Some stick up for her and she was a southern Belle type pageant girl herself and some say it's just a thing and not a bad thing with such. I don't agree at all. I don't agree with dressing and parading a small child around like some sex kitten who acts like an adult and acts all sexy with the creeps in this world and putting them on a stage. Children should be children and allowed to be, protected, safe, and playing. I don't agree with such and never will and I feel the same about child stars/Hollywood.

And then imagine the attention it took on Jon Benet from classes, dancing, outfits, practice, attention, pageants, shows, you name it and I would have to think Burke would be jealous of the focus and attention she got. Even if her life wasn't easy and was all practice and you name it, she had all of the attention, not just from mom but EVERYONE in the outside world too... The little cutie, beauty queen.

I am rambling I realize but I have strong opinions on this one. I have explored like probably most/all of us every possibility but as I've said I come back to RDI each and every time. I'm done even looking at other possibilities, I did it many a time. No more.

John Ramsey can try but he is going to die with a cloud over his head. They were already named not suspects/exonerated by one idiot DA if I recall, but it doesn't change people's opinions. He can push the science and DNA and act like or hope they find someone and charge them for his daughter's death but even if they did, it is unlikely it would change my opinion. Or a lot of the public's.

Hey it just dawned on me this was Colorado and they just had that DNA woman charged with many an offense. Was she doing her work back then in CO...I mean we've got corrupt DNA **** just found out about recently with CO...

Anyhow I had better stop. I am definitely rambling. It's a waste of time too as this case will never be charged and will never be to my satisfaction unless a Ramsey confesses, tells the entire story and of what family members knew or were involved and is charged.

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