JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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First 15 minutes of Defence closing arguments.

12:00 p.m. Now Archibald talks about power. “In the year Chad convinced her she was a goddess, how many converts did Lori have? Zero. A big fat zero. How many converts did Chad have? I count six. Melanie, Audrey, etc.” Archibald says, “This great cause of saving the world and gathering up the 144,000, Chad got six and Lori got zero. Doing some simple math, Chad has 143,994 people left to gather before Jesus comes. At the rate of six people a year, that will take Chad 24,000 years to get this army assembled. The math is ridiculous.”

11:56 a.m. Archibald says he respects the state’s argument that this is about money, sex and power. But he says Charles Vallow was making $400,000-500,000. He says that Lori was receiving far less in Social Security money after Charles’ death. So what is the point of the death? Then she moves on to Chad “who can’t sell enough stupid books about the end of the world” so Tammy has to support him. “So Lori wanted to ditch Charles who makes $400-500,000 a year and go to Chad who makes $30,000 a year and she wanted to do that for money?”

11:55 a.m. Archibald: “You’ve been able to see my client. You’ve been able to see the evil glares she gets from the audience. You’ve been able to see the witnesses and the evidence. You’ve been able to hear my client six times during this trial.” He then lists the pieces of evidence (the phone calls, body camera footage, the podcast).

11:54 a.m. Archibald: “Pretty soon six of you are going to have to get bumped. And that’s too bad. The judge is going to pick numbers out of a hat to see who stays and who goes. I think the thought was during a long trial, someone was going to get sick or have issues at home or a death in the family – something is going to happen that some of you are not going to show up. All of you showed up. To you alternates, thanks again for your service and I’m sorry you won’t get to deliberate with your fellow jurors.”

11:52 a.m. Archibald: “I talked to you weeks ago about paying attention to who does what. Pay attention to burden of proof. We don’t have to provide any witnesses or evidence and my client doesn’t have to testify. You can’t hold that against us.”

11:50 a.m. “Who is Chad Daybell?” Archibald asks. Lori read some of his books and Archibald explains all about the religious teachings, the 144,000, evil spirits, light and dark ratings, zombies, Jesus being in the temple – “quite a remarkable change in Lori from people who knew her. What the heck is going on? How can this be?” Archibald goes on to say, “One year after meeting Chad, four people are dead.” Archibald reminds jurors they shouldn’t consider Charles’ death in this case as Lori is not facing charges here in Idaho for the death.

11:49 a.m. Archibald explains about Lori marrying and divorcing Joseph Ryan. “The kids needed protecting from Joseph Ryan.” Now he talks about Charles Vallow and their marriage. “You heard JJ had medical issues when he was born and Charles and Lori were a good fit for him. They loved him and they cared for him. Then the story about Lori Vallow changes dramatically in October 2018.”

11:47 a.m. Archibald:” Who is Lori Vallow? What happened? Where did it happen? When did it happen? Why did it happen? That’s what you’ve been asked to figure out. That’s what you need to be convinced of beyond a reasonable doubt.” Lori was born in California, turns 50 next month, got married right out of high school. Got divorced, went to beauty school, got married and divorced again. “She worked hard as a single mother.”

11:45 a.m. Archibald: “Thank you for your service. you have a tough job. We talked about this almost seven weeks ago when we met. We talked about the case being difficult. You were asked if you could be fair and impartial and reserve judgment until the end. We’re getting close to the end. You were asked to be patient and attentive while putting your life on hold. Again – thank you.” Archibald thanks the prosecutors and says, “We’re small-town lawyers. We’re not from Boise. We’re called opposing counsel but we do respect each other. We respect the jobs we have to do.” Archibald says he does not have a Powerpoint.

11:44 a.m. Boyce is back on the bench. Archibald will now present his closing argument. He also is standing directly in front of the jury, like Wood, rather than at the lectern.
12:31 p.m. Archibald says Lori kept asking Chad what was happening “because Chad’s been to heaven and he knows.” He brings up the fact that Chad would change percentage ratings for people because “he’s making it up as he goes. He can’t remember if it’s zero percent when people die or 100 percent when people die.”

I agree with Archibald on this one. Why do they have to die when they are 100% if they have to die when they are 0%? Then again, why are we trying to make sense of Chad's "teachings" at all? They are just excuses to impress and gain a means to what he wants in the end.
Because it is a circle and 100% is right next to 0% maybe? Like a clock. 0 minutes is right next to 60 minutes. Now I'm trying to make sense of it myself!!!!!!!
Second part of defence closing arguments (20 minutes). She's a good mum.

12:21 p.m. Archibald quotes Summer’s testimony of Lori being a good mom, getting along with Tylee and Lori never agreeing to kill her kids.

12:20 p.m. Archibald references Summer Shiflet’s testimony and the phone call. “I have supported you your whole life. Chad has lied to you. Chad has deceived you,” Archibald quotes. Then he says Alex was a 16-year-old stuck in an adult body because of a car accident.

12:19 p.m. “They say she’s cunningly coming up with a plan to knock off all these people. Why not go get insurance policies on the kids? She didn’t go get an insurance policy on the kids. Does that tell you she wasn’t planning to kill her kids or she would have gotten policies,” Archibald says.

12:18 p.m. Archibald says Lori lied to protect Chad – her lover, her eternal in how many worlds companion. “How can someone have that much control over you? We’ve heard how reason and common sense go out the windows sometimes when religious principles are involved,” Archibald says.

12:16 p.m. Archibald says on Lori’s rental application for her Rexburg home, she listed JJ and Tylee as her kids. “Why tell everyone you had two kids? Why enroll them in school? Why hire a babysitter? The only thing that makes sense to me if she didn’t have a plan. She wanted to be with Chad. They were obviously having an affair. Chad told her all the time about life and dark things but there was no plan by Lori to kill her kids.”

12:14 p.m. Archibald talking about April Ryan’s testimony of Lori trying to recruit her to join the 144,000. April declined to join in. Archibald talks about Lori hiring a babysitter to watch JJ. “If Lori has all these plans to kill her kid, why hire a babysitter and bring her over and introduce her and why check JJ into school? You’re going to kill your kid next week. Why do that? Because Lori didn’t have a plan. The state wants you to think that this was Lori’s plan to kill her kids.”

12:13 p.m. Archibald references Colby’s testimony where he said Lori was a good mom. He mentions the phone call from Colby to Lori and says “it was so painful.” Archibald gets choked up. “It’s just so painful.”

12:11 p.m. Archibald: “Look for the lack of evidence of who’s doing what.” He brings up Chad’s blessing to Alex. “To me it’s craziness. Opening the portals of time, third creation, fourth creation, great warriors, exaltation but came back in the fifth creation. What in the heck is Chad talking about? He’s the leader of his new church. He calls himself a patriarch. Just goofy stuff.”

12:09 p.m. Archibald goes on to describe the “weird religious babble that really does not make sense.” “In America, you can believe how you want but you can’t go killing people so what are they talking about? What is all this religious talk?” Archibald tells the jurors to listen to the call from Melanie Gibb where Lori says the kids are safe and happy. “Does she know Chad and Alex were out in the backyard together? remember all the GPS data? Lot’s not there. Lori’s not in the backyard when Chad and Alex are. She’s not coming and going from Chad’s property on those days. She’s not there. They are calling and texting her. Are they texting about today’s the day we are going to kill some people? We don’t know that. Maybe they were texting about running an errand – ‘Do you want a real Coke or a Diet Coke?”

12:08 p.m. Archibald says on the jail phone call from Chad, Lori did not know the kids were in the backyard. “Chad knew but does she know that Chad and Alex stuffed her kids in Chad’s backyard? Go listen to it again and you make your determination.”

12:06 p.m. Archibald recalls Officer Ray Heromosillo’s testimony. He testified that Chad Daybell, when the police showed up, called his lawyer. “And what’s Chad doing? He’s outside looking over his shoulder then he sped away and got arrested. So when Chad was looking over his shoulder, what’s that inference? That Chad knew what was in his backyard. He knew that time was short for him.”

12:04 p.m. Archibald says the first witness was Kay Woodcock. She described Charles and Lori as the all-American family. She trusted her brother and she trusted Lori. They each had two kids and then adopted one together. Kay said something changed in late 2018/early 2019. Brandon B. then testified and said Charles and Lori were great. “I loved that family like my own.” But then “all of the end of the world talk ramped up and things got weird.”

12:03 p.m. Archibald says there’s no doubt the children are dead but did Lori do it? “You’ve heard 60 witnesses and seen hundreds of exhibits. County police, local police, state police, federal police – a lot of resources. I want to review some of these with you.”

12:01 p.m. Archibald now talking about sex. “People have sex outside of marriage every day.” He compared the physical attractiveness between Chad and Charles. Archibald says it wasn’t about sex. “She’s reading his books during a hard time in her life and this guy is telling her she’s a goddess…and by the way, we’ve already been married in previous life so it’s not really cheating. And we were best friends with Jesus and Jesus approves so everything is ok. That’s quite the pickup line by Chad to Lori and it worked. Pretty scary that the pickup line from Chad to Lori worked.”
Last 20 minutes of defence closing.

Lori is just following Chad who is just being led by the storm

12:45 p.m. Wood will have a rebuttal after lunch. Back in 45 minutes.

12:44 p.m. Archibald: “If there is anything we’ve learned about a storm, you hide from a storm. You seek shelter from a storm. Lori spent her whole life protecting her children. Thank you again.” Archibald is done.

12:42 p.m. Archibald: “No one here thinks Lori actually killed anyone. That’s why she’s being charged with conspiracy. So they want you to be convinced that she’s part of this plan – that there’s a specific plan to kill. If you find her guilty, will that bring the kids back? Nope. If you find her not guilty, will that bring the kids back? Nope. You can’t be concerned about that. You need to be concerned with following the law and the lack of evidence.”

12:39 p.m. Archibald: “People who follow Jesus do good things. They are respectful, kind, serve others…’If someone wants you to walk a mile, walk two miles with them (Archibald gets choked up). Treat people like you want to be treated. Judge people like you want to be judged. Since you’re a sinner, be kind and forgiving of sinners. That’s the Jesus we know. That’s the Jesus that Lori knew. That’s the Jesus Lori taught her children about. That’s the Jesus Lori knew until she met Chad Daybell.”

12:36 p.m. Archibald: “Why can’t people escape religious leaders? Why can’t Lori escape and get back to her good mom life? Lori is not a leader in Chad’s new church – the Church of the Fireborn. Lori so wants to testify of Jesus. She wants to tell the world how much she loves Jesus. She wants to tell you she personally met him on more than one occasion. But is Lori a leader or a follower of Chad? She so wants to be a leader but she’s not leading anyone. She’s following Chad. She thinks Chad is following Jesus but he’s not. He’s unfortunately being led by the storm – not the first guy to be led by the storm.”

12:35 p.m. Archibald: “Was it proven who killed JJ? No but Chad got in a scratch fight with JJ the day before. Maybe those were the scratches on JJ’s neck. Alex was only at the gravesite for JJ for 17 minutes. That’s not enough time to find a board, find rocks and line them up. I’m guessing Alex had help from Chad. Of the 15,000 texts you have in evidence, show me one where Lori is part of that conspiracy. ‘When are you killing JJ by the way? There is no such text.'”

12:33 p.m. Archibald: “What’s going on in Chad’s brain? You and I wound’t believe it – but some people do. Some people follow religious leaders when others don’t. Was it proven who killed Tylee? No – but Alex and Chad were in the backyard. Chad had said, ‘Tylee doesn’t like me.’ I’m guessing Chad and Alex on Tylee. Did they prove that Lori conspired? Of the 15,000 texts they have in evidence, show me one from Lori that says, ‘So when are you killing Tylee?'”

12:31 p.m. Archibald says Lori kept asking Chad what was happening “because Chad’s been to heaven and he knows.” He brings up the fact that Chad would change percentage ratings for people because “he’s making it up as he goes. He can’t remember if it’s zero percent when people die or 100 percent when people die.”

12:29 p.m. Archibald brings up Audrey’s testimony and says he thought she was “making up stuff.” What did we learn about her? “That she was married to Jesus, that kind of cool. That I’ll follow you to five different states even though I didn’t really follow you.” Archibald apologizes to the jury for getting a little “excited” with Audrey because he didn’t believe her. “You have to sort through that and decide what is credible and not credible with these witnesses. What is real and what is imaginary?”

12:27 p.m. Archibald talks about the prophecy Chad told the neighbors about – that Tammy would die before she was 50. “Wouldn’t Tammy also know about this prophecy? Couldn’t that be why she increased her life insurance? Tammy was still with Chad even though he was so nutty. She stood by him even as they went bankrupt as he was trying to sell his stupid books. So her prophetic husband who said, ‘Dear wife, you’re going to die next year’ – could that cause her to increase her life insurance? Prove to me that that’s false.”

12:24 p.m. Archibald brings up Tammy’s death. “That death is up in the air. Was she even murdered? Was it a natural death? To believe she was murdered, Chad is so smooth that he convinced a county coroner, a deputy coroner, and a police officer that it was all natural causes and convinced his kids. Remember the kids showed up, ‘Oh my. What happened to Mom.’ Chad convinced them all – Sorry kids, mom died in her sleep. Ok dad. You’re being asked to convict Lori on killing Tammy when Lori’s in Hawaii. Yuo’re being asked to convict Lori on killing Tammy when it isn’t even a homicide.”

12:22 p.m. Archibald talks about the photos that “I’m sure are burned into your brain” — the autopsy photos — before transitioning to the hair found on the duct tape wrapped around JJ’s body. “Is that a smoking gun? No, not at all. Why not? Because decomposition fluid was also in that bag, the pajamas were also in that bag, kids socks were also in that bag, a kid’s blanket was also in that bag. To say Lori is a killer because they found a piece of her hair on duct tape, that’s not true. I would hope all of you who are mothers – I hope your hair is somewhere on your kid’s pajamas, socks or blanket.”
I don't think it is as simple as Archibald makes out. Alex has the mind of a 16 year old, Chad is led astray by sex and Lori is mesmerized by Chad's religious teachings and the fact she is a goddess. This is definitely about sex and money though. Life insurance money and the Social Security income and being free of Chad's wife and Lori's husband and kids. It is no coincidence they are all dead, including Alex, 5 deaths within 5 months. 2manykids.
She's toast. That's why she's crying. Maybe her attorneys said it's not looking good for her or something, who knows? I don't care what she thinks I just want her behind bars for the rest of her mortal life.

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