JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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Maybe? I mean, her explanation there doesn't explain why she would conceal a death or abuse a corpse or a million other things.

Trying to figure out who is who in her neat little list.

Tylee suicide? Guessing she would try to pass JJ off as accidental.
Yes, she probably said that JJ fell off of the refrigerator when he was trying to attack a picture of Jesus or some thing.

None of it explains why they would decide to bury them in Chad’s backyard. Like Larry said, she’s full of 💩.
Yes, she probably said that JJ fell off of the refrigerator when he was trying to attack a picture of Jesus or some thing.

None of it explains why they would decide to bury them in Chad’s backyard. Like Larry said, she’s full of 💩.
I wonder if her statement when she's on trial for the death of Charles Vallow is he's happy and busy and visits her?
Maybe? I mean, her explanation there doesn't explain why she would conceal a death or abuse a corpse or a million other things.

Trying to figure out who is who in her neat little list.

Tylee suicide? Guessing she would try to pass JJ off as accidental.
1. I did it
2. I am a compulsive liar
3. I have delusions of grandure.
4. I believe in UFO's coming to get me on doomsday.
5. I have no konconse. Conshonse.. IDK.
6. Everything else

P.S. Can I be cellies with Leticia Stauch?.
What I found interesting in her ramblings was this nugget:

Accidental deaths happen, suicides happen, medication reactions happen. (Not word for word)

So, she presented 3 alternate causes of death for 3 people.

I'm wondering if we just got a glimpse into Chad's planned defense.
Yeahhhh...."Accidents". O.K. Lori. I would hate for something to "Accidently" Happen to you in prison. Like you Accidently getting your azz kicked. You aren't exactly low profile.
I wonder the same exact thing! Have they been in contact? I guess their attorneys could pass messages.
star wars love GIF by Hyper RPG
What I found interesting in her ramblings was this nugget:

Accidental deaths happen, suicides happen, medication reactions happen. (Not word for word)

So, she presented 3 alternate causes of death for 3 people.

I'm wondering if we just got a glimpse into Chad's planned defense.
Yes I noticed that. So she is insinuating the three deaths were not murders but did not give any evidence to back that up because she doesn't have any.
Yes I noticed that. So she is insinuating the three deaths were not murders but did not give any evidence to back that up because she doesn't have any.
Senseless statements of a delusional, But sane Barbie, That is the only one that believes that. They would have told me I had to leave for laughing. What?! AHAHAHAAAA!!! :LOL: :ROFLMAO: Oh come on. I can't believe I was the only one. Fine. Smh.
Yes, she probably said that JJ fell off of the refrigerator when he was trying to attack a picture of Jesus or some thing.

None of it explains why they would decide to bury them in Chad’s backyard. Like Larry said, she’s full of 💩.
Fell off the fridge attacking a picture of Jesus. AHAHAHAAAA. LMAOOOO.
I don't know. Maybe conspiracy to murder is legally more serious. A bit like aiding and abetting a suicide is worse than the suicide.
Really?. Wow. I can see egging someone on to commit suicide. It's happened a few times. Especially teenagers. That they can be so emotionless, Cruel, Cold hearted, And actually think it's funny to lead someone to do that. And I can see the conspiracy. Manson was charged with just conspiracy. He wasn't a serial killer. He had others do it. Do I think he probably was. Yes.
What I found interesting in her ramblings was this nugget:

Accidental deaths happen, suicides happen, medication reactions happen. (Not word for word)

So, she presented 3 alternate causes of death for 3 people.

I'm wondering if we just got a glimpse into Chad's planned defense.
Only around Loir would there be such coincidences that JJ dies by accident, Tylee dies by suicide and Tammy dies by medication/medical issue. Joe was a coincidence, Alex was a coincidence, Brandon being shot at was as well and Charles, well Charles it was self defense and again, she didn't do it. And on and on.

I don't even have words for her little speech. Not yet. The one thing i did see was what she showed on podcasts, to her "followers" like the Mels, etc. and probably her own family, etc. Her very planned and executed at the right moments with the almost right emotion but so fake because it was WHEN it was needed and the whole thing flowed like clockwork and with total knowing and confidence. Yet was utterly ridiculous.

Someone I watched thinks she disassociates. Her husband is a shrink and I'm sure he likely thinks so and that's where that comes from.

I don't. I'm not an expert but I don't. I even think things were in here to get to people and hurt. Like the absolute ridiculous talk of her loving Tammy.

She IS the hero in the story and even the martyr. Loving her children, standing by them with their horrible lives due to Joe, etc., staying by Tylee's side when she was little and sick, etc. The HERO. THE as its often been said, the perfect sounding mother but one who also toots her own horn. However, this perfect mom with this speech in the face of what is KNOWN is absolutely ridiculous.

I think the remarks about Tammy were to inflame her family or she hoped to or hurt them.

Her "visions" or "visits" by all three of these victims also serve purposes. First it is back to she is special and SHE gets all these things. Second if her kids are saying such things to her, see she didn't KILL THEM or they don't hate her but she doesn't have to utter the words herself, it is meant to "show" that. Third, she isn't offering remorse but see she is offering comfort to all who miss and love them by telling them of these made up visits and how WONDERFUL they are doing and HOW HAPPY they all are. She needs no remorse because she KNOWS this AND of course she didn't do it. But she is offering that kindness Boyce talked about by assuring everyone how okay it is, how okay they are, etc. She NEEDED visions/visits to accomplish all these things without her explaining a thing.

What we heard in my opinion is a glimpse of what kind of CONFIDENT ASSURED thing she did to her followers which they believed--HOWEVER, I'm not sure I believe that, I think they all employed these kinds of things... Maybe not to her extent... I don't know... I mean the Mels, Zulema, etc... And I'm' sorry but again I see such as cons...

On its face it was pathetic, ridiculous and downright stupid. Maybe its even her way of being thought of as delusional and insane without saying she is. Who knows... And the public isn't the Mels and Zulema and I think most came away NOT feeling they had just heard from supreme overconfident goddess and feeling they had seen the light. In reality, it's almost laughworthy.

The other thing is you can see she has been listening... She may not care but she has heard things... So she tells Tammy's family she IS there for her grandchildren and her family and SHE SO SPECIAL a BEING and TAMMY'S FRIEND KNOWS THIS and can give them that comfort... The judge and the witnesses and the victim statements and the prosecutor, etc. throughout all said how Tammy was a grandmother, had kids, that Lorii "killed" her etc... So here's how she makes that "right" and does show she cares and can offer comfort. Maddening but laughable.

I haven't sorted all my thoughts on it yet to put them into words but I guess I did have some.

I think the icing on the cake and the biggest thing of all is that she has been wanting to speak and has wanted the stage for a long time and she got it. She also wanted the last word. Which of course it ISN'T, not even close. Just stop and think of their argument recently over Tammy's aunt giving a victim statement and think of how the defense interrupted Tammy's aunt on the stand, etc. and objected just prior. I'd have loved to seen her interrupted several times as they did to the other side. These things show imo her real intent. The objections were to upset the family as was the Tammy's friend reference. She probably also gete a kick out of sitting back now and watching how much of America does think she's insane and how easily people buy her acts. But the thing is, most don't. Imo.

I personally think Lori is revenge driven. I think when husbands in her opinion didn't measure up time and again, did not treat her as she WAS to be treated, did not appreciate her attractiveness,, sexiness, he specialness, being a good wife and mom and weren't perfect, she'd turn to hate and revenge. And I don't think they could have measured up. Not ever. Even her smarts, etc. Look at the remark of Alex messing yet something else up again. Well not for much longer he didn't. She turns on EVERYONE that makes that one wrong mistake and denies her or does not side with her. Look at the demand to be stood behind as to Joe. Then as to Charles. And turning on Adam. Her family is expected to to the line as well. Or risk Lori's wrath. Look at what she did to Joe how far back.

But THEN she has this bubbly sweet persona, a loving persona, a religious woman, the good mom (we heard her yesterday), this stronger than one can be woman handling all this for everyone else, etc., etc., etc. Now that' I've started I could go on as the thoughts are flowing.

She is a CAT. No offense to authentic felines intended. Yesterday seemed ridiculous, her statement. And it easily seems delusional or insane even. BUT this too has worked for her... She seemed ridiculous and seemed delusional but I think she knew that is exactly what the thoughts would be of most of us.

I'm still working through this... And it is coming now... And I know some will say a doctor said this or that... Not here necessarily but some are saying that out there of course. I think she's up there with the slyest and worst of the serial killers. She is playing everyone, any doctor who thinks otherwise included.

When have you ever seen in the tons of info we've had released these past years both from back when and now you ever see her slip...? Rarely or barely ever miss a step... Caught in a lie or statement she made. Of course we can't say she was GRILLED in most cases but still most liars would flub here and there. Was she caught by things like phone messages, and a lot of things, the bodies found and dates and more, yes. But when has she ever missed a step. She went to jail and basically stayed silent and behaved. I dont' doubt she's charming the guards and staff, etc. Boyce even when first starting yesterday seemed to have known she's like glowingly good. Yeah I bet she is... Isn't that her person to cops after Charles was shot and tons of others at all the different times we've seen...

Somebody said just yesterday I think in something I watched and I can't recall if it was Nate or Gigi or who but to remember Hawaii. When she was served papers at the pool, she was cool as a cucumber glancing through them but Chad was the nervous one. That's so clear, I think most of us can bring it to mind easily. I don't mean he isn't evil, I mean she doesn't miss a step... You could see in other ones where she was getting p*ssed though when following them as they walked because nothing she was doing was working and they wouldn't leave them alone... Nervous about jail or anything though? NO. Remember all the cash in her purse/bag... She always had the next moves planned, many of them. Alex screwing up we saw a real side of her... And I think Chad got it too when Tammy wasn't dead not long after Charles... NOT that for ONE minute do I not have a lot to say about Chad nor am I saying Lori was the ruler. I have my own thoughts on him and they're not any better than the ones on her. I think she covers her surprise better but I think he's a deep dark death fascinated con and psycho himself.

I need to stop. I'm just Lori is a flat out cunning psychopath.

Sorry. I had no thoughts when I started. And then they started to come as I said one thing. It led to another thought.

One last note--for the public, she ONLY used what a lot of the public and especially LDS believes in. A near death experience, and seeing loved ones and having visits from them. Heck I believe such happens. But it doesn't mean people claiming it or having one are telling the truth and I daresay there's more using it and lying than have had them. Not a word of her crazier beliefs, that she is a goddess, no mention of the 144K and why Tylee couldn't be one of them as an adult, a chosen one, or the light and dark ratings, etc. She knew not to do that didn't she...
Only around Loir would there be such coincidences that JJ dies by accident, Tylee dies by suicide and Tammy dies by medication/medical issue. Joe was a coincidence, Alex was a coincidence, Brandon being shot at was as well and Charles, well Charles it was self defense and again, she didn't do it. And on and on.

I don't even have words for her little speech. Not yet. The one thing i did see was what she showed on podcasts, to her "followers" like the Mels, etc. and probably her own family, etc. Her very planned and executed at the right moments with the almost right emotion but so fake because it was WHEN it was needed and the whole thing flowed like clockwork and with total knowing and confidence. Yet was utterly ridiculous.

Someone I watched thinks she disassociates. Her husband is a shrink and I'm sure he likely thinks so and that's where that comes from.

I don't. I'm not an expert but I don't. I even think things were in here to get to people and hurt. Like the absolute ridiculous talk of her loving Tammy.

She IS the hero in the story and even the martyr. Loving her children, standing by them with their horrible lives due to Joe, etc., staying by Tylee's side when she was little and sick, etc. The HERO. THE as its often been said, the perfect sounding mother but one who also toots her own horn. However, this perfect mom with this speech in the face of what is KNOWN is absolutely ridiculous.

I think the remarks about Tammy were to inflame her family or she hoped to or hurt them.

Her "visions" or "visits" by all three of these victims also serve purposes. First it is back to she is special and SHE gets all these things. Second if her kids are saying such things to her, see she didn't KILL THEM or they don't hate her but she doesn't have to utter the words herself, it is meant to "show" that. Third, she isn't offering remorse but see she is offering comfort to all who miss and love them by telling them of these made up visits and how WONDERFUL they are doing and HOW HAPPY they all are. She needs no remorse because she KNOWS this AND of course she didn't do it. But she is offering that kindness Boyce talked about by assuring everyone how okay it is, how okay they are, etc. She NEEDED visions/visits to accomplish all these things without her explaining a thing.

What we heard in my opinion is a glimpse of what kind of CONFIDENT ASSURED thing she did to her followers which they believed--HOWEVER, I'm not sure I believe that, I think they all employed these kinds of things... Maybe not to her extent... I don't know... I mean the Mels, Zulema, etc... And I'm' sorry but again I see such as cons...

On its face it was pathetic, ridiculous and downright stupid. Maybe its even her way of being thought of as delusional and insane without saying she is. Who knows... And the public isn't the Mels and Zulema and I think most came away NOT feeling they had just heard from supreme overconfident goddess and feeling they had seen the light. In reality, it's almost laughworthy.

The other thing is you can see she has been listening... She may not care but she has heard things... So she tells Tammy's family she IS there for her grandchildren and her family and SHE SO SPECIAL a BEING and TAMMY'S FRIEND KNOWS THIS and can give them that comfort... The judge and the witnesses and the victim statements and the prosecutor, etc. throughout all said how Tammy was a grandmother, had kids, that Lorii "killed" her etc... So here's how she makes that "right" and does show she cares and can offer comfort. Maddening but laughable.

I haven't sorted all my thoughts on it yet to put them into words but I guess I did have some.

I think the icing on the cake and the biggest thing of all is that she has been wanting to speak and has wanted the stage for a long time and she got it. She also wanted the last word. Which of course it ISN'T, not even close. Just stop and think of their argument recently over Tammy's aunt giving a victim statement and think of how the defense interrupted Tammy's aunt on the stand, etc. and objected just prior. I'd have loved to seen her interrupted several times as they did to the other side. These things show imo her real intent. The objections were to upset the family as was the Tammy's friend reference. She probably also gete a kick out of sitting back now and watching how much of America does think she's insane and how easily people buy her acts. But the thing is, most don't. Imo.

I personally think Lori is revenge driven. I think when husbands in her opinion didn't measure up time and again, did not treat her as she WAS to be treated, did not appreciate her attractiveness,, sexiness, he specialness, being a good wife and mom and weren't perfect, she'd turn to hate and revenge. And I don't think they could have measured up. Not ever. Even her smarts, etc. Look at the remark of Alex messing yet something else up again. Well not for much longer he didn't. She turns on EVERYONE that makes that one wrong mistake and denies her or does not side with her. Look at the demand to be stood behind as to Joe. Then as to Charles. And turning on Adam. Her family is expected to to the line as well. Or risk Lori's wrath. Look at what she did to Joe how far back.

But THEN she has this bubbly sweet persona, a loving persona, a religious woman, the good mom (we heard her yesterday), this stronger than one can be woman handling all this for everyone else, etc., etc., etc. Now that' I've started I could go on as the thoughts are flowing.

She is a CAT. No offense to authentic felines intended. Yesterday seemed ridiculous, her statement. And it easily seems delusional or insane even. BUT this too has worked for her... She seemed ridiculous and seemed delusional but I think she knew that is exactly what the thoughts would be of most of us.

I'm still working through this... And it is coming now... And I know some will say a doctor said this or that... Not here necessarily but some are saying that out there of course. I think she's up there with the slyest and worst of the serial killers. She is playing everyone, any doctor who thinks otherwise included.

When have you ever seen in the tons of info we've had released these past years both from back when and now you ever see her slip...? Rarely or barely ever miss a step... Caught in a lie or statement she made. Of course we can't say she was GRILLED in most cases but still most liars would flub here and there. Was she caught by things like phone messages, and a lot of things, the bodies found and dates and more, yes. But when has she ever missed a step. She went to jail and basically stayed silent and behaved. I dont' doubt she's charming the guards and staff, etc. Boyce even when first starting yesterday seemed to have known she's like glowingly good. Yeah I bet she is... Isn't that her person to cops after Charles was shot and tons of others at all the different times we've seen...

Somebody said just yesterday I think in something I watched and I can't recall if it was Nate or Gigi or who but to remember Hawaii. When she was served papers at the pool, she was cool as a cucumber glancing through them but Chad was the nervous one. That's so clear, I think most of us can bring it to mind easily. I don't mean he isn't evil, I mean she doesn't miss a step... You could see in other ones where she was getting p*ssed though when following them as they walked because nothing she was doing was working and they wouldn't leave them alone... Nervous about jail or anything though? NO. Remember all the cash in her purse/bag... She always had the next moves planned, many of them. Alex screwing up we saw a real side of her... And I think Chad got it too when Tammy wasn't dead not long after Charles... NOT that for ONE minute do I not have a lot to say about Chad nor am I saying Lori was the ruler. I have my own thoughts on him and they're not any better than the ones on her. I think she covers her surprise better but I think he's a deep dark death fascinated con and psycho himself.

I need to stop. I'm just Lori is a flat out cunning psychopath.

Sorry. I had no thoughts when I started. And then they started to come as I said one thing. It led to another thought.

One last note--for the public, she ONLY used what a lot of the public and especially LDS believes in. A near death experience, and seeing loved ones and having visits from them. Heck I believe such happens. But it doesn't mean people claiming it or having one are telling the truth and I daresay there's more using it and lying than have had them. Not a word of her crazier beliefs, that she is a goddess, no mention of the 144K and why Tylee couldn't be one of them as an adult, a chosen one, or the light and dark ratings, etc. She knew not to do that didn't she...
Yes she did know what to/what not to do. But behavior. No. Riding bikes all over Hawaii. I believe in near death experiences. I believe in heaven. And Jesus. So why didn't I get one when I almost died 3 times, For 3 different things?. WHAT A RIP!!! I don't believe a word she says. Let's call her Loir from now on. She has "Delusions of Grandeur". Is one thing she was diagnosed with. And it was stated, It had no effect on her decision making, Reasoning etc. She's just a self centered terrible excuse for a person with way less brains than she thinks. IMO She is a compulsive liar. They often believe their own lies. I wish she had taken up surfing. What a waste of hair. Surfs up! 🏄‍♀️
Bite Sharks GIF by Shark Week
The cousin again. Now after the fact. A good watch and commenting on the sentencing and especially on Lori's statement. Then at the end she reads a statement she wrote.

I found her/their read on Lori in her statement had a lot of similarities to my read on her above. She says it better of course. But it confirms to me my read on her is pretty accurate.

They cover some things Boyce said, the defense said and especially what Lori said. In the end, she reads a statement she wrote.

It's a good video and easy to keep interest in throughout.


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