JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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Tonight on "ID" is "The Trial of Lori Vallow". At 8 Central.
Let me know about it and what you think/thought if you watch it. Don't have ID plus wouldn't get time anyhow but I trust it will come out at some point where I can watch it hopefully.

I still have to go back and catch up here, I'll likely never catch up in the basement. Not caught up on cases yet.

So AZ immediately filed their charges against Lori right? Or proceeded? Love it. It sounded like over the past months that was going to be what was planned but to see it actually happen immediately is sure sweet. Haven't had a chance to look at it but did hear it.

I do highly recommend as I said Gigi's jail versus prison one above. The only thing about Lori going to AZ that I don't like is will she be housed in a county again rather than prison? Probably. I do like she is going right into more consequences though.
I don't often say this but this, imo, is a MUST WATCH. It is about jail versus prison. And one of the best I've ever watched. She knows someone who is a lifer in prison and a lot comes from her and she also looked up Pocatello prison rules and then they took Lori and what she is very likely going to go through based on the real life lifer and all she has seen in her years. We all know of things and hear things re prison, etc. but THIS was soooo down to the facts I felt.

Lori isn't going to be playing her games in there or very quickly there are going to be issues. She isn't going to charm guards or try to or she will quickly have issues. And so much more.

Again I consider it a MUST listen. Takes a minute or two to get interesting and then from then out worth paying attention and it keeps attention. I was busy when I put it on and came back and sat down and rewound and really listened.

She will try everything. But I agree, No one is going to let her slide. She certainly doesn't deserve it. I didn't listen to her statement. But the article. Really?! Wow!!!
She will try everything. But I agree, No one is going to let her slide. She certainly doesn't deserve it. I didn't listen to her statement. But the article. Really?! Wow!!!
You should. Just to hear her polished, all knowing so confident delivery. If you didn't know the facts and didn't know of her, she'd come across as she probably did on podcasts, etc.

Not that she deserves a bit of attention but reading about it versus seeing it happen and listening to it in no way can be the same. And in the whole context and coming after everything else in the sentencing hearing and other statements, it just is something else. Actually watching all of the sentencing too makes it even more ridiculous. I couldn't as I had to work. I left just after Boyce's ridiculous break was ending. On my break I found it and tried to get to the right place in the senteincing and actually caught her voice and thought wow, she did speak up but I made myself rewind to where I was to listen to the defense's argument and sentencing requests which I could hardly stand to listen to. Next break I finished that and started hearing her. Then at home I rewound as I knew all the leadup in the sentencing and just listened to her SH*T. So even though I could not watch it all at once, I watched it all in order before I heard or read anything else, etc. And I did not look for the sentencing or find out about that ahead of time either. I watched that in order after her little speech that night.

Just saying you know of a lot now but you really should watch her just to see her confidence, how she emphasizes and in which places, how her voice gets emotional in the right places and one thing you will know is THIS is what she did and how she CONVINCED people. Weak people don't get me wrong and people who believe in a religion where claims of these things are almost required to be special imo but yeah...
Nate and them and I gather some others are going to be on Nancy Grace. Then they are putting out a podcast on MELANIE the niece of Adam and Lori with what they think, what they want to know, etc. and then a podcast about the tale of two cousins, Lori and Brax and more. Their book is out I gather or something. the thing I'm probably most interested in is what this family thinks of Melanie, meaning Rex and Adam. Will they go into it and have the opinion a helluva lot of people do, that she likely should be charged too? Because her antics and the suspicions re her are pretty major. The cousin tale also sounds interesting.

Nate and them and I gather some others are going to be on Nancy Grace. Then they are putting out a podcast on MELANIE the niece of Adam and Lori with what they think, what they want to know, etc. and then a podcast about the tale of two cousins, Lori and Brax and more. Their book is out I gather or something. the thing I'm probably most interested in is what this family thinks of Melanie, meaning Rex and Adam. Will they go into it and have the opinion a helluva lot of people do, that she likely should be charged too? Because her antics and the suspicions re her are pretty major. The cousin tale also sounds interesting.

Good question! I don’t remember them really talking about Melanie much, other than in passing.
They both admitted that they want to come to a place of forgiveness, but they are quite a ways from there. They’re both pretty angry.
If I'm being honest, I probably like them better because they are still angry. On the other hand if I am being honest, I wonder about this being damage control and realizing it is going to take identifying with the public and being angry to have some influence and have people identify with them somewhat. I don't mean for Lori so much but can't help wonder about the church for one and the family as well. And of course $$. I think if most are honest, that thought has at least crossed one's mind.

However, they aren't doing anything wrong and they are offering what they know and are affected by it all. But as I've noted before, like with Alex, they didn't touch a single bit on the sexual things with Alex, the trips out of country, etc. They haven't touched on Lori's and Alex's weird behavior with each other, etc. I am really looking to the Mel P one to see just how far they go about her actions and what they think and what they knew of her through the years to SEE where they go with it and if they address all. I certainly don't feel they did with Alex. And I don't think they mentioned Alex's marriage to Zulema either. In fact, they have talked of none of the circle, not Mel P., not Mel G, not David, not Zulema, etc.

I haven't judged but all the above crosses my mind. I'm on a wait and see. So far it is interesting enough to listen to but not really much is anything new. Although I guess that's not the point of what they are doing so maybe that makes sense....

Not sure.
Good question! I don’t remember them really talking about Melanie much, other than in passing.
Not much at all that I can recall and I agree if they did, it was just something like mentioning she existed but I don't think they even did that. They also have not touched on Stacie, etc. A lot of family stuff hasn't been touched.
I think I shared her first one about prison life for Lori and what Lori should expect. It was very good and interesting.

She has someone she knew/knows who is a lifer in a California prison who has given her very in depth things about all facets of prison life. The woman is in prison with Diane Downs and the mother of Gabriel Hernandez as well and she may get some info on them at some point.

But I cannot emphasize how gripping these videos are and all she is is talking about prison life given straight to her from her friend. It is being done of course relating to Lori and what Lori can expect and that part alone is interesting but the entire thing is. Down to the nitty gritty on it all. The big, the small, the bad, the good (not much) etc.

I highly recommend watching. Give it a few minutes in and you won't be bored. And I'd do part one as well. I really want to see how someone like Lori fares in all of this... Yet at the same time I wonder what her friend did and feel for her (Gigi's friend). She says got involved with the wrong person. That's all I know.

Little time again per the norm.

This is a response video which they've done one or two of. Answering some questions of viewers, etc. Short.


I'm happy to see as predicted or outright said I guess, they are right onto the next case and trial against Lori. It does kind of bite rather than experiencing prison finally she will be right back in a county jail and if memory serves, likely close enough even for family to visit in person.

I also hope this county can keep her secure as the police department in the county sure didn't lock up Alex, Lori or Chad over any of these things, i.e., murder of Charles, attempt on Brandon, etc. and more or less ignored what was a murder and treated the three of them as if they were guests and not someone being interrogated...

I also hope they have the help they need to put on every bit as good of a case as was done in the Idaho case.
Lori Hellis is saying rumor has it Lori is pretty nervous about transfer to Arizona. I gather she is going to Maricopa County/Phoenix area, did I know that?? Not sure. BIG, BIG jail, not the same as where she was at all...

Not sure where the rumor comes from but she generally doesn't give false info (Lori Hellis) or hype things...

Since when does Lori worry.... :thinking:
Lori Hellis is saying rumor has it Lori is pretty nervous about transfer to Arizona. I gather she is going to Maricopa County/Phoenix area, did I know that?? Not sure. BIG, BIG jail, not the same as where she was at all...

Not sure where the rumor comes from but she generally doesn't give false info (Lori Hellis) or hype things...

Since when does Lori worry.... :thinking:
True. She always looks like she thinks she’s in control.

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