JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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You’re right, the Bible says no one knows the day or the hour.

I wonder how many people Chad called and asked to mortgage their houses for Lori? Man, he had it bad for her.
I wonder if his children know/knew at the time even after being arrested, he was trying to get Lori bailed out. I mean at some point he was telling them it was Lori and Alex right, not him... I guess this shows he wasn't bailing on her immediately when he was still out and she was in jail.
I also agree with Brax about Chad being so dull and vanilla and then he has this blonde bombshell that’s interested in him so he had to constantly up the religious ante all the time to keep her interested. Barring the murders, and if they would’ve never been arrested, I wonder how long she would’ve been interested in him? Before fluttering off to the next Adornment in her eyes.
But he wasn't bland and vanilla with Lori, I mean lol he was writing trashy novels (not really just saying) about the two of them and his loinfire.

Well we know she likes to travel so this should float her boat so to speak. She is probably searching as we learn this for connecting flights to Hawaii. Or Mexico. Or wherever her and Chad were hoping to go with the bag full of money when foudn by Nate in Hawaii.

I think I've said before that it is kind of a mixed bag in that I am glad they are right on putting her through charges on the next case but I am bummed that it will be awhile before she makes her home in an actual prison.

I haven't had a chance to see them all or link them all but did the first if not the first two but Pretty Lies and Alibis/Gigi has covered what prison will be like for Lori and she is on the third one at least and they are very good videos. She has a "friend" former friend or some such in there in Cali with Diane Downs, etc. and just even generally and not just for Lori, they're very interesting and deep dive videos.

Back to the point though, overall I and probably most are tickled she is right onto being prosecuted in the next case. No rest for the wicked....

Brax is making the rounds talking about his cousin, Lori. I think the only new thing I learned was that Chad was calling a lot of people trying to raise bail money for Lori before he was arrested. Interesting how no one was willing to help out.

Brax is making the rounds talking about his cousin, Lori. I think the only new thing I learned was that Chad was calling a lot of people trying to raise bail money for Lori before he was arrested. Interesting how no one was willing to help out.

Yeah and it seems he asked every person to put their home on the line for her. And you know they would have absconded and every one would have lost their homes. It's humorous that at that time Chad stuck around and was trying to get her out, he did not bail on her. In hindsight I wonder if he wished he had fled. I'm sure he was not thinking they had enough or any reason to arrest him, after all they were her kids. He had to be absolutely sick when they descended on his property.

I believe he will turn on her in his trial BUT it is interesting, they seem to have an agreement not to do so maybe. She kept her end of it but I don't think he will and maybe she told him to go ahead and blame her who the heck knows with these two. But since he now knows he will never again get "any" from the old hag what is there to stick with her for? She has nothing to offer him except her adoration lol.

As far as Brax, he is as into the prepper stuff as anyone if you ask me. Maybe the didn't go down their road but he was very into Julie Rowe, read all books by many, bought Chad's, etc. He insulted Chad's but he was still part of all that stuff. They talked up the Tale of Two Cousins like there'd be such a contrast but it really wasn't much of anything other than I guess just saying he didn't drink their Kool Aid but most did bail as to knowing them or listening to them in any way when sh*t hit the fan. Who knows. He didn't have much that was that interesting other than being asked to put up his house and I don't know what he can run around offering other than what he offered on their show. Her extended family has sure been coming out in droves now. Tons of cousins and Rex and Adam, etc. but the ones closest stay silent. Colby, Janice, Summer for the most part, Lori's dad. I don't see her folks ever coming too much front and center and never her dad. Much has been said and made of them.

I watch their show and there's another out but there really isn't anything in them that's new. They seem to be counseling and especially Rex while making it clear they aren't experts. And they don't touch the nitty gritty dirty imo. How about Alex's trips for drugs? Trips for sex? Haven't heard the quick marriages of Mel and Alex talked of. Alex getting in trouble over a teen girl if I recall. As of now I see no reason at all I'd ever buy their book.

I don't dislike them, there isn't any reason to but I can't help but think on some level this is for the church and religion and trying to show (without saying it) that LDS people are normal and some may be preppers (like Brax) and not all are like Lori, I have to wonder if it is damage control, can't help but wonder. For the church. And of course many think it's about making money and I can't help but wonder and think that as well. Oh well. It's a free world (I think) and they are at liberty to do this as much as the next guy and aren't doing anything wrong. It's a choice whether we watch or buy the book, etc. I'm not trying to insult but so far it is all so vanilla that I probably wouldn't pick up a used copy of their book even if free.

They also have failed to go into Melanie to speak of. Granted they may not be on the inside of all that like I said they won't go into the nitty gritty. It's funny, I'm pretty sure they talked about Chad and his loin fire but not much about a single family member that's Cox. Oh it will be touched on the falling out in the family over Lori and Charles and Adam, etc. but that's about it. I guess it's understandable that's their family but like I said it keeps it from being a true in depth anything. Even with Lori and Alex, it's what she and Alex bought into and it is still her delusional thing.

It's like I watch them and they are easy to listen to but then after it's like all it is is Rex counseling and teaching and Adam being the pupil and asking questions, etc. The latest one is about conscience, I don't even think I finished it last night and ignoring the conscience or not. I'm sorry but first of all one would have to believe Lori had one. Ever. Imo delusions and conscience or ignoring one can never explain what they did to all these people.
Yeah and it seems he asked every person to put their home on the line for her. And you know they would have absconded and every one would have lost their homes. It's humorous that at that time Chad stuck around and was trying to get her out, he did not bail on her. In hindsight I wonder if he wished he had fled. I'm sure he was not thinking they had enough or any reason to arrest him, after all they were her kids. He had to be absolutely sick when they descended on his property.

I believe he will turn on her in his trial BUT it is interesting, they seem to have an agreement not to do so maybe. She kept her end of it but I don't think he will and maybe she told him to go ahead and blame her who the heck knows with these two. But since he now knows he will never again get "any" from the old hag what is there to stick with her for? She has nothing to offer him except her adoration lol.

As far as Brax, he is as into the prepper stuff as anyone if you ask me. Maybe the didn't go down their road but he was very into Julie Rowe, read all books by many, bought Chad's, etc. He insulted Chad's but he was still part of all that stuff. They talked up the Tale of Two Cousins like there'd be such a contrast but it really wasn't much of anything other than I guess just saying he didn't drink their Kool Aid but most did bail as to knowing them or listening to them in any way when sh*t hit the fan. Who knows. He didn't have much that was that interesting other than being asked to put up his house and I don't know what he can run around offering other than what he offered on their show. Her extended family has sure been coming out in droves now. Tons of cousins and Rex and Adam, etc. but the ones closest stay silent. Colby, Janice, Summer for the most part, Lori's dad. I don't see her folks ever coming too much front and center and never her dad. Much has been said and made of them.

I watch their show and there's another out but there really isn't anything in them that's new. They seem to be counseling and especially Rex while making it clear they aren't experts. And they don't touch the nitty gritty dirty imo. How about Alex's trips for drugs? Trips for sex? Haven't heard the quick marriages of Mel and Alex talked of. Alex getting in trouble over a teen girl if I recall. As of now I see no reason at all I'd ever buy their book.

I don't dislike them, there isn't any reason to but I can't help but think on some level this is for the church and religion and trying to show (without saying it) that LDS people are normal and some may be preppers (like Brax) and not all are like Lori, I have to wonder if it is damage control, can't help but wonder. For the church. And of course many think it's about making money and I can't help but wonder and think that as well. Oh well. It's a free world (I think) and they are at liberty to do this as much as the next guy and aren't doing anything wrong. It's a choice whether we watch or buy the book, etc. I'm not trying to insult but so far it is all so vanilla that I probably wouldn't pick up a used copy of their book even if free.

They also have failed to go into Melanie to speak of. Granted they may not be on the inside of all that like I said they won't go into the nitty gritty. It's funny, I'm pretty sure they talked about Chad and his loin fire but not much about a single family member that's Cox. Oh it will be touched on the falling out in the family over Lori and Charles and Adam, etc. but that's about it. I guess it's understandable that's their family but like I said it keeps it from being a true in depth anything. Even with Lori and Alex, it's what she and Alex bought into and it is still her delusional thing.

It's like I watch them and they are easy to listen to but then after it's like all it is is Rex counseling and teaching and Adam being the pupil and asking questions, etc. The latest one is about conscience, I don't even think I finished it last night and ignoring the conscience or not. I'm sorry but first of all one would have to believe Lori had one. Ever. Imo delusions and conscience or ignoring one can never explain what they did to all these people.
It will be interesting to see Chad‘s defense. Did he hold onto his delusions? Or was he only disillusioned by her?
We are not "preppers" but we definitely do prepare for necessities. We could live fairly comfortably for at least several days.
We had a water outage over this last Christmas period due to the very cold weather and damaged pipes needing repairing in the public system. They delivered everyone bottled water for drinking and cooking and we used buckets of water from the horse troughs (rainwater from the big barn roof) for loo flushing. They paid us £75 per day and we got £450 as we were without water for 6 days altogether.
It will be interesting to see Chad‘s defense. Did he hold onto his delusions? Or was he only disillusioned by her?
I don't think Chad was deluded. In his case I think he knew every bit of what he said both in his books, to control Tammy and to Lori, etc. was false. Most of the time I believe the same with her, that it's all a con and both very much know what they are doing. Sex, money and power.

I agree though, what will he do and what will he proclaim to think? Not that he will talk. but his defense will. He was still defending her after her arrest, despite I would imagine his kids becoming aware of it all, and trying to raise money to get her out. I somehow doubt he will now simply because what is there to gain? She will never see freedom for him to exercise his loin fire, ugh yuck, ick. I think though there is almost a risk of admitting she or Alex did anything to the kids and buried them on his property because in a way it would just come back to conspiracy, his involvement with them, his contacts, his lies about being married to Lori/not knowing her, etc. But then what else can he do? But it also doesn't explain Tammy who HE PUTS HIMSELF with entirely at her bedside and death. I guess they can blame Lori and Alex for the kids and then argue that Tammy still was natural causes.

Lori has people imo at least slightly pushing that she does have mental illness or trying to I guess get hints of that out there, keeping on that version/story. Delusionary disorder or whatever. Adam. Rex. Summer. Etc. And she was convicted. Chad has nothing of the kind and not a soul hinting at that, blaming that, etc., not even his own children. They may not have stood up for their mother, for justice for her, in at least Lori's trial or in any other way, but they're also not out there defending Chad. No one is.

I'd suspect though there will be no avoiding it with his trial at least in that the one son is most likely to be called by the prosecution as to what happened that day when Chad called for him and he was told his mother was dead, etc. Is he going to lie for his dad? Some person was concerned for him with that, was it an aunt or a sister in law of Chad's or something? Hoping he wouldn't go there. Can't quite recall. I'm almost thinking it wasn't a SIL on Tammy's side either, but one of Chad's brother's wives maybe.

Of course he might be a hostile witness and/or like Melanie P who just blew off her being called to testify or pulled something. Maybe they won't call him, I don't know.

Even so, I haven't seen anyone in Chad's corner at all. Not that Lori really has anyone but I do think Summer and her mother are to a point. Summer still I think wants to put it down to mental illness and Lori does at least have a mom who is in touch via phone and some slight outside care/family. Even Adam in some weird way even though "done" with her or so he makes it appear, is trying if you ask me to understand and explain it in another way. Colby gave a statement but in it he did not come down on her at all. I only say all this has you don't see that with Chad. Now his children may well be in contact with him showing support and providing canteen money, hard to say but nothing we are aware of and they certainly aren't out there stating his innocence, etc.

His trial is months away but it also is just right around the corner. At the same time, hers will be heating up on her next one I'd imagine in these coming months.

It will all continue to be interesting to see what comes.

Honestly though if Chad doesn't turn on Lori and Alex, I'm going to really have to wonder WTH. To our knowledge, they have not divorced...

You know, O/T but I believe last week I heard in the LISK case, Asa filed the very next day. How is it you come around that fast and have an attorney that fast and be dealing that fast? If I recall we did not hear of it for some days but someone said the filing or deciding to file was done within a day. Interesting.
And also O/T but now I am wondering if Doerman's wife has filed and if Richard Allen's wife has. To my knowledge, no.

There is new out about Doerman and his crying before his recent last hearing NOW after killing his children. I haven't had time to look at any of it and share it but thought I'd mention it if anyone can get to that and/or share.
I don't think Chad was deluded. In his case I think he knew every bit of what he said both in his books, to control Tammy and to Lori, etc. was false. Most of the time I believe the same with her, that it's all a con and both very much know what they are doing. Sex, money and power.

I agree though, what will he do and what will he proclaim to think? Not that he will talk. but his defense will. He was still defending her after her arrest, despite I would imagine his kids becoming aware of it all, and trying to raise money to get her out. I somehow doubt he will now simply because what is there to gain? She will never see freedom for him to exercise his loin fire, ugh yuck, ick. I think though there is almost a risk of admitting she or Alex did anything to the kids and buried them on his property because in a way it would just come back to conspiracy, his involvement with them, his contacts, his lies about being married to Lori/not knowing her, etc. But then what else can he do? But it also doesn't explain Tammy who HE PUTS HIMSELF with entirely at her bedside and death. I guess they can blame Lori and Alex for the kids and then argue that Tammy still was natural causes.

Lori has people imo at least slightly pushing that she does have mental illness or trying to I guess get hints of that out there, keeping on that version/story. Delusionary disorder or whatever. Adam. Rex. Summer. Etc. And she was convicted. Chad has nothing of the kind and not a soul hinting at that, blaming that, etc., not even his own children. They may not have stood up for their mother, for justice for her, in at least Lori's trial or in any other way, but they're also not out there defending Chad. No one is.

I'd suspect though there will be no avoiding it with his trial at least in that the one son is most likely to be called by the prosecution as to what happened that day when Chad called for him and he was told his mother was dead, etc. Is he going to lie for his dad? Some person was concerned for him with that, was it an aunt or a sister in law of Chad's or something? Hoping he wouldn't go there. Can't quite recall. I'm almost thinking it wasn't a SIL on Tammy's side either, but one of Chad's brother's wives maybe.

Of course he might be a hostile witness and/or like Melanie P who just blew off her being called to testify or pulled something. Maybe they won't call him, I don't know.

Even so, I haven't seen anyone in Chad's corner at all. Not that Lori really has anyone but I do think Summer and her mother are to a point. Summer still I think wants to put it down to mental illness and Lori does at least have a mom who is in touch via phone and some slight outside care/family. Even Adam in some weird way even though "done" with her or so he makes it appear, is trying if you ask me to understand and explain it in another way.
Clipped for focus.

Your post reminds me about Lior's mother stating she had spoken to JJ on the phone after he had disappeared and Melanie G saying she had taken JJ to the movies. Why didn't they get charged with anything?

Also, could Chad conceivably get the death penalty?
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We had a water outage over this last Christmas period due to the very cold weather and damaged pipes needing repairing in the public system. They delivered everyone bottled water for drinking and cooking and we used buckets of water from the horse troughs (rainwater from the big barn roof) for loo flushing. They paid us £75 per day and we got £450 as we were without water for 6 days altogether.
Reimbursed??? :thud:

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