Finished the closings finally last night after that post. Lindsey Blake brought it home. I don't even have words adequate to state how off the scales good she is. The work this case and that closing and all must have taken is beyond imagination. For all of them, but she without a doubt is the shining start.
I hate being fair to defense attorneys but Prior's closing was good had any facts or likelihoods been on his side. That's the problem with them in their roles, the rarely are. He tried with the LITTLE Chad left him which was nothing. Chad hung himself. All the texts, calls, conversations and MORE and Lindsey played clips from several or spoke of.
The man did his alone and knew his stuff. He knew the facts, he knew the law, he knew citations and I have to point that out, although I don't like doing so, he is not some B & R like in Delphi. He stayed the course and did represent the evil monster to the end. He got the cases severed, something they wanted throughout. He tried over and over to get the DP thrown off the table for Chad. He did his job. I don't like saying it but feel that has to be said. If the case and facts were on his side, I dare say he'd be a force to be reckoned with. He got though not a single win because this case was STRONG on all counts against Chad, strong enough to bring a unified decision on the DP on ALL counts, not just all guilty verdicts but THAT TOO.
I wasn't able to watch this trial but made sure to go watch certain important things and things I wanted to see like the kids testifying as I've (we have) followed this case from its start. Cases. If I did not work and could have, I would have watched every minute. I did read every single Tweet and appreciate them posted
@Tresir I came to count on it as the only way I could "see" most of each day's testimony. Well all but the last few. I didn't read the ones where I had watched the actual recorded events and statements etc. in court as I knew I'd seen the whole thing so no need.
I also kind of half watched one of Nate last night from Crime Con about yesterday but there wasn't anything new in it and it seemed more polished than his normal shows, or not as personal like talking to us type, I think he perhaps did it for Crime Con and an audience there even maybe. He was in a suit and it was more like TV news. He pretty much recapped what I'd already seen. He also prefaced it with like the case info, who they were, what they did, etc. and that seemed like for viewers that did not know or again maybe people at Crime Con. It was good for what I watched but not his norm of talking to us all each night.
And that's a wrap for these two evil monsters and justice for three of their victims and some relief at least for their families. In ID anyhow.
I'd hope Boyce and the prosecution are due for a week or two off in reward after this. They won in both cases on ALL counts AND got the DP unanimously in this one. They sure deserve it but it isn't their only case I'm sure but probably have nothing else even CLOSE to comparing.
I hope the families can heal some. Tammy's family talked of the fractures they suffered due to what Chad did. And honestly I think they meant even within their own ranks. I can understand this so well. I don't have the words but when someone comes in and murders and takes a loved one all that ensues and the grief and the outrage sends everyone reeling. We went through it as each tried to cope and some on different days would have had it and want to go yell publicly but restrained ourselves while others got upset and said don't even think about it and the next day an opposite one would feel the way they advised against to the other just a day or two before. They talked of how they found things out before prosecution could let them know by hearing it in news, etc. and how had that was. CLEARLY they came as a group and together and unified and we did the same although we'd been through HE77 and back to get there privately over the years and to just MAINTAIN but we got there and it made us stronger and we all were unified entirely at the end as I think Tammy's family is as well. It isn't that you aren't, it's that you all reel over different things and your own hurts and at different times and then you have the whole system to deal with throwing more on you. Tammy's dad went first of all witnesses of any family and his was short but impactful. He didn't have to say more as what was said without being said in each thing he said one could intuit easily what he wasn't saying and what he meant.
EVERY SINGLE PERSON in Tammy's family and there were many, mentioned the kids and the fractured relationship. None came down on them except one somewhat. A brother. And he said while he could understand them supporting their dad, their throwing Tammy under the bus and betraying their mother he could not. I am paraphrasing. ALL expressed an openness to repairing the fractures and maybe those are the only fractures the family was talking of but I don't think so. I think in the beginning all may have caused some others here and there. I mean the entire family had to come to believe someone who had been in their family for decades had even done this... I don't think some did until the autopsy..
If Chad was any kind of person, father or man, and we know he is NOT anything close, he is done for now and he would encourage his kids to forget about him and turn to Tammy's family because they are GOOD PEOPLE and they are all they have imo. If he cared about his kids over self which he does NOT, he would do that. Well I guess there is Chad's own family... Things not heard or represented don't come to mind easily but imagine being the perp's family... We know Lori's has been villilfied. Then there is Chad's... Didn't his mother testify at Lori's? Or was it Tammy's mom? I think his... Can't recall right now or bring it to mind or the reason for it...
Anyhow I just am kind of closing things and adding to this thread tons have kept up all these years with all the various news and new zingers that went on constantly, sharing all videos of so many family members who interviewed or spoke out through the years from Annie to cousins of Lori to Kay and Larry to everyone.
Since I did watch most of these ending days even if late to the game to do so, I wanted to add thoughts and what I saw watching the actual recorded days to help complete the ID chapter and have the thoughts down here.
Chad and Lori may have devastated and fractured so many but every single one of these family members (save his kids) are stronger than he and Lori by far and now they are part of a bigger family and all came together over time with ONE solid purpose and SAW that through. We don't need to go into how weak Chad and Lori and most perps really are. Weak in mind, weak to greed and lust, weak in life.
He never shows much but Chad was kind of slumpy yesterday. Shoulders rounded slumped, but nose still in their air as always. Don't know if he does that to be superior or to his a double chin or something lol. The last question asked of Prior and then Chad by the judge the answers were imo kind of terse and testy. Chad's last word was a fairly strong pis-sy in my opinion NO. Not a thank you, not a sir.
I fail to see how Chad nor Lori have portaled themselves free yet... Maybe their powers have been revoked?
This is the last I promise and am trying to find words for it. They all were like they were doing some kids' clubhouse and club. You know when you have a fort in the woods and put a sign on eh dor keep out and your grade school close buddies are part and you come up with a purpose and a club... All in grade school imagination and fun. That's EXACTLY how all these people were, the Mels, Alex, Zulema and Chad and Lori, remember the Harry Potter Chad remark...Never adulted, never grew up, at least for sure true in the case of Lori, Chad and Alex. And YET there was nothing fun or grade school like about the things the club came together for which was MURDER and PROFIT. It's like killing your classmate because she got the cheerleading position, or won for class president, or flirted with your bf. Or killing your bf (in this case hub) because he said no, you'd have more money in your mind with him dead and not have to deal with him. Chad was likely in a midlife crisis which is just a buzz term but fits.... So THEY are all very much like this, immature and so on, and YET look at where they took it to such evil and not just simple killings, HEINOUS ones. Depraved as it was put in the jury instructions or questions. I believe every single one of the wanted to be powerful, rich, some get back at anyone whoever told them know, they wanted to be special, over those they felt had such things, and eliminate anyone an obstacle to some spoiled, entitled, rich, beach living life, etc. like idiots who have not a clue about the real world. I said I didn't have the words and I honestly don't have the words to explain what I feel can be SEEN THOUGH. It is CERTAINLY true of Chad and Lori.
Okay it's not the last. Lindsey Blake had it so down pat and this investigation and all involved garnered SO MUCH and with help from other PDs and more as it ran from Charles' murder to missing kids and then a dead wife and Brandon shot at in various cities and states. I wondered in watch all the last few days and Lindsey's closings what Chad was really thinking. I mean he thought himself so smart, he got a blonde bimbo to agree to killing her own children and her brother to go right along with helping to do so with his niece and nephew! But there was this WOMAN where we can't know all and never will knowing and having figured HIM OUT and putting ALL OF IT out there. Can he face it? Can he admit to self he isn't that manipulative and smart because the world now sees because of that just WHAT he is...? He has stayed silent through almost all years in the court setting. But hearing his voice to Emma, to Lori, to Mel, some we heard before not all, his patriarchal blessing to Alex and telling him he belonged in Rexburg, that tone, that just kind of calm with a bit of attempted not humor but quiet sage (he felt he put on I think) comforting behavior.... God he makes me sick. But to get back to my point. Was his head elsewhere? Or was he thinking of Lindsey Blake's legs and how long it had been.... OR was he reeling from the fact he coudn't believe anyone much less the world could ever see through him? I mean he even covered himself where he thought if anyone went down it would be Alex or Lori, etc.... HE had his phone sh*t shut off and googled how and little of his records were part of this. WAs he BURNING and embarrassed that he isn't so smart and that the prosecutor is smarter and was telling the world? Telling his children who won't listen anyhow but maybe one day.
He doesn't show much but just slight changes in him therefore do stand out as there usually aren't any. I'd say he was hiding petulance. A little slumpy caved in, a very short NO to the judge...
I will guarantee you if out Lindsey would be top on his list and she'd be rated the darkest of the dark...
I don't have the words like I said and can't quite get to what I mean. Cult like, club like, juvenile, people needing to feel special... And then of course there is the master manipulator, cult leader but in this case I think Lori was as well and I don't think Mel G or P was just some dumb go along...
Prior made some good points and one was about Mel G and David being there on that very weekend. I have NEVER bought all of that. Partly because early on shew wasn't even sure of what Weeknd or if they stayed til sunday or Monday or when he or they went and saw the land, etc., etc.. the dream. more. the very weekend JJ was murdered.
One thing I do have an issue with is Lindsey Blake pretty much sealed an unlikely prosecution of any of the others.... She said at some point with each and every one that they believed Chad 100 percent... Said it about Alex, said it about Mel P, said it about all...In other words they are just loyal guppies... I don't agree in some cases.
Anyhow, I think I just am processing by yakking. Ingested all of the end of this and talking it out. And helping end it in my head as well. Oh we will hear more I'm sure. Where he is going, there will likely be more books, documentaries, shows yet now. Appeals perhaps. Lori's trial coming up. I predict with that it will be delayed as many times as defense can do so. Both Chad and Lori are now facing forever in prison and so Lori has no need for a speedy trial and I'm sure the longer one can stay in county the better is what that goal will now be than ever get to prison...
Sorry for the length. And with that, I've wasted my hour of down time before I start moving to get what I have to done around here and ready for work.
Just felt a need to close some out on a case followed for years and so many things in it, so many deaths, so much b.s.
Lindsey Blake's closing took and made this convoluted mess clear, orderly and understandable. How can anyone do such with such a mess? IF there is a prosecutor of the year award she deserves it ten times over.