JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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SIX JURORS talked to Nate today. SIX!

Little time this morning. but finished this. A good watch and Nate was meeting with another juror yet just after and that will likely be aired tonight. He also has interviews set up with Rob Wood and Detective Hermasillo!

And impressive bunch, this jury, just good solid people I'd say with common sense. Some good takes in it.

For one, they all felt the kids' testimony was all scripted and lies basically (paraphrasing) and they helped Chad in no way at all. They give reasons for their take.

No time to go into and will just leave it for all to watch to get your own take on it all.
Little time this morning. but finished this. A good watch and Nate was meeting with another juror yet just after and that will likely be aired tonight. He also has interviews set up with Rob Wood and Detective Hermasillo!

And impressive bunch, this jury, just good solid people I'd say with common sense. Some good takes in it.

For one, they all felt the kids' testimony was all scripted and lies basically (paraphrasing) and they helped Chad in no way at all. They give reasons for their take.

No time to go into and will just leave it for all to watch to get your own take on it all.
They were good interviews. They showed how well the prosecution put on their case because the jury pretty much came up with the same conclusions that we have come up with after following the case for years.
Little time this morning. but finished this. A good watch and Nate was meeting with another juror yet just after and that will likely be aired tonight. He also has interviews set up with Rob Wood and Detective Hermasillo!

And impressive bunch, this jury, just good solid people I'd say with common sense. Some good takes in it.

For one, they all felt the kids' testimony was all scripted and lies basically (paraphrasing) and they helped Chad in no way at all. They give reasons for their take.

No time to go into and will just leave it for all to watch to get your own take on it all.
Yep I just watched the video of the 6 talking around the table. They really took it seriously.
OMG. Watch this. I have been back and forth with Summer largely because of their early interview and stance (her and mom's) and I still don't entirely agree with her view on Lori here but she really doesn't make excuses for the most part here and is very forthcoming. This is sooo worth watching. I would harass people who don't for anyone who has followed this. She is right on about Chad, and she is happy with the DP, I don't know if happy is the right word, but she did not know she needed it until she heard it and said that no matter how he is put to death it will not be anywhere near what was done to these kids. Also things about Alex... And this was just GOOD.

I've been turned more to her ever since I heard her heartbroken and angry call with Lori in Lori's case. And the day the kids were found is the day she and her mom and family got woken up.

There's sooooo much. It is GOOD. And she honors these kids and tells of them.

There's a lot of grit in it though, serious, serious stuff. And she's up for it.
I still remember Summer and Lori's mum saying she had spoken to JJ by phone after he was dead so I won't be watching.
I still don't know how three (and more) adults could conspire to murder 2 spouses and 2 children for money and personal gratification and think they could get away with it under the guise of religion.

I believe there should be an inquiry into this Preparing a People organisation and the Doomsday Preppers and all the bull that goes with it as I am sure they will still be doing these types of conferences.
They were good interviews. They showed how well the prosecution put on their case because the jury pretty much came up with the same conclusions that we have come up with after following the case for years.
Well said, they came to the same conclusions we have and it took us years but that shows how well the prosecution showed them as you say that it did not take them years. Of course we had to wait for this and that and more to come out as well...

I watched another one today I think it was on Court TV, I'll have to look if I get a minute, another juror, also good. Not as long as Nate's with the one and then with the six but hearing what the woman had to say was just as good as the others and a lot of it matched in fact some of what they said.

It wasn't all that long as I was able to see it all on lunch break.
I know what you mean. It is like he is resigned to something and I think you may be right.
I'm not sure. I do see what you mean but I also personally think the first emotion we've ever seen from him and then not even much emotion showing but some 'tude and he is flat out pis*ed imo. I don't think he's like all depressed and desperate and losing it or that kind of suicidal. Someone said when he refused to let mitigation go on by Prior in the first time he was going to play the martyr. I think that's one likelihood. I also don't think he believes for a minute the things he taught or played people with. I could MAYBE see him doing something to self just because he can't see a way off death row for years to come and there will be no sex, no power, no attention, no comforts bought from blood money...

So I don't know. The man is FULL of himself. The juror on I think it was Court TV today talked of that and his lack of emotion and said he did cry a bit one time and it was when he was watching or listening to something where he was crying, when he heard himself... The jurors have called him pretty accurately I'd say.

However anyone I guess an commit suicide once knowing their fate and life as they know it or wanted it is over. I mean look at Epstein, another totally evil, egocentric, skating free kind of person or always had been able to and bam. I'm not convinced on that one as to suicide BUT if it was then it did not fit the self loving guy he was so maybe the corner he was in...?

I forget who said it in this whirlwind of the end of this trial whether a juror, a family member or who but he believes none of the crap in their opinion and I agree. I don't even think he believes in he mainstream LDS teachings or beliefs or in God for that matter. They said it and I have always felt the same.

If he does kill self or attempts such, I will think it is for one of a few reasons and not because he is like the kind of mentally over the edge type of suicidal or that depressed, etc.

So I guess I don't disagree it could happen but the main reason would be seeing life on death row for the rest of his life or until executed as no life but even then I'm not so sure... I do think he will have one heck of a time adjusting imo, even Mr. Stoic. I personally think he has contempt for it all and if he could have he'd have spit at Boyce instead of answering that last curt NO. Without a sir, without another word. Prior just before him though keeping to the bare minimum of civility as they need to do was about as curt...

I dont' know. Maybe with what he is facing for life and death he will. But it won't be because he doesn't love self or wouldn't indulge self if he could, he is the most important person in his world, always has been.

He doesn't have normal emotion except what psychopaths or sociopaths or whatever buzz word fits. Anger? Yes. They all have the egocentric ones. Depression? HIGHLY doubt it, EVER. Not in the way any of us would. Lust? Greed? Those really aren't emotions but yeah, he has those.

And I agree with this, he can't from death row do what he could possibly do in incarceration in just prison for life and that would be to manipulate, control, try to come up with some new Chad followers (if he survived it with the tough ones, he is so soft and Lily like, to gain his own followers. He isn't going to have that kind of access or people contact with the DP sentence. He could though likely write books from prison, not sure. He wont' have the same call and tablet, etc. privileges that he had in county by a long shot.

I can't believe how fast Boyce signed the order and he was moved.

I don't really know honestly and have a point or opinion, just talking it out as I do after a long day as usual in first post that took on any major thought.

I think death by firing squad is fitting for him and a few as you joked of about a joke you heard should have paintball guns he can't tell apart from the real ones.... He put Alex up to shooting people many a time including his own wife and there is also his shooting a raccoon thing that was NOT a raccoon. Yeah, that way of execution would be very fitting in this case. I hope to live if not to see it personally, no desire to, to hear about it firsthand. From Nate. OR from family members of the victims that might attend. If THEY live long enough.

Still processing I guess the end to this, tried to the other night but of course it goes on with jurors now talking and such but It's still a bit hard to believe it is over, this part with both convicted and never getting out. Been such a trek and so many years and so much...

So a woman I work with I mentioned this case to a month or so ago and I told her the crime thing is kind of my main interest, she was talking of a missing semi driver. She knew a little about it but not a lot. Hadn't seen her to talk to in a few weeks. We both may be at work but doesn't mean you ever cross paths with a moment to talk. Today she had one and we did and she said did you see that Chad Daybell guy got the DP and I said YES. I told her I followed the case from day one (may have told her that before, unsure if I ever did). She then asked why Lori didn't and if it was tried in another state or something and that's why she couldn't get the DP and I started to fill her in that she WAS facing the DP but it had to be taken off the table but then a customer came along and I couldn't talk to her for long but enough that she thinks it is RIGHT he got it and that she deserves it too. I had no idea her leanings on the DP or in life so if we ever got time this is someone lol I'd connect with on the crime thing pretty well. She is also a football fan and we talked that first the very RARE minutes we get at work, so brief, will be weeks. A RIVAL one but I knew here favorite player in life and she knew mine, etc. and a lot about it all.

Anyhow this is someone who did not follow the case, tons don't do such, she knew a bit if I recall, not even sure if she did or if I mentioned it and then she saw this recent news and brought it up to me.

Kind of wandered off now but still a relevant thing to this case and the result--people who are NOT pro DP, many, think he deserved it and more so think they both do/did. She even in the short time mentioned her having mental issues or him playing her and I quickly told her before the customer was close, do you know that in the beginning for months if not years, most people thought Lori played HIM and he would be the next hub to die and have life insurance take out on and she got HIM to do HER bidding...This filling her in when I knew she knew of it lasted probably not a minute but I her as much info as I had time for even as the customer came up to us I was still ending a sentence about it to her lol. She's in my age range. I think she is the longest term employee at our store.

So that was kind of cool. In the talking we have done the bit of time we have had a minute, I am not sure she follows a bit of crime online or in any forum, I think it may be news OR if a local one she will search for news on it. My mom when I was there was kind of the same. I'd tell her about a case and then she'd see a blip about it, formerly knowing little nor caring, in some news she watched and then would tell me and I'd fill her in on the case.

Now I clearly am just yakking to destress the day before another. Home 9:30 last night and had to be back at 8 this morning. There is ONE like that in every week and they bite. Sometimes it is seven a.m. and we've had to stay an hour later. I've never been given a 5 or 6 a.m. and don't want them. If one were all nights or all days, it would help I think. Only part timers can do that and they can't count on their hours then either. Full timers have to run the gamut although SOME seem to never have to close...

Yep, I'm just yakkig now so I will stop.

Anyhow we coudln't have asked for more for the families and the deceased victims other than Lori also having faced the DP. That will NEVER not bother me.
Yep I just watched the video of the 6 talking around the table. They really took it seriously.
Yes, well worth a watch. Not like they had some big revealing thing we did not know of, they were the jurors not the investigators but very, very interesting to hear how they took it, looked at it, what bothered, what convinced, what they dealt with... From what I've seen Chad nor Lori can have any complaints that would fly about the jury in either of their cases. AND they all also WANTED to hear the defense and WANTED to hear Chad when he had the chance at sentencing AND hear mitigating factors from his attorney, etc. They said as much.
I still remember Summer and Lori's mum saying she had spoken to JJ by phone after he was dead so I won't be watching.
I was the same way and may have even been far harder about it. I watched their interviews with LE, I watched everything. RIGHT into Lori's trial and through part of it I had an opinion of her and mom AND of their family even, dad, etc. but very much about Janice and Summer. Until I heard the recorded phone call when it all had hit her and she knew. There was no FAKE emotion in her upset, she was over the top beyond devastated. They stood by Lori believing her and it was when the kids were found that it all changed. Even then I would not go 100 percent on her or even 80 because I felt they lied about talking to JJ and so forth or Janice did and the date and it was one thing that was put to Summer in the interview with Nate the other night. She explained a lot more about everything.

For one, about Alex's death and she does think it circumstantial and she gave some good reasons. Here is another hard thing she said, I don't recall how it came up or how she worded it but she actually think it only right Alex is dead for what he did... I get beyond stubborn too but I can tell you it is worth a watch and judge her for yourself. I'd trust her any day before Lori and I wouldn't have trusted a one of them if I had to pick prior. She tells of how Lori wanted no contact until all of a sudden Chad was arrested and she couldn't talk to him and THEN and only then did she care if she talked to anyone else. I am paraphrasing. She explained about her mom and the time she said she talked to JJ, one can believe that or not, but at least listen to it. She says Lori will always be her sister and I get that and she did not say this but I do think a part of her thinks Chad caused Lori to go down this road. She doesn't say it and is NOT excusing her.

She answered easily and without hesitation. I like you will NOT forget the former interviews with LE an that claim but Summer is not defending her nor thinking she should be free.

I am SOOOO much the same way and said the same all along but I'd watch it just so you can decide further with more info than we had when that all was going on as to what your opinion is.

You don't have to of course but I feel it well worth the watch.

You did hear her phone call with Lori that was played back in Lori's case didn't you? That was the start for me if not being totally convinced, still am not, of thinking maybe somewhere in the middle is the place I will end up at... Re her. I even felt the same way about Adam and Rex. Every time I watch a sibling or member of Lori's family, I have a caution in my head... And won't ever lose that.
I still don't know how three (and more) adults could conspire to murder 2 spouses and 2 children for money and personal gratification and think they could get away with it under the guise of religion.

I believe there should be an inquiry into this Preparing a People organisation and the Doomsday Preppers and all the bull that goes with it as I am sure they will still be doing these types of conferences.
HE77 Julie Rowe tried to get into the courtroom in disguise or whatever. And the alleged power issues the last couple of days but Boyce finally coming and claiming administrative things to deal with, there I think was sh*t going on we never heard about and they certainly did not want the jury to know about or the trial to be thrown. Just reading between the lines and when this was over, it was over... I mean Boyce never gave Chad any dressing down or talking to. Prosecution came out as expected and did their presser, on the win, but not beyond and clearly ready to go home and leave and not a SINGLE family member came out until AFTER they left.

And that too was fairly short as such things go considering how many talked.

Easy to put it down to everyone was drained but the last couple of days not so sure what they were handling...

But you are talking about these orgs etc. and YES and I mentioned Rowe because just an other one like Chad and these orgs and I'm sorry the CHURCH aware of all and members many part of such things and so on. Again, Matt's SIL WARNED the church what Chad was doing and she CERTAINLY didn't know he was murdering, she was talking about things he was teaching, saying and representing as an active member and person of note in their church and ward.

Back WHEN this started, a LOT more was out and fast hushed and even the people in these organisations some first supported Chad and then fast went to save selves.

We are never going to see the sh*t that should be shut down shut down and we are never going to see all the people who should be prosecuted prosecuted. We are never again going to hear about things and names heard in the beginning. AND the church.

The whole thing imo is a cult. I am sorry to anyone that offends and do not believe every member is a cult member or aware of all.

Here is one thing about the amazing closings by Lindsey Blake and there are NO WORDS enough for the job she did, my God she deserves awards but she pretty much mentioned every single person like Mel P, Mel G, Zulema, and so on and said they too like her theme THROUGHOUT, Chad was the leader, they believed Chad and they believed him 100 percent. So right there any chance of seeing Mel P prosecuted for instance kind of at least by this P had a favor done and makes them just gullible... It PERHAPS was needed to be sure any chance Chad had was shut down at the end of this case because they couldn't know what Prior would say or do or who he might blame or what he might bring up. And I agree with getting THE LEADERS. Chad and Lori.

I also wondered if this was part of the deal. All testified and while all were not probably 100 percent truthful not had to face all they probably were in on, they did so and met the deal or helped to put Chad away. Mel P something was up with in Lori's trial and she never testified. She did in Chad's. Zulema it has always been said had an immunity deal but she also had to do what she agreed she would do and tell. BOTH juries or members of them put her as one of the witnesses that stood out and made an impact with them for what she knew. EVEN though they didn't necessarily think she told all or the entire truth, I know one said that. I think one in Lori's.

I think all knew more and I think all were involved in more quite honestly. But I don't think we will see them charged as Blake pretty much said they BELIEVED CHAD just as Alex did, minimizing it to make him the leader. WHICH HE WAS of course.

They ALL knew JULIE Rowe and some of it started there.

The whole freaking thing. The church, these groups and podcasts, and again almost all were active members.

The religion started by a teenager that claimed to have visions/a visit and they have fallen for anyone saying they've had one ever since and that's what they aspire to, these are the important ones, Julie Rowe claims such, Chad does, many do and I think even the church isn't going to doubt it right because after all it is all based on a claim like that.

Lori WANTED such. Her brother Adam in his and Rex's Silver Linings talked of a family member who had a vision and it came true and that Lori always wanted to be such and have such... And I think she even claimed such at some point...

It is all PUT on them that this is the gold standard... BUT then you get people imo like Julie Rowe and Chad that are nothing but cons and see the ridiculousness of it all and how gullible people are. I mean he was asking wasn't it the church president or his wife to put up their house to get Lori out. These are people UP in the church, and he had his own position.

The entire religion is ripe for such.

And numerous people connected to the victims that were raised LDS have left the faith...
Okay. Need to stop. But yes these orgs should be investigated and brought down.

Linda actually believes these weren't Chad's first... long before Lori.

I heard something early on I am not even going to touch on, I'm not sure why Linda thinks this or if it is the same reason...

I tend to forget about it since it was in the first blush of things with the kids missing when a LOT was coming about Avow, Preparing the People, the Church and a whole lot more as people some first stood by him and then scrambled to separate selves when they realized it was not going to go away and it was no longer being believed (but hoped) the kids were somewhere safe...

Supposedly there were people Chad met with in dire straits in life in like a confessional thing that no one ever saw again.... They went in, never came out. I FORGET who that came from... Can't recall it all but know I didn't dismiss it as rampant speculation or mania because of the detail and who it came from...

And let's remember too, NONE of us even by the church are part of the 144K. Nor are the Jews nor anyone who is not the LDS.

Yeah, tell me they don't create an environment...
Too busy with too long of posts here (sorry all) that I only now refreshed YT and here is Nate with that other juror he was going to talk to last night I think? And share tonight. Still live JUST ran into so I will have to go back and watch from beginning but sharing as live still at the moment and a new one. I think I am hitting the end of it. Darn it. Yep. Nate is ending the live, and I only just found it. He is ending the show and he is saying he is going to do a three way interview with Hermasillo and Rob Wood meaning all sitting down together, not separate interviews with each.

That's okay though. I did not catch it at the middle but the end so know I just need to go back and watch all from the beginning. I like to hit lives and chats though. Rarely do I.

Here is Nat with yet another juror! Court TV I think it was had another today too.

15 minutes in and wow. All have been some complimentary of the bailiffs etc, the care they took and understanding they had. Talking about both the days of the kids photos and all the impact form the victims's statements (again, watch them, I have). I'd say Boyce, the courthouse, the staff, and probably help from who knows, state, was ready for this trial and handled all so well it has impressed every one of these jurors I have seen this far.
Sooo good.

This is SOOOO reassuring of MOST all of our juries. He was five, six weeks in before he saw it or started leaning in a direction...
Almost all others asked about who stood out, it was Zulema. Well not sure about all, but one from Lori's trial and at least one in this trial. Nate asked him the same question and he said Doug Hart.

And don't assume my posts cover all or you shouldn't watch, I am not sharing the HALF of how impactful this is. The one was good, the six were good, the one on Court TV was good, but this is getting I think even more into things as is a one on one, etc.

He misses the other 17, they spent weeks together. Almost all say this too.

They are though talking the trial and I have not shared all shared about that.
Okay, now onto Prior and the defense. FAIR, interesting and right on.

Then asked about what he thought of kids' testimony and he said just sad. Sad. Especially Garth. Could TELL that kid did not want to be there...

And SOOOO much more.
Sorry somewhat for Garth. Emma was very scripted. Robotic. I listened and so true. And yet he felt sorry for them. I do to a point, the are maybe the longest youngest member of Chad's ways and "cult"...

The six were great, the young one who then go the six was great, this though is one and one and a lot more in depth I'd say... LOTS I am not sharing. Only sharing some because I know some won't watch and I sure don't get the time to watch everything in every case so I get it. But can't cover it all, just saying this is a MUST WATCH if you followed and cared about this case.

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