JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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Couldn't have asked for a better jury. Wow, wow, wow and wow. I am only halfway through this longer jury interview and he is talking when the FINALLY got to talk after not being able to and then when the five alternates were named and separated and how they all wanted the whole group. Brought a cough in moved things into a circle like they were talking around a fire... And first time of sharing nothing at home or anywhere or even with each other all the thoughts they'd had, saved, could not talk about until then...
Okay, guess I am not done. There were two jury questions during these parts and he is touching on that. Again a lot I have not shared, this is solid gold.
To that end, I started watching this. Again not the biggest HTC fan but they do get the interviews. This is Emma's husband's brother, I am about 20 minutes in and it is intresting.

RAised in an LDS family of 14 with both parents, 12 kids. Guess what, he's no longer LDS either. Seems to be a LOT of this that has happened in all these families around the Chad and Lori think and I think it does speak to the church and what they have come to see...

It is something I think I forget to say about Colby and wife too. I think when I first watched them they were LDS and now they are nondenominational when someone asked him. Lori's cousin. And others Have left the faith. I think that says something...

This is interesting though so far... He is not on the same page as Joe...

I will probably have to finish it later may get through a bit more yet this a.m., maybe not. Worth it so far though, give it a watch.

I watched this and it broke my heart that he's estranged from his brother at this point. Thank you for posting this link.
I watched this and it broke my heart that he's estranged from his brother at this point. Thank you for posting this link.
Yes, I agree. He was clearly nervous throughout, a bit shaky a lot of times, not overly but it made me realize how many families and some on the side that people wouldn't think of or feel sorry for were affected. Who would think of the Murray family for instance, Joe's family, they are peripheral if anything and not on the sympathetic side (meaning they are connected to someone people felt lied and supported Chad). The Cox family of course is another and has been vilified although I do feel some of that Summer and Janice brought on by supporting Lori and in Janice's case claiming to have talked to JJ after he was clearly dead (we knew later). Chad's family would be another, the Daybells. Not on the victim side, the sympathetic side or those most think of, all of whom were also affected by Chad and Lori's actions and crimes.

Most people I think are forgiving or understanding when they become aware and listen. I never once thought of the Murray extended family until seeing him. And people I think he found are mostly good and were supportive in chat and it helped him I think to see that coming forward he wasn't attacked, he saw instead support and understanding.

It was hard to believe when he said Emma was a jokester though lol. If you listened to her on the stand, I can't even imagine it. She attempted a "funny" that was clearly scripted on the stand but in her robotic scripted monotone and it stood out and just showed how scripted as she almost forgot it and then inserted it and clearly it was scripted. Fell entirely flat and actually pointed out how scripted it was.

With little time, I found the time even though it was after and took days in some cases to at least go back and make sure I watched the key things I wanted to. I couldn't watch all testimony but read all Nate's Tweets. I did watch the kids and had to. We all had waited for it, I needed to see. And of course watched closing statements and certain things I felt I needed to watch after all these years of following and waiting for these trials.

Families have been torn apart through no actions of their own whatsoever. The boomerang effect here is beyond. I thought a lot of him doing this and he clearly is not on the same page as Joe and Emma but was more than fair to try to understand where they are at, this being Emma's dad and her losing both parents, and Joe supporting his wife as he should.

They lied though in my opinion and Joe did as well. How far support should go well I disagree it should go that far. But that's not at the brother I say that, because he gets it, I say it towards Joe . And Emma needs to really wake up and I'm not sure that girl wouldn't break her dad out or attempt to if he asked or told her to.

Yes, it was well worth a watch and that's another thing I make sure I go back even if it takes me forever to watch. It isn't that I care if I watch all HTC's videos because they aren't my favorite honestly but if ANYONE has an interview with an actual victim or a relative of a family involved, etc., well then I am going to watch because it has someone on who actually know about or was affected by this. And HTC has had many a relative on of various families, etc.
Yes, I agree. He was clearly nervous throughout, a bit shaky a lot of times, not overly but it made me realize how many families and some on the side that people wouldn't think of or feel sorry for were affected. Who would think of the Murray family for instance, Joe's family, they are peripheral if anything and not on the sympathetic side (meaning they are connected to someone people felt lied and supported Chad). The Cox family of course is another and has been vilified although I do feel some of that Summer and Janice brought on by supporting Lori and in Janice's case claiming to have talked to JJ after he was clearly dead (we knew later). Chad's family would be another, the Daybells. Not on the victim side, the sympathetic side or those most think of, all of whom were also affected by Chad and Lori's actions and crimes.

Most people I think are forgiving or understanding when they become aware and listen. I never once thought of the Murray extended family until seeing him. And people I think he found are mostly good and were supportive in chat and it helped him I think to see that coming forward he wasn't attacked, he saw instead support and understanding.

It was hard to believe when he said Emma was a jokester though lol. If you listened to her on the stand, I can't even imagine it. She attempted a "funny" that was clearly scripted on the stand but in her robotic scripted monotone and it stood out and just showed how scripted as she almost forgot it and then inserted it and clearly it was scripted. Fell entirely flat and actually pointed out how scripted it was.

With little time, I found the time even though it was after and took days in some cases to at least go back and make sure I watched the key things I wanted to. I couldn't watch all testimony but read all Nate's Tweets. I did watch the kids and had to. We all had waited for it, I needed to see. And of course watched closing statements and certain things I felt I needed to watch after all these years of following and waiting for these trials.

Families have been torn apart through no actions of their own whatsoever. The boomerang effect here is beyond. I thought a lot of him doing this and he clearly is not on the same page as Joe and Emma but was more than fair to try to understand where they are at, this being Emma's dad and her losing both parents, and Joe supporting his wife as he should.

They lied though in my opinion and Joe did as well. How far support should go well I disagree it should go that far. But that's not at the brother I say that, because he gets it, I say it towards Joe . And Emma needs to really wake up and I'm not sure that girl wouldn't break her dad out or attempt to if he asked or told her to.

Yes, it was well worth a watch and that's another thing I make sure I go back even if it takes me forever to watch. It isn't that I care if I watch all HTC's videos because they aren't my favorite honestly but if ANYONE has an interview with an actual victim or a relative of a family involved, etc., well then I am going to watch because it has someone on who actually know about or was affected by this. And HTC has had many a relative on of various families, etc.
HTC isn't one I watch frequently either. Mormon Podcast has helped explain the LDS background the most which in turn provided clarity on the behaviors not aligning to what was being taught.

Julie Rowe & Zulema still believing in these practices is concerning.

Heather Daybell also provided a great perspective for Chad's beliefs and of his family's perspective.

Garth didn't appear as comfortable on the stand and it made me question what his other siblings think.
7 of the 17 juror interviews confirm what many of of us have expressed over the years. My hope is that they take the courts offer for therapy..
Every one of them I have seen and I have seen eight I think because the one I think was on Court TV I am pretty sure was not one of the six, pretty certain, I believe are wise enough to avail themselves of the therapy if they feel they need it or wise enough to know if they have the strength to process and get through it all themselves but if they find they can't will take the therapy. They are solid strong people, every single one I've seen. Thoughtful, decent, all would have listened to a defense and considered mitigating factors if any were provided and so forth.

I say in almost every case that I have faith in juries even when we have no idea who is on one in any case. MOST people take it very gravely and seriously and fly by night types who wouldn't don't show up or try to get out of jury duty if they have to show up. Of course there's always a chance of a bad one or someone trying to get on for fame, fortune or attention but the selection process often can weed that out.

Listening to these people I would hope would show those who feel otherwise or don't have the faith in juries overall that this is how it usually is, good people trying to do the right thing and asking it totally seriously.

Hey it also shows that what most of us have expressed over the years is right on and we got it right too lol because they did confirm what almost all of us came to over the years for thoughts and conclusions.

It is one case that there is little disagreement or even debate as time has went on and info come out. There are some things like whether the two really believed what they preached or whether Lori is truly mentally unstable and such that have been debated but the overall thoughts on guilt and so on I think most all are on the same page. Also probably some differing of how much the sidekicks knew or were involved in. But overall we all had the same conclusions and the jury did as well confirm such as you say. That alone should tell Chad and Lori that people see CLEAR through them and I hope the sidekicks see that people do through them as well, fortunately for them they are not part of the focus of charges, the "kingpins" were. They gave what they had to and did what they needed to but not a one of them has told the whole truth imo but they also weren't asked to... This part is my opinion and like one juror in Lori's saw that too with like Zulema. She called her the biggest witness to her that made an impact but also made it clear she didn't think she told the whole truth or all was truth but believed the parts that were needed to be.

So if you have watched seven, you saw Nate's last one with the male juror? Wow. And he named rather than Zulema, Agent Hart as most impactful/helpful. And how he dialed it into something they could follow and how exceptional it was.

All juror interviews have been interesting and worthwhile but that one blew me away. All are of the same caliber imo and on the same page but this one had more one on one time and also more lifetime experience than the first younger one who then though brought the other five and the six of them back. It is clear the bonding and even learning that went on here.

I think I am still coming to an end or processing all of this and these long years. Imagine the families. I thought I tried to put it all to bed the other night in my mind and with my posts but then all the jurors start talking...

I think honestly and this sounds simplistic Chad was P O'ed as HE77 to find just about everyone sees through him and sees him for what he really is. He got used to the opposite with weak minded following people who would do anything he taught or said imo.
HTC isn't one I watch frequently either. Mormon Podcast has helped explain the LDS background the most which in turn provided clarity on the behaviors not aligning to what was being taught.

Julie Rowe & Zulema still believing in these practices is concerning.

Heather Daybell also provided a great perspective for Chad's beliefs and of his family's perspective.

Garth didn't appear as comfortable on the stand and it made me question what his other siblings think.
if I could have given five thumbs up to this I would have.

i would also worry about Mel P. All of them in fact.

Julie Rowe needs to be shut down for certain. Zulema did the right thing but yes...

Heather Daybell definitely did and she also showed how the church IGNORED her concerns that she DID tell of and she was more the outcast or trouble causer where Chad was believed in and that is very disturbing when it comes to the main church.

I think I've heard of the Mormon Podcast and maybe even watched it. Not sure. I have watched a LOT of things about the faith and various cases and stories but not so much recently, no time.

Nate's last juror felt sorry for Garth. For both actually but paricularly for Garth who screwed up royally out of the gate and who in his words clearly did not want to be there. Thank you dad or perhaps Emma for making me... My words that last part.

I too think there is dissension with the kids most likely. In openings Prior said the jury would hear from the Daybell children as in all, then it was like well three or four and then well like from three, and so on. Just like what it has caused in the Murray family, things like this that no one asked for cause that and the same I would think has to hold true for the Daybell kids. Everyone even if raised by dad with his control has to live in this world and hear other things and either it breaks through and they have a mind of their own or they don't. Each family member in any of these families is going to process or go into denial, etc in their own way.

I dare say Emma is a lost cause. Sorry to say it but I don't see a lot of hope for her unless something changes big time. She is like dad's wife and I'm not the first one to say that, or mother for that matter, the clean up crew, the one that does what Tammy probably did and started to do so imo when Tammy was alive and perhaps always had... I don't have the words but she is just so entrenched in it. Garth I'd say to find his legs and support self and get strong and cut the apron strings and stand on your own two feet. Not too sure that will happen either. I also don't doubt Chad is very disappointed that the two of them couldn't carry this and did not free him. Sounds stupid but seriously I think that may be the case. That's actually Chad's failure with them but he will never see that.

Not even sure how to put it any longer and not making sense probably so I should just stop.

Processing too I guess still.

I will never forget Emma's remark to Chad in the cop car Convo that you raised us dad, we aren't Colby Dad (not verbatim). So much can be gleaned from that one remark it isn't even funny. I've watched Colby a lot, he has a channel. And she's right, they are not Colby. And Colby was raised by Lori. And Lord knows what Chad said to his kids about Colby. or about Tylee and JJ for that matter.......................................... And about Lori's messed up kids? Again MUCH can be taken from that. Or "intuited". well I'd say to Ms. Emma that Colby is in a far better place than SHE IS. She has to get the kooliad out of her system but now she chooses to drink it on her own. He is also in a far better place than Garth is. I can't speak to the rest of the kids as we didn't see them and haven't since their one interview all did.

They ARE victims, they lost their mom. Emma should avail herself of court offered therapy and so should Garth. Not sure services extend to therapy for them (we were offered no such thing) but if it does, they should avail themselves.

Sorry to wander. Have to get moving too. Spent too much time on this and it's a work morning. Have to at least start getting ready while reading and stop responding lol.
So both Chad and Lori are appealing.

So both Chad and Lori are appealing.

That’s common.
So both Chad and Lori are appealing.

Totally expected.
Details in Chad appeal.

ST. ANTHONY, Idaho — An attorney for Chad Daybell has filed an appeal, asking the state supreme court to evaluate his trial and verdict.

According to East Idaho News, Daybell’s attorney, John Prior, filed the appeal on Monday.

East Idaho News reported that in the Daybell appeal, Prior asked the Idaho Supreme Court to consider:

  • “Did Judge Steven Boyce make a mistake in not granting Daybell’s motion to dismiss the grand jury indictment in the case?
  • Did Boyce err in ruling Dr. Davidson’s report and testimony would be inadmissible in the case?
  • Did Boyce err in allowing the prosecution to amend their indictment after they rested?
  • Did Boyce err in denying the defense’s motion to dismiss the case?
  • Did Boyce err in providing to the jury the most current jury instruction of reasonable doubt at the guilt stage?
  • Did Boyce err in providing the jury the most currently instruction of reasonable doubt at the sentencing phase?”
On May 29, a jury found Chad Daybell guilty of murdering three people, as well as conspiracy to commit each of the murders.

Prosecutors charged Chad Daybell with killing Tammy Daybell, his late wife. The state also charged Daybell with killing two children, Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow. Their mother, and Chad Daybell’s current wife, Lori Vallow Daybell was also found guilty of murder and conspiracy.

Lori Vallow Daybell was sentenced to life in prison.

On Saturday, June 1, Chad Daybell was sentenced to death for the crimes.
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Lori Vallow Daybell appeal details.

Nate Eaton

Nate Eaton,

Lori Vallow Daybell’s new attorney files amended notice of appeal, asks for mental health records and more
0 seconds of 25 minutes, 18 seconds

Lori Vallow Daybell’s attorney has filed an amended notice of appeal. | file photo
BOISE — Lori Vallow Daybell’s new attorney has filed an amended notice of appeal and is asking the Idaho Supreme Court to take a closer look at over a dozen issues in the case.
Craig Durham, an appellate attorney based in Boise, is requesting transcripts from 35 court hearings between Daybell’s initial appearance in May 2021 and her sentencing in July 2023.
District Judge Steve Boyce sentenced Daybell, 50, to serve three life sentences without parole after a jury found her guilty of murdering her two youngest children, 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 16-year-old Tylee Ryan, as well as conspiring to kill Tammy Daybell, the spouse of Chad Daybell, whom she later married.
Jim Archibald, Daybell’s prior attorney, filed an original notice of appeal in September raising questions on multiple issues, which are also listed in the amended appeal. They include:

  • Whether District Judge Steven Boyce erred in finding Daybell competent for trial after she spent 10 months in a mental hospital.
  • Whether Boyce erred in denying Archibald’s request to send Daybell back to the mental hospital rather than proceeding to trial.
  • Whether Daybell’s constitutional rights to a speedy trial were violated by the prosecutor’s requests for continuances.
  • Whether Boyce erred when he allowed prosecutors to present evidence of crimes in the pending Arizona case concerning the death of Charles Vallow (Daybell’s fourth husband) and the attempted murder of Brandon Boudreaux (Daybell’s former nephew-in-law).
  • Whether Boyce abused his discretion by sentencing Daybell to serve three consecutive fixed life sentences without parole.
  • Whether Boyce abused his discretion by ordering Daybell, who is indigent and has a public defender, to pay $165,018 in fines and court costs.
Durham is also requesting all sealed filings in the case, including Daybell’s mental health records.
The appellate process can be lengthy and may take several years. The Idaho attorney general will assign a lawyer to represent the prosecution, and that attorney, along with Durham, will prepare written briefs and likely present oral arguments before the Idaho Supreme Court issues its decision.
There could be some delays in Daybell’s appellate case as the state of Arizona plans to extradite her for conspiracy to commit murder in relation to Vallow’s death and the attempted murder of Boudreaux. Daybell has been at the Pocatello Women’s Correctional Center since Aug. 1.
The trial for Chad Daybell is scheduled to begin April 1 in Ada County. A status conference in his case will be held via Zoom on Tuesday at 2 p.m. will livestream the hearing.
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She explains.
She does and while we can't know for sure the explanation is truth and she was not trying to help Lori out, I do tend to believe they did NOT think she could have done this to her own kids.

I found most of what she said believable and forthcoming and I think she is a helluva lot more believable than her liar of a sister. It was worth watching.

She also said the breaking point or moment they had to face it and knew beyond doubt she was involved was when the kids were found on his property. They could have been like Chad's kids and said that doesn't mean Lori had anything to do with it, just that Chad did, or Alex did but instead they knew it meant THEY had killed the kids or at least that's how I take it if they found that to be the proof they were wrong about believing in Lori. I suppose too it was proof that she had lied to them about the kids being alive and well.

It was worth watching. And rarely does Nate do an interview that isn't worth it. I couldn't stand Mel P or Mel G but I still watched their interviews with him as well. Of course I'm not sure I knew yet then that I couldn't stand them, the interviews were likely some of the start of my dislike and distrust of both actually.
I’ve heard it now from more than one juror now that they think Garth and Emma are afraid of Chad. I don’t know if I would call it afraid or programmed - or both.
I know the one figured maybe they feared him he said. The thing is if they did live in fear of him, once in jail they were as safe from him as they ever could be and now will be forever so it's more than that. Unless they think he can cast evil spells on them from jail. The one felt sorry for Garth, Emma he straight up said was total script.

I honestly think they'd have had all five kids if what they said would have favored Chad and so it makes me wonder if the others HAVE broken away...Of course they weren't there like these two but they still could have remarked on what TAmmy told them about the shooter, her health, their dad and more...

I think control is the bigger thing and brainwashing. He was hardly around for them to be in fear and it seems to me that his kids were treated specially because they weren't dark and were part of the 144 unlike Lori's and Mel P's kids... I also don't think it was fear that kept Emma living close to Chad and Tammy, I think she's tied to HIS apron strings...She's a daddy's girl. I don't doubt he go them to do things he wanted by using the kinds of stunts he did on Tammy though or something on that order but I'm not so sure about fear. In my opinion that was a guess on the juror's part and of course it sure is possible. Maybe he put the fear of the wrath of God (or of Chad) into them or that he would label them dark... Hard to say.

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