JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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The rest of Lori's potential witness list are family members. So, based on this list, I wonder what strategy she's using, other than angels and devils did it?
About 31 minutes in she is getting kind of piss* with the judge, acting like a know it all. Careful there you bleached hairpiece. Up til now, been watching it, she's been not overly bad but here she's showing her attitude and unmerited superiority complex...

About 31 minutes in she is getting kind of piss* with the judge, acting like a know it all. Careful there you bleached hairpiece. Up til now, been watching it, she's been not overly bad but here she's showing her attitude and unmerited superiority complex...

This reminded me of something Colby said when a viewer said he thought she looked ill, like she had a stroke. Colby said it's because she can't botox anymore. :giggling:

Seems to me that bringing in friends of Tylee is going to backfire BIG TIME.

Going to have to catch up later but am watching the hearing right now, most of the way through it. No time right now. It DOES appear this will go off on time (the trial).

One thing I have a moment to say--I'm glad there will be a pool camera BUT Court TV better behave themselves, things have not been perfect in a few recent trials, AND the ones that stream from them had better behave as well. We want things televised and live even if a few minutes delay and I don't want anyone ruining it with showing jurors or focusing on paperwork, etc. I don't see that the lesson was learned recently but they'd better have learned it before this one and thank God it has ruined all chances of us seeing live coverage. THere's no excuse for such.
I've meant to catch things up here for a few days and another thread or two as well and it's just not my week so haven't.

Colby didn't do his live and watch party on Friday and went on Saturday instead and I just saw moments of it, didn't invest or have the time but in a nutshell he was being nice about Dateline and Keith but said it was mostly a rehash of the whole case for the most part, he did say it was probably because his mom's thing likely had to be edited and so forth but a rehash of the case, most of it. Same old, same old.

I saw Keith on Nate and another thing or two, news, etc. I saw a YT or two talk of the Dateline thing after watching it. I've heard of Lori's b.s. more than once in it. Then the other day I watched the live hearing in the case but still haven't finished it all and man, there was a good moment or two I've wanted to get in here to share, like when the female P/DA said she couldn't after being convicted of murdering Tylee for instance then want to use Tylee's statements in this case (Charles). Oh there were good moments.

I can never state or share all I want to as I just haven't had the time but I'll just say this in a nutshell, the interest in her is wanting... It isn't the big news it would have been and the Dateline thing isn't the splash they likely hoped for. She needs to go away. She'll be fine, I mean she is the favorite of Jesus and if she ever owns a vehicle again that will be her bumper sticker.

She got mad at Keith at times and of course she could not provide answers on some things. No I haven't watched it, never plan to, but of course one hears of it from others. She loves the attention and I'd only say don't give it to her. The real hearing is worth watching.... The judge and prosecutor are being more than fair and professional and Lori tries to be so too but one sees her temper flare and her "specialness" and can tell she thinks herself superior...

I've had a lot I've wanted to share this past week but haven't gotten around to it and this isn't all of it but I guess is the best I can do before not getting to it at all.

I haven't said what I've wanted to either in Hackman and Kohberger. Not sure if I'll get to it or not.

I'm sure the upcoming trial will have a lot of interest and revive interest too, with Lolo, but the interest in her and the case is waningn imo. She wants to be special and on TV but it hasn't had near the interest imo it would have had awhile back. Or perhaps many of us just don't care to watch or give her her attn...

If I get to it, I will link one that is about 20 minutes and actually a bit fun as a summary...
Going to have to catch up later but am watching the hearing right now, most of the way through it. No time right now. It DOES appear this will go off on time (the trial).

One thing I have a moment to say--I'm glad there will be a pool camera BUT Court TV better behave themselves, things have not been perfect in a few recent trials, AND the ones that stream from them had better behave as well. We want things televised and live even if a few minutes delay and I don't want anyone ruining it with showing jurors or focusing on paperwork, etc. I don't see that the lesson was learned recently but they'd better have learned it before this one and thank God it has ruined all chances of us seeing live coverage. THere's no excuse for such.
I watched a little bit when they were discussing the pool camera and the camera immediately panned in and down and focused on her feet in chains and one leg crossed over the other with the elevated foot going up and down sort of impatiently. Then it panned to her papers in front of her then panned back to the judge speaking and courtroom view almost like it was saying "we'll focus on what we want" LOL.
I watched a little bit when they were discussing the pool camera and the camera immediately panned in and down and focused on her feet in chains and one leg crossed over the other with the elevated foot going up and down sort of impatiently. Then it panned to her papers in front of her then panned back to the judge speaking and courtroom view almost like it was saying "we'll focus on what we want" LOL.
Yes, I saw that too! And they also hit the desk although I couldn't see what papers said but I'm not sure someone else couldn't or enhance it to do so. While I do get a kick out of such, like her feet, I do NOT want live access to any trial forbidden due to the antics of Court TV. I don't think it was them though, I believe a court camera was present? Not sure BUT Court TV had an atty there and he was saying how I believe their camera is small[?] and that they have the band with to send to I think like 300 other news stations, etc.? Or was it 30, can't recall. He also seemed to make a point of saying that if the judge wants a delay those stations need to abide by it too as they can't control it going to them and them not delaying it... Personally I think he was trying to hint that they didn't screw up in some of these other trials but that it was someone else that did. That is b.s. though because a juror was shown recently and that had to come from the original camera. Actually two jurors but one could be CLEARLY seen. Then in some other one it was paperwork so again that had to be Court TV, and I also heard that it was. They need to KNOCK it off but I'm not sure who did this at this hearing...?

Has she asked not to wear orange during the trial? I haven't heard such. She generally didn't in ID.

Have we ever had a defendant we almost all without fail love to hate and mock? I can't stand her and feel she deserves every moment of it... Personally I think that hair is some "fall" and that hers is brown and broken off underneath from the glimpses of it from the back of her head.

I'm not through it all yet, not because it's long or hard to watch, I simply have other things I'm finishing too and I dance between them and it's just not been my week. Then recaps started coming out of the Dateline thing, etc. and a few things on other cases I want to keep up with. Kohberger, Read and so on.

I think I mentioned above she started to get a bit "pis*y" with the judge at one point that I did see. Also she turned around to the gallery and gave what I'd say was a triumphant look or smile at someone. It was quick and my guess is perhaps her mom or Summer or a news org?? Not sure.

I know Nate was going to be there and when the judge asked, after Court TV,, if other news people were there and had anything they wanted to says, I thought maybe he would speak up but never saw him and no one spoke...

Lori cited case law and had the advisory atty with her and she didn't overdo it I guess or go too lengthy... The advising atty is clearly there for her and doesn't ignore her but it's not like when defendants have attys they are all chummy with and all put on acts almost choreographed, I can think of a case I'd point out but think I'll leave that. The atty does her job and does talk to her when wanted but she stays pretty serious and stays out of it otherwise. I mean Lori is representing herself... Only one P there, a female. For me, it's pretty clear the judge and P know the law better than Lori and I'd say they are making sure things are not "unfair" or a pro SE defendant looks ganged up on. I'll give them credit for that actually but the P atty didn't have to make a huge argument to anything but she did so easily and when necessary. Again, I haven't finished it yet.

She pointed out quite clearly as I said she can't have it both ways (Lori), no wanting to use statements of dead people and one she was convicted of killing (Tylee) to her benefit (my words/paraphrasing). Judge also easily asked and said their utterances (Alex and Tylee) were not excited utterances, etc. if it was at 10 a.m. or after...

I've encountered the excited utterance thing in a courtroom/case and so I actually know of this... It is one of the exceptions to the hearsay rule. Not ALL hearsay is inadmissible as many believe. Lori wants things they said brought IN. In Kohberger it was also recently used and argued where the P wants statements etc. in in the 911 call because they are impressions in the moment or excited utterances...

Lori seems to want what Alex and Tylee said later in day when interviewed by LE in but not the early things... Of course she does, that's when she'd told them what to say, etc. and had it all gotten together. There was some blip, I forget, where something was said about her leaving, perhaps the P said it, again I forget. I have watched pieces of this over a few days, and she had to dance real quick once because she was NOT there, they had left allegedly and per cams at Walgreen's and so on...

I need to go finish it, again it's not that long, I just haven't yet. It's a good glimpse of how she will be at trial and this hearing was nothing for her in comparison to how that will be. I saw her temper flare imo and her impatience just as the foot tapping showed as y ou said... And this was just a short hearing. There was a glimpse imo of her feeling superior to the judge and trying to stifle her natural urge to show him she's more important. I suspect over a long trial more of that will be seen... I mean after all she's the favorite of Jesus and she is not mortal but superior to all us mortals, the judge, the P... I suppose it's hard for her when she has to play by mortal rules and in their world lol and they don't see her specialness...

If I get to it, I'll link a video I found that's short and he puts a fun twist in things when recapping something, it covers the Dateline thing which sounds like a pretty big disappointment and nothing but mostly a recap of the case and haven't we seen such a million and one times in this one... Meaning all the cases, history of her and Chad and their murders, attempted murders and so forth... It's all been done to death.

Keith went around and did all his interviews and things to drum the interest but honestly I don't think he was very happy with it but doing the required professional thing as the network I'm sure expects done... He blames her without really trying to show it's just another of the same old with her crazy in it...

And of course, she throws Tylee under the bus again...

He said in one interview he felt like a pang of guilt and he should but then he went on to say you're not going to give up the chance to interview her, etc. (paraphrasing).

I think most are done with her and most were not happy about this "special". I'm sick of her and hoping she goes away after this trial. Oh another thing covered at hearing was juror selection and finding enough, etc. We know the pool can get poisoned each time something else AIRS. Lori had a few things to say about jury selection and her "last trial" and jury selection...

Long post but have wanted for a few days to catch up here with thoughts, the hearing, etc. before something else comes up and there's new news so trying to state all I recall thinking and seeing recently that I felt mattered. Imo anyhow.
LMAO this one is worth it. Not sure I can hit all the highlights but will post a few, just watch, it's fun, imo. Lori's pretty pis&y for starters, starting to get upset I think and of course everything is someone else's fault but I'll be fair and say of course it's likely not easy for a prisoner to get everything done, go get things, get addresses, call people BUT she's not on time with stuff she should have been on top of and neither are her "people".

The judge finally told her SHE is the one that wanted a speedy trial as is her right but if she doesn't have time to get all these things, then she has to make a choice between what she wants, speedy trial or time to get the things LMAO. This is the CLEAREST one yet that she doesn't know sh*t and personally I agree with the lady prosecutor, most of what she's looking for likely will not end up being allowed in. The judge is so calm as always lol, and the P lady doesn't usually show attitude but she got one in to at Lori as to they do NOT have to do their job for them. Plus her guy was emailing things late last night so they aren't even ready for trial as the judge pretty much told the guy (Lori's guy), etc. LOL. It's just fun.

She said also she wants to pick up her husband's phone so they can do their own extraction, so NOW Charles is her husband again?

She was told she can get it but; she has to sign a release, get someone to pick it up, the release will state if anything happens to thing she is fully responsible.

Still whining about a Gilbert video that someone told her they saw on YT. Etc.

Oh and she IS calling Nate as a witness LMAO.

What is she going to do with Charles phone, delete stuff? The state has their own extraction. Or is she looking like for him talking to Adam so she can put Adam though it on the stand or say see it was self defense, who the HE77 knows with her. I'm sure she's trying but it's just clear she's out of her depth imo. Most of what she's after I think will be inadmissible and she wants to stand in court probably and weave another tale as she did in the recent interview but you can't just stand in court and do that.. Psheesh.

Oh and she can't get things done because she's in lock up 23 hours a day. was she before or did she get in trouble or something or is in protective custody? No idea. She wasn't a happy camper.

This judge is never anything fur calm to her but he made it clear things she is looking for (laptops too) she likely won't have time for her expect to do their own extraction and a report and so on before trial, that's when she goes into how no cell phone, internet, 23 hours a day, etc., etc. and a few other things go on and he finally pretty much said to her t his is her choice, these reports can take months, and she wants a speedy trial.

I LOVED it lol.

Now with Boyce this game kind of ending up working but I don't think it is going to here and I think she actually IS upset trial is shortly and she's behind the game.

THEN they also talked of dates and jury selection for Brandon's case so now she's got the 2nd one on the table and she's not read for the first...

Oh and they only gave her ten hours of an expert, but she finally told the judge he could just put his 8 hour in then and get her whatever kind of report he could in the next hour, etc. LOL and as if people don't have other clients and work on demand (my opinion)...

I enjoyed it.

I agree someone stuck in jail or prison should be able to represent selves (not very well) and have access to get what is needed for a fair shot at trial, have their experts, investigators, etc., but you know what they've done nothing but bend over backwards for her as far as I can tell, and it's not their fault, then she blamed her former defense team because they won't turn things over yet I think she has it all, and the couple of other things are just things again I don't think she's going to be able to use or wants her own extraction, and the judge put it right. He even tried to help her at one point sort of and say would you like to request a narrow thing so it won't be like trying to find a needle in a haystack what you are looking for...?

AND they gave her advisors.

His point was great, it's HER CHOICE. You want need all this stuff BUT you want a speedy trial.

It's hard to feel sorry for this child murdering witch.

I watched Read too today, and no time or could comment a lot on that but this one took the cake lol.

The live started late I think or had a delay of maybe 15 minutes or something because when it popped up, they were already talking and in the courtroom. She seemed pis*y from the start but I'll bet she left STEAMING.

And there's more but believe me I can't word it like it is to watch especially if like most of us one enjoys seeing this woman who killed way overdue to go down. They did not a wrong thing to her in there but a couple of things were made pretty clear lol.

By the end, I felt her a petulant child who is used to getting her way (or used to be) and controlling and she wasn't liking it, nor was all the blame flying working, the judge did what he could to help her within what they can which isn't much (from what I know they aren't supposed to, for sure not advise and such). She's out of her depth and she isn't going to like it at trial when she can't just do as she pleases imo.

LMAO this one is worth it. Not sure I can hit all the highlights but will post a few, just watch, it's fun, imo. Lori's pretty pis&y for starters, starting to get upset I think and of course everything is someone else's fault but I'll be fair and say of course it's likely not easy for a prisoner to get everything done, go get things, get addresses, call people BUT she's not on time with stuff she should have been on top of and neither are her "people".

The judge finally told her SHE is the one that wanted a speedy trial as is her right but if she doesn't have time to get all these things, then she has to make a choice between what she wants, speedy trial or time to get the things LMAO. This is the CLEAREST one yet that she doesn't know sh*t and personally I agree with the lady prosecutor, most of what she's looking for likely will not end up being allowed in. The judge is so calm as always lol, and the P lady doesn't usually show attitude but she got one in to at Lori as to they do NOT have to do their job for them. Plus her guy was emailing things late last night so they aren't even ready for trial as the judge pretty much told the guy (Lori's guy), etc. LOL. It's just fun.

She said also she wants to pick up her husband's phone so they can do their own extraction, so NOW Charles is her husband again?

She was told she can get it but; she has to sign a release, get someone to pick it up, the release will state if anything happens to thing she is fully responsible.

Still whining about a Gilbert video that someone told her they saw on YT. Etc.

Oh and she IS calling Nate as a witness LMAO.

What is she going to do with Charles phone, delete stuff? The state has their own extraction. Or is she looking like for him talking to Adam so she can put Adam though it on the stand or say see it was self defense, who the HE77 knows with her. I'm sure she's trying but it's just clear she's out of her depth imo. Most of what she's after I think will be inadmissible and she wants to stand in court probably and weave another tale as she did in the recent interview but you can't just stand in court and do that.. Psheesh.

Oh and she can't get things done because she's in lock up 23 hours a day. was she before or did she get in trouble or something or is in protective custody? No idea. She wasn't a happy camper.

This judge is never anything fur calm to her but he made it clear things she is looking for (laptops too) she likely won't have time for her expect to do their own extraction and a report and so on before trial, that's when she goes into how no cell phone, internet, 23 hours a day, etc., etc. and a few other things go on and he finally pretty much said to her t his is her choice, these reports can take months, and she wants a speedy trial.

I LOVED it lol.

Now with Boyce this game kind of ending up working but I don't think it is going to here and I think she actually IS upset trial is shortly and she's behind the game.

THEN they also talked of dates and jury selection for Brandon's case so now she's got the 2nd one on the table and she's not read for the first...

Oh and they only gave her ten hours of an expert, but she finally told the judge he could just put his 8 hour in then and get her whatever kind of report he could in the next hour, etc. LOL and as if people don't have other clients and work on demand (my opinion)...

I enjoyed it.

I agree someone stuck in jail or prison should be able to represent selves (not very well) and have access to get what is needed for a fair shot at trial, have their experts, investigators, etc., but you know what they've done nothing but bend over backwards for her as far as I can tell, and it's not their fault, then she blamed her former defense team because they won't turn things over yet I think she has it all, and the couple of other things are just things again I don't think she's going to be able to use or wants her own extraction, and the judge put it right. He even tried to help her at one point sort of and say would you like to request a narrow thing so it won't be like trying to find a needle in a haystack what you are looking for...?

AND they gave her advisors.

His point was great, it's HER CHOICE. You want need all this stuff BUT you want a speedy trial.

It's hard to feel sorry for this child murdering witch.

I watched Read too today, and no time or could comment a lot on that but this one took the cake lol.

The live started late I think or had a delay of maybe 15 minutes or something because when it popped up, they were already talking and in the courtroom. She seemed pis*y from the start but I'll bet she left STEAMING.

And there's more but believe me I can't word it like it is to watch especially if like most of us one enjoys seeing this woman who killed way overdue to go down. They did not a wrong thing to her in there but a couple of things were made pretty clear lol.

By the end, I felt her a petulant child who is used to getting her way (or used to be) and controlling and she wasn't liking it, nor was all the blame flying working, the judge did what he could to help her within what they can which isn't much (from what I know they aren't supposed to, for sure not advise and such). She's out of her depth and she isn't going to like it at trial when she can't just do as she pleases imo.

I haven't even followed this case like at all (that i can remember anyway) but I'm totally going to watch this and probably follow after.... just because of reading your post LMAO it sounds entertaining what happened in court but I gotta look at the background (the crime that occurred) and what sounds like a Casey Anthony circus...unless this lady puts Casey to shame .... I don't know yet I gotta catch up
I haven't even followed this case like at all (that i can remember anyway) but I'm totally going to watch this and probably follow after.... just because of reading your post LMAO it sounds entertaining what happened in court but I gotta look at the background (the crime that occurred) and what sounds like a Casey Anthony circus...unless this lady puts Casey to shame .... I don't know yet I gotta catch up
I found it quite entertaining just because I like to see her get upset and be refused and so on. You might not if not knowing the history but I got a real kick out of it lol.

I don't know how you avoided this one, there's been soooo much done on it. Beware there are tons of players and I guess maybe you'd say rabbit holes.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Takes awhile sometimes but I think I've got all the key players straight.

Also there are TONS and TONS of YT videos on these cases from regular channels and then even some family members doing them or appear as guests.

The two key players are Chad and Lori Daybell (a/k/a Cox, Vallow, Ryan, I'm probably forgetting a few last names). It branches out from there. She was married many times.

Firsts her two kids went missing, well it wasn't first but it's what brought all the initial attention on them. Her husband was also killed prior (the one before Chad) and the stupid cops apparently bought it as self defense at the time, now that's the one she's about to be tried for. Not long after her kids went missing, his wife died. That one was put down to natural causes but she was later exhumed and the first trials each were tried separately for killer her kids and his wife. He got the DP and she got life in prison w/no chance of parole. Before long after that trial, she was sent to AZ to stand trial for both the murder of that last husband and after that the attempted murder of her niece's former husband (another one added in here now).

Her brother was thought to have been involved but then he died. That one remains natural causes but I will NEVER believe that.

There was also another prior husband some thinks she killed, I'm a bit more torn on that one, and his death was put down to natural causes. Her brother had in yrs before he died, hit him with a stun gun.

Add in a twisting of religion and some "friends", some of whom too they had marry others, etc., more or less "cult" members imo, labeling people as dark and light or zombies. His kids were never harmed but their mother was killed and her two kids have an older brother (he has a channel) who was not killed, probably because he had left home when old enough.

Confused yet or do you already have a grasp on it?

I'm sure there's more I'm missing and there is, all sorts of details, oh and they ran off to Hawaii and would NOT tell where the kids were. And more.

This is likely as simple as one could give (I tried) of this case and probably the most key facts. Others can add or correct me gladly.

Some bitter custody fights would be another detail, trying to destroy ex's, and I think myself some of the others were also involved but they turned witness (sort of) and I have little doubt they had further plans to kill others...

There are varying jurisdictions.

It's one that if you want to keep looking even after having it down pat, you could go on forever doing so. I'd say an of us who followed from the start have invested TONS of hours on stuff in these cases, videos and more.
Oh and he also told her she has to give one of her advisory counsel people a list of questions to ask her when she's on the stand because she can't just get up there and give a testimonial lol, it has to be questions and answers. We know that's what she'd like to do and even though he was fully straight faced, I have a feeling he knows she would like to. Lol.

I don't think it was said with certainty but I think she is planning to testify, of course she could always change her mind during trial I'm sure.
I found it quite entertaining just because I like to see her get upset and be refused and so on. You might not if not knowing the history but I got a real kick out of it lol.

I don't know how you avoided this one, there's been soooo much done on it. Beware there are tons of players and I guess maybe you'd say rabbit holes.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Takes awhile sometimes but I think I've got all the key players straight.

Also there are TONS and TONS of YT videos on these cases from regular channels and then even some family members doing them or appear as guests.

The two key players are Chad and Lori Daybell (a/k/a Cox, Vallow, Ryan, I'm probably forgetting a few last names). It branches out from there. She was married many times.

Firsts her two kids went missing, well it wasn't first but it's what brought all the initial attention on them. Her husband was also killed prior (the one before Chad) and the stupid cops apparently bought it as self defense at the time, now that's the one she's about to be tried for. Not long after her kids went missing, his wife died. That one was put down to natural causes but she was later exhumed and the first trials each were tried separately for killer her kids and his wife. He got the DP and she got life in prison w/no chance of parole. Before long after that trial, she was sent to AZ to stand trial for both the murder of that last husband and after that the attempted murder of her niece's former husband (another one added in here now).

Her brother was thought to have been involved but then he died. That one remains natural causes but I will NEVER believe that.

There was also another prior husband some thinks she killed, I'm a bit more torn on that one, and his death was put down to natural causes. Her brother had in yrs before he died, hit him with a stun gun.

Add in a twisting of religion and some "friends", some of whom too they had marry others, etc., more or less "cult" members imo, labeling people as dark and light or zombies. His kids were never harmed but their mother was killed and her two kids have an older brother (he has a channel) who was not killed, probably because he had left home when old enough.

Confused yet or do you already have a grasp on it?

I'm sure there's more I'm missing and there is, all sorts of details, oh and they ran off to Hawaii and would NOT tell where the kids were. And more.

This is likely as simple as one could give (I tried) of this case and probably the most key facts. Others can add or correct me gladly.

Some bitter custody fights would be another detail, trying to destroy ex's, and I think myself some of the others were also involved but they turned witness (sort of) and I have little doubt they had further plans to kill others...

There are varying jurisdictions.

It's one that if you want to keep looking even after having it down pat, you could go on forever doing so. I'd say an of us who followed from the start have invested TONS of hours on stuff in these cases, videos and more.
Holy crap that's alot of twists and turns.... I may sink into YT tonight.... not very motivated to do much else.... have been dealing with sciatica on top of everything else since late sat/early sun
Holy crap that's alot of twists and turns.... I may sink into YT tonight.... not very motivated to do much else.... have been dealing with sciatica on top of everything else since late sat/early sun
Sorry to hear that, it's one thing after the other for you isn't it? Not going a whole lot better here. PT for my legs has kicked the original back shoulders neck injuries back into high gear, so the chiro got added back in now and I have ortho soon and just way too many appts a week lately, AND pain and not better STILL. I'm thankful I haven't gotten the flu as you did, you've really been having a go of it!

Yeah it is something else. I'm trying to think of a good one to give you a good synopsis of these crimes. I know several have done tons of shows but an overall one I'm struggling with right now as that's been so long ago. I dare say this is the longest case thread here, if not, it has to be close to it. It may pay to just go back to early on here when we were all like WTF, it was so crazy, and I'm sure plenty was hopefully linked.
We were just talking of her and @Kimster Linda is back, I just ran into it, maybe you already know. Only thing is she's on the last hearing, not today's, but she says she is going to NOT miss all this with Lori's trials and will be covering it. I have just started maybe she adds the new hearing on at the end, but doubtful but it's still good in the Linda way. I'm fine with her being later but others will have the news out earlier but if she is actually going to watch it all live, she'll be on it then as she has been before.

She's having fun at Lori with that hearing and she'll really love the one today then.

@Takeitfromme Actually she would be great for you to go back and binge on this case, I think she's got the entire library on the case on her channel cataloged.

THis is the last hearing, not today's. Or about it, she isn't playing the full hearing.

I see Nate has one out too. Of today.

I'm glad to see Linda, been gone, family stuff I think and knows this case in and out.


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