Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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They testified that that taillight was the one visible in the video and nobody was near it. It was not the taillight showing in the video as the video shows proctor next to the "other" taillight. When shown correctly, it shows proctor AT the taillight in question. They then why through all the trouble to reverse the video and then dub the timestamps back inverted correctly.

Explain why the would do that if it didn't mean anything.

Where the taillight piece were found are against the laws of physics with their version of what happened. Period.
The whole trial has already been declared a mistrial. Why would you want false evidence in a video shown again? Wouldn't you rather see an unedited version in a new trial?
It's what other posters have noticed. I havent watched it myself.
Well, it was that you seem convinced that I wondered what convinced you, so anyway, maybe you'll take my word for it, lol!
Seriously, there was no tampering- the camera works like a mirror, and there was no editing- it records only when motion is detected.
Well, it was that you seem convinced that I wondered what convinced you, so anyway, maybe you'll take my word for it, lol!
Seriously, there was no tampering- the camera works like a mirror, and there was no editing- it records only when motion is detected.
No. If the video was reversed then the timestamp would be reversed, too. It's just that simple. It was proven that it was reversed by people that are familiar with that Sally port, yet the timestamp was not. It also blows their excuse that it was motion sensitive.
No. If the video was reversed then the timestamp would be reversed, too. It's just that simple. It was proven that it was reversed by people that are familiar with that Sally port, yet the timestamp was not. It also blows their excuse that it was motion sensitive.
When the mirrored image was reversed, so was the timestamp.
Why do you say that video was tampered with?
Others have alleged that, but i don't know if the court decided that was true as it was declared a mistrial in the end. So there was no resolution of the case and the evidence.

ETA i see i did already answer. Sorry - mind like a sieve.
Others have alleged that, but i don't know if the court decided that was true as it was declared a mistrial in the end. So there was no resolution of the case and the evidence.
I don't follow nor am I alleging, I'm just sharing what was presented through testimony at trial.
I don't follow nor am I alleging, I'm just sharing what was presented through testimony at trial.
Understand. I didnt watch the trial and have only gone by what is said on here. There is an appeal to dismiss charges going on. I found this but have found no appeal decision so far.

This is recent - about a month ago - and discussed the appeal. The decision could take months. So she didn't lose the appeal.

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Dog bite "expert" to return on Jan 7th

New trial delayed till April.

"Back in November, attorneys filed a joint request to move the second trial back from Jan. 27 to April 1, saying it would give both sides “adequate time” to prepare.
According to records, Cannone allowed the motion on Monday and ordered the attorneys to propose a new schedule by the end of the week."
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