Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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Its just courtesy. If i state something then i provide a link. I know many don't, like yourself. But then if I do spend time researching, often i find it may not be right. The two examples recently are both indicative of that. The lost dog question and the dog dna testing on the shirt arm. Both examples i answered and found the links myself.

We have provided links. I'm not going to keep doing it. If you want links, go back in the thread and find them. I'm not looking for something I've already posted about.
Its just courtesy. If i state something then i provide a link. I know many don't, like yourself. But then if I do spend time researching, often i find it may not be right. The two examples recently are both indicative of that. The lost dog question and the dog dna testing on the shirt arm. Both examples i answered and found the links myself.
It's also courtesy to not state that you will not watch anything from the trial then to request people to once again post something for you that you have stated that you will not watch. It's all posted. We have discussed the very thing as it was happening. You can go back and find it as easily as we can. I'm not wasting any more of my time looking for court links that Summer and KDG so kindly provided for us each day for them to just be blatantly ignored... again.
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We have provided links. I'm not going to keep doing it. If you want links, go back in the thread and find them. I'm not looking for something I've already posted about.
The message you are responding too explains that i did find two links myself and answered two posts that were other posters' queries. I am not aware i asked you for any links anyway, did I?

The trial was a mistrial so i will follow the new trial when it takes place.
It's also courtesy to not state that you will not watch anything from the trial then to request people to once again post something for you that you have stated that you will not watch. It's all posted. We have discussed the very thing as it was happening. You can go back and find it as easily as we can. I'm not wasting any more of my time looking for court links that Summer and KDG so kindly provided for us each day for them to just be blatantly ignored... again.
See my response to Cuz above. I am not aware you or Cuz have wasted time providing links to me anyway. That's ok as i found them myself.

It's good that they are pursuing the murder trial again. Hopefully this time justice will be done and she wil be convicted.
So where was it testified to as to where it came from and when was it taken? And yes, all the clothes were testified to as being wadded up and handed in wet after a few days. Not sure what you are saying is false there.
I guess you probably need to check the trial details which is what you suggested I do. I found it and linked it above.
There is a LOT of info packed into that document. For those that are not interested in anything that actually happened at the trial, you may not want to look at it.
They got rid of the dog right after this happened and "didn't know who had it"
A dog that they had had for, I think, 7 years. I have a reactive dog not even that old now and there is no way I would be getting rid of her for just being as azz to other dogs. She is super sweet to people and especially loves kids. Let alone, not know who had her if there was ever a valid reason to have to surrender her. What coincidental timing, too. Pretty much guaranteed that this dog did not suddenly, after 7 years, just now become dog reactive.
So the Commonwealth just so happened to "lose" the original footage of the sally port video AFTER inviting the defense they had it and to come get a copy of it.

link to the actual filing.

There's still a copy upthread.
That's how I remember it. How do you?
That John's clothing was collected at the hospital and at the station was layed out to dry and then was sorted where I think where his shirt and jacket was bagged together and his pants and belt and possibly boxers were bagged together until they were sent for testing.
Analysis from swabbings and/ or scrappings from the clothing showed only his DNA and pieces of red and clear plastic and a piece of glass.
That John's clothing was collected at the hospital and at the station was layed out to dry and then was sorted where I think where his shirt and jacket was bagged together and his pants and belt and possibly boxers were bagged together until they were sent for testing.
Analysis from swabbings and/ or scrappings from the clothing showed only his DNA and pieces of red and clear plastic and a piece of glass.
I agree and the pics of the laid out clothes are upthread so that will remain as evidence for the new trial.

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