Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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Still no unanimous verdict.

Judge wants to hear from Prosecution about thorough deliberations. AG Lally wants them to continue deliberations. Doesn't feel they have done a thorough deliberation.

Defense attorney asking for a Tuey Rodriguez instruction.

Judge says that she feels they have done a thorough deliberation and is ready to give the Tuey-Rodriguez instructions.

Short recess called.
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Updated: 6:04 AM EDT Jul 1, 2024
David Bienick


  • 11:10 a.m.: The jurors file out. No smiles. One woman seems to be slightly emotional. The foreman looked solemn and has loosened his necktie since he arrived two hours ago.
  • 11:03 a.m.: Reminder: After the judge reads the Tuey-Rodriguez instruction, if the jury comes back AGAIN and is still deadlocked, she must declare a hung jury and dismiss them.
  • 11:02 a.m.: The judge has returned to her chamber. The O'Keefe family arrives. Court officer calls for the jury to be brought in. She reads Tuey-Rodriguez instruction.
  • 10:51 a.m.: Judge says she will give Tuey-Rodriguez instruction. The instructions tell the jurors they are the best hope for reaching a verdict and encourage them to look at the arguments from the other side.
  • 10:50 a.m.: Judge asks Lally whether to argue whether he believes jury has done due and diligent deliberations. (Sounds as if the jury is still deadlocked.)
  • 10:42 a.m.: Court clerk says the jury has a question.

Updated: 6:04 AM EDT Jul 1, 2024
David Bienick


  • 9:07 a.m.: Reminder: The jury has no access to transcripts of witnesses' testimony. They must rely on their memories and personal notes. If jurors disagree about what a witness said, there's no way to check.
  • 9:05 a.m.: The court officers wheel the evidence boxes and bags through the hall. We can't actually see the deliberations room door. It's in a part of the courthouse off limits to the public.
  • 9:03 a.m.: For what it's worth, several jurors seem to be dressed in black and for the first time the foreman was wearing a tie.
  • 9:01 a.m.: The judge asks her standard questions and sends the jury back into deliberations.
  • 8:59 a.m.: The jury enters. The judge is on the bench.
  • 8:57 a.m.: We've reassembled in the courtroom with the lawyers and families. Waiting on the jury and the judge.

It's stupid on a trial this long that they can't get transcripts on testimony.

hung jury

The note was worded clearly & succintly. No amount of time would help them reach a unanimous verdict.

It sounds to me like some jurors are just held to the belief that the police would never lie.
I wonder if their impasse could have been fixed if they simply could have had transcripts.

The trial I was a juror on lasted five or six days. We never needed a reread. We were told we wouldn't be able to take notes.

Fortunately, there was not a lot of disagreement, and we reached a verdict.

I wonder what the "guilty" people will think when they find out that the defense experts were FBI personell.
The trial I was a juror on lasted five or six days. We never needed a reread. We were told we wouldn't be able to take notes.

Fortunately, there was not a lot of disagreement, and we reached a verdict.

I wonder what the "guilty" people will think when they find out that the defense experts were FBI personell.
It sounds like some were not observed taking many notes and I wonder if those are the people holding out and a simple review would possibly help or if one juror simply wrote the wrong word or skipped a word in their notes. I see absolutely no reason in this day to not have that ability. I do understand back when it might take days to get it, but that's simply not the case any more.
You know, I could get all onto people believing she did it as I was pretty firmly on the fence until that video was exposed. That made me believe that it was very, VERY possible and likely that much of the other "evidence" was manufactured and shed 100% reasonable doubt about their case. They went through quite a bit of work manufacturing that and having the gall to present it as evidence. They then flat out lied about it "proving" that nobody was near that taillight and about it being jumpy because of it being motion activated.

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