AMBER Alert KESHAUN WILLIAMS: Missing from Cleveland, OH - 17 June 2023 - Age 15

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‘Come home’: Mom speaks out after Amber Alert issued for teen last seen at CLE party​

Cleveland police say they’re investigating the disappearance of a 15-year-old boy as a possible abduction.

Police issued an Amber Alert just after 2 p.m. Saturday for Keshaun Williams.

The Cleveland Division of Police first issued a missing person alert Saturday morning for Williams. Williams, who also goes by Kee, was reported missing on June 20.

Williams’ mother Sherice Snowden spoke with FOX 8 Saturday afternoon regarding her missing child.

“I’m nervous, I’m fragile, I’m frantic,” Snowden said. “My child has never been away from me longer, he’s never been gone from home this long ever. This is hard — the not knowing where my child is. Not knowing if someone has him, if he’s not safe.”

Snowden said Williams first went missing after attending a house party on June 17 on Gertrude Ave. She says his location went off at Washington Park, but the SIM card was removed from his phone. Police later said he might have been kidnapped on June 23.

“Keshaun never misses church on Sunday,” Snowden said. “He never misses boxing practice. Always going to come home to eat, because he loves to eat. He would have text me; he would have called me.”

Police originally believed Keshaun may have been traveling in a black Jeep SUV with persons unknown, but confirmed late Saturday night the vehicle was not involved.

“This child is very loved, very loved, and were not letting up,” his mother said. “And I want my son to know if you see this I am not mad at you. When I see you, I’m going to hug you and hold you so tight. I want you to come home. Please if you see this Keshaun do not be scared. I promise you I just want you back home.”

MEDIA - KESHAUN WILLIAMS: Missing from Cleveland, OH - 17 June 2023 - Age 15
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AMBER Alert: Cleveland boy missing for nearly 10 days; family pleads for tips​

The Cleveland Family Center for Missing Children and Adults rescheduled their press conference for the 15-year-old at the center of Saturday’s AMBER alert.

The press conference is set for Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the offices of Cleveland Missing, according to a statement from the organization.

Meanwhile, the AMBER Alert still is active for Keshaun Williams, who was last seen on June 17 in the 5700 block of Fleet Avenue in the city’s Broadway Slavic Village neighborhood.

Police say Keshaun Williams was last seen by his mother on June 17 in the 5700 block of Fleet Avenue in the city’s Broadway Slavic Village neighborhood and may have been heading to a party when he disappeared.


Search for missing Cleveland teen continues; police believe he is in danger​

Fifteen-year-old Keshaun Williams is missing.

"I'm scared," said Sherice Snowden, his mother.

The last time she talked to her son was at about 10:30 p.m. on June 17.

Police said Williams was at a house party in the area of Fleet and Gertrude avenues.

"This is not right, it's just very unlike him, and it's very alarming," Snowden added. She filed a police report on June 20.

"Cleveland started by entering this individual as a missing person; that's a baseline. Then all of a sudden, they get some more information, then they escalate up to an endangered missing person, and then they get more information and say, 'OK, we need to sound the alarm at this point; this is now an Amber Alert,' and so they followed the right protocol in doing that," said John Majoy, chairman of the Northeast Ohio Amber Alert Committee as well as the Newburgh Heights police chief.

The Amber Alert went out on June 24.

"It's not totally unusual, but the majority of our Amber Alert cases are normally it's happened within a couple of hours, not a couple of days, but again you can't discount the fact that they didn't know then what they know now," explained Majoy.

During the investigation, Cleveland Police discovered information that the teenager may have been abducted, which led to the Amber Alert.
So did he play the "I'm staying at ________'s house" trick to not be reported missing? I don't get not knowing at least a general understanding of not knowing where your 15 year old is for several days, otherwise. Teens are devious and lie to their parents a lot, but need more info on this one.
So did he play the "I'm staying at ________'s house" trick to not be reported missing? I don't get not knowing at least a general understanding of not knowing where your 15 year old is for several days, otherwise. Teens are devious and lie to their parents a lot, but need more info on this one.
It is a bit strange.
Mom says she talked to him at 10:30 the night he went to this party (June 17). And he asked her if she wanted him to come home. She says she told him to come home and then fell asleep.
Apparently around 1:00 am, he called his aunt. He "couldn't be understood", was talking "all over the place".
But then he's not reported missing for another 2+ days (June 20).
And then during investigation, police find reason to believe he may have been abducted and issue an AMBER Alert (June 23). But then they later said they don't believe the vehicle they mentioned as possible in his abduction is involved anymore. Soooo, yeah.
Anyway, here is his non-AMBER Alert NCMEC poster:


By Megan McSweeney
Published: Jun. 28, 2023 at 5:57 AM EDT|
Updated: 3 hours ago

CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - The Cleveland Family Center for Missing Children and Adults, or Cleveland Missing, is holding a press conference with Keshaun Williams’s family at 11 a.m. Wednesday to provide an update on the missing 15-year-old.

Williams was last seen June 17 by his mother in the 5700 block of Fleet Avenue in Cleveland’s Broadway-Slavic Village neighborhood.

An AMBER Alert has been activated for the missing boy by Cleveland Police.

CECOMs said Keshaun was possibly kidnapped and spotted on June 23 at 2:50 p.m..

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Family and friends are pleading for help finding 15-year-old Keshaun Williams, who went missing June 17.

Sherice Snowden said police, family and friends are looking everywhere for her son during a press conference at the Cleveland Family Center for Missing Children and Adults Wednesday morning.

A $1,500 reward was also announced for anybody with information that can help bring Keshaun home.


“If anybody knows his whereabouts, please let my child come home. Keshaun has his whole life ahead of him,” Snowden said. “That child is all I have. That is my heart.”


Williams was last seen at a house party on June 17 near Fleet and Gertrude Avenues and Snowden is terrified that he is in danger.

“He was seen at the end of the party but somehow they got split up and he got left behind,” Snowden said. “After the party, everything is a blur. So that’s why we’re trying to get concrete information about who was at the party.”

Snowden said her son is a charming, smart boy who goes to church every Sunday. He even works the church’s front desk, she said.

By Megan McSweeney
Published: Jun. 28, 2023 at 5:57 AM EDT|
Updated: 3 hours ago

CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - The Cleveland Family Center for Missing Children and Adults, or Cleveland Missing, is holding a press conference with Keshaun Williams’s family at 11 a.m. Wednesday to provide an update on the missing 15-year-old.

Williams was last seen June 17 by his mother in the 5700 block of Fleet Avenue in Cleveland’s Broadway-Slavic Village neighborhood.

An AMBER Alert has been activated for the missing boy by Cleveland Police.

CECOMs said Keshaun was possibly kidnapped and spotted on June 23 at 2:50 p.m..
So he was possibly kidnapped on June 17th or whenever but was spotted on June 23rd in the afternoon but was still possibly kidnapped? This IS a strange one.

He was last seen in the Broadway Slavic Village area. This tweaked my interest. I am Czech, or a large part of me is. So I figured it was an area of such. Of course such areas, Italian, Jewish, Czech, Chinese, even towns that were almost all Catholic with a church evolve some over time and probably more so in recent history.

So I Googled it. And ended up at WIki.

It is a historic long time mostly Slav community and over the years as with all, things change. I found this part interesting:

More recently, Slavic Village has seen difficult times. The zip code that includes the neighborhood, 44105, recorded more home foreclosures than any other zip code in the country during the second quarter of 2007,[11] causing the national media to declare the neighborhood the center of the 2007 foreclosure crisis[12]

The neighborhood saw an increase in property crime, violent crime, and prostitution during 2007, attributed to youth gangs and drug dealers taking advantage of the high number of home foreclosures.[13][14][15][16][17][18]

The City's plan to eliminate the 3rd police district, which includes Slavic Village, had been an issue of concern for some residents, as voiced by then-councilman Anthony Brancatelli.[19] In May 2008, the former 3rd District Police headquarters closed and Slavic Village policing responsibility was redrawn between the 3rd and 5th Police Districts, increasing the number of police cars on the street. Subsequently, Councilman Brancatelli stated he was satisfied with the resulting improved police response time and police presence.[20]

In July 2008, Slavic Village was one of six neighborhoods of the Neighborhood Strategic Investment Initiatives featured locally in an audio discussion titled "Conversations in Slavic Village" held by the Case Western Reserve Studies Symposium. Stakeholders discussed how neighborhoods are vital to the livable city. Speakers cited specific events occurring in direct counterexample to the increased crime reported in the media in 2007. Representatives included a savings and loan association official, steel mill corporate social responsibility manager, public art coordinator, community development corporation director, and local metropark, youth organization, and cultural center directors

I don't really have any comment on it other than maybe a youth gang (mentioned here) kidnapped him. Hard to say what the area is like now, even these Wiki statements are from some years ago. Also hard to say what is true as residents of the area or stakeholders deny the claims it seems.

Search for missing Cleveland 15-year-old reaches 12 days, reward money being offered​

A reward of $1,500 is now being offered for any tip that leads to the return of a missing 15-year-old from Cleveland.

Keshaun Williams has been missing for 12 days, and his family says they are desperate for answers.
So he was possibly kidnapped on June 17th or whenever but was spotted on June 23rd in the afternoon but was still possibly kidnapped? This IS a strange one.
See, I can't tell if he was spotted on June 23, or if it was on June 23 that they saw/found the evidence that he had possibly been kidnapped and issued the Alert. The grammar to me is unclear and varies.
See, I can't tell if he was spotted on June 23, or if it was on June 23 that they saw/found the evidence that he had possibly been kidnapped and issued the Alert. The grammar to me is unclear and varies.
Same here. That's why I'm wondering what they mean. Are they intentionally making it "fuzzy" as to what it means or is it just poor reporting...

By Alec Sapolin
Published: Jul. 1, 2023 at 8:09 AM EDT
|Updated: 5 hours ago

CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - The Cleveland 15-year-old at the center of last week’s AMBER Alert still remains missing as the search hits the 2-week mark.


Police, hours after issuing that AMBER Alert, said the vehicle originally believed to be the suspect vehicle was not involved; however, that AMBER Alert is still active.


A $2,000 reward is being offered for information that helps bring Keshaun home safely.
What evidence of being kidnapped?. What Is the motive?. If there is no ransom demand. Its usually to cause harm, Kill, Dispose of. I hate to say that. He's described as a good young man. I don't think he ran away. But maybe got mixed up in something he wasn't prepared for. Any way the situation is. IMO someone did something to him. And there is nothing that can justify it.
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By Alec Sapolin, Julia Bingel and Megan McSweeney
Published: Jul. 3, 2023 at 4:58 AM EDT
|Updated: 5 hours ago

CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - The Cleveland 15-year-old at the center of an AMBER Alert still remains missing Monday, July 3.

Keshaun Williams went missing on June 17 after attending a party on Gertrude Avenue, in the city’s Broadway Slavic Village neighborhood.
Same here. That's why I'm wondering what they mean. Are they intentionally making it "fuzzy" as to what it means or is it just poor reporting...
I agree. I understand not releasing specifics. But to make the claim. Based on what?. And if that is the case. I don't think it's random. So it will be easier to find the people responsible. They are tight-lipped. I hope they already have the people responsible already on radar And pretty honed in on who they are already.

By Megan McSweeney
Published: Jul. 4, 2023 at 9:11 AM EDT|
Updated: 2 hours ago

CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - The search for Keshaun Williams has now reached 17 days after an AMBER Alert was activated by Cleveland police.

Williams went missing June 17 after a party in the Broadway-Slavic Village area.

The AMBER Alert was activated June 24 after investigators said they believed Williams may have been kidnapped.

The reward money has been upped to $2,000.

By Megan McSweeney
Published: Jul. 5, 2023 at 5:30 AM EDT|
Updated: 5 hours ago

CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - The Cleveland 15-year-old at the center of an AMBER Alert remains missing Wednesday.

Keshaun Williams was last seen June 17 after attending a party on Gertrude Avenue, in the city’s Broadway Slavic Village neighborhood.
I wonder if something happened at that party. It's certainly happened in cases before. One I remember was solved from decades ago. She went missing during a party. A guy was pressuring her. She resisted. He pushed her down the stairs. Dead. No body. He finally cracked. You get way too many people. Stupid people. Drunk. A certain amount underage. Fights break out. Now it's guns too. Something m8ght have happened there and spilled out from the party because someone got very angry. And they weren't going to let it go. It's a plausible theory. The problem is if that is the case. These are exactly the people who don't want to get involved, Or talk with LE. No matter how F***** UP THAT IS!

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