Missing Truckee, California, 16-year-old Kiely Rodni was seen wearing a pink and white "ODD FUTURE" hoodie on the night she vanished, police say — possibly due to an abduction.
The jewelry and sweatshirts seem to mean something different than when we see a case of the child or adult was last seen wearing "this". It seems more like it is the items they expect to be found.
Two sweatshirts now and the first one borrowed or loaned that evening it now says. Now the easy answer is she was cold and lost one and someone lent her another. But I just don't think so and it isn't seeming like that at all.
And then Sami knew for a fact Kiely was wearing a bodysuit because she "peed" with her several times in the woods, etc. She NEVER mentioned a sweatshirt of any kind. Just the bodysuit and pants. Yet the new sweatshirt was on Kiely earlier in the evening. I doubt it got warmer as the night progressed. The necklaces were never mentioned in the beginning either. No idea what it all means but I find it odd and not adding up. And that's all I'm saying.
I think it is extremely significant the cops won't release this new video or even part of it. Something is on it they don't want known. Or they want a perpetrator or party attendees worried about what they now might know so they react and come forward with excuses or explanations.
The sweatshirts may be just a fluke like again her losing one but I think there's more significance to it. The things that cross my mind:
Someone gave her or loaned her the one sweatshirt and expected her to wear it and it had meaning as it came from that person. She was seen not wearing it but wearing someone else's and it upset someone. Or her wearing the other one upset someone for some reason.
Whatever went on in that video involves her losing clothes whether voluntarily or involuntarily and so someone to assist her in covering up provided her a sweatshirt. Possibly her necklaces were ripped off or taken off her at that time as well. Or not in the video but during whatever event may have happened to her. That's why they expect them to be somewhere and if not with someone, ditched somewhere. Evidence, etc. so a perp/pers got rid of it.
Finally if Kiely had a plan to go missing herself, changing clothing and shirts and jewelry on or off would throw the trail off in someone reviewing video and in those trying to remember her at the party or recall what she was wearing. Barry Morphew changed clothes a number of times and hit up a number of trash cans on his day in Broomfield. He wasn't a victim but he wanted to not be recognized, seen at different trash cans, noticed leaving and entering the hotel probably, etc.. He wasn't a victim but an alleged perp but it was to confuse or even not to be noticed at all.
If LE gets reports from someone they saw Kiely and swear it was her at the party but the clothing was different than what they knew to be, then they would likely dismiss that person as mistaken when it might be a true account. It would make the investigation harder and perhaps even mess it up.
The last in my opinion would be best case scenario as it may mean she is alive. I wouldn't count on it though.
There is something in that video someone finally came forward with imo and I am convinced the sweatshirts and jewelry are not so someone would spot her somewhere but have another reason they are looking for them or expect someone may have them or have ditched them where they might be found.
Finally, the ram sticker under her wiper on the back of her vehicle. That's great when it come s to someone recognizing it but it also alerts whoever might have the vehicle to take the sticker off. The cops never provided this info to my knowledge. I did hear Sami provide it. I think she also provided information about special hubcaps or some such. Or maybe it was the bf or both. But it was one of them, I heard it. Again helpful in one sense but it also lets someone know this is known and to remove them.
Just thoughts. I don't know what any of it means but things don't add up yet. Not for me.
Oh, one other thing. Last night I heard that someone who was camping or lived near the campground said when asked about the party and if they noticed anything that all they noticed was a ton of people arriving and heading that way/cars. And then the next thing that stood out was there was like a mass exodus of cars at 12:30. Soooo IF true and no reason to think it isn't but I can't verify it as I just heard that and assume it was on some news station or in some article or somewhere, then Sami's phone shut off right when a ton of people were splitting from the party... And yet NO ONE saw her leaving or leave.
Nothing adds up. IF she didn't text her mom, there is no proof or evidence imo of when she was last seen or heard from that I know of.