LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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When the prosecution have the MH records for review, will they later be made public too or will that have to wait until trial?
Evidence against RA. Most of these sightings all have specific times associated with them and are specified in the PCA due to the Hoosier video or phone records of the witnesses.

1. Admits he was at the bridge at the relevant times.
2. Admits he parked adjacent to old building and witnesses saw that car parked to hide the number plate.
3. Witnesses see him arrive on foot and he admits seeing those witnesses. Those witnesses took photos of a bench so timing can be accurately determined.
4. Video and audio of him at 2.15pm filmed by the victim. One of the two victims mentions "gun".
5. Video shows clothes similar to the ones he admitted wearing and outline of a gun similar to his in his pocket.
6. Seen on the bridge by another independent witness. Also seen walking back to his vehicle, at a specific time, muddy and bloody.
7. Ballistics identified bullet at crime scene to be from his gun with another bullet found at home in a keepsake box. Possibility of fingerprints/ DNA on these bullets.
8. Hoosier store video showing his car arriving and leaving as well as other witnesses' vehicles with exact times narrowing the timeline specifically to when he was there.
9. Items taken in the search may identify victims DNA/blood eg. Carpet from vehicle, swabs from seat belt, jackets, jeans and boots, for example. Numerous knives, one of which could match the newly cut branch at crime scene and the victims wounds.
10. 14 phones taken in search - one of which could match to the geofence data.
11. Five confessions on recorded phone calls to wife and mother.

I will add more as I think of any. One thing I have often wondered is if he racked a bullet but two popped out, with him just retrieving one of the bullets, not knowing about the second one, which was then found by LE. The bullet he retrieved could be the one in the keepsake box.

This Indy Star link is useful as it is a current summary of the case and has helpful links.

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Fox59 articles aren't available in UK. Could you copy the relevant bit please?
DELPHI, Ind. — For much of the last year, the court-appointed attorneys representing Delphi double murder suspect Richard Allen have complained in emails and motions that Special Judge Fran Gull was slow to reimburse their bills or was denying them funds to pay for expert witnesses.

Now they’ve turned to crowdsource funding to cover their outside costs.
”Its unheard of, as far as I know, for the defense lawyers in a case as big as this would not be paid by the court, would not have their experts approved by the court,” said Professor Michael Ausbrook of the IU Maurer Law School. “Its probably a constitutional violation in motion.”

The site makes clear that Baldwin and Rozzi are not profiting from the money raised to pay for expert witnesses.

As of this hour, more than $9,000 has been raised from 155 people, including Terre Haute Defense Attorney Kay Beehler.

”I did that because these attorneys have been paying so much out of their own pockets all along and it’s not right,” she said. “It isn’t right and they need support and I wanted to give support.”

In a motion filed last week, Defense Attorney Andrew Baldwin indicated it took him several emails throughout 2023 to seek Judge Gull’s final approval of his billings.

Co-Defense Counsel Bradley Rozzi claims he has more than $51,000 in unreimbursed fees.

Court-appointed attorneys in Indiana make $100 per hour out of which they may have to pay additional staff and investigator costs.

”Lawyers very often take a hit to do public defense work,” said Ausbrook, who has filed notice with the court that he has joined the team defending Baldwin and Rozzi against a Civil Contempt Complaint filed by Carroll County Prosecutor Nicholas McLeland. “But I have never heard of having to go outside the system, beyond the court, beyond the local public defender office to raise money for experts. I’ve never heard of it.”

In the most recent Motion for Parity in Resources, Baldwin and Rozzi contend that Judge Gull has also turned down their requests to hire expert witnesses in the fields of ballistics, confession psychology, digital data and potentially firearms toolmark identification, ritualistic murder and blood pattern analysis.

“Lawyers, for the most part, are generalists and you need to have an expert to tell you what the forensic evidence says,” said Ausbrook. ”Even if you don’t have an expert to testify, you need to have your own expert examine the evidence and the opinion of the state’s experts to tell you the value of the state’s expert testimony.”

”It’s a due process issue under the constitution of both Indiana and the U.S.,” said Beehler, who testified last week in front of Judge Gull in defense of Baldwin and Rozzi against the contempt charge. “The defense in any criminal case has the constitutional right and duty of lawyers to bring in everybody that counsel thinks is necessary to prepare the case for trial, to prepare and follow through with the defense of the client and ensure that they don’t get railroaded and run over in a courtroom.”

The defense motion further claims that Carroll County Prosecutor McLeland has a virtually unlimited pool of investigators and funding to draw from in preparing his case against Allen, including the resources from six law enforcement agencies, four prosecutors, two investigators and two secretaries as well as a $2.1 million county budget and, “raises for himself, his current secretary and his chief deputy prosecutor, given the additional hours they were working on this case.”

The defense team claims it is limited to paying an assistant $15 an hour and that an investigator working hundreds of hours since the lawyers were placed back on the case in January by the Indiana Supreme Court, countermanding Judge Gull’s wishes, has not been paid.

”A fair playing field is the bare minimum in any criminal defense case,” said Beehler. ”I cannot imagine trying to prepare serious felony case without access to everybody I think I need.”

In the motion, the attorneys propose three potential remedies: that Judge Gull approve all submitted and anticipated expenses and reimbursable costs; that the state be prohibited from calling expert witnesses and introducing technical evidence that would require defense expert testimony; or require that McLeland pay all similar expenses out of his pocket as the defense team claims it is being forced to do.

Allen’s trial is set to begin with jury selection in Judge Gull’s Fort Wayne courtroom on May 13 with the case moving to Delphi later that week with scheduled completion set for the end of the month.
DELPHI, Ind. — For much of the last year, the court-appointed attorneys representing Delphi double murder suspect Richard Allen have complained in emails and motions that Special Judge Fran Gull was slow to reimburse their bills or was denying them funds to pay for expert witnesses.

Now they’ve turned to crowdsource funding to cover their outside costs.
”Its unheard of, as far as I know, for the defense lawyers in a case as big as this would not be paid by the court, would not have their experts approved by the court,” said Professor Michael Ausbrook of the IU Maurer Law School. “Its probably a constitutional violation in motion.”

The site makes clear that Baldwin and Rozzi are not profiting from the money raised to pay for expert witnesses.

As of this hour, more than $9,000 has been raised from 155 people, including Terre Haute Defense Attorney Kay Beehler.

”I did that because these attorneys have been paying so much out of their own pockets all along and it’s not right,” she said. “It isn’t right and they need support and I wanted to give support.”

In a motion filed last week, Defense Attorney Andrew Baldwin indicated it took him several emails throughout 2023 to seek Judge Gull’s final approval of his billings.

Co-Defense Counsel Bradley Rozzi claims he has more than $51,000 in unreimbursed fees.

Court-appointed attorneys in Indiana make $100 per hour out of which they may have to pay additional staff and investigator costs.

”Lawyers very often take a hit to do public defense work,” said Ausbrook, who has filed notice with the court that he has joined the team defending Baldwin and Rozzi against a Civil Contempt Complaint filed by Carroll County Prosecutor Nicholas McLeland. “But I have never heard of having to go outside the system, beyond the court, beyond the local public defender office to raise money for experts. I’ve never heard of it.”

In the most recent Motion for Parity in Resources, Baldwin and Rozzi contend that Judge Gull has also turned down their requests to hire expert witnesses in the fields of ballistics, confession psychology, digital data and potentially firearms toolmark identification, ritualistic murder and blood pattern analysis.

“Lawyers, for the most part, are generalists and you need to have an expert to tell you what the forensic evidence says,” said Ausbrook. ”Even if you don’t have an expert to testify, you need to have your own expert examine the evidence and the opinion of the state’s experts to tell you the value of the state’s expert testimony.”

”It’s a due process issue under the constitution of both Indiana and the U.S.,” said Beehler, who testified last week in front of Judge Gull in defense of Baldwin and Rozzi against the contempt charge. “The defense in any criminal case has the constitutional right and duty of lawyers to bring in everybody that counsel thinks is necessary to prepare the case for trial, to prepare and follow through with the defense of the client and ensure that they don’t get railroaded and run over in a courtroom.”

The defense motion further claims that Carroll County Prosecutor McLeland has a virtually unlimited pool of investigators and funding to draw from in preparing his case against Allen, including the resources from six law enforcement agencies, four prosecutors, two investigators and two secretaries as well as a $2.1 million county budget and, “raises for himself, his current secretary and his chief deputy prosecutor, given the additional hours they were working on this case.”

The defense team claims it is limited to paying an assistant $15 an hour and that an investigator working hundreds of hours since the lawyers were placed back on the case in January by the Indiana Supreme Court, countermanding Judge Gull’s wishes, has not been paid.

”A fair playing field is the bare minimum in any criminal defense case,” said Beehler. ”I cannot imagine trying to prepare serious felony case without access to everybody I think I need.”

In the motion, the attorneys propose three potential remedies: that Judge Gull approve all submitted and anticipated expenses and reimbursable costs; that the state be prohibited from calling expert witnesses and introducing technical evidence that would require defense expert testimony; or require that McLeland pay all similar expenses out of his pocket as the defense team claims it is being forced to do.

Allen’s trial is set to begin with jury selection in Judge Gull’s Fort Wayne courtroom on May 13 with the case moving to Delphi later that week with scheduled completion set for the end of the month.
Thankyou for that. They can also appeal any expenses disallowed AFAIK.

Looks like Professor Ausbrook has joined Hennessy in defending R&B in their Contempt case.

I also notice this. Perhaps Baldwin sent his emails to the wrong Gull?

" In a motion filed last week, Defense Attorney Andrew Baldwin indicated it took him several emails throughout 2023 to seek Judge Gull’s final approval of his billings."
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Ok, according to MS we don't know what defence experts were approved or denied and won't get to know either. (unless they testify in court of course).

“Crowd funding is sort of an iffy gray area in this space with criminal defense,” Murder Sheet podcast host Áine Cain said. “In fact, a lot of sites like GoFundMe explicitly do not allow you to crowd criminal defense for violent crimes unless you’ve been exonerated.”
Cain and co-host Kevin Greenlee told I-Team 8 the crowd funding campaign stems from court filings that the public is not allowed to see. The defense asked Judge Gull to approve funding for specific expert witnesses.
“We all have no ability to know what exactly they asked for, what they wanted, and from the defenses telling of this, the judge approved some of those experts for funding and then denied others, so it’s very hard to assess from the outside what that means,” Cain said. “You know, was this a use of judicial discretion? Or is this unfair to the defense because we just don’t know what was denied?”
“She’s well within her rights to deny those requests, and it’s not at all unusual for judges to deny requests of public defenders,” Greenlee said. “This is part of the process. Public defenders, for better or for worse, don’t get blank checks to get as many experts as they want.”
Neither do you. I forget who said it, probably the defense, but his story never changed. If that's true it's odd for someone who was lying at the beginning.
LMAO I said that. You nor anyone knows, meaning including me. NONE of us know what the parties know and only the defense specially spun and selected and ignored shi*t.

So yes, neither do I as I said.
The other side of this is If he can raise money for his defence, why should his lawyers be paid from the public purse? He will have $25k in a day or so and could just up the amount and let the donations keep coming in.
Good point. Let's crowd fund for both sides. In all cases. Maybe they will lower taxes if such is done (yeah right, they will let it be paid and keep taxing) so we don't have to fund the prosecution and courts OR the public defenders. Can some see the issues here? Really?

Not to mention anyone who donates to one side versus another is showing a public bias or belief. To a potential jury pool etc.

I'd be fine though with GFM taking care of all taxes from sales tax to car registration to income tax and you name it from the idiots who contribute to THIS kind of ridiculous sh*t that now includes LAWYERS. Maybe GFM can kick in part of their bucco rakings of cash and lessen all our costs. Like that will happen.

I do think there are SOME legit causes on it on rare occasion but nope, youi know a real person who just really is dealing with something. I've donated EXACTLY ONCE to a family who I knew the one family and what they were dealing with LOCAL. Could I use one in my life or have ever? You bet. Would I do such? NO WAY.

Mr. and Mr. Pro Bono.

But yes, let's fund BOTH SIDES that way. Let's start this!

ANd I've had a long day, been out of town for my mom's 80th and man we had a nice time, all sibs and a BIL but on a trip we met like in the middle and stayed oivernight but if have the gist, in catching up on threads, as always people are missing stuff and being played. They HAD experts paid for and failed to support the need for additional ones or further and that's why it was denied. They need to support requests. I want money for my ice cream because my therapist said I need such to get through this. Come ON! Wy not!!?

I am so tired of people jumping to what is ONE side shown and playing a PR campaing and FALLING for it but oh well.

I had a nice day away and got to see all my remaining sibs, my mom and my BIL. We had an overnight, a trip and packed a lot in. Dinner, breakfast and time together.

You have good points with this GFM. It is a can of worms and new bullsh*t.

On the other hand, let them get their paid whores and maybe to level the playing field, prosecution should be able to do same, share, play to public and crowd source. Sure, let's go there.

Do defendants and defense deserve a fair playing field? Of COURSE. So before anyone would think I meant that, no I did not.

The lack by some to see the sheer games here is beyond comprehension to me. And don't get me wrong I, I think our legal system has a LOT of issues. It sure isn't just one way though. And the ones that are unhappy will tell you on another day it is the best system in the world.

People run the world and the systems. Idiots in many cases. Some play that. And it's gone so far the other way it isn't even funny.

Oh well.

Abby and Libby for the first time in this post I thought of you. And that's a really sick thing about our system and where it has gone.

My mom is 80 and in great health imo and a cancer survivor. Better shape than me I'd dare say. Got to see her and my sisters and even though once in a blue moon I get to (not that often) we did an overnight for fun and not tragedy or other reasons that sometimes do it.

Anyhow, I guess if I have a point it is that I left the laptop home and don't do phone much with online stuff. So just catching up.
Because it isnt his money. An attorney is raising it for expert witnesses.

On the other side, why should any prosecution be allowed a couple of million dollars to prosecute an indigent defendant? Should it be unfair in every case?

Am I the only one that sees the obvious problem with this?
They've been paid for experts and failed to support further requests. They can go back and do so.

Show me a link where the prosecution has a couple million just for this case with back up to it and what it is for and costs.

I'm not going to go further other than apparently you believe all the defense sn*w and did not see that they have been paid to get experts.

Yeah my expert wants some more money and a lobster dinner now. Where's the detail and support?

I'm just saying...
You're assuming he did it. I'm not. Again, who's fingerprints and DNA is it. It's not his.

I don't want some guy convicted of this. I want THE guy(s) convicted of this. Just because he was there, doesn't mean he did it.

If I go to Wegmans and find a dead body next to my car when I come out, I guess that means I'm guilty.
Was your bullet/casing there? You go to Wegman's with a gun and eject a round after probably threatening?

Where else were you that day? Do we know anything more about his day and other's accounts/

NOTHING that has been done even by the defense removes RA. I am not opposed to there MAY have been another involved but I do not lean towards it.

Also does Wegman's or your city have cameras? Like Libby did?

Like I said NONE of us know all, INCLUDING me but to fall for defense selective b.s. in every case where they play it to the public and the blizzards, without ever hearing what prosecution has is really assuming.

Nothing has taken away the basic facts here, not a thing the defense has done but has some so off seeing it, it is something else. He placed himself there. NOTHING has removed him even if Os joined him. Which they did not. There is sooooo MUCH we don't know. But even with what we do, they have not accomplished that with all their efforts. He CONFESSED. REPEATEDLY. Hey I'm all for releasing some of this stuff to stop the ridiculous b.s. Not at the risk of the case against the killer of these TWO YOUNG GIRLS though.

I took think our system needs to change. Defense should NOT be ABLE to circumvent a gag order and intentionally do PR and b.s. blitz in the guise of just filing or being clueless and messing up and so on.

It needs to be tried, no doubt. And I hope it is when scheduled. WAtch and see though. My guess at this point is that that won't happen.

Of COURSE with crowd funding, they don't have much excuse any longer although next it will be their expert's schedule or some other bogus claim. I HOPE it goes off when scheduled to end this all. If I am wrong, I am wrong, but I think the prosecution is ready.

I'll also be fair and say I am not 100 percent tickled with either side. More LE failures on the one side than prosecution but I think all know my opinion of the defense.

And I will reiterate there is something RA was really scared of and they are too or more than one thing.

Again, could be wrong.

I CANNOT imagine the heartache and b.s. this creates for either girls' family right now and for some time now.

I don't even wait for the BIG bullet or thing that I think may be there, I want to hear his wife on the stand just for starters.... He won't get up. I'll bet on that right now.


I could say a hundred other things in different directions as we all could.

But as far as your Wegman's thing, maybe you did do it... And because of reasons other than they simply found a dead body next to your car.
How do you know no other male was there? Is if just possible they were hiding? You are basing your conviction of him on little evidence. AGAIN, Who's DNA and fingerprints are at the scene. Obviously that doesn't bother you. Well, it's pretty important to me to find that out.

He's recanted his confessions. We don't know why he confessed yet. He could have been forced to do so. I have no proof of that, but you don't have proof the other way either.

What does the final paragraph have to do with anything?
Make up your mind. WAs RA part of it and another was there or not? Or it was someone else all together and he is innocent? You've backed off the RL thing have you let that go? No offense but you don't have one thing you settle on other than when stuck on RL and I am still open to a few things but not all over the spectrum. RA was there. RA did this or was part of this.

When did he recant by the way? WHEN did RA recant his confessions?

I must have missed that.
I disagree that it is not his money. Hennessy is raising it on his behalf. That's what it says anyway. It's not Hennessy's money is it? Hennessy is raising the money to pay for expert witnesses for RA who he believes are not going to be funded by the court right? Yet Hennessy doesn't even represent RA does he?

Prosecution is publicly funded to perform that function. As are public defenders funded for those who cannot pay.

It's not a system I fully understand but as RA was a home owner, I don't really see him as indigent.
I agree 100 percent. What they are doing is fraught with issues.
Eyewitness testimony is the least reliable testimony. I know he said he saw the girls, but that still doesn't mean much.

Tell me who the DNA and fingerprints belong to first, then we'll be closer to solving the whole story. Problem is, you and the police can't tell me.
Why don't you tell? WAs it an RA accomplice or are you thinking RA innocent? Do tell? The man who placed himself there and whose bullet/casing was there?

And that whole fingerprint thing and you name it from some YTer who did the FBI thing where they amped what they could to get a warrant had a lot of clear intentional stated things to get the warrant. Spun with truth (kind of like the defense a millionfold) selectively if you will, for an intent.

It is funny how when it is the side you are not on, you will take their stuff like fingerprints or DNA and use it but do not believe otherwise. Only when it fits what you want to see.

All of us are probably that way to an extent but you really take the cake. Lol. :cake:

Just lowering the heat that goes on here some. :D
How do I know? Because there is proof - Libby caught him on video and audio, that's how. Look upthread, it's been posted.

I am happy to wait for the trial for the DNA/fingerprint confirmation.

I am giving an opinion, I haven't convicted anyone but am discussing the volume of evidence that we know about. I am unaware he recanted and have not seen that stated. Did he recant on a recorded call, like with the confessions?

My final paragraph is explaining the improbable situation you cited.
There is NO recantation by RA as far as I know. I'm sure his attorneys would love to say that for him and implyit but RA has never recanted to my knowledge. He is at their mercy imo and I honestly feel sorry for him JUST in that respect.
How do I know? Because there is proof - Libby caught him on video and audio, that's how. Look upthread, it's been posted.

I am happy to wait for the trial for the DNA/fingerprint confirmation.

I am giving an opinion, I haven't convicted anyone but am discussing the volume of evidence that we know about. I am unaware he recanted and have not seen that stated. Did he recant on a recorded call, like with the confessions?

My final paragraph is explaining the improbable situation you cited.
I am happy to as well. I'd like to not wait another five years but I'm so not amused by those thinking the defense doing their solo intentional PR show is the case being tried and falling for it all, yeah, I am ready and will wait. Comes from the same people who would probably say innocent until guilty but they think just the defense bluster is the entire case and have decided yet it is simply one side playing their game, not a trial or both sides much less evidence. Smh.
Thankyou for that. They can also appeal any expenses disallowed AFAIK.

Looks like Professor Ausbrook has joined Hennessy in defending R&B in their Contempt case.

I also notice this. Perhaps Baldwin sent his emails to the wrong Gull?

" In a motion filed last week, Defense Attorney Andrew Baldwin indicated it took him several emails throughout 2023 to seek Judge Gull’s final approval of his billings."
I'm not even going to touch that post because it is so full of things to pick apart I'd probably not stop.

I said somewhere back up you can count on since certain things if not before the have a ton of help and not all disclosed. This is like a national defense against prosecution battle and politics big time.

Man I have so much I could say to blow it out of the water but i'll leave it. Yes, they can appeal lol, they know how to do that.

You know what makes me the most sick here? If I thought they thought RA innocent it would be one thing but I don't believe that for an instant. This is about them even if it means trying to win on letting a double child murderer go free.

I'd also add let's give the same amount of money for experts no? Prosecution experts aren't paid whores. They are doctors, medical examiners, detectives, witnesses and so on.

I think they need more money to bribe enough and fly someone in for a free trip. Only half kidding.

AGain I could tell about the ones the defense had in ours and even then it didn't fly, they knew they were so bad they better not put them up with their rep. BUT they got paid to come and defense probably pocketed too at the expense of defendant's family desperate to save him from his acts.

And in THAT sense, I can feel sorry for the other side including RA. Becuase their own attys and experts are all about the same thing. Of course now they are crowd sourcing...

I'll stop there.
Ok, according to MS we don't know what defence experts were approved or denied and won't get to know either. (unless they testify in court of course).

“Crowd funding is sort of an iffy gray area in this space with criminal defense,” Murder Sheet podcast host Áine Cain said. “In fact, a lot of sites like GoFundMe explicitly do not allow you to crowd criminal defense for violent crimes unless you’ve been exonerated.”
Cain and co-host Kevin Greenlee told I-Team 8 the crowd funding campaign stems from court filings that the public is not allowed to see. The defense asked Judge Gull to approve funding for specific expert witnesses.
“We all have no ability to know what exactly they asked for, what they wanted, and from the defenses telling of this, the judge approved some of those experts for funding and then denied others, so it’s very hard to assess from the outside what that means,” Cain said. “You know, was this a use of judicial discretion? Or is this unfair to the defense because we just don’t know what was denied?”
“She’s well within her rights to deny those requests, and it’s not at all unusual for judges to deny requests of public defenders,” Greenlee said. “This is part of the process. Public defenders, for better or for worse, don’t get blank checks to get as many experts as they want.”
Not always the biggest fan of them but have said it myself they did't support it apparently they know the public can't see it and NO it isn't a blank check for lobster, travel and five weeks of staying other in an upper end hotel for the defense to Collab with them. Exaggeration but look who we are talking of with defense. AGain they put sh*t out other side and court doesn't share the response to or truth.

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