LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Of course if the GFM raises plenty of dough then RA wont need public defenders will he? So that's the good side of it I guess.
I'm having a hard time with the fact a defendant is having to crowdfund for expert witnesses. This goes far beyond anyone's dislike of RA or his defense. It's a basic right in the US that a defendant can properly defend himself/herself. All this is doing is adding more fuel to the fire for appeal.
Maybe the witness is giving their fees for travel, additional reports or to [falsely testify imo, often the case], hotel expenses, etc. No state or county should use a rubber stamp, they need to support the reason for the additional costs. No one should assume they haven't had any nor were any paid as they WERE.

They HAVE results from experts, surely some have seen that? There is Zoom and WebEx need for travel to talk, meet, testify, yeah you can get the subpoena money like state can do as as well, there is you can't talk to your expert without huge additional fees if you have questions? Do you have a telephone, does he? Does he charge by the minute? No that should not be rubber stamped. SUPPORT YOUR REQUEST and show it can't be done.

There is not enough info to think otherwise or either way but that's the gimmick generally.

And YES, that's exactly what goes on.

I think I shared it back when but does anyone want to know what one defense expert when researched had done and was known for?

It's a shame they can't get experts in an entire state that would differ in opinion and not demand payment for every little thing, a doctor, heck we had one that was about like angles and such and velocity from the defense. He was the only one who testified in the end and he was HONEST and in short order with pros questioning he was agreeing with pros. Then one of their other flown in experts testified, not because of that alone and they were not banned or stopped by the judge...

Here's one for all, isn't it interesting they all got paid to fly and come in and all this sh*t through the process but not another one testified? They were paid so was the private paid defense attorney right up to the end by the defendant and his family....

This is so similar to the scam in my divorce where she always had an agency to help value stuff, or this or that that sh knew and they got their payment. RA is being played. Count on it.

All KNOW I have hatred and no forgiveness for the defendant in our case but he got paid and guess WHAT? HE had a to FLY IN privately from the southern part of the state. I don't have sympathy for the defendant but their need for acquittal cost them and yeah, gravy to that attorney they got from way out of the area.... Want to know about him? Pretty sure I shared it way back when.

It is all a bunch of b.s. And those attorneys care less about RA or his family.

This is their big chance.

Blinders. I know because I've had them.
I'm just so annoyed. The defense has had to resort to crowdfunding because Judge Gull apparently refuses to approve expert witnesses for the defense. This is just wrong and highly concerning. Everyone deserves a fair trial.

Gull is driving the train that's railroading him.

I think I shared it back when but does anyone want to know what one defense expert when researched had done and was known for?

It's a shame they can't get experts in an entire state that would differ in opinion and not demand payment for every little thing, a doctor, heck we had one that was about like angles and such and velocity from the defense. He was the only one who testified in the end and he was HONEST and in short order with pros questioning he was agreeing with pros. Then one of their other flown in experts testified, not because of that alone and they were not banned or stopped by the judge.

Here's one for all, isn't it interesting they all got paid to fly and come in and all this sh*t through the process but not another one testified? They were paid so was the private paid defense attorney right up to the end by the defendant and his family....

This is so similar to the scam in my divorce where she always had an agency to help value stuff, or this or that that sh knew and they got their payment. RA is being played. Count on it.

All KNOW I have hatred and no forgiveness for the defendant in our case but he got paid and guess WHAT? HE had a to FLY IN privately from the southern part of the state. I don't have sympathy for the defendant but their need for acquittal cost them and yeah, gravy to that attorney they got from way out of the area.... Want to know about him? Pretty sure I shared it way back when.

It is all a bunch of b.s. And those attorneys care less about RA or his family.

This is their big chance.

Blinders. I know because I've had them.
The GFM is for $25k and they are already at $14k so more than halfway there anyway. They'll have their $25k by the end of tomorrow, I bet.

Hennessy is for the contempt charge right so nothing to do with the defence of RA. He is the guy who has started this fundraising.
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I'm having a hard time with the fact a defendant is having to crowdfund for expert witnesses. This goes far beyond anyone's dislike of RA or his defense. It's a basic right in the US that a defendant can properly defend himself/herself. All this is doing is adding more fuel to the fire for appeal.
It is Hennessy who has organised this defence fund. Hennessy is the lawyer for R & B not for RA. I'm not sure this is legit.

I little more info. Apparently there is a motion that has been submitted for parity in resources according to this Fox article.

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The 18th March motion for parity of resources is in this Reddit link. It explains what funding they are requesting.

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I have never heard of a public defender raising money privately before. Maybe that is why Hennessy is doing it. Either a defender has no money and gets provided with a PD or he doesn't. I don't think this hybrid version is allowable. Basically RA will have $25k by the end of tomorrow so he is no longer eligible for a PD surely?
Gull is driving the train that's railroading him.
No way is he being railroaded. He was free for over 5 years, remember, having a great time playing pool in bars. I'm not buying any of this BS and am thinking of the victims, their families and the community who lived in fear for over 5 years.
Defense has no intent of a speedy trial.

I will say though they've put on one heck of a smoke and mirror and distraction show and circus for a heck of a lot of gullible people and that it's downright disturbing and disheartening to me how many intelligent ones buy into some of it. Or pretend to to play it on their channels and get the attention from it. Grizzly would be a case in point. Not the only though. I can even include some "news" stations back to the Odin stuff, etc. They certainly give them fodder and a lot to use and then oh boy leaks and a suicide.

I'm disgusted beyond belief. Lol you know not at you but I' not watching that one either or looking at it.

Did you see the Murdaugh news?? In the thread?
No - but I did just have a quick look. So the clerk resigned and Alex lied? Peyton Place LOL. No time to check much more out till later on today.
The GFM is for $25k and they are already at $14k so more than halfway there anyway. They'll have their $25k by the end of tomorrow, I bet.

Hennessy is for the contempt charge right so nothing to do with the defence of RA. He is the guy who has started this fundraising.
This is full on strategy and playing the public like a finely tuned violin. Oh lets make it fiddle as anyone falling for it isn't that refined or intelligent.

No banjo would be more appropriate. Not that I don't love the music it makes nor am I refined lol. Just for purposes of what they are doing I'm using such. They aren't that smart though either. It is so blatantly obvious.

I keep in mind all the help that arose (if it wasn't always the case) that came about at the ISC time. Public defenders association and more. They've got help, plenty of it imo that is not announced nor shown on the table.

This is full on wide open warfare on the system and one side vs the other in this country and abusing absolutely everything that can be abused. to do so. They are taking one of the best known public cases in the country and making a mockery of all. With intent.

WHO is it that is trying this case in the public and influencing the public? And the jury pool? That's a no brainer.

Actually $14 isn't that much so they haven't impressed too many that well. I'm sure they put up that much and hoped for 200K in a day or some such way beyond.

Again, I haven't looked at any of the links as I don't need it. As I've said, I am actually sorry for Allen. I've never ever followed a case where I feel the defendant guilty strongly and felt sorry for him. I do here though. I've said it more than once and it continues to grow with each thing the pull.

As far as Hennessy I don't know. Anyone can start a GFM for anyone as we know. What is the stated purpose and use? Attorneys though doing so for clients or on behalf of another attorney and a case is a new one I'd say... Personally I'd be careful if I were an attorney of tying myself to these two but what the hey.... Ethics? Haven't seen any yet.

The Weineke guy too or whatever his name that put on his website how NM knew of ex parte stuff put himself out there for them and I think they misfiled and all of that just went quiet didn't it?

Gee just imagine maybe someone should start a GFM for the county to afford the help to deal with the shenanigans instead of it being on taxpayers. Maybe RA COULD be in County jail if funds could be raised to build him a private wing, get his own doc and his own chef. We need therapy for all staff dealing with these bozos and the judge and massage to relax and a venting room lol and more. Do you want to start it or should I? Let me know.

And yet for all the almost laughable sh*t, here again are two YOUNG girls all but forgotten. You don't donate or finance to the monster who killed them. Even if you are unsure if he did, you don't do that.

I watch it in case after case where people donate before they know if say one parent is innocent or guilty and so on. Who DOES that? Even if unsure, you don't fund who you don't know is innocent.
Anyhow, they're tops at distraction when they can't do their job and I've never seen evidence that they can so far. It's also just more clear with every new stunt what they are really about and it isn't about RA, it's about them. And their case of the century which they about lost with their failure to even see or talk to RA when he confessed. They are not about their client. At all. And never have been. Jmso. New one. The s is for strong, staunch, solid. Lol.

Bring in the clowns. I didn't choose to go to a circus but that's what this is.
It is Hennessy who has organised this defence fund. Hennessy is the lawyer for R & B not for RA. I'm not sure this is legit.

I little more info. Apparently there is a motion that has been submitted for parity in resources according to this Fox article.

By GFM rules or lack of them it's probably fine. By ethics and lawyer rules, I'd have to say it's not a good look or wise. But then ethics kind of go out the window when attention is your game.
I have never heard of a public defender raising money privately before. Maybe that is why Hennessy is doing it. Either a defender has no money and gets provided with a PD or he doesn't. I don't think this hybrid version is allowable. Basically RA will have $25k by the end of tomorrow so he is no longer eligible for a PD surely?
These are the attys that offered to defend pro Bono on top of it. Woe is them.

$25k isn't **** in the world of paying for a private attorney for a murder defense but yeah, if he is not now insolvent, broke, and the fund continues that begs a question... Well many questions as to this b.s. to begin with. I hope it takes GFM down for good or makes it have real regulations.
No way is he being railroaded. He was free for over 5 years, remember, having a great time playing pool in bars. I'm not buying any of this BS and am thinking of the victims, their families and the community who lived in fear for over 5 years.
Well said. The girls are all but forgotten.

As is there was a reason one judge recused/or chose to step off and no understanding of what this judge has been dealing with with these clowns. I doubt we know the half of it.

On top of all else, this is entirely political, bet on it.

Let's remember finally the med records will go to prosecution. Which Gull gave them the stop on forEVER when good reason to release. Railroad, what a joke. The only runaway train here is driven by the defense.
Well that's enough for me on this one. I'm going to take a moment for the girls. Abigail Williams and Liberty German.

And at some point I'm sure I will get to watch Tom on it. I actually have a rushed but bit of a fun break day planned tomorrow which I never get ever any more. Since we just came off of arguably three days of the worst weather this winter, I'm even more in need of it.

The last thing I am going to go into it with is this b.s. in this case. I am going to catch up which won't take long on all threads where there has been news or interest and then murder and mayhem is off the table. I'm going for a true short one day bit of FUN and nothing more. Work has been HE77, slow because of a storm and long hours. I did get to come home early yesterday and it was sooo needed. Prior to this storm, we were busier than normal for the time of year until a late in ;year storm. Nothing worse than being SLOW then the hours seem like days.

RA will get it one way or the other if he killed these girls which I fully believe he did. Regardless of what his defense does. The only justice isn't the legal system's. There is other on this earth and there certainly is other beyond mankind's justice.

B & R well I have to think of all the lawyer jokes and the different kind of HE77 built just for lawyers in those jokes. Where they have their own special HE77. it used to be humor but lately I see the real truth and likelihood to such.

Everything here is sooo clear it isn't even funny. Regardless even of whether RA is innocent or guilty. Blinders. Take them off. Can nothing break through them with some who fall for all out there?

Have a good one everyone. I intend to.
No way is he being railroaded. He was free for over 5 years, remember, having a great time playing pool in bars. I'm not buying any of this BS and am thinking of the victims, their families and the community who lived in fear for over 5 years.

Free for five years means what? I don't see how that matters at all. In fact it adds more evidence to his being railroaded. Arrested just before another Sheriffs election. They supposedly had all of this information from day one.

If he did it, why would he admit to being there from the beginning? His story didn't change in five years. Liars usually have discrepancies in what they say five years later.

Why isn't his DNA or fingerprints there? There is DNA and fingerprints, and they aren't his. Who's are they?
He admitted it because he knew he was seen. Easy. Been said. Many times. In this thread. Go forward, be honest, look clean in case someone knows you were there. You know you were seen.

Elections happen every so many years. Throughout history.

You nor or anyone knows all the rest of the case or even his claimed whereabouts that day or what his wife said and a ton more. This case has not been tried nor all shared except for what one side wants to spin.

We can speculate but the case needs to be tried to know.

Defense is extremely afraid of some piece/s of evidence as is RA that I think we are unaware of.
He admitted it because he knew he was seen. Easy. Been said. Many times. In this thread. Go forward, be honest, look clean in case someone knows you were there. You know you were seen.

Elections happen every so many years. Throughout history.

You nor or anyone knows all the rest of the case or even his claimed whereabouts that day or what his wife said and a ton more. This case has not been tried nor all shared except for what one side wants to spin.

We can speculate but the case needs to be tried to know.

Defense is extremely afraid of some piece/s of evidence as is RA that I think we are unaware of.

Neither do you. I forget who said it, probably the defense, but his story never changed. If that's true it's odd for someone who was lying at the beginning.
I'm having a hard time with the fact a defendant is having to crowdfund for expert witnesses. This goes far beyond anyone's dislike of RA or his defense. It's a basic right in the US that a defendant can properly defend himself/herself. All this is doing is adding more fuel to the fire for appeal.
The other side of this is If he can raise money for his defence, why should his lawyers be paid from the public purse? He will have $25k in a day or so and could just up the amount and let the donations keep coming in.
Free for five years means what? I don't see how that matters at all. In fact it adds more evidence to his being railroaded. Arrested just before another Sheriffs election. They supposedly had all of this information from day one.

If he did it, why would he admit to being there from the beginning? His story didn't change in five years. Liars usually have discrepancies in what they say five years later.

Why isn't his DNA or fingerprints there? There is DNA and fingerprints, and they aren't his. Who's are they?
The girls had their lives cut short while he has been free and now it is time for justice. You don't know if his fingerprints and DNA are there - they are probably on the bullets.

Donations are already over $15k so they should have their $25k by tomorrow even though the deadline date is not until May 10th.
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