LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Seems to me it was when he expressed intent to get his own private attorney after arrest/when arraigned and then backed off and begged for a PD saying he had no idea how expensive. Let's also point out at that point there is nothing we have heard or that has been said that he was talking or giving info at that point. NOR confessing. And then he was provided the ultimate PDs, B & R. Yes a bit of sarcasm/tongue in cheek.

This thing NEEDS to be tried and the clock is ticking. I care deeply but am up to the top of my head at time with the sheer b.s. However, two minutes later I have to laugh at it as well. Because it is so what it is and obvious.

The falsehoods alone. Oh my tomatoes. Holy macaroni!
He was still at White County when he wrote that and then got moved to Westville by Diener before his State attorneys (R&B!) were appointed by Gull IIRC so I don't think the court has yet addressed this request from the D two weeks ago to toss the Holman interview.

There is clearly something in that inteview the D don't like.
I hadn't thought of that TBH. I wondered if he was perhaps going to be a witness but then he could be available in the future but has completely ruled himself out. He must have other plans.
Well he can leave any time he likes but the timing? Whether he leaves or not, he can certainly be called or called out. He did make some of the first important decisions as to search warrant and where RA was housed. But for some reason I go more to the not being available to be a judge, senior judge, called in, etc. He wants no chance of being called to come back in or handle cases. I don't know that he could with this one anyhow as he stepped out of it. This case, this state, SMDH as to what the heck is going on.

On the other hand dealing with leaks and all the other b.s. I can't blame any of them.

I guess I am just saying whether he is there or not or leaves it does not remove him from it.

Don't know what the whole deal has been here about like he was some new judge and then some retiring judge and then some judge of some years but not tons.

I'm sorry but a person can't take a single thing at face value in this one here. With that, I am going to try to find a quiet spot. Barely 8 a.m. and noise outside, I already shut the patio door but can still hear it.

I will add this. If this trial does not go off as scheduled, people are going to erupt and things are going to implode.

And I also feel a REAL NEED to add this. It is so far away from two CHILDREN, the victims, that are rarely mentioned or thought of that I want to mention them right NOW. Abigail Williams and Liberty German. Who have/had REAL families and real friends that to this day await justice and to this day deal with their loss. This is not MORE about RA not anyone else. It isn't about B & R and their ridiculous stunts. It is ABOUT these slaughtered girls. It isn't about who is judge and who isn't and now a whole Diener loss of time on how long he has been on the bench. OMG.

I have a bit of a leak of sunshine left to know to go elsewhere for the moment because I'd like to see something else and some facts or maybe I'd better go watch a What's For Dinner video.

Might be back. Have a good one one and ALL.
Maybe they were keeping it in their back pocket to produce at this very moment. Or they only read the transcript recently because their client ate the earlier copy LOL.
That would imply to me that you knew your client was guilty if they are playing that game of keeping THAT in their back pocket.
I’m so behind in this case! I’m gonna be learning a lot during the trial.

Do you guys want a new thread when the trial starts? This one is pretty long. It’s up to y’all.
I’m so behind in this case! I’m gonna be learning a lot during the trial.

Do you guys want a new thread when the trial starts? This one is pretty long. It’s up to y’all.
I am happy with it being here as it is easy to search back then but depends on the majority.
That would imply to me that you knew your client was guilty if they are playing that game of keeping THAT in their back pocket.
Well I don't think defence have to believe in their client's innocence, necessarily, to be able to defend him. For example they could just be wanting to get someone to not have a death sentence, or may want an insanity defence or some other concession. Also, if they get some of the evidence thrown out on the procedural or other errors then that could be less evidence for the jury to convict. They are looking for reasonable doubt. Like the witness who described "young BG" for example and the witness who said the car was a purple cruiser etc. We also don't know anything much about the phone evidence either.
I am happy with it being here as it is easy to search back then but depends on the majority.

Well I don't think defence have to believe in their client's innocence, necessarily, to be able to defend him. For example they could just be wanting to get someone to not have a death sentence, or may want an insanity defence or some other concession. Also, if they get some of the evidence thrown out on the procedural or other errors then that could be less evidence for the jury to convict. They are looking for reasonable doubt. Like the witness who described "young BG" for example and the witness who said the car was a purple cruiser etc. We also don't know anything much about the phone evidence either.
My reasoning on that statement is that if they really believed that, it wouldn't be a "put in their back pocket" sort of thing. That's the kind of thing that could have gotten him released from jail immediately.
My reasoning on that statement is that if they really believed that, it wouldn't be a "put in their back pocket" sort of thing. That's the kind of thing that could have gotten him released from jail immediately.

I don't think they have necessarily had that interview recording for that long.
I don't think they have necessarily had that interview recording for that long.
They have known about him being held since he's been held though and miranda is one of the first things any attorney would ask their client because it could be the easiest thing to get your client released.
Misconduct allegations in Delphi murder case continue less than two weeks before trial
In another motion filed Monday afternoon, the defense team is, again, asking to exclude evidence seized from Allen's home shortly before he was arrested in late October 2022. The attorneys cite new evidence that Carroll County Sheriff Tony Liggett "recklessly withheld pertinent information" they argue would've led to the search warrant application being denied.

"These omissions are so voluminous and significant, that there is no explanation for their omission other than a reckless disregard for the truth," Allen's attorneys wrote.
Click to expand...
Blocher, who died in 2021, believed that Libby's cell was either "no longer in the area, or no longer in working condition," according to Mullin's report, and the last time investigators were able to ping the phone through a nearby cell tower successfully was at 5:44 p.m. Feb. 13, 2017.

But Allen's attorneys allege this was false. They cited data obtained from Libby's phone showing it connected with the cell tower at 4:33 a.m. Feb. 14, 2017 ― a fact the attorneys said investigators were aware of but improperly withheld from the probable cause affidavit justifying a search of Allen's home. They allege investigators withheld several more pieces of information, including evidence pointing to Odinists, that would've resulted in the search warrant application being denied.
They have known about him being held since he's been held though and miranda is one of the first things any attorney would ask their client because it could be the easiest thing to get your client released.
That doesn't necessarily mean these two D's were looking at that but for some reason they got stuck straight into their O theory instead. The original trial was supposed to be last October.
Here we go again. They are desperate to get the stuff found in the home search thrown out. It shows how damning it is IMO.

LE didnt ping the phone at 4.33 am in the morning that would be the phone disconnecting itself from the network presumably. So that claim from the D is false.
link please.
There's been a lot of LE die in this case. Blocher is the third one. The other two were Ferency (shot) and Thompson (house fire with her daughter). She was the poligrapher and her surviving husband is a judge and was out of town that night as was her other daughter.

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link please.
Did you not see the IMO at the beginning of the statement?

However, I did read that upthread too. Will have a search.

ETA it was in your post. "the last time investigators were able to ping the phone through a nearby cell tower successfully was at 5:44 p.m. Feb. 13, 2017." So LE last pinged Libby's phone themselves at 5.44pm on the 13th. The phone last connected to the network at 4.33 am on the 14th.
(Data obtained from Libby's phone showing it connected with the cell tower at 4:33 a.m. Feb. 14, 2017
That last connection to the network is always the phone signing off itself when the battery dies.)
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Took some time to locate filings last week relative to pings and things...
Linked below - the 2 recent filings related to the Indy article above. (I've cut/pasted some relevant filing sections below each link.)

The 4th Franks definitely seeks to throw out the search warrants, on the basis that the State withheld this RA-exculpatory information from Diener.

IMO, only expert testimony can interpret the pings specifically sent to and answered by Libby's phone throughout the first hours of the search, well into the morning hours of Feb 14 2017.

However, the every 15-minute ping attempts sent from ATT's Well's Tower at ISP's request to the provider, (including non-successful pings) on 2/13/17 as well as the positive pings of early morning 2/14/17 do not to match the State's timeline.

ISP expert Blocher advised on Feb 13th that based upon ping info, Libby's phone was either out of Well's tower range - or - no longer in working condition. Wells tower ping evidence shows there are no successful tower pings from Libby's phone from 5:44 pm on Feb 13th until Feb 14th early AM.

Yet evidence shows that on Feb 14 2017 at 4:38 AM, Libby's phone WAS WORKING and pinged Well's Tower.

The Defense's point is NOT that LE pinged Libby's phone at 4:38 AM on Feb 14th. The Defense is interested in the ping - the first evidence of tower contact with Libby's phone since the The Defense's point is that the phone did not ping until that time. (Libby's iphone would attempt to ping regularly if it was on and in tower range. It would not ping only at shut down.)

- Libby's phone was non-responsive to LE's every-15-minute pinging for hours and hours on the 13th. No results. Yet Libby's phone pings early in the morning of the 14th. This 10+ hours of no Libby phone pings, followed by a ping on the 14th ... gives Libby's phone a different timeline than the State's timeline of the victim's murder.

The State's timeline. Time of death for the victims is between 2:17 pm and 3:57 pm Feb 13th, which LE asserts = RA's timeline. Libby's phone with Libby on the Bridge, down the hill, and at death, phone found next day under Abby's body, under L's shoe.

Libby's phone timeline. Libby's phone with Libby at the Trails and on the Monan Bridge 2:17. (At 3:11 family reports Libby's phone goes to voicemail.) Last ping from Libby's phone was 5:44 pm Feb 13th. After that, LE keeps pinging Libby's phone on Feb 13th through the night; Libby's phone doesn't respond. (a series of 44 pings, every 15 minutes in total). Libby's phone shows "last ping" at 4:38 AM Feb 14th. LE sends its first Feb 14th ping attempt at 5:39 AM Feb 14; but Libby's phone does not respond. Libby's phone's ping record - as to being in range of the Well's tower is not consistent with the State's theory that the phone was with victims at the crime scene between 2:17 and 3:57 on February 13th, at time of victim's death, with Libby's phone under Abby's body, Libby's shoe by 3:57 pm.

As of the filing this week, the Defense was still waiting for the Prosecution to send the full February 14th ping discovery and also geofencing related reports. The Prosecution seems unable (unwilling?) to deliver their investigative reports and raw data wrt to phone tracking.

One would think the P would have this critical evidence/discovery on hand ... unless the P is not / was never interested Libby's phone's ping timeline as evidence.

Writing this reminded me that the PCA for the Search Warrant never referenced the time of death window provided by the autopsies or forensics (just the , nor the known ping history for Libby's phone.


Defedants 4th Franks Motion
10. The two pages provided to Mr. Allen’s counsel contain the following summary of a
conversation between Steve Mullin and Sargent Blocher of the Indiana State Police:
“Sgt. Blocher advised according to his evaluation of the data provided by
AT&T the last contact event between the cell phone and the tower located
at Wells Street was at 17:44:50 hours.
He advised that according to the
records provided by AT&T there had been no contact with the phone since
Sgt. Blocher advised that his interpretation of the information which we
were receiving from AT&T indicated that the cell phone was no longer in
the area, or no longer in working condition.
He advised that since there
had been no change in the every 15 minutes update we were receiving and
the last known contact time had not changed since 17:44 hours.”
11. The conversation above appears to have occurred prior to 1:00 a.m. on
February 14, 2017.
12. On November 9, 2023, the prosecution provided Mr. Allen’s counsel with
evidence of 44 pings generated by AT&T to locate L.G.’s phone (hereinafter
13. There were 2 pings from February 13, 2017 in the pings provided to defense
counsel: one at 5:48 p.m. and 7:16 p.m.
14. Mr. Allen’s counsel did not learn of additional pings which took place every
fifteen (15) minutes on February 13, 2017, until the discovery disclosure on
April 26, 2024. Defense counsel still does not have the additional pings from
February 13, 2017, or the early morning of February 14, 2017. Pursuant to the
information which the prosecution disclosed to Mr. Allen’s counsel, the first
ping on February 14, 2017 was sent to L.G.’s phone at 5:39:41 a.m.
15. More importantly is Sgt. Blocher’s statement that his interpretation of the
information which they were receiving from AT&T indicated that the cell
phone was no longer in the area or no longer in working condition.
16. The prosecution’s entire case rests on the idea that L.G. and A.W. were on or
very near the south side of the Monon High Bridge at 2:13 p.m. and that
Richard Allen killed them between that time and when a witness allegedly
saw a man in blue jeans and a blue jacket on 300 N shortly before 3:57 p.m. In
other words, assuming the prosecution’s evidence is accurate, L.G. and A.W.
were murdered after 2:13 p.m. and before 3:57 p.m. on February 13, 2017.
17. Additionally, assuming this timeline is accurate, the prosecution would have
the girls between the Monon High Bridge and the location where the bodies
were found from 2:13 p.m. on February 13, 2017 (the bridge video) until they
were found at approximately 12:15 p.m. on February 14, 2017.
18. At the time the bodies of A.W. and L.G. were found, L.G.’s phone was under
L.G.’s shoe, both of the which were under the body of A.W.
19. Assuming the prosecution’s timeline is accurate, L.G.’s phone was under
L.G.’s shoe, which was under the body of A.W. from sometime after 2:13
p.m. on February 13, 2017, until the bodies were found at approximately
12:15 p.m. on February 14, 2017, and had remained at the location in that
condition for that entire time.
20. However, Sgt. Blocher stated on February 13, 2017, that the cell phone was
no longer in the area, or longer in working condition.
22. Assuming the prosecution’s timeline is accurate, there is no way that the
phone was not in working condition between 9:00 p.m. on February 13, 2017,
and 1:00 a.m. on February 14, 2017, because we know the phone was on and
communicating with the cell phone tower at 4:33 a.m. on February 14, 2017.
For the prosecution’s timeline to work, the phone had to have been in the
same condition from sometime prior to 3:57 p.m. on February 13, 2017 (the
time the witness sees the man on 300 North) until the time the bodies were
found on February 14, 2017.

23. At the time of the search warrant for Mr. Allen’s residence, members of the
Indiana State Police were also aware that the last ping of L.G.’s phone was
not at 5:44:49 p.m. on February 13, 2017, but at 4:33:35 a.m. on February
14, 2017.

24. Furthermore, it is evident from the data from L.G.’s phone that the phone was
accessed and connected with the cell phone tower at 4:33 a.m. on February 14, 2017.


20. On Friday April 26, 2024 the prosecution turned over a multitude of
documents, including an exculpatory piece of evidence concerning phone
pings that was contained in a report written by Steve Mullins of the
Delphi Police Department on August 23, 2017.
21.Mr. Allen’s counsel previously asked multiple times for the prosecution
to turn over narrative reports related to phone activity, such as
geofencing and pings, and the State of Indiana has continually told the
defense that no such reports exist.
22.The exculpatory report the defense received on Friday, April 26, 2024
(17 days before trial begins) provides evidence that the victims were not
at the crime scene on February 13, 2017.

Regarding Libby's phone. You know, the more I think about this, the more I wonder about it.

I'm amazed her phone pinged 13, 14 hours after she was murdered. She was taking pictures, posting to SM, videoed BG, etc. That eats up a phone battery.

Regarding Libby's phone. You know, the more I think about this, the more I wonder about it.

I'm amazed her phone pinged 13, 14 hours after she was murdered. She was taking pictures, posting to SM, videoed BG, etc. That eats up a phone battery.

That's what happened to me running down the phone and how it fits into the State's timeline for a 1 hr and a few minutes creek crossing double murder undressing/dressing plus staging ... proposed by the State.

I assume previously sleuthy folks ran down the phone scenarios in the years before RA. Pretty sure the ping on the 14th was known?
"phone taken and turned off" or "phone left tower range, then returned to crime scene" ... and so on.

Don't know what to think.

I've even worked through someone intentionally returning the phone (that had been taken from Libby) and placing it under ... the wrong girl ... or ... just under the girl that was dressed. The phone is a nutty thing. And I'm very curious as to why the phone's location forensics are no little interest to the P - not even provided to the D with the discovery to be used at trial. huh.

I also remember reading somewhere the family describing the calling attempts and the voice mail messages and how it just stopped even going for voice messages ... If I could read that info from family again ... might shed a little light.

It's very puzzling. But ... why ignore it?

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