LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Does it explain where he was between 26th and his arrest on the 28th?
If so, yes please.
I have to say that with this one I think there is no reason to continue to wonder. Seems pretty typical. Not uncommon trying to get ducks in a row to arrest, anticipating, so many hours 48 or 72 I forget to arraign, charge, move, etc. depending on if weekdays or weekend. I hate to agree with the "other side" but I don't think there is anything here and he didn't go missing. Lol. the whole reason of wondering about arrest and custody was whether the last questiong period in an interview room was custodial, etc.
What has the judicial disciplinary process got to do with Diener's resignation? Are you suspecting something peculiar here?
I think I am overworked and over tired. Every time I see this now three or four times in replies and such head starts going Barb McDonald had a farm, ee--ee-ee--i oh. And on this farm she had a...

Enough of that--can't stand her.

HOWEVER, I will be fair. This is a lot of ODD sh*t going on right now yet AGAIN. HOWEVER could very well be because they are used to the public sh*t the defense pulls. Hard to say.

I smell POLITICS all over the place here at the cost of a perp's life and a loss of focus on justice for the victims.

Delphi. LISK. Others but those two for SURE. Be concerned as it isn't justice first with some it is politics. Morphew big time. Even though not AS WELL KNOWN it is big time known to many.

My uneducated guess is Diener is getting out before if this blows up it ends up back in his lap. He made a point of saying he is not even going to work as a senior judge or be available as he's met all his career goals....
I want to label this as speculation as to what appears to be "peculiar", as you say.

There's other journalists following this story now:

I'm curious with Barb McD's focus here for 2 days. That's peculiar. She (surely) has official sources, and her sources don't need to be on record when they suggest to Barb what she can look for and run down. Her computer screen shot ... is that easy to find w/o some direction?

The Diener resignation is super abrupt. A 7 day notice from Diener (young guy) who clearly had other plans when he put himself on the ballot for this week's re-election ... is also .. peculiar. He's on the ballot. But he's now suddenly not running.

Don't know if copying Chief Justice Rush on the notice is peculiar or standard procedure. Also makes me wonder ... has Diener wound up on a witness list for the RA trial re: early days? Or were there process issues with his early handling of this case? And I recalled that the IN Chief Justice runs the Judicial Oversight Board for the state of IN. (thus the link - refreshing my memory.)

IIRC, Diener, as a young inexperienced newly elected Judge oversaw and approved and made early "process irregularities/mistakes" with RA's case such as: sealing charging documents from public access against IN rules, characterizing press inquiries on same as "bloodlust", holding charging hearing for RA b/4 he had engaged a lawyer, sending RA to prison before he had representation ... to name some old issues raised early days.

Diener abruptly recused after all sorts of criticism; just walked away from the case. I've wondered if he wasn't (then) referred to higher review powers, for his judicial over-see-ers to review/intervene for these early missteps. (Is that where/when/how/why the Special Judge was pulled in?)

Not to mention ... if I'm a journalist not getting answers from Diener or the P or LE on process, I'd complain higher up the chain...maybe having my journalist-lawyer do same... They'd go to the judicial oversight board.

BELIEVE it or not I am going to agree with almost all of this. I had in my head he was a retiring judge, not a young one. Other than that, and that brings its own thoughts, this REEKS of politics and more.

This may be a first. There is LITTLE I disagree with in this post of yours. Did not go to link. Just the post.

So Diener is YOUNG?? And not "retiring"? I guess I should have known but did not. I thought a seasoned judge.
I want to label this as speculation as to what appears to be "peculiar", as you say.

There's other journalists following this story now:

I'm curious with Barb McD's focus here for 2 days. That's peculiar. She (surely) has official sources, and her sources don't need to be on record when they suggest to Barb what she can look for and run down. Her computer screen shot ... is that easy to find w/o some direction?

The Diener resignation is super abrupt. A 7 day notice from Diener (young guy) who clearly had other plans when he put himself on the ballot for this week's re-election ... is also .. peculiar. He's on the ballot. But he's now suddenly not running.

Don't know if copying Chief Justice Rush on the notice is peculiar or standard procedure. Also makes me wonder ... has Diener wound up on a witness list for the RA trial re: early days? Or were there process issues with his early handling of this case? And I recalled that the IN Chief Justice runs the Judicial Oversight Board for the state of IN. (thus the link - refreshing my memory.)

IIRC, Diener, as a young inexperienced newly elected Judge oversaw and approved and made early "process irregularities/mistakes" with RA's case such as: sealing charging documents from public access against IN rules, characterizing press inquiries on same as "bloodlust", holding charging hearing for RA b/4 he had engaged a lawyer, sending RA to prison before he had representation ... to name some old issues raised early days.

Diener abruptly recused after all sorts of criticism; just walked away from the case. I've wondered if he wasn't (then) referred to higher review powers, for his judicial over-see-ers to review/intervene for these early missteps. (Is that where/when/how/why the Special Judge was pulled in?)

Not to mention ... if I'm a journalist not getting answers from Diener or the P or LE on process, I'd complain higher up the chain...maybe having my journalist-lawyer do same... They'd go to the judicial oversight board.

I do fully though lack trust in one bit of anything from Barbie.
ah right. it was 5 years b/4 the delphi murders and the case beginning. Read too fast. Thank you. And of course Diener did approve the early investigative stuff - RL for example.
I think I need to read every post first before taking anything at face value and then go back. I never ever had the impression diiener was some newbie inexperienced judge. but then I read what made it about sound like he was. can't believe I fell for that.
ah right. it was 5 years b/4 the delphi murders and the case beginning. Read too fast. Thank you. And of course Diener did approve the early investigative stuff - RL for example.
so making diener sound like some newbie inexperinced young judge was a mistake? man lol I should know better by now. I don't take word for about anything but did somewhat in that one trying to catch up fast.
Yeah I don't disagree but I gave it up and went with the agency press release because either it is the truth or if it is not, then that's another can of worms. I don't think it is all that unusual to anticipated arrest, do the arrest at whatever point, move, book, charge, arraign over a couple of days. To me that blank document was prepared in anticipation and provided.

I wondered at first but I honestly don't think there is anything with this to get hung up on nor worried about. At first it was hard to determine and custody and dates were kind of up in the air. I'm satisfied with the LE site statement back then. If we had had that first, it would have prevented a lot of the back and forth on it.

Imo it is kind of a moot point now anyone and always was. I don't think this interview and questioning is going to be thrown out as I don't think anything wrong went on. Never seemed like it to me to begin with and seems to have planned out to be the case. Of course we don't know all but now that both claims and responses are in, it is about what I would have guessed. He was there willingly and knew his rights, and was reminded if not.
The only thing I would be concerned about is whether he had access to a lawyer for those two days prior to his actual arrest and did his wife know where he was to get him one if need be.
I have little liking for Barbies. Including this one. I don't like Barbie McDonald had a Farm and a Big Mac at the Golden Arch. I just don't. Call me biased. Can't stand her.

However, I find the last sentence interesting of trusting they will respond "appropriately" (odd wording imo) and his not keeping self available to serve or step in/fill in as a senior judge either. Who can blame him though. Cut loose for good. On the other hand he has seen what they've tried to do to Gull so who can blame him and where it may go or land from here as they continue to attempt all. There is justice and then unfortunately these days there are can anyone say it? P-O-L-I-T-I-C-S at the cost and price of justice.

And yes, he made some of the original decisions and rulings. Retiring is not going to remove him from that. So? I think he is more worried perhaps about having this case landing back in his lap? Anyone else think of that?
I hadn't thought of that TBH. I wondered if he was perhaps going to be a witness but then he could be available in the future but has completely ruled himself out. He must have other plans.
The only thing I would be concerned about is whether he had access to a lawyer for those two days prior to his actual arrest and did his wife know where he was to get him one if need be.
He was taken into custody by the ISP on the 26th, taken to Carroll County Jail on the 26th, at some time (I can't remember when) moved to White County Jail, on November 3 he was stashed in a state prison and Diener said "I quit".

He had no representation.
I have to say that with this one I think there is no reason to continue to wonder. Seems pretty typical. Not uncommon trying to get ducks in a row to arrest, anticipating, so many hours 48 or 72 I forget to arraign, charge, move, etc. depending on if weekdays or weekend. I hate to agree with the "other side" but I don't think there is anything here and he didn't go missing. Lol. the whole reason of wondering about arrest and custody was whether the last questiong period in an interview room was custodial, etc.
Yeah I understand that but the 14th day for a new Miranda would come slap bang in the middle of that 3 day period ie on the 27th. Was he then given another Miranda? Not for us to look into but the D certainly will be doing so IMO.
He was taken into custody by the ISP on the 26th, taken to Carroll County Jail on the 26th, at some time (I can't remember when) moved to White County Jail, on November 3 he was stashed in a state prison and Diener said "I quit".

He had no representation.
Yes this is what the point is I just made about the Miranda. Was he Miranda'd again on the 27th and he refused a lawyer, for example.? Am sure D is on it but me, I am wondering about it and this is also the period Judge D was involved too.
If he had no representation doesn't matter as long as he was given the opportunity to get some IMO.
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Lol. Mime. Just said much the same. Even used "Joe Public" LMAO. I suspect this relates to the guards or some such? It sure doesn't seem to be a protective order as first purported for RA.

It also has not as far as I can tell been adopted nor entered by the court yet.
How weird we both used that term LOL. I hadn't seen your post and you hadn't seen mine. Great minds think alike though.
Okay so which is it. First sounded senior. Then a youngster and newbie. Now in the middle. :thud:
Has anyone looked at the type of cases he has been working on? I can well understand why he resigned. Mainly Guardianship and Paternity cases. Maybe they don't list his criminal cases.

Also, maybe he has a new better job to go to?
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The only thing I would be concerned about is whether he had access to a lawyer for those two days prior to his actual arrest and did his wife know where he was to get him one if need be.
well it was initially said she wasn't allowed back with him and then it was said here that she did not even go into the "station". yet was it in the prosecution response(?) they reference her. I am really tired of what appear to be falsehoods being put out continually.

we do know the bulk of the interview was recorded. we also know or can assume by why we know that RA never confessed until a long time later and so I'm not too worried about that.

this is extremely typically, an arrest, settling, transport, charging a day or two later formally, etc. I don't see anything unusual in it. the only reason imo any of us (at least for me) were wondering anything is due to whether he needed to be re-mirandized, etc. and whether this was custodial or an interrogation, etc. It wasn't. Imo. Although again here it was said or seemed to be that it was as he was arrested. That has nothing to do with it, an arrest after the fact. we also heard interrogation room and so forth. Rather than interview room. Very colorful but very much not proven fact.

I don't think he disappeared for two days with the ISP and I don't think even the defense claims that, do they? lol, please don't give them any ideas.

also ON arrest is an entirely different story or would be. at that point, it is no longer informal. I just woke up and have not even opened one of my two eyes yet so forgive the lack of caps and focus. :D
Yeah I understand that but the 14th day for a new Miranda would come slap bang in the middle of that 3 day period ie on the 27th. Was he then given another Miranda? Not for us to look into but the D certainly will be doing so IMO.
And something D should have delved into at the very beginning.
well it was initially said she wasn't allowed back with him and then it was said here that she did not even go into the "station". yet was it in the prosecution response(?) they reference her. I am really tired of what appear to be falsehoods being put out continually.

we do know the bulk of the interview was recorded. we also know or can assume by why we know that RA never confessed until a long time later and so I'm not too worried about that.

this is extremely typically, an arrest, settling, transport, charging a day or two later formally, etc. I don't see anything unusual in it. the only reason imo any of us (at least for me) were wondering anything is due to whether he needed to be re-mirandized, etc. and whether this was custodial or an interrogation, etc. It wasn't. Imo. Although again here it was said or seemed to be that it was as he was arrested. That has nothing to do with it, an arrest after the fact. we also heard interrogation room and so forth. Rather than interview room. Very colorful but very much not proven fact.

I don't think he disappeared for two days with the ISP and I don't think even the defense claims that, do they? lol, please don't give them any ideas.

also ON arrest is an entirely different story or would be. at that point, it is no longer informal. I just woke up and have not even opened one of my two eyes yet so forgive the lack of caps and focus. :D
There is absolutely nothing unusual about holding somebody for a couple of days first. They have 48 hours (I think that's the number) to be able to hold somebody without charging them and it's far from unusual for them to use that to their advantage.
well it was initially said she wasn't allowed back with him and then it was said here that she did not even go into the "station". yet was it in the prosecution response(?) they reference her. I am really tired of what appear to be falsehoods being put out continually.

we do know the bulk of the interview was recorded. we also know or can assume by why we know that RA never confessed until a long time later and so I'm not too worried about that.

this is extremely typically, an arrest, settling, transport, charging a day or two later formally, etc. I don't see anything unusual in it. the only reason imo any of us (at least for me) were wondering anything is due to whether he needed to be re-mirandized, etc. and whether this was custodial or an interrogation, etc. It wasn't. Imo. Although again here it was said or seemed to be that it was as he was arrested. That has nothing to do with it, an arrest after the fact. we also heard interrogation room and so forth. Rather than interview room. Very colorful but very much not proven fact.

I don't think he disappeared for two days with the ISP and I don't think even the defense claims that, do they? lol, please don't give them any ideas.

also ON arrest is an entirely different story or would be. at that point, it is no longer informal. I just woke up and have not even opened one of my two eyes yet so forgive the lack of caps and focus. :D
I am just getting prepared in case it comes up at trial. See my next reply too.
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There is absolutely nothing unusual about holding somebody for a couple of days first. They have 48 hours (I think that's the number) to be able to hold somebody without charging them and it's far from unusual for them to use that to their advantage.
Should he have been mirandized again on the 14th day though? ie the 27th and was he? Did he refuse a lawyer/ ask for a lawyer/ get refused a lawyer. Can they keep someone over 48 hours?

I am getting prepared for it LOL. D has already raised it.

I don't think the judge ruled on this yet has she?

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From the article:

FWIW: As I recall from the past ... this move to IDOC - was during the earliest days b/4 RA had representation. JMHO
Seems to me it was when he expressed intent to get his own private attorney after arrest/when arraigned and then backed off and begged for a PD saying he had no idea how expensive. Let's also point out at that point there is nothing we have heard or that has been said that he was talking or giving info at that point. NOR confessing. And then he was provided the ultimate PDs, B & R. Yes a bit of sarcasm/tongue in cheek.

This thing NEEDS to be tried and the clock is ticking. I care deeply but am up to the top of my head at time with the sheer b.s. However, two minutes later I have to laugh at it as well. Because it is so what it is and obvious.

The falsehoods alone. Oh my tomatoes. Holy macaroni!

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