LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Per Tom, defense has had two years to come up with a defense and even to show RA wasn't there and really haven't done much. No kidding.

Yet some think they have with all the absolutely going nowhere bunch of fluff and a sheer waste of time on such once they finally decided to do something because they knew they failed their client. These are my words. Not his.

Now all I can say is that they had better be ready with a typical defense and that would be to try to poke holes in the P's case and show reasonable doubt. Good luck with that as well since their uncounseled client confessed to everyone he could. And since they wasted their time on b.s. to give sensationalistic b.s. to the public. Imo.
Well it may not be live but catching a dose of Tom always brings me a bit up lol. Some great points and he has very self deprecating humor lol. I am still dragging probably will be all two days but he's a good way to start the day. I am starting to slightly move and function, not too quickly though.

All do but if ever a case needed to be tried, this one does. There comes a point there is nothing to be gained by either side by further delays although I am sure the defense hopes such that witnesses die, people retire, and so on. They have had their chances and pulled all they could out of their hat and now it's time to seriously try it. It is at that point where cases should be a point of no return and all chances have been had, further delays would be nothing but repeat b.s.

These girls deserve justice, as do their families. Let a jury decide.
Been watching Tom's from last night here and there all morning while doing laundry, talking to realtor, ensuring daughter is safe in Cali on her trip and catching up, etc. So in between. He calms me lol. In general and in a case some tried to send nuts and some went for. A voice of sanity. LOL. And he is dealing with enough people I it who have fallen for some of such...

He is so logical, reasoned and sane.

He and some of my cooking type channels calm me.

Okay slow moving but picked up and busy morn. Laundry done, a ton I hang dry hung, garbage out, more. Talked to realtor, talked to adult child on trip, etc.

And break time. Had a BLT, finish Tom's video which isn't long but I have had to watch in pieces.

I've said this before and will again that I very much disagree with Gull on lack of coverage or eh trial and in the courtroom. The excuse seems to be uhm a certain news station did not follow the rules the one time she allowed such.

This case right tor wrong has turned very controversial and with a ton of people due to the b.s. put out there doubting a lot and of course the D has made a sick of how unfair the judge is to them. This NEEDS to be public or at LEAST with audio never turned off. To protect all sides and the judge herself. Not having anything Is a HUGE mistake, not even allowing an old tape or audio recorder. I do have a huge problem with that and have to question it.

As someone in chat said then have a court camera and someone operating it ensuring it is on no one, etc...

Just like the D used a blanket filing to try to get all confessions thrown out, she is using a blanket excuse for NO COVERAGE or recording.

I can have a problem with her with various things and this is one that I entirely disagree with. And it is not because I want to see it which I do, but it is about transparency in a case many are convinced is not kosher already. LIGHT is always best. Let the light in.

Tom said he'd be fine with an audio released each today after. Exactly. I mean SOMETHING can be done.

I'd hope she figures something out because otherwise some people will always say how do you know that is true, prove that it was said, etc.

It may not be legallyk required in most courtrooms to this day but a smart judge would ensure for all sides sakes and her own there is transcript and recording by other than just a human court reporter that works for the same system...

MAKE this clearly LIGHT and OPEN so no doubts can come.
He is always interesting imo. Talking about such types and why KK would do as he did, lie and so on. And his guest. And re KK's dad...
And it makes sense, to basically dismiss KK. Other than it is still really odd he was trying to meet Libby at the same place in the same general time period... That to me just tells me sadly the girls or one were dancing with people on the internet...

It makes a lot of sense listening to him... Imo.

Man did this da get away from me. Nothing new there.
AND they talk about E saying the thing about spitting on the body.... @Cousin Dupree

Talking a lot of smoke and mirrors and reasons too.

Hey I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that said, a BIG ONE, STOP LE ABUSE OF POWER, I don't have the wording right but it is really close but it was a bit longer but that was the basic message...

I thought what a dumbarse. Just drive around with that, not saying it might not do the opposite and keep LE off their case but it's a dumb move. Not quite the same as a lower functioning E saying what if someone spit on her body.... The statement alone is questionable, would you do that if you were a suspect or felt guilty, say such a thing? Of course not. Would most? Of course not.

I haven't put that right by a long shot but John Kelly is always worth a listen imo...
Wow. He's not young but he's good. He says he was taught go out and try to prove the guy innocent, NOT guilty. If guilty you will not be able to find what proves him innocent...

That remark is going to stick with me... A great watch and listen imo. God some logic and common sense... Much appreciated these days lol.
@Mel70 I think you'd enjoy this. he talks green River killer towards the end. he talks about how embellishment can bring a view and more. I find him always a good watch and listen. John Kelly. they also talked Golden State Killer... And you know your SK stuff.

5 minute video from Nate, who talks about the land and the plans the unnamed couple have for it. Also short update at the end re the appellate review.

ETA i see i put this on the wrong thtead so i will repost correctly on Daybell.
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5 minute video from Nate, who talks about the land and the plans the unnamed couple have for it. Also short update at the end re the appellate review.

it is just my opinion but I would want the thing doing nothing but growing it's own weeds, trees and wilderness. Not a THING that brings money, donations some place of anything. I'm not buying any of it as altruistic. I have a leaning who I think it may be but it's just instinct and I have no real reason, so I should not even say so as it's just a thought as to who locally could afford it more or less and that's really my only reason.

Every darned bit of coverage mentions not making it some horror Air BNB, EVERY single one, and so did Nate now, so you know that's their story they want put into the news...

From all I've heard the families do not want this.

It sounds so nicely meant and of course I'm cynical, I say so all of the time, but isn't it funny how non profits actually profit...

Someone truly altruistic and well meaning would buy it and let it grow over into wilderness that is not even noticed any longer after tearing down the buildings. I know of a case that that is exactly what was done... They did not go fundraising immediately or looking for help. If the buyers are not immediate victims of these tragedies then this is b.s. Yes buy the place to live in or do your own use but you do NOT use someone else's family tragedy!

Just my VERY STRONG opinion.

No one can tell a buyer what to do, but it is NOT their tragedy to use.
I go back and forth on Vinnie. I'm not always a fan. I haven't watched this all yet and it's his personal newer YT channel but I am recommending just the start of it even. He has done a reel of pics of him and his regular two guests kind of a blast from the past thing that is kind of interesting and entertaining, when all younger through the years, etc. And then Al has one pretty neat presidential facts that I'm not sure I knew all of, presidents from way back. McKinley, Roosevelt, more. Just the lead in is worth a watch and kind of cool.

Haven't watched the show yet. They are just getting into the Delphi part now...

I'll wait to see whether I agree with him/them or not...

Not surprisingly I am not in agreement with them. Also Al says this defense got the first male judge thrown off and that's not true is it? That one stepped down out of fear from what we understood.

I also think unless I have it wrong Vinnie and friends have it wrong. They are talking like of how the D can't mention RL. The defense NEVER went for a third party defense with RL NOR KK. They did with the Os. This is too late in the game and I don't think having a third party defense and it coming up at all are quite the same thing. I don't know that they have it exactly straight.

I have said myself the D would have been smarter to use one of these other two as a possible third party defense because there are ties, even if tenous where there really is not with the O thing. RL owned the land and he did lie re an alibi. KK did try to arrange a meeting with Libby and had actual contact with her on the internet. FAR more viable than the dumb O thing. But hey needed something big and blowing up because their unguided and unrepresented and unhelped client had started confessing all over the place and so they went for an all out ridiculous blizzard.

I've said a million times, by one day, just the timing of everything in this case tells the story...

Vinnie is even having to tell Al some of the facts so I wouldn't say they are well versed on the case. And Al said the D had the first male judge removed for bias and then went after the second judge (Gull)... I have never heard that before about the first one. HOWEVER being threats were coming and they are the internet leakers and YT users and such well maybe there is something to where the threats were coming from.... Otherwise what is that about or is he just entirely mixed up and doesn't know sh*t about the case?
Good Lord now they are talking "boy bands". I don't know if I am amused or irritated. And arguing about what a boy band is and "which" were such.

I'm all fine and good for chit chat if that's what I'm looking for. And his buds are personable don't get me wrong. But when I think I'm going to be hearing I mostly about case stuff, not always a fan. A moment here and there is one thing but a total sidetrack of conversation is another. And the beginning of the show is one thing with some blast to the past and some presidential history info before the case was brought up. I guess I know now and am reminded that it is what it is and what his channel is. No biggie but the drawback is I don't think I'm going to hear anything in this that is interesting or new at all so I'll probably just stop watching. And that's my/our choice.

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