LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Ok this is pretty good. Will edit out the images and unnecessary stuff.


Home / News / Crime Watch 8 / Delphi Murders

Delphi Murders trial: Day 6 live blog

by: Ashley Fowler and Jason Ronimous
Posted: Oct 24, 2024 / 07:06 AM EST / Updated: Oct 24, 2024 / 01:59 PM EST
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Thursday is the sixth day of testimonies in the trial of Delphi Murders suspect Richard Allen at the Carroll County Courthouse in Delphi.
Allen, 52, is charged with murder and murder while committing or attempting to commit kidnapping in the deaths of 13-year-old Abigail “Abby” Williams and 14-year-old Liberty “Libby” German. The girls’ bodies were found near the Monon High Bridge near Delphi on Feb. 14, 2017, a day after they went missing.
Allen was first investigated in 2017 and again in October 2022. After a second police interview, he was taken into custody.
The trial began Oct. 18 and was expected to continue through mid-November. Sixteen Allen County residents sit as the jury on the case.
Day 6 of the Delphi Murders trial was set to begin at 9 a.m. Thursday.
NOTE: The times listed in the blog headers are the times which the entries were added. Specific times for courtroom events will be listed in the entries if available.
For a brief summary of Day 5 in the Delphi Murders trial (Tuesday), scroll to the bottom of the page.

To view all of our previous trial coverage, click here.

Additional coverage on Wednesday from News 8

11:38 a.m.

Testimony from Kathy Shank

Court was back in session today with the jury entering the courtroom at 9:06 a.m. The judge shared that the jury was able to access their phones, call their families and view work emails briefly last night. They have not seen any media coverage.
9:08 a.m. The state called Kathy Shank. Shank acted as a “secretary” for the investigation. She would take tipster’s names and information. Shank said she was surrounded by 50 or more law enforcement officers while working the investigation.
Shank told the jury she was given “bankers boxes” of reports related to the investigation and was asked to organize the reports. Eventually these reports took up five filing cabinets. Shank said she created a filing system with names of people of interest, tipsters, etc.
Shank told the jury that in 2020 she was asked to scan every file from the filing cabinets into an electronic database. She said it took her two years to do so. Shank told the jury she did not read the entire context of every file and she entered over 14,000 of them.
She told the jury that when investigators were moving their headquarters she came across some hand-written tips, one of them said a “Richard Allen Whiteman” had “self-reported being on the trails and girls had seem him at the same time.”
That tip was dated February 16, 2017.
Shank said she pulled the written tip about Allen being interviewed in 2017 and changed the file name to “Richard Allen”. She told the jury she made this discovery on September 21, 2022.
Shank told the jury that her job was not to decide if a tip should be followed up on, that she simply was tasked with organizing.
Under cross-examination by the defense, Shank said the mistake on Allen’s name was made before she joined the investigation. Defense attorney Andrew Baldwin asked Shank “There was no other tip, to your knowledge, that involved Richard Allen?” Shank replied “to my knowledge, no.” She told the jury there were so many tips that she couldn’t remember individuals.
Baldwin asked “But you would remember if there was a tip about a man covered in mud and blood walking on 300 North?” Shank said she could not remember specifics.
The jury asked Shank “How did you determine the name was incorrect on the file?” Shank replied that being from the area, she knew there was a Whiteman Drive.

Testimony from Dan Dulin

At 9:59 a.m. the state called Dan Dulin to the stand. Dulin is a Captain with the Department of Natural Resources and has been a conservation officer for 26 years.
Dulin had worked across the state of Indiana but had worked in the Carroll County area for 10 years. He told the jury he became involved with the investigation on February 16, 2017.
Dulin said he was tasked with assisting with and following up on leads. He told the jury he received a lead on Richard Allen and he contacted Allen by phone. Dulin told the jury that he requested to meet with Allen at his home, then police headquarters. Allen refused and requested that they met at a grocery store parking lot.
Dulin said he met with Allen in a grocery store parking lot on 2/18/17. Dulin told the jury they met, spoke about the lead and Allen told him he was on the trails on February 13 between 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. He told Dulin he saw three girls at the Freedom Bridge.
Dulin said Allen told him he was clear that he parked at the old CPS building and walked to the Freedom Bridge and then to the high bridge. Dulin said Allen told him he was looking at a “stock ticker” while walking.
Dulin said he took handwritten notes which included Allen’s phone number. Dulin said he wrote up his notes into a Word document and turned it into investigators.
Dulin told the jury that in September 2022 he got a call asking if he remembered interacting with Richard Allen. Dulin said it didn’t sound familiar but said he would look through his records. He said he found his documents on his 2017 interview with Allen and found a fishing license for Allen and his wife Kathy. The licenses had contact information on them.
Dulin told the jury that Allen’s fishing license had his height listed as 5’4″, but it was changed in April of 2017 to 5’6″. Dulin also told the jury his weight was changed on his license to be lighter, 13 pounds were subtracted. Dulin said he thought it was uncommon for an adult to change their height two inches.
Prosecutor Nick McLeland asked Dulin if Allen was in the courtroom and Dulin described Allen.
At 10:35 a.m. defense attorney Brad Rozzi begins cross-examining Dulin. Rozzi said Allen called law enforcement in February. Rozzi said Allen suggested meeting at the grocery story because he was already on his way there.
Dulin said he cannot recall the appearance or demeanor of Allen during the meeting. Rozzi said the handwritten notes would be better evidence of the meeting than the electronic report and that Dulin said in a March 2024 deposition that he had “no independent recollection” of what Allen said to him in their 2017 meeting.
Rozzi said that anyone could purchase a fishing license for another person.
Dulin testified that he was also in charge of calling phone numbers that pinged off of cell towers during the time of the crime. He said he canvassed the crime scene the day before he met with Allen.
Dulin told the jury that while he was at the scene he found branches piled up with blood on them.
Rozzi asked Dulin if he saw deer standing in the woods hear the bridge, Dulin said there were. Rozzi asked if it is not uncommon to find shell casings in the woods.
Judge Gull stepped in and said to Rozzi, “If you’re going to impeach him, impeach him properly.”
Rozzi asked Dulin if he was familiar with “Smith and Wesson.” Dulin said he was.
At 11:06 a.m. McLeland asked Dulin about the credit card used to purchase Allen’s fishing licenses. Dulin replied that he did not know what username was used to purchase the licenses.
Dulin told the jury in re-direct by the defense that he has not thought of Allen between 2017 and 2022.
At 11:13 a.m. The jury asked Dulin “What was Allen’s hair like?” Dulin replied that he didn’t know.
Court took a break at 11:18 a.m.

Testimony from Steve Mullin

Court is back in session at 11:35 a.m. as the state called former Delphi police chief Steve Mullin for the third time.
Mullin said he got a call from Richard Allen on Sept. 21, 2022, and then he reached out to Dulin to ask if there was any additional info. Mullin said Dulin forwarded information to him and Tony Liggett, and after learning there were two cars registered to Allen, he went to Hoosier Harvestore to look for them.
He told the jury that Tony Liggett went to the CVS and found Allen’s car and then they looked for it on the Harvestore footage.
Mullin said Liggett looked at the video and found the vehicle matching the description. The timestamp was 1:27 p.m. on Feb. 13, 2017.
Baldwin interjected, telling Mullin that “it’s only your opinion” that your car matches.
Mullin responded that he believes the car in the video was Richard Allen’s. He said the “general shape of the car was the same,” as were the taillights, bumper, rims (black sports rims with spokes).
The jury was shown a 9-second video of the vehicle as it passed from east to west, followed by close-ups of the car.
Some of the car’s major identifying features — including the license plate and VIN — were not visible on the security camera footage. The time on the security camera footage and info from Dulin’s meeting match up, according to News 8’s Kyla Russell.
Mullin said he and Liggett went to Richard Allen’s house on Oct. 13, 2022, and told him they wanted to ask questions about the Delphi investigation.
He told the jury Allen agreed to go to the police department and was taken there in an unmarked car and in plain clothes.
They arrived at the police station, where Mullin said he asked Allen what he was doing on Feb. 13, 2017.
Allen said he went to his mom’s house in Peru, returned to Delphi, and picked up a jacket, went to the trails around 12 p.m., and left at 1:30 p.m.
According to Mullin, Allen told police he drove his Ford Focus to the old DCS building, parked there, and went to the trails. He said he was wearing as a blue/black Carhartt jacket, blue jeans, and a skull cap.
Mullin said Allen told police he saw three girls on the bridge and was “looking at his stock ticker.” Allen then said one of the girls “appeared to be older” and that she was “babysitting.”
Mullin told the jury he showed Allen a photo of “Bridge Guy” and that Allen responded, “If the photo was taken with the girl’s camera, it couldn’t be him.”
The former police chief said Allen agreed to let him look at the phone, but then got angry and walked out of the interview. After that, Allen was taken back to his house.
Court took a lunch break at 12:06 p.m.
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I saw an account or 2 that said at least one juror reacted to her rude demeanor. Part of me feels like she never should have been on the stand. "Well I said that to start with but no one wrote it down and the video no longer exists". As a juror, starting fresh, I would question her testimony.
Yeah, as I gather my own thoughts on the evidence, I think I'll ignore her for the most part.
If only they could report in real time.

Tom said in one of his that the one on the questions and answers and the best at it is NM and that none of the others, both on the P and the D are nearly as good. And yet we've had doubts and such and they started with not the meat of it but it has been laid out and now it is finally coming...

Totally OFF TOPIC and sideways, a week ago maybe I notice

d in reading something or maybe not that long that I forgot RA had an alias listed that was in no way related to his name. Meaning you dind't change it from Richard Nelson to Richard Allen. Both first name and last name had no relationship to his name now.... Did we ever find out what that was about...

Lauren looks tired too and she says every breakm, every little thing, you risk your seat every time you leave and have to stand in line again.

Gull is nasty in what she did that way here.

Short and worth a watch. And I don't always promote Lauren. But my reasons aren't overly serious ones. Just not my fave. But she did sleep outside, etc. and is there.

RA is now in the story line by the P.

OH and on his fishing license he upped his height by two inches... Listen to this. Seriously.. And about army boots as well... I've said it back when...

Just going to have to dive in if I do at all because I'm not going to catch up on the last day... I know some.
Ok thanks. I completely missed that somehow
I heard a fair amount of every question and answer to Cecil. From Tom. That's where I left off I think. A lot more info than any article I've seen. I'm done with the news thing I think, even the ones who are a bit better and don't seem to have an agenda because they aren't covering the half of it.
Continuation from previous post

11:00 a.m. Flurry of orders from Judge Gull.
  • Order returning equipment: Judge Gull returned cameras and equipment to members of the media, after the court confiscated them for violating decorum rules.

  • Order prohibiting defense use of sketches: Judge Gull granted the prosecution motion to prohibit the defense from using the composite sketches of ‘bridge guy’ in the trial.

  • Evidence stipulations: The prosecution and defense have agreed that certain evidence may be admitted to the trial without having to have an expert or witness verifying its origins or confirming a chain of custody. These items include videos of Allen while in custody, medical records and items collected at the crime scene.

  • Jury instructions: Judge Gull released the instructions the jury will receive when the trial is nearly concluded. Those instructions can be read below.

  • Motion to quash subpoena: Robert Ives, the former prosecuting attorney for Carroll County is asking the court to deny the subpoena calling him to testify about his previous work on the case.

  • Kegan Kline transport order: The court has arranged for transportation for inmate Kegan Kline to come to the Carroll County court to testify.


9 a.m.: Court is set to begin

News 8’s Kyla Russell is at the Carroll County Courthouse and will have the latest developments in the Delphi Murders trial.

8 a.m.: Crowd waits to enter courthouse

A crowd of people are waiting for the Carroll County Courthouse to open. Only a few members of the media and the public are allowed to watch the trial each day.

Brief summary of Day 5 in the Delphi murders trial

Wednesday began with a motion from Richard Allen’s attorneys to admit evidence regarding Odinism and the theory that the girls were murdered in a “ritualistic killing.”
In September 2023, the defense filed a memorandum claiming that members of a pagan Norse religion, called Odinism, hijacked by white nationalists, ritualistically sacrificed Abigail Williams and Liberty German.”
The court struck down the Odinism theory last month. Gull has not yet ruled on the latest motion.
The first witness was Dr. Roland Kohr, who performed autopsies on Abby and Libby’s bodies. He described the wounds each girl had. He said the girls did not have blatant defensive wounds or sexual trauma.
Kohr said the girls could have been wounded with a box cutter, according to News 8’s Kyla Russell. This sparked a back-and-forth with the defense, which argued that Kohr’s original report said the girls were wounded with a serrated edge.

Allen’s attorneys accused Kohr of changing his story without telling them.
Second to testify was Sarah Carbaugh, who told the court she saw Bridge Guy walking alongside the road “covered in mud and blood” around 4 p.m. on Feb. 13, 2017, says News 8’s Kyla Russell.

Carbaugh said she recognized the photo of Bridge Guy as the man she saw covered in blood and mud, but that she waited three weeks to notify police because she was scared.
The defense questioned Carbaugh about alleged discrepancies in her descriptions over the years in police interviews. She also claimed a section of her June 2017 police interview was missing.
The state then called Christopher Cecil, commander of the Indiana Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force who spearheaded wo reports on Libby’s cell phone activity.

Cecil said the phone was being used by both girls on the day they disappeared. He told the courts which apps had Libby and Abby’s logins.
He said the the phone was last unlocked around 2:07 p.m. and the Bridge Guy video was taken at 2:13 p.m. At 2:14 p.m., someone tried to unlock the phone with a fingerprint. 2:32 p.m. is the last known movement of the phone.
Libby’s phone stayed on and received messages until at least 10:30 p.m. Although it wasn’t turned off, it stopped receiving messages until 4:33 a.m. on Feb. 14. When asked why this happened, Cecil replied, “I don’t know.”
When asked if the 23 electronic devices seized from Richard Allen in 2022 connected him to Abby and Libby, Cecil said no. He said that nothing linked Allen to the girls, other than having searched for info about the case, Russell reports.

The prosecution pointed out that Allen had a different phone in 2017 not included in the seize. The defense responded that Allen did not have his phone from 2017 in 2022.
So, if I'm reading this correctly, when RA was arrested in 2022, he did not have the same phone as he had in 2017. Was he asked what he did with his old phone? In our family, we usually hand them down to someone or leave it at the store to be wiped out for us. Where is his old phone? He should be able to answer that question and maybe he did and I missed that part.
So, if I'm reading this correctly, when RA was arrested in 2022, he did not have the same phone as he had in 2017. Was he asked what he did with his old phone? In our family, we usually hand them down to someone or leave it at the store to be wiped out for us. Where is his old phone? He should be able to answer that question and maybe he did and I missed that part.
I think we can guess what he did with it, right? Same place as the boxcutter ?
I am positive I read that LE had asked both NASA and The Walt Disney Studios to use their technology clarify/enhance the video of the killer's face. New Sketch is the actual face of the killer after the video was enhanced.

Just MOO and MOO alone: The New Sketch looks sort of feminine, in a butchy way (no offense meant to anyone.) I Think the killer is much thinner than those bulky clothes make them appear. The though has crossed my mind -Is New Sketch that of a woman? Most women when they walk, have that little hip swing/butt wiggle thing going on. If a woman was trying to dress/walk/look like a male as a disguise, wouldn't they try to stop their natural hip swing/butt wiggle way of walk, as that would be a giveaway that the person walking was female.? Maybe disguise their walk by trying to keep their hips still, and locking one of their legs at the knee as they walked, so it appeared to be a type of limp? Ladies, if you are reading this, try locking one leg and then walking as an experiment.

I know it's a wild idea, but I thought I would throw it out there. I have a habit of thinking way outside the box a lot of the time.
View attachment 462

Face of a double killer- Delphi Indiana murders-February 13, 2017
I love you but this is out there. And I wouldn't trust anything Disney to do sh*t right. Not these days anyhow.

He isn't walking like some woman, he is walking like a Midwest man with hands in pockets and as has been said so manyt imes in that regard could e many a man from the area. I can see my EX in him. Seriously. Even in all the years of no arrest, I had moments I wondered,... He traveled for work in our five state area just even on day trips and I often never knew. It isn't him, I'm just saying this is a man.

I do think he may have been an intentionally disguised man and as most witnesses have said was overdressed by far for the day. In these parts men are in sleeveless in 40 degrees, it is a big joke, no coat, these days even in shorts at lesser temps. If it is above freezing ya know, and not below zero, they are tough lol.

I thought that from day one. It was the kind of day teenagers want to wear no coats or sweatshirts, all of us do who live in these areas. Men particularly would never be seen layered up like that.

I'm sorry but taht's no female. That hip swing is also either a not perfect leg, something in the pants, or the rails on the bridge. I am a female and that is not a female hip swing LOL. And not so much any longer at this older age but I was told in life when younger I had one that I did not even realize.

So what, some female dynamo made them undress, had some sick fantasy, was weapon packed, probably military, that absolutely no one at the trails for one minute suspected to be a female dressed as a man did this?

I'm sorry because again I love you, but this is exactly the kind of stuff meant to get out there and has slyly been put out there. Imo.

I may just drop out because this is going to be one of those cases that things have just gone too far with... The rampant speculation due to a lot of things including lack of coverage or information and the D intentional things...

All I have to say on top of that is woe be this world with what is going on if anyone wants it to get better. Hopefully the jurors are and and of course not seeing or hearing any of this.

This isn't at you but is a remark at the system as well, if one can't trust the jurors then what are we doing with a jury system. Just let judges rule and watch what happens then. Is that what people want... Just buy a verdict from either side to the highest bidder...

This secrecy and you name it breeds nothing but rampant speculation and major distrust.

I hope all is well with you. I'm never in the basement any longer. Where are you cat wise? Mine are still brats. Well one brat and one well behaved boy. That the other still picks on...

And I hope you know I'm not attacking you, I just am not in line with this theory. And just as some generations know how to do disagreeing and debating.

Some don't get that. And I"m absolutely fine with bowing out if need be. I've done it before.

Miss a lot of you and you are certainly one. I hope things are working out and you are doing well.
If only they could report in real time.

Tom said in one of his that the one on the questions and answers and the best at it is NM and that none of the others, both on the P and the D are nearly as good. And yet we've had doubts and such and they started with not the meat of it but it has been laid out and now it is finally coming...

Totally OFF TOPIC and sideways, a week ago maybe I notice

d in reading something or maybe not that long that I forgot RA had an alias listed that was in no way related to his name. Meaning you dind't change it from Richard Nelson to Richard Allen. Both first name and last name had no relationship to his name now.... Did we ever find out what that was about...

Lauren looks tired too and she says every breakm, every little thing, you risk your seat every time you leave and have to stand in line again.

Gull is nasty in what she did that way here.

Short and worth a watch. And I don't always promote Lauren. But my reasons aren't overly serious ones. Just not my fave. But she did sleep outside, etc. and is there.

RA is now in the story line by the P.

OH and on his fishing license he upped his height by two inches... Listen to this. Seriously.. And about army boots as well... I've said it back when...

Just going to have to dive in if I do at all because I'm not going to catch up on the last day... I know some.
Craig Ross Renfew right? Nobody has explained that.

I just posted the Dulin testimony. It is mentioned about his height changing from 5'4" to 5' 6" in there.
Craig Ross Renfew right? Nobody has explained that.

I just posted the Dulin testimony. It is mentioned about his height changing from 5'4" to 5' 6" in there.
He lied about his height on a fishing application. Watch Lauren's video if you get a chance. And no offense to short men, but short men do this. A LOT. They get picked on a LOT as women do with far more many things if not perfect.

Haven't seen the Doolin testimony, let's see if I can or can't take it. I haven't gotten anything done either. I am so disgusted with this reporting I am a bit beyond. And don't want to inflict it on anyone else so I may just bow out. It's impressive you are handling it because I more or less can't. You are very strong. I am too but this is driving me over. I need to just watch Tom. Sane and covering just the facts and every question and answer but can't do that right now either.

I've been done with traditional news for the most part for maybe two decades. Seriously. And I am reminded why right now.
I am going to get done what I need to and watch the better alternative news sources with the time and patience I will try to find for it.

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