FL MADELINE SOTO: Missing from Orlando, FL - 26 Feb 2024 - Age 13 *Found Deceased*


Madeline Soto missing: Florida mom begs for daughter's safe return home​

A mother in Orange County is begging for help locating her missing daughter.

Madeline ‘Maddie’ Soto was last seen on Monday, one day after she and her family celebrated her 13th birthday. Maddie’s mother, Jenn Soto, said surveillance video shows Maddie hanging out in a church parking lot on February 26 after being dropped off for school, but she never made it inside.

"I’m trying to hope for the best, but I’m scared for her," said Jenn Soto. "I want her to be okay; I want her to be safe… I don’t want her to come back harmed. I just want her back – whatever that means, I just want her back."

Jenn Soto said sheriff’s deputies are using K9s and a piece of Maddie’s clothing to try to track her scent near Town Loop Boulevard.

According to Jenn Soto, Maddie had never run away before. She said the teen had forgotten her cell phone at home that morning, but that was normal.

As of Wednesday morning, a variety of search teams are out searching for Maddie.

MEDIA - MADELINE SOTO: Missing from Orlando, FL - 26 Feb 2024 - Age 13
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He got a call at 10:43 that he needed to come up there, by both Jenn and Stephan on speaker that he needed to come up there, were being kicked out, and needed to a place to stay, etc... He met them at the hotel... They paid for their own room, etc. so why did they need him up there...??
I'm not listening to what you are... why do you think they needed him up there?
interesting. Dad asked if she lawyered up. Detective said no. Meaning Jen. AT this point anyhow.

Now mom is piping in oh boy... Mostly it has been dad talking...
I mean Stephan disappeared and went BACK to their place after getting dad to come there from their place (the folks)... Well both got him to come there...
Money, car, cover, etc. Because Stephan disappeared...
You mean Madeline disappeared, not Stephan?
Or do you mean when Stephan disappeard in the middle of the night to "search" as he later told Jenn?
You know, Jenn only found out later that he'd taken her car...And as for money, you said they paid for their own hotel room and I don't know what you mean by "cover"...
I'm very confused, lol!
You mean Madeline disappeared, not Stephan?
Or do you mean when Stephan disappeard in the middle of the night to "search" as he later told Jenn?
You know, Jenn only found out later that he'd taken her car...And as for money, you said they paid for their own hotel room and I don't know what you mean by "cover"...
I'm very confused, lol!
No, I mean Stephan did. They called dad to come to in to the hotel they had to stay at when the home was being secured and searched. BOTH. On speaker phone. He showered, got moving, left about midnight. Got there, got his own room, etc. Went to bed. Next morning, Stephan was missing. That's the night his mom's dogs alerted like someone trying to enter house. There is a whole story about it in this interview.

So they call him in, Stephan takes off in the middle of the night and goes to folks place dad had come from!

Detectives were coming to talk to them and he wasn't there when detectives got to hotel...

I tell ya, it's interesting.
No, I mean Stephan did. They called dad to come to in to the hotel they had to stay at when the home was being secured and searched. BOTH. On speaker phone. He showered, got moving, left about midnight. Got there, got his own room, etc. Went to bed. Next morning, Stephan was missing. That's the night his mom's dogs alerted like someone trying to enter house. There is a whole story about it in this interview.

So they call him in, Stephan takes off in the middle of the night and goes to folks place dad had come from!

Detectives were coming to talk to them and he wasn't there when detectives got to hotel...

I tell ya, it's interesting.
Yeah, it's interesting where he actually went and what he actually did but I don't know why you think Jenn has anything to do with it.
Were you able to hear the phone call for yourself? I'd have to hear it for myself before I could possibly ascertain why the father went to the hotel.
Yeah, it's interesting where he actually went and what he actually did but I don't know why you think Jenn has anything to do with it.
Were you able to hear the phone call for yourself? I'd have to hear it for myself before I could possibly ascertain why the father went to the hotel.
Well there are just things I don't like and her one interview just really didn't sit well with me. Another one sat better but further in, it didn't either.

No the phone call can't be heard, how could it? They called them. The dogs all alerted that night to someone at the home. I may need to rewatch that portion because the dad was saying something about the door, or something and that he knew Steven couldn't get in without a clicker. I'm unsure if they had a way of knowing for certain it was him. GPS perhaps? Like I said I may relisten to that part. He went missing and the mom was home alone when someone came out there, I don't have much doubt it was him and they think so or know so.

You know she sent her daughter to bed with him in a room with only one twin bed. Jenn I mean.

The parents had a lot to say about the two and her getting high all of the time, constantly and more. The two fed off each other.

Anyhow, I'm sure I said things as I watched hers.

I'm definitely going to watch or I should say listen to any LE interviews. I wonder if they obtained ones of her mother and sister, etc... Haven't heard or seen so far...
I didn't have this all correctly but they know he went to Northport. After they called the dad to come all the way up to Orlando. I beleive by GPS or by license plate reader. I have relistened and unclear on that but believe GPS...

I'm wondering about the hours here because it is sounding like Jenn lied to the dad about how long he had been gone...

So he found out from someone named Alex, and I'm guessing that is an LE officer. I can get the time stamps if you want them for this segment? BOTH did call him late that day and said he needed to come to Orlando. It is't really clear on why but I guess for one he paid for her dog to stay at the hotel. Or reimbursed her and she had had to pay so for one I'm guessing a need for money. Second, the educated guess and sounds like maybe they didn't know how long they would need to arrange to stay out of the home and were going to try to find other accommodations and needed financial help?

HOWEVER, it looks like perhaps they were just getting him out of his house... So Stephen could head to theirs...?

BOTH Jenn and Stephan were on speaker phone when they asked him to come and I'm sure this can at least be verified, even if the conversation unheard and it adds up because he got ready, packed, showered and left around midnight or some such. They called late. 10 something. There were also more calls as he drove and got there and such as to where the hotel was, etc... So they KNOW he was in Northport and he was told that, LATER.

Also when he was leaving, their electronic keypad was not lighting up or working. Had it about four years and he figured the batteries finally gave. He managed to get the front door locked. He called his wife and let her know that if she went out she would be unable to get back in that way and would need to have the garage clicker to use the garage door. So he later realized if Stephan went there with any intent of entering the home he wouldn't have been able to get in.

you know Jennifer called the dad in the morning when she said he was missing and only for about 25 minutes (that isn't adding up I don't think, although times not sure of but he found an hour earlier than he thought and more and other stuff about that but anyhow) , she called to ask if he was with his dad. Welll why? Because her keys were missing would she think with dad?

Just more fishiness. It doesn't sound like HE KNOWS why he was told he needs to come up. He said over the whole time there, cumulatively tops he talked to Stephan or was with him maybe 30 to 35 minutes!

Clearly they called him to come up and then Stephan headed for their house...

They then of course after knowing all of this put pieces together and the wife had been alerted by the dogs in the middle of the night when her hub was gone...And again BOTH Jennifer and Stephan called him to come on speaker phone.

The dogs alerted at 3:19 a.m. There isn't any evidence this was Stephan, and it was what they describe as a 'war" bark by all which is very distinct and meant to high alert or some such.

Dad can't figure out why there but to access the home for some reason, to steal, whatever. He would have been able to had the electronic keypad worked. But it wasn't working.

So anyhow, it appears clear Jenn lied about him being gone 25 minutes when she called his dad. That's the time I think she said. She didn't say "I don't know" or that she awoke and he was gone or anything like that...Again it is KNOWN he was in Northport.

Dad also wondered if he didn't do it to throw cops off trail of where Maddie was put...

They are very, very forthcoming unlike Jenn who was careful, measured and totally different. They do not hesitate to tell anything and I'm actually some impressed because they are not protecting him and much of what they say is dam*ing. The mother DOES involve Jenn in it but hey, tons of people think so too and they knew her and them.

Many parents would be protective and wary and they're just telling what they know, all of it. You can just tell, especially the dad, but both.

Both talk of her inability to keep any job. Also doesn't want to lose her disability. More. He too but he WAS at Disney a year, not her. She couldn't commit to or stick with any for longer than a couple of weeks.

Anyhow that's mostly it on the incident and his leaving and going to Northport part. So don't want to start on other topics in this post anyhow.

I will try to get the timestamps before I go too much further and forget. It is the Plunder video. The first part is her for some length of time but then it is the actual interview audio recording with the parents uninterrupted. She almost never interrupts, I wish other YTers would learn that one.

So I can't give the actual recording time in of the interview because I am not watching one that stands alone, it is in a show but in full.

1:16 in (Hour and sixteen). In the Plunder video above. I'm not going to look again for the exact end of it. The entire interview is well worth hearing. I keep saying video but it's an audio BUT being played on her video.

Well Frank just drew blood. My entire right arm is scars from this CAT!

Anyhow I don't know how long the part was, I doubt more than 15 minutes, maybe less. They cover it for a fair bit.

Right before that is dad not buying his phone ended up reset over an OS update when Stephan told him. Again there's lots in this.

I've actually done a total rewatch of how far I was through the interview and felt worth it.

By the way plenty of calls to his dad from Jenn too, etc. They have all the records.

And aside, mom and dad were paying for Stephan's phone. The man has never been self sufficient, neither has Jenn from all it sounds like.

When Stephan did get back that day, the two of them went to sleep like the dead all morning, half the day, whatever. Dad had to be really wondering what the heck he was called up there for in the first place...

Okay trying to stay on course here to the ONE subject.

I figured I better go look for the start before I got too much further. There is on depart left and that's about the presser as far as when dad was in Orlando.
Let me try to finish this portion. Dad gave him a phone he didn't use but had for business, an extra since LE had Stephan's phone. He said here use this, at this point, thinking son innocent of course. They went downstairs and met with the detectives. I believe at the hotel they were staying at. They were then escorted away (Jenn and Stephan) and last time dad saw that phone etc. other than S calling him to tell him, when they pull in to the Orange County Operastion Center for a press conference, they will drive straight back and dad is to go to left and park out in front of main building.

Dad gets inside expecting to meet up with J and S to go up to press conference but trying to reach them but phone he gave S was now dead or turned off and finally J responds to him, says they are making arrangements (I assume officials) go inside, get a pass (maybe he was still outside expecting to meet them)and they will take you up to the press conference and they will escort you up but by time he got up there presser was over. Now he wonders where is everyone.

Anyhow this part doesn't really relate to Stephan going missing that night or morning... But it finishes out the part about them calling his dad to come to Orlando... So going to leave it clean here and almost all I kept to that subject and part of their interview.
Of other note, the detective confirmed when dad asked if Jenn had lawyered up and said she had NOT. However, this was on March 1st, a long time ago.

But you know, she doesn't have any money for an attorney imo and I'd say only if family was paying such is it very likely even now.
Boy. OKAY. Don't know if I can do it, but I feel a need to finish this out. I have rewatched ALL of what I had aleady seen of this video and the recording of the interview AND finally got back to where left toff and the final I don't know may be 20 minutes, half hour. The last several minutes are worthwhile too but I can't stress enough watch off of it and the context to understand.

The dad throughout, who was the overall main talker, never really came down on Jenn a whole lot, mom did a few times. But NEITHER were under illusions as to their son either. As it would towards later time in it, mom did somewhat kind of go on about Stephan and more of a boys will be boys kind of mother talk as far as back when, girls glomming onto him, etc. I find this pretty understandable. But NEITHER one really made excuses for him but mom here and there involved Jennife remote, dad very little, just facts and a few things here and there.

Then we hit towards the end....

You know heading towards winding up, what more is there to say do you want to add anything, etc. I don't even know that the detectve asked that but the dad asked if he could make a personal observation. Detective said sure....

And wow. Neither one has EXCUSED their son, in fact I think they have faced it. At least in this interview and at this point. The mom does have some moments throughout she kind of does a blame the female kind of thing here and there... But even though i've heard she is like such and what she did in letters to him I prison, etc. I don't find her overboard that way in this. AND she like the dad throughout makes no bones about or seems to be hiding anything with regard to Stephan, his issues, etc.

It was DAD who had not said much that way that added his personal observations about Jenn... And this part too was when she had been told by LE Stephan had been molesting Maddie, she said for two years (we know that's false) and she just found this out and they even accept this about their SON but she tells his dad he needs to get him a lawyer, calls, tells him, etc. And she JUST found OUT what her daughter had been going through or did SHE?

Again, especially dad, is right up facing what son did, both are. But WHAT???

And there's more but I am wiped with a double watch, finish and just life last few days.

DAD says it and again throughout he really didn't share the kinds of things mom did here and there are Jenn... And he isn't like saying his son did not do this, he is more saying WTF is this mom not reacting to what my son did to her, telling me he needs a lawyer, when she just found out what this child had gone through? Or again, HAD she....

It also then got into the lack of sex between Stephan and Jenn...

But if you watch the entire thing, and listen to the dad throughout and then hear this at the end, well you will find it far more impactful because he didn't say almost anything like such throughout.

They answered all, very willingly, did not stick up for son, other than you know, when asked about childhood and some things and just issues and other, never ONCE tried to make him innocent, either one. And dad particularly. And at the end when things relax a bit and they can add something, wow.

And it is what almost EVERYONE SEES IN THIS MOTHER.

I fI was naive, trusting, and just found out my bf was molesting my child per her for two years (maybe at that point what she had been told by LE or they had found this far), I would freaking not be saying he needs an attorney, get him one. LISTEN to what she said and did. I fact, I would be losing it on him, anyone who raised him and railing abut what happened to my child! This IS the must see part. Or hearing part.

But again, I recommend the full watch, I mean listen, of his parent's interview to get context to judge and see why this is so believable because of the entire talk by dad throughout about anything and everything to get him saying such here.

Mom does have her moments.

Also at the end the Laundries came up. The Petito case... And how those parents were hated on.. Same area...ENTIRELY different though. Even mom did not excuse him I this. There are moments that it seems she kind of falls into something like such BUT neither excuse him, neither don't talk of all his problems, neither figure he will ever be coming back home, etc.

Jenn's videos were controlled, measured, careful and milk toast. This is an interview. And it really isn't. They just offered, talked and wasn't that structured. And seem very freaking truthful to me. Again mom has some moments, but she let him talk for the most part and let me tell you any mother would. But in no way does she act like or think, at this point, he did not do what he accused of.

AS for dad, like I said, he never really said a whole lot against Jen throughout but he did at the end.

And THAT, is notalble. Imo.

BEst I can do with a rewatch and a heck of a time and tired. And then seeing the final part for the first time. And this is not a show like some final major spectular ending to a video, it is the tail end of the actual LE interview. Imo they deserve some credit where I think they've been torn apart. Like I said mom has her moments and where I think she is kind of doing a side with son thing, but not that many and one has to see it THROUGHOUT to realize she too is not saying her son did not do this or is clueless at this point.
Boy. OKAY. Don't know if I can do it, but I feel a need to finish this out. I have rewatched ALL of what I had aleady seen of this video and the recording of the interview AND finally got back to where left toff and the final I don't know may be 20 minutes, half hour. The last several minutes are worthwhile too but I can't stress enough watch off of it and the context to understand.

The dad throughout, who was the overall main talker, never really came down on Jenn a whole lot, mom did a few times. But NEITHER were under illusions as to their son either. As it would towards later time in it, mom did somewhat kind of go on about Stephan and more of a boys will be boys kind of mother talk as far as back when, girls glomming onto him, etc. I find this pretty understandable. But NEITHER one really made excuses for him but mom here and there involved Jennife remote, dad very little, just facts and a few things here and there.

Then we hit towards the end....

You know heading towards winding up, what more is there to say do you want to add anything, etc. I don't even know that the detectve asked that but the dad asked if he could make a personal observation. Detective said sure....

And wow. Neither one has EXCUSED their son, in fact I think they have faced it. At least in this interview and at this point. The mom does have some moments throughout she kind of does a blame the female kind of thing here and there... But even though i've heard she is like such and what she did in letters to him I prison, etc. I don't find her overboard that way in this. AND she like the dad throughout makes no bones about or seems to be hiding anything with regard to Stephan, his issues, etc.

It was DAD who had not said much that way that added his personal observations about Jenn... And this part too was when she had been told by LE Stephan had been molesting Maddie, she said for two years (we know that's false) and she just found this out and they even accept this about their SON but she tells his dad he needs to get him a lawyer, calls, tells him, etc. And she JUST found OUT what her daughter had been going through or did SHE?

Again, especially dad, is right up facing what son did, both are. But WHAT???

And there's more but I am wiped with a double watch, finish and just life last few days.

DAD says it and again throughout he really didn't share the kinds of things mom did here and there are Jenn... And he isn't like saying his son did not do this, he is more saying WTF is this mom not reacting to what my son did to her, telling me he needs a lawyer, when she just found out what this child had gone through? Or again, HAD she....

It also then got into the lack of sex between Stephan and Jenn...

But if you watch the entire thing, and listen to the dad throughout and then hear this at the end, well you will find it far more impactful because he didn't say almost anything like such throughout.

They answered all, very willingly, did not stick up for son, other than you know, when asked about childhood and some things and just issues and other, never ONCE tried to make him innocent, either one. And dad particularly. And at the end when things relax a bit and they can add something, wow.

And it is what almost EVERYONE SEES IN THIS MOTHER.

I fI was naive, trusting, and just found out my bf was molesting my child per her for two years (maybe at that point what she had been told by LE or they had found this far), I would freaking not be saying he needs an attorney, get him one. LISTEN to what she said and did. I fact, I would be losing it on him, anyone who raised him and railing abut what happened to my child! This IS the must see part. Or hearing part.

But again, I recommend the full watch, I mean listen, of his parent's interview to get context to judge and see why this is so believable because of the entire talk by dad throughout about anything and everything to get him saying such here.

Mom does have her moments.

Also at the end the Laundries came up. The Petito case... And how those parents were hated on.. Same area...ENTIRELY different though. Even mom did not excuse him I this. There are moments that it seems she kind of falls into something like such BUT neither excuse him, neither don't talk of all his problems, neither figure he will ever be coming back home, etc.

Jenn's videos were controlled, measured, careful and milk toast. This is an interview. And it really isn't. They just offered, talked and wasn't that structured. And seem very freaking truthful to me. Again mom has some moments, but she let him talk for the most part and let me tell you any mother would. But in no way does she act like or think, at this point, he did not do what he accused of.

AS for dad, like I said, he never really said a whole lot against Jen throughout but he did at the end.

And THAT, is notalble. Imo.

BEst I can do with a rewatch and a heck of a time and tired. And then seeing the final part for the first time. And this is not a show like some final major spectular ending to a video, it is the tail end of the actual LE interview. Imo they deserve some credit where I think they've been torn apart. Like I said mom has her moments and where I think she is kind of doing a side with son thing, but not that many and one has to see it THROUGHOUT to realize she too is not saying her son did not do this or is clueless at this point.
So if I have it straight, Stephan's father assumed that Stephan and Jenn needed him around for moral support but the next thing he knew, Jenn called to ask if Stephan was with him.
Well, it makes sense to me that if Jenn didn't know where Stephan was, she would think he might be with his father, which doesn't sound to me like Jenn was in on what ever Sterns was up to.

Anyway, yes, it sounds like Sterns went to his parent's home but couldn't get in because of a circumstance he hadn't known about. Well, the only reason I can imagine that he'd have to go there is to destroy incriminating evidence. I'm not recalling whether LE executed a search warrant at the parent's home but I think surely they did...
So if I have it straight, Stephan's father assumed that Stephan and Jenn needed him around for moral support but the next thing he knew, Jenn called to ask if Stephan was with him.
Well, it makes sense to me that if Jenn didn't know where Stephan was, she would think he might be with his father, which doesn't sound to me like Jenn was in on what ever Sterns was up to.

Anyway, yes, it sounds like Sterns went to his parent's home but couldn't get in because of a circumstance he hadn't known about. Well, the only reason I can imagine that he'd have to go there is to destroy incriminating evidence. I'm not recalling whether LE executed a search warrant at the parent's home but I think surely they did...
You know, I don't know and there are some many "little" things like this. And in her interviews she said many times "we" took her to school. Interestingly, Stephan first told his parents he dropped her off and then forever after it turned into "we" also.

I don't expect you to change your mind and I'm not sure, but she is most definitely more in question with me than ever before.

And her keys were gone, why would he be with dad? The entire thing seems like plan to me, them calling him to come, Stephan then heading there, Jenn calling to ask if him with dad, and he was not going for 25 minutes for goodness sakes and that's what she claimed.

Let me just put it this way, I can see why so many think she was involved.

He also had at least an hour there in which the dad had no idea what he was doing during that time. More actually. In Northport. Or North Port. However it is spelled.

His mother thinks by the way the person seen on video that was at first thought to be Maddie was Jenn dressed like Maddie. At the church.

Explain to me why she corrected Stephan as to what she was wearing and to the cops. She didn't see her you said right?

Like I said, there are many things that just don't quite gel.

And let's not even mention being so allegedly blind for years on end but also sending your kid of to a twin bed with your bf the night she ends up murdered or next morning.

She also paid for him to make the trip to come up there.

And had been fighting with her daughter regularly, per his mom of course, so I allow that comes from her.

Her telling his dad to get him a lawyer on finding out "supposedly" for the first time he had been molesting her daughter and this is after daughter went missing also is HUGE. Her concern is all in the wrong place and is not for her daughter but for him. She should have been devastated, outraged and angry as HE77 at him. That alone, and that in and of itself, loses me from fathoming a mother like her.

She is by far not upset ever over her daughter from the time she goes missing and instead of her finally breaking down, she gets even more calm as time goes on. I even allow for her taking of meds that she doesn't have the normal behavior or effect one would expect.

You know too, this is not the only time during this he took off in her car. He also went back to the disposal site in it. Apparently the woman just sleeps and notices nothing and leaves her car keys for anyone to grab. Assuming of course it was him and him alone.

You know, he was extremely anxious about something and upset the day before he headed there. All I can figure is the plan was already in place or there was a need to ensure Maddie ended up dead. WHY? Jenn's paying the expense of him coming up and they wanted him to despite the fact they were "broken up".

I guess alternatively she is the most innocent and clueless woman who has ever walked our planet.

While some things come from his folks, we can rest assured investigators know more. They are the ones that know the car was in Northport and advised the parents. Jenn's car! Not sure they were "sighted" him himself... But I'd imagine it enters at some point the hotel parking lot and they have other sightings or video. Pretty naive not to think they looked for such or have such and so I figure that's a logical thought.

THEY asked him to come up. SHE said he'd been gone 25 minutes. They both do the "we" thing as to dropping her at school.

You know, even minimally at the least, her sending her to bed with a man not her father to me is neglect.

As to break up, she didn't want Stephan as a "partner".

This is about the child of course, she is the victim here. And regardless of all else, her mother failed her miserably for YEARS on END at minimum. ANd then on finding out what she endured at the hands of Stephan, was worried about HIM having a lawyer. WHY? Maybe an interest in keep him silent which a lawyer would advise immediately.

She should have had NO concern for him at that point and any normal parent would have wanted to hunt him down NOT help him AND be more concerned than ever as to where her daughter was.

Am I sold on anything re her? No. But my meter has definitely tipped against her.
It was DAD who had not said much that way that added his personal observations about Jenn... And this part too was when she had been told by LE Stephan had been molesting Maddie, she said for two years (we know that's false) and she just found this out and they even accept this about their SON but she tells his dad he needs to get him a lawyer, calls, tells him, etc. And she JUST found OUT what her daughter had been going through or did SHE?

DAD says it and again throughout he really didn't share the kinds of things mom did here and there are Jenn... And he isn't like saying his son did not do this, he is more saying WTF is this mom not reacting to what my son did to her, telling me he needs a lawyer, when she just found out what this child had gone through? Or again, HAD she....

I fI was naive, trusting, and just found out my bf was molesting my child per her for two years (maybe at that point what she had been told by LE or they had found this far), I would freaking not be saying he needs an attorney, get him one. LISTEN to what she said and did. I fact, I would be losing it on him, anyone who raised him and railing abut what happened to my child! This IS the must see part. Or hearing part.

But again, I recommend the full watch, I mean listen, of his parent's interview to get context to judge and see why this is so believable because of the entire talk by dad throughout about anything and everything to get him saying such here.
I'm open to listening to interviews and reading documents- it's my preference to learn info from the source, of course- but I won't watch Grizzly or Plunder. I'd rather live without the info than support those channels in any way, shape, or form.
Simply put, I think Jenn was exceptionally naive and trusting of Sterns and that Sterns was/is exceptionally devious and manipulative and so I'd expect she'd have difficulty accepting evidence that he'd been molesting Madeline.
Something else I think needs to be added. The day STephan headed to Orlando I think dad talked to him and knew he arrived like at around 6:30 if I recall. But then he said it threw him when at around 8:30 or somewhere thereabouts there was some kind of pass which I take to be a toll pass, I forget what he called such, that must go onto dad's account. TWO OF THEM. Back and forth? Crossed two? Unsure. Wish I recalled what they were called but he had charges I take it to him and so could see such.

Now Jenn claimed I forget what time her sister dropped Jenn off and thought Stephan showed up a short time later. Ten minutes, more or some such...

Personally, I have not decided this child was not killed Sunday night. Due to various things. Wondered from start and other things in these interviews do not clear that but make me wonder still and maybe more..

IF SO, Jenn never even saw her Sunday night OR she did but not in the story in the way she gave.

It's jmo but there is absolutely no reason for her to be clear of suspicion here from what we have and in fact just the opposite.

WTF were they even having him come for?

And on top of it, he was NEVER invited to the family functions like the bday party, Christmas, etc. Clearly her family had a big problem with him.

Jenn also said Sunday was the last day they had her. Hey, wasn't it Monday?

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