CA MAYA "MAY" MILLETE: Missing from Chula Vista, CA - 7 Jan 2021 - Age 39 *ARREST*

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Maya “May” Millete, 39, was last seen Thursday evening in her Chula Vista home near the San Miguel Ranch area, according to her loved ones. Family and friends said her car is still at her home and her phone has been going to voicemail since her disappearance.

Hospitals, jails and morgues have been contacted by the woman’s kin, but they said she has not been found at any of those locations.

Maya and Larry Millete are high school sweethearts married for 21 years with three children — ages 4, 9, and 11.

Maya has been missing from her Chula Vista home since last week. Millete says they had argued the night before.

"We had problems this year, up and downs," Millete told ABC 10News.

He said his wife has left before for the night to blow off steam, but he became worried when she didn't show up for their daughter's birthday on Sunday.

"If she didn't have her car, a friend would have to pick her up. That's the only reason I was like, 'maybe she's wine tasting or hiking with a friend,'" says Millete.

Maya works as a defense contractor at Naval Base San Diego and didn't show up for work on Monday.

"I called her boss, she didn't even log in. And that's the other alarming part, because work for her is like a party ... that's her outlet," Millete says.

Millete says he will continue to search, anxiously waiting.

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Search continues for missing Chula Vista mother of 3​

Police say they are “actively investigating” the disappearance of a 39-year-old mother of three who went missing two weeks ago.

Maya “May” Millete was reported missing to Chula Vista police early Jan. 10 and last communicated with her family in a group text a few days before that.

Her family has organized volunteers to search for Millete, who lives in the San Miguel Ranch area of Chula Vista with her husband and three children, ages 4, 9 and 11.

Family members searched trails in the park because they initially believed Millete had gone for a walk after an argument with her husband. Her vehicle is still parked at the family’s home. They said the last time she replied to anyone on a family text string was Jan. 7.

Family members said when they went to the home looking for Millete, they were told by her husband that he thought she was in a bedroom at the family home.

Chula Vista family hires investigator to help in search for missing mom​

It's now been two weeks since anyone has heard from Maya Millete. The 39-year-old, from Chula Vista, went missing on Thursday, Jan. 7. Her family hasn't stopped looking for her since.

The family has gathered with the community for two searches in the South Bay, they've created a Facebook search page, handed out fliers, and most recently hired a private investigator.

Maya, who also goes by May, missed her now 11-year-old's birthday, that is when the family grew even more concerned saying it was not like her to leave her children.

Millete's car is still at her Chula Vista home. There has been no activity on her bank statements and her phone goes straight to voicemail.

Police serve search warrant at missing Chula Vista woman’s home​

Chula Vista Police served a search warrant at the home of a missing Chula Vista woman Saturday.

According to police, the goal of the warrant was to obtain evidence and clues regarding Maya Millete’s whereabouts. “The Chula Vista Police Department's focus will continue to be locating May safe and in good health,” authorities said.

Detectives previously said the couple had marital problems and that they had no leads or any indication of foul play. Millete’s brother-in-law, Richard Drouaillet, said the couple got into an argument the day before her disappearance.

"He says it's not the first time she has gone away, but my wife knows her sister really well, and she knows that this is not normal," Drouaillet said.

The family says their only goal is to find Millete. "It's overwhelming, there's nothing else to do but get her home. That's the number one thing ... Find her, get her home," Drouaillet added.

The Chula Vista Police Department served a search warrant Saturday at the home of a Chula Vista mom who disappeared at the beginning of the month.

May "Maya" Millete was last seen on January 7, two days before a planned family trip to Big Bear for her daughter’s birthday. May has not been heard of or seen since.

On Saturday, CVPD continued investigating the case by serving a search warrant at her home in Paseo Los Gatos in Chula Vista.

This provides a bit more clarity. Though it's still not entirely logical. It helps nail down the timeline and what happened a little bit. (At least, what the husband reports.)

Phone call with husband of missing Chula Vista mom, Maya Millete​

My own summary:

Husband first noticed she was missing on Saturday morning (January 9).

Thursday night (January 7) they got into an argument. They'd been having "problems" for about a year.

Friday (January 8) he could "hear" her but didn't physically see her. He was giving her space. Heard her making dinner. "I don't need the space, she always wants the space." He left 2 daughters home with her on Friday for homeschooling, took his son somewhere. She was still there (heard) when he got back.

Saturday morning (January 9). her parents came by. Her door was locked, so he "got the key". She was gone. Assumed a friend maybe picked her up to go on a morning hike or wine tasting. She hadn't come home by that evening. Apparently around 12 am they went to the police station and were told to check the hospitals first. Around 12:30 am (2:30? can't tell) they finally filed the police report (January 10). Around 4:30 the investigation started. Cops came. NCIS came.

He wasn't really worried until she missed her daughter's birthday (January 10). Hoping she just needs time and voluntarily left. But really worried and shaken. She's left before but never for more than a day.
This provides a bit more clarity. Though it's still not entirely logical. It helps nail down the timeline and what happened a little bit. (At least, what the husband reports.)

Phone call with husband of missing Chula Vista mom, Maya Millete​

My own summary:

Husband first noticed she was missing on Saturday morning (January 9).

Thursday night (January 7) they got into an argument. They'd been having "problems" for about a year.

Friday (January 8) he could "hear" her but didn't physically see her. He was giving her space. Heard her making dinner. "I don't need the space, she always wants the space." He left 2 daughters home with her on Friday for homeschooling, took his son somewhere. She was still there (heard) when he got back.

Saturday morning (January 9). her parents came by. Her door was locked, so he "got the key". She was gone. Assumed a friend maybe picked her up to go on a morning hike or wine tasting. She hadn't come home by that evening. Apparently around 12 am they went to the police station and were told to check the hospitals first. Around 12:30 am (2:30? can't tell) they finally filed the police report (January 10). Around 4:30 the investigation started. Cops came. NCIS came.

He wasn't really worried until she missed her daughter's birthday (January 10). Hoping she just needs time and voluntarily left. But really worried and shaken. She's left before but never for more than a day.
So he didn’t talk to her but he assumed she went off with friends. What about the children? She wouldn’t of asked him to watch the children before she took off wine tasting? This doesn’t sound good. It doesn’t sound good at all and it makes me very sad.
Millete’s husband, Larry, told News 8 investigators seized property before leaving around 1 a.m. Sunday morning. Neighbors told her family they saw police using what appeared to be "forensic lights" although police would not confirm details about their actions.

Foxx emphasized the family has been cooperative with police since Millete was reported missing on Jan. 10 and said her husband was not the focus of the warrant.
Millete’s husband, Larry, told News 8 investigators seized property before leaving around 1 a.m. Sunday morning. Neighbors told her family they saw police using what appeared to be "forensic lights" although police would not confirm details about their actions.

Foxx emphasized the family has been cooperative with police since Millete was reported missing on Jan. 10 and said her husband was not the focus of the warrant.
He said her husband is not the focus of the warrant? I’ve never heard them say anything like that before!

Police use K9s, forensic lights to search home of missing Chula Vista woman​

Police searched the home of a missing Chula Vista woman Saturday.

10News spoke with the family of Maya Millete about the search warrant. Watch the video above for more.

PERSONAL SUMMARY: Search took nearly 7 hours. Search dogs. Searched in the back yard. Took pictures. Opened the garage. Investigators took several items from the home.


Police use K9s, forensic lights to search home of missing Chula Vista woman​

Police searched the home of a missing Chula Vista woman Saturday.

10News spoke with the family of Maya Millete about the search warrant. Watch the video above for more.

PERSONAL SUMMARY: Search took nearly 7 hours. Search dogs. Searched in the back yard. Took pictures. Opened the garage. Investigators took several items from the home.

According to the video, the family has hired a private investigator. Again, I’m hoping that some fruit comes out of that. I haven’t seen where a PI has really done a lot in a case, but I’m sure that they’ve been helpful somewhere.

Police use K9s, forensic lights to search home of missing Chula Vista woman​

Police searched the home of a missing Chula Vista woman Saturday.

10News spoke with the family of Maya Millete about the search warrant. Watch the video above for more.

PERSONAL SUMMARY: Search took nearly 7 hours. Search dogs. Searched in the back yard. Took pictures. Opened the garage. Investigators took several items from the home.

Also another thing that struck me watching that video, is that Police didn’t get their search warrant until three weeks after she was missing. There could be evidence missing, whether intentional or unintentional.
This provides a bit more clarity. Though it's still not entirely logical. It helps nail down the timeline and what happened a little bit. (At least, what the husband reports.)

Phone call with husband of missing Chula Vista mom, Maya Millete​

My own summary:

Husband first noticed she was missing on Saturday morning (January 9).

Thursday night (January 7) they got into an argument. They'd been having "problems" for about a year.

Friday (January 8) he could "hear" her but didn't physically see her. He was giving her space. Heard her making dinner. "I don't need the space, she always wants the space." He left 2 daughters home with her on Friday for homeschooling, took his son somewhere. She was still there (heard) when he got back.

Saturday morning (January 9). her parents came by. Her door was locked, so he "got the key". She was gone. Assumed a friend maybe picked her up to go on a morning hike or wine tasting. She hadn't come home by that evening. Apparently around 12 am they went to the police station and were told to check the hospitals first. Around 12:30 am (2:30? can't tell) they finally filed the police report (January 10). Around 4:30 the investigation started. Cops came. NCIS came.oo

He wasn't really worried until she missed her daughter's birthday (January 10). Hoping she just needs time and voluntarily left. But really worried and shaken. She's left before but never for more than a day.
I had some questions and thoughts after listening to the phone call with the husband:

At the beginning he said they were living like roommates.....for how long?

He said he had to unlock the door when her parents came over and they were trying to look for her. Why was there a lock on the door at all ?
Did they normally sleep apart (like one them was a loud snorer)or was it only after arguments?

If she went out drinking with her friend was she picked up ? If so, did she actually make it home or maybe go missing from the bar or split away from her from friends?
At one point he stated that this whole situation is embarrassing. Wonder why he would say that?

Those are just a few things I picked out of the phone call? After listening to it I believe in my humble he had somethíng to do with her disappearance.
What is it that got her parents worried to begin with? Guessing she did not answer her phone for a day or something?

I also do not get the locked door. Was it a door that locked her in from the outside? Or she locked it to have privacy from him or something and yet he had a key? Sounds so odd to me. And so if she left on her own, she locked it to make it appear she was in there?? Is that what we are to believe? I don't get the locked door and key at all. I also don't get hearing her but not seeing her for a day or whatever in the same home... It sounds like a very strange situation particularly for children to see and experience with two parents what, avoiding each other in the same household...?

In no way am I sticking up for him but the embarrassing part I think he meant that maybe she is embarrassed by the "hoopla" of media and cops involved for her to come forward and let people know she is safe...

He does not completely throw her under the bus as some do but the hints are there of her drinking more lately and being out late. There was as often there is an admission of a small or slight argument...

I think the biggest red flag to me is her needing space and him saying he is not like that and does not need space. It makes me think of control, crowding and smothering. He remarked somewhat of something like saying to her they have three children and what she was doing or what lifestyle not being right or good as they had kids (I don't have it exact, paraphrasing)... Now there are people in marriages who go through wanting their freedom or fun and perhaps she was doing something like that not to the best interest of children and marriage but his remarks about it if so or if not so, bother me... And if she was NOT doing that as he says she was, then that is a really big red flag.

To try for fairness though, not always my strong point in a case of a missing woman, he seems to talk pretty freely without guardedness in the phone call. That is unusual imo. Even the best of them generally have their guard up some or are worried about media or people in this internet crime following age tearing their words and actions apart. He truly does not seem to hesitate in responding or stop to think about what he is going to say and he cannot know what question is coming next...

The classic indicators are there though. No bank activity. No vehicle missing. No one can reach her. No contact. Three children and him and no one sees her leave, hears her leave, nor knows she is gone until her parents come looking? An argument. Troubles for about a year per him. Her needing space. A married couple estranged in their own home with children and doing their own thing, going separate ways. Or so it sounds. He didn't like it that way and makes it sounds as if she needed it and wanted it that way. Her spending time away from home with family or friends probably to stay away from him as much as possible...

Up too early and just thinking "out loud".
I had some questions and thoughts after listening to the phone call with the husband:

At the beginning he said they were living like roommates.....for how long?

He said he had to unlock the door when her parents came over and they were trying to look for her. Why was there a lock on the door at all ?
Did they normally sleep apart (like one them was a loud snorer)or was it only after arguments?

If she went out drinking with her friend was she picked up ? If so, did she actually make it home or maybe go missing from the bar or split away from her from friends?
At one point he stated that this whole situation is embarrassing. Wonder why he would say that?

Those are just a few things I picked out of the phone call? After listening to it I believe in my humble he had somethíng to do with her disappearance.
All good questions! They'd been having "relationship problems" for about a year, but no idea if the roommate-like relationship was continuous for that long. The locked door thing threw me too. I'm also highly suspicious of the husband. Can't rule out her up and leaving, but I think it's a bit lower down on the list based on other circumstances (no contact with her family, the delay in reporting her gone, etc.

What is it that got her parents worried to begin with? Guessing she did not answer her phone for a day or something?
I think it was that she wasn't responding in a family group text message. She must have kept in extremely regular contact with her family for them to be worried enough to go over to the house after just a day (perhaps slightly longer) when she didn't respond. Either that or they had their own suspicions about things going on in the home.
To try for fairness though, not always my strong point in a case of a missing woman, he seems to talk pretty freely without guardedness in the phone call. That is unusual imo. Even the best of them generally have their guard up some or are worried about media or people in this internet crime following age tearing their words and actions apart. He truly does not seem to hesitate in responding or stop to think about what he is going to say and he cannot know what question is coming next...
It would be really interesting to SEE him speak. Have we seen him give an interview, or has it just been the phone interview? I keep thinking about the Chris Watts interview. His words were fine (at first). But his body language was SCREAMING.

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