CA ORRIN WEST & ORSON WEST: Missing from California City, CA - 21 Dec 2020 - Age 3 & 4 *GUILTY*

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I get no time and when I do get a moment all this breaking stuff is now going on and I need to be doing other. No one to speak of seems to b covering this case that did, except Linda now and she has been hit and miss, and of course Morphew caused a big stir at the same time.

And their attorneys were trying to get another reprieve all morning, especially hears from what I saw. WTH is 15 to life anyhow?? Meaning they could be out at any time after 15? Another ridiculous thing and it probably doesn't even mean after 15 since all sentences are like 2/3 immediately. That's what we were old anyhow. You can guess what my reaction to that was. What kind of stupid b.s. is that??
Two little boys dead and they get less time than some who haven’t killed anyone at all. 😠
Yep. Try living with SIX years.

I'm not surprised in the case of these two. I think we are to be happy they were charged at all, thing are being worked behind the scenes, I would bet on it. And I will keep repeating that this CPS or DCFS or whatever the heck it is needs to go down for this as well!!

WHERE ARE THE BOYS: Judge denies motion to reconsider dismissal of defendants from $40M lawsuit​

A federal judge won’t reconsider his dismissal of multiple defendants from a $40 million lawsuit filed by the biological mother of Orrin and Orson West, the two boys who went missing in 2020 and whose adoptive parents were convicted of murder earlier this year.

On Wednesday, Senior U.S. District Judge John A. Mendez denied a motion to reconsider his earlier ruling, according to court filings. He found attorneys for plaintiffs Ryan Dean and her mother, Dana Moorer, failed to show the motion was warranted.

“In their motion and supporting papers, plaintiffs fail to set forth any new facts to support their arguments,” Mendez wrote in a court filing. “Plaintiffs also repeated several arguments in this motion that were previously raised and rejected in their opposition to defendants’ motions to dismiss.”

Additionally, he said, they didn’t follow the court’s order instructing them to contact opposing counsel to discuss “the contemplated motion and any potential resolution” before filing.

The suit sought damages for alleged civil rights violations and wrongful death.

Earlier this year, Mendez determined it failed to substantiate any claim against Kim Johnson, director of the California Department of Social Services, the Kern County Department of Human Services, Dena Murphy, former KCDHS director and social worker Anna Zavala-Garza. He dismissed them from the suit.

WHERE ARE THE BOYS: Judge denies motion to reconsider dismissal of defendants from $40M lawsuit​

A federal judge won’t reconsider his dismissal of multiple defendants from a $40 million lawsuit filed by the biological mother of Orrin and Orson West, the two boys who went missing in 2020 and whose adoptive parents were convicted of murder earlier this year.

On Wednesday, Senior U.S. District Judge John A. Mendez denied a motion to reconsider his earlier ruling, according to court filings. He found attorneys for plaintiffs Ryan Dean and her mother, Dana Moorer, failed to show the motion was warranted.

“In their motion and supporting papers, plaintiffs fail to set forth any new facts to support their arguments,” Mendez wrote in a court filing. “Plaintiffs also repeated several arguments in this motion that were previously raised and rejected in their opposition to defendants’ motions to dismiss.”

Additionally, he said, they didn’t follow the court’s order instructing them to contact opposing counsel to discuss “the contemplated motion and any potential resolution” before filing.

The suit sought damages for alleged civil rights violations and wrongful death.

Earlier this year, Mendez determined it failed to substantiate any claim against Kim Johnson, director of the California Department of Social Services, the Kern County Department of Human Services, Dena Murphy, former KCDHS director and social worker Anna Zavala-Garza. He dismissed them from the suit.
This agency and the social worker absolutely DID do wrong. Maybe it is some technicality or failure to show a claim or some such but a bit hard for me to believe if they have attorneys that the attorneys wouldn't know how to file suit and claims. SO seems to me we have protection of an agency and workers that could ADOPT these boys to two people without an income, in if I recall a two bedroom apartment if I recall with SIX kids, who never checked, vetted or anything.

Now we aren't attorneys at least I'm not and don't think the rest of you are masquerading and hiding the fact you are one so maybe there is something like he doesn't feel the parents have standing or something but it doesn't say that.

I call b.s. most likely and covering for their own and this agency. Corrrupt bullsh*t. WHERE all the people online now who went so nuts on this case and yelling about this because it could use it now. This was a case that like Summer Wells in which people and podcasters and people at the grandparents' home etc. went TOO far or like Petito and the Laundries and others. All seemingly gone now though, the commenters, the podcasters, the ones protesting outside the homes, where are they when now justice was and is being sought?

NOTHING surprises me in California, I consider it and its politics and more as corrupt as it comes but if no one has realized, it is fast becoming that way everywhere. Usually all extreme things start there and they branch out until it is everywhere. And that's been true through decades. Imo. Not just politics. Everything. Any more on that would be a sidetrack.

Lawsuit or not, some workers should be facing criminal charges AND this agency should be abolished and taken to serious task But guess what, not going to happen unless people yell. And some or many of all those upset people back when REMEMBER this case and get back to it. Linda covered it. Duty Ron covered it. MANY responsible Youtubers did. Well I hope they see this and COVER IT.

Family of Orrin and Orson West holding candlelight vigil and toy giveaway on 3rd anniversary of their disappearance​

Friends and family of Orrin and Orson West will be holding a candle light vigil and toy giveaway Thursday to mark the third anniversary of the disappearance of the two young boys reported missing in 2020.

An anonymous organizer has wrapped toys to distribute to children ages six to 12-years-old on Dec. 21 at 815 Potomac Ave., across the street from Bessie Owens School, beginning at 2 p.m.
These are two boys that need to be FOUND still and sadly likely never will be. Maybe one monster should turn on another and tell.

AND CA DCF and everyone involved in the placement and adoption of these children with this absolutely NONacceptable couple and circumstances should PAY both with prison and money and loss of jobs. This was OUTRAGEOUS and corrupt imo.

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